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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Its Chodesh Ellul and Haredi Mafia Continues To Destroy Jewish Bookstore because they sell English books, and All the Gedolim are Quiet!

Mea She’arim bookstore hit again by extremist ‘mafia'
Radicals from anti-Zionist Sikrikim group also glued locks shut, thrown tar and fish oil, dumped bags of human excrement inside the store
MELANIE LIDMAN • Jerusalem Post
A bookstore in the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea She’arim, which has been struggling with violence from a mafia-style “Purity Committee” that objects to their English and Zionist books, was attacked once again early on Wednesday morning.

 Marlene Samuels, the manager of Or Hachaim/Manny’s Bookstore, found the outer windows of the shop smashed for the fifth time since the store’s opening in March 2010, and the second time in less than a week. Radicals from the fringe anti-Zionist Sikrikim group have also glued its locks shut, thrown tar and fish oil at it and dumped bags of human excrement inside the store.
 Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said the police had received a complaint and opened an investigation. He added that the police are using intelligence gathered from a wide range of sources to try to stop the violence against the store.The harassment of the bookstore stems from the bookstore’s refusal to accept demands made by the Sikrikim, a group of 60-100 extremists in Mea She’arim which demands all businesses observe specific “modesty standards.”At Or Hachaim, the Sikrikim’s demands include putting up a sign asking customers to dress modestly and removing all English-language and Zionist books. Two weeks ago, owners of the store met with Sikrikim representatives to try to stop the violence, but no solution was found.
 “Their list is too long, they want every English book out, they want the store, that’s the bottom line,” said Samuels.“Nothing good enough for them, and we can’t take out the English books, we won’t have a business.” She complained that the police have not helped them try to find the culprits, despite security camera footage that clearly shows the men breaking the windows. Samuels said they had considered putting up steel shutters on the building to protect the glass, but she worried the Sikrikim would find a way to destroy that as well. “The only thing left to do is beat these people up,” a frustrated Samuels said on Wednesday, the second time in less than two weeks that all of the store’s outer windows have been broken.
 “Just find these people and beat them to a pulp. They’re cowards and only violence will quiet them down.” 
Samuels said that other store owners suffering from similar abuse had hired vigilantes to stop the violence and been successful, though she doubted that the owners of Or Hachaim/Manny’s would do that. Many of the other stores in the neighborhood have acquiesced to the Sikrikim’s demands, though they complain of the “mafia-like” control the small group of extremists wield over the area. Until the Post published an article a week or so ago about this, police had done nothing to stop the violence against the store, and were quoted publicly as saying they had no idea the violence was happening, while denying anyone had made police reports about it. Suddenly there's publicity – sunlight, so to speak, and the police now claim to be investigating. Security camera video exists showing these thugs breaking windows of the store and trashing it. The names of most of these thugs are known. But Israel's crack police department claims it does not know those names or recognize those faces, and so it "investigates." This is a lot like Israel's claim that it could not find Hosam Amara when the US wanted him extradited, even though Amara was living openly in his home and his address and phone number were known.The cops don't want to fight with the Sicariim or Edah Charedit, so they're throwing the bookstore, its owners and the other effected shopkeepers and stores under the bus.They are enabling haredi violence.

Weingarten Re-Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison

Convicted Rapist Israel Weingarten
A Monsey rabbi convicted of molesting his juvenile daughter has been resentenced to 30 years in federal prison — the same penalty he received before his successful appeal.
Israel Weingarten, 61, was convicted in March 2009 of five counts involving sexual abuse by a jury in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn. He's in federal prison. Jurors found he took his daughter out of the United States to Israel and Belgium for the purpose of sexually abusing her during the spring and summer of 1997. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in January tossed one of the five convictions against Weingarten and ordered him to be resentenced. The count involved Weingarten's travel from Belgium to Israel with his daughter. The law requires the travel to be from or to the U.S. On Monday, Judge John Gleeson re-sentenced Weingarten to 30 years on the four counts.During the trial, his daughter, then 27; a son; and their mother testified against Weingarten and underwent questioning from him. Two other daughters testified on his behalf and accused their mother of molesting their older sister.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jewish Lady Taken Off Plane and Strip Searched For No Reason!

Shoshana Hebshi

An Ohio woman said Tuesday that she endured nearly four hours in police custody that included being forced off an airplane in handcuffs, strip-searched and interrogated at Detroit's airport on the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks – all, she believes, because of her Middle Eastern appearance.
Shoshana Hebshi, 35, told The Associated Press she was one of three people removed from a Denver-to-Detroit Frontier Airlines flight after landing Sunday afternoon. Authorities say fighter jets escorted the plane after its crew reported that two people were spending a long time in a bathroom – the two men sitting next to Hebshi in the 12th row.
Hebshi said she didn't notice how many times the men went to the bathroom. "I wasn't keeping track," she said.
"I really wasn't paying attention," said Hebshi, a freelance writer, editor and stay-at-home mother of twin six-year-old boys who lives in a suburb of Toledo, Ohio. "I was minding my own business – sleeping, reading, playing on my phone."
The FBI has said the three didn't know each other. One man felt ill and got up to use the restroom and another man in the same row also left his seat to go to the bathroom. The FBI said they never were inside together.
Hebshi, who describes herself as half-Arabic, half-Jewish with a dark complexion, told the AP after they landed, she noticed police first surrounding, then storming the plane. She said she was surprised when they stopped at her row and ordered her and the men to get up.
Hebshi has written extensively on her blog about the incident, saying she felt "violated, humiliated and sure that I was being taken from the plane simply because of my appearance."
Her Twitter posts from Sunday bear that out. At one point, she wrote: "A little concerned about this situation. Plane moved away from terminal surrounded by cops. Crew is mum. Passengers can't get up."
It's then that she says the officers ordered her and the men, whom she described as Indian, to get up.
Later she wrote, "I see stairs coming our way...yay!" Her last post said, "Majorly armed cops coming aboard."
She said she was patted down and taken by car to a holding cell. A uniformed female officer eventually came in and told Hebshi to take off her clothes.
After the strip search, another officer who identified herself as a Homeland Security agent led Hebshi to another room, Hebshi said. There, a man who identified himself as an FBI agent asked her a series of questions while a female agent took notes, Hebshi said.
Hebshi said that when she asked what was going on, the male agent told her someone on the plane reported that she and the men on her row were "conducting suspicious activity."
FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said the three passengers were questioned but not arrested before the FBI determined there was no reason to suspect or hold them. She also said FBI agents who questioned the passengers were not involved in any strip searches.
"We received a report of suspicious activity on that particular plane," Berchtold said. "We did not arrest ... these passengers. ... We didn't direct anybody to arrest them."
Airport police are under the supervision of the Wayne County Airport Authority, which operates Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
Hebshi said that finally, after being fingerprinted and allowed to call her husband, she was told she and the men were being released and that nothing suspicious was found on the plane. She said an official apologized and thanked her for understanding and cooperating.
In an email to the AP, agency spokesman Scott Wintner said airport police "responded appropriately by following protocol and treating everyone involved with respect and dignity. "
Hebshi said she received another call of apology from an FBI agent Monday, before she wrote her blog post.
"I can understand they were just doing their job," she told the AP. "My beef is with these laws and regulations that are so hypersensitive. ... Even if you're an innocent bystander, you have no rights."
AP left email and phone messages seeking comment Tuesday night with Frontier.
The flight was one of two for which fighter jets were scrambled Sunday after crews reported suspicious activity on the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, officials said. In both cases, it involved bathroom use. In neither case did authorities find anything to substantiate the suspicions.

Obama Turning US Into a Police State! Wants all verbal attacks reported to him.

Obama thinks the US is Iran, and has launched a website that reports any blog or report that criticizes his leadership
Click below
Obama Website To Report Anti Obama Articles!


Republicans have scored an upset victory in a House race that became a referendum on President Barack Obama’s economic and his anti Israel policies.
Retired media executive and political novice Bob Turner defeated Democratic state Assemblyman David Weprin in a special election Tuesday to succeed Rep. Anthony Weiner, a seven-term Democrat who resigned in June after a sexting scandal.
With about 70 percent of precincts reporting late Tuesday, Turner had 53 percent of the vote to Weprin’s 47 percent.
The race was supposed to be an easy win for Democrats, who have a 3-1 ratio registration advantage in the district.
Weprin, a 56-year-old Orthodox Jew and member of a prominent Queens political family, seemed a good fit for the largely white, working-class district, which is nearly 40 percent Jewish.
But voter frustration with Obama put Weprin in the unlikely spot of playing defense. A Siena Poll released Friday found just 43 percent of likely voters approved of the president’s job performance, while 54 percent said they disapproved. Among independents, just 29 percent said they approved of Obama’s job performance.
Turner, a 70-year-old Catholic, vowed to push back on Obama’s policies if elected. He received help from prominent Republicans including former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, whose much-praised stewardship of the city after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks was recalled during the 10th anniversary of the attacks last weekend.
Weprin became embroiled in New York-centric disputes over Israel and gay marriage, which cost him some support among Jewish voters.
Orthodox Jews, who tend to be conservative on social issues, expressed anger over Weprin’s vote in the Assembly to legalize gay marriage. In July, New York became one of six states to recognize same-sex nuptials.
Former Mayor Ed Koch, a Democrat, endorsed Turner in July as a way to “send a message” to Obama on his policies toward Israel. And Weprin was challenged on his support of a proposed Islamic center and mosque near the World Trade Center site, in lower Manhattan.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ed Koch: Obama Should Tell Egypt and Turkey An Attack Upon Israel Will Be Viewed As An Attack Upon the U.S.

Israel is now surrounded by Arab and other Muslim nations who believe this is the moment when they can finally destroy the Jewish state. They tried and failed to conquer Israel in five different wars since 1948. They are still trying.
Since the “Arab Spring” revolts in the Arab heartland of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria, opinion-makers in the Western world have sought to glamorize those revolutions by comparing them to those by which eastern European countries freed themselves from Communist regimes imposed on them by the Soviet Union.
So when the uprisings took place against the existing repressive Arab governments, the media labeled the various revolutions the ”Arab Spring.” That title was intended to convey that finally, the Arabs, heretofore stuck in medieval times, had come out of those dark ages and were now to be applauded and welcomed to the western world.
Some observers, including myself, have voiced great concern about the blind support in the west, particularly in our government, for the Arab revolutionary movements everywhere. In my view, it was harmful to our own – the U.S. – national security needs to throw the President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak under the bus by demanding his removal as President Obama did. Yes, he was a despot, described as an authoritarian in a world of Muslim dictatorships, but he believed in keeping good relations with the U.S. and keeping the peace with Israel established back in 1978 by Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin at Camp David. Those who overthrew him have made clear that their intention is to end that peace. The forces that are dominant in Egypt today are the military, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists. The goal of the military is to preserve their special niche as the principal governing power. The Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist factions are the strongest politically and most organized of all the civilian groups vying for power in the next presidential election.
As a result of the recent occupation and sacking of the Israeli embassy in Cairo while Egyptian police and army stood by, we know that the current interim Egyptian government has decided to cast aside peace with Israel and go with the Islamists. The Times of September 11th reported, “Egyptian military and security police officers largely stood by without interfering with the demolition. Instead, they clustered at the entrance to the embassy to keep protesters out. The security forces had pulled back from Tahrir Square and other areas before the start of the day to avoid clashes with the protesters, although the military had issued a stern warning on its Facebook page against property destruction.” The Israeli ambassador, his family and other Israeli officials were forced to flee the embassy in fear of their lives. Because of the entreaties of President Obama to the Egyptian government, they were saved from violence and permitted to board Israeli jets to go home to Israel.
And what of the situation with Turkey? Once a friend of Israel, it now has an Islamist government led by its prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has issued a statement tantamount to a declaration of war. The Times reported on September 10th, “The prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, told Al Jazeera, the pan-Arab network, that he would use his warships to prevent Israeli commandos from again boarding a Gaza-bound ship as they did last year, killing nine passengers, and from letting Israel exploit natural gas resources at sea.”
While the United Nations, not normally a defender of Israel, recently issued a report that Israel had a right to blockade Gaza so as to prevent weapons from being brought into the Gaza Strip, now governed by Hamas, Turkey has rejected the report, and expelled the Israeli ambassador. Hamas has declared that it is at war with Israel, and that if it is ever in a position to do so, it will expel every Jew living in Israel who came to Palestine after 1917, and will use violence to achieve its goals. It has intentionally killed innocent civilians, sending thousands of rockets into southern Israel or allowing other terrorist groups to do so.
In addition to Hamas on its southern border, Israel is now facing an increasingly hostile Egypt, with an army of nearly one million and a population of 81 million. To Israel’s north is not only hostile Lebanon and Syria, but now Turkey with an army of one million and a population of 73 million.
It is also disturbing that there is a rising tide of Jew-hatred in Great Britain and in France. In Great Britain, that hatred was recently demonstrated by those who called themselves artists, who disrupted a concert by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Zubin Mehta in London on September 1st. The police arrested no one who for a time prevented the audience of 5,000 from enjoying the evening. No speaker supporting Israel is permitted to speak at British universities. They are not invited or hooted down if invited.
France is working with the Palestinians to achieve their admission to the United Nations General Assembly. Israel’s only apparent defender on the European continent is Germany because of the continuous ongoing support of Israel by Chancellor Angela Merkel. I met and heard Chancellor Merkel in 2004 when I attended in Berlin the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) conference on rising anti-Semitism, when I served as chairman of the U.S. delegation. I was impressed by the depths of her sincerity in denouncing anti-Semitism and recognizing the depravity of the German nation under Hitler in its efforts to exterminate world Jewry.
The Muslim nations are undoubtedly licking their chops at what they would do if they were ever to be successful in defeating Israel on the battlefield or at the U.N. which is prepared to serve as the site of today’s Munich. If Assad of Syria is willing to kill innocent men, women and children in the streets and cities in Syria, what do you think he would do if his soldiers patrolled Tel Aviv?
The Arab countries’ threats to destroy Israel, a nation with a total population of 7.7 million, including 1.2 million Muslims, is not receiving front page coverage or denunciations from NATO nation leaders. The revolutionaries making up the “Arab Spring” are lauded by the opinion-makers here in the U.S. and even more so in Europe.
This past Sunday, we commemorated in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Shanksville, Pennsylvania the deaths of more than 3,000 innocent civilians on 9/11, committed by Islamic terrorists whose supporters run into the millions and are now located in at least 62 countries. Our NATO allies never supported the U.S. to the extent they promised when we invaded Afghanistan to punish the Afghan government for providing a refuge for al-Qaeda, which perpetrated the 9/11 atrocities and many others. In my judgment, as harsh as it sounds, many of those NATO countries, including Britain and France, would deliver the Jewish nation into the hands of their putative murderers if it gave them “peace in our time,” just as Chamberlain gave Czechoslovakia to the Nazis. Are we willing here in the U.S. to continue to fight for our precious liberties and support countries like Israel having the same moral and cultural values?
We in America, led by President Obama and Congress, must make it absolutely clear to the Islamist terrorists that we will never surrender. We will hunt them down as we did their leader, Osama bin Laden, and kill them.
The U.S. is Israel’s only friend and ally. It is not foolish or premature to ask what will the U.S. do when and if the Muslim nations surrounding Israel, this time led by Egypt and Turkey, supported by others, assault the Jewish nation? Will the President and the Congress come to its aid? Shouldn’t Israel know now? Shouldn’t the Muslim nations know?
I urge the President and the Congress to do for Israel what President Kennedy did during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. President Kennedy said “It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union.”

Monday, September 12, 2011

Mother and Son Find Each Other After 12 Years Thru Facebook!

A boy who was only 5 years old when he was taken in 1999 was reunited with his mother on Sunday for the first time in 12 years -- thanks to Facebook.
In 1999, Kattia Liebers was mired in a bitter custody dispute with her husband in her native Costa Rica. And when her husband fled the country, he stole a part of Liebers' life, she told Philadelphia's Fox 29.
"He told me, 'I’m going take your son away from you. I’m going to destroy you,'" Liebers told Fox 29's Chris O'Connell. For years she searched for Jared, unsure where her husband had taken the boy.
"I was crying every day. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep," she said.
More than a decade later, the wait is over -- and her life has changed once again. This time, it came by way of a single message on Facebook.
"Hi, is this Kattia Chacon Sanchez by any chance?" the original message asked.
"Who is this?" the mother said she replied.
"I'm Jared Liebers," came the reply.
"If you're Jared Liebers, I'm your mom, and I love you very much," Kattia wrote back.
Jared Liebers had found his mom.
Jared had been living with his father in Israel; on Sunday the 17-year-old moved back to the United States to be with his mother.
Through the years, Kattia kept all of Jared's pictures and toys. And among Jared's current possessions? A book of Spanish words his mother gave him.
Kattia Liebers actually kept her married name so her son would be able to find her after all these years, Fox 29 reported.
Today Jared Liebers is enrolled in North Penn High School in Towamencin Township, Pa. -- and looks forward to catching up on half a lifetime.

Mother, Son Reunite After 12 Years Apart: MyFoxPHILLY.com

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/09/12/mother-and-son-reunited-after-12-years-on-facebook/#ixzz1XlpRomrc

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Egyptian protesters pull down Israel embassy wall, Israeli ambassador and about 85 diplomats and their family members were evacuated at dawn.

Egyptians destroyed a wall around the Israeli embassy and set police cars on fire in Cairo on Friday after thousands demonstrated at Tahrir Square.

They first methodically demolished a week-old protective wall as Egyptian security forces stood by. A few scaled the building and tore down the Israeli flag, while about two dozen broke into the offices and began tossing binders of documents into the street. And when a battalion of riot police finally began filling the streets with tear gas, the protesters fought back with rocks and Molotov cocktails for most of the night.
Egyptian officials said Saturday that at least two protesters had died from the clashes around the embassy — one from a bullet wound and the other from a heart attack — while as many as 1,200 had been injured and at least 19 arrested. Signaling its new crackdown, the military council said Saturday that all those arrested would be sent to military trials instead of civilian courts.
But at least one protester who had broken into the embassy early Saturday morning said that Egyptian military police had forced him out but then let him go free, raising questions about the consistency of the military’s new crackdown.
Israeli officials, for their part, said Saturday that six members of their staff had been trapped inside the embassy until an early morning rescue by Egyptian commandos. “This went on for 13 hours and there was real concern for the safety and lives of our people,” an Israeli official said. “The mob penetrated the embassy and at the end there was only one wall separating it from six of our people.”
The Israeli ambassador and about 85 diplomats and their family members were evacuated at dawn. Only one diplomat, a deputy ambassador, remained, and he took refuge in the protection of the American Embassy, diplomats familiar with the arrangements said.
Diplomats said allowing the invasion of a foreign embassy was an extraordinary breach of Egypt’s international commitments that immediately raised new security concerns at other embassies around the city. “It has led to a complete loss of credibility in the government internationally from all directions,” a Western diplomat said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the delicacy of the situation.

Egyptian Mob Storms Israeli Embassy Burning Walls

Child Electrocuted By Downed Wires Passes Away

 Reuven Herbst, the five year old Spring Valley boy who was critically injured after coming into contact with a live power line during Hurricane Irene on Aug. 28, has died from his injuries, Friday right before Shabbos.
Reuven had encountered the live wire while touching an electrified fence with his father, Yehuda, near the family’s home at Merrick Drive and Union Road. Yehuda Herbst was also injured by the downed power line.  Reuven was taken to the pediatric burn unit at the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla where he had remained in critical condition until he succumbed to his injuries this afternoon.
50 year old neighbor David Reichenberg was killed when he tried to rescue the boy from the live wire almost two weeks ago. Levaya will be tomorrow 9:30 AM at Rabbi Braunspiegel's Shul, Kakiet Lane and Viola Road in Spring Valley, Buriel will be in Deans New Jersey.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Israel Will Finally Teach Turkey A Lesson!

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has decided to adopt a series of harsh measures in response to Turkey’s latest anti-Israeli moves, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.

Senior Foreign Ministry officials convened Thursday to prepare for a meeting to be held Saturday with Lieberman on the matter. Saturday’s session will be dedicated to discussing Israel’s response toTurkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent threats and his decision to downgrade Ankara’s diplomatic ties with Jerusalem.

Following Thursday’s meeting, officials assessed that Turkey is not interested in an Israeli apology at this time and prefers to exploit the dispute with Jerusalem in order to promote Ankara’s status in the Muslim world. Lieberman therefore decided there was no point in seeking creative formulas for apologizing, instead choosing to focus Israel’s efforts on punishing Turkey.

The Foreign Ministry has now decided to proceed with the formulation of a diplomatic and security“toolbox” to be used against the Turks. The first move would be to issue a travel warning urging all Israeli military veterans to refrain from traveling to Turkey. The advisory will be especially harsh as it will also urge Israelis to refrain from boarding connections in Turkey.

Another planned Israeli move is the facilitation of cooperation with Turkey’s historic rivals, the Armenians. During Lieberman’s visit to the United States this month, the foreign minister is expected to meet with leaders of the Armenian lobby and propose anti-Turkish cooperation in Congress.

The implication of this move could be Israeli assistance in promoting international recognition of the Armenian holocaust, a measure that would gravely harm Turkey. Israel may also back Armenia in its dispute vis-à-vis Turkey over control of Mount Ararat.

Lieberman is also planning to set meetings with 
the heads of Kurdish rebel group PKK in Europe in order to “cooperate with them and boost them in every possible area.” In these meetings, the Kurds may ask Israel for military aid in the form of training and arms supplies.
However, the violent clashes between Turkey and the Kurds only constitute one reason prompting accusations that Ankara is violating human rights. Hence, another means in Lieberman’s “toolbox” vis-à-vis Erdogan is a diplomatic campaign where Israeli missions worldwide will be instructed to join the fight and report illegal Turkish moves against minorities.
The tough response formulated by Lieberman stems, among other things, from the foreign minister’s desire to make it clear to Erdogan that his anti-Israeli moves are not a “one-way street.”

Officials in Jerusalem also noted that Turkey’s global status at this time is not promising as it is, adding that Ankara is embroiled in tensions vis-à-vis NATO and Greece, while Erdogan’s relations with Syria and Iran are also not favorable.

“We’ll exact a price from Erdogan that will prove to him that messing with Israel doesn’t pay off,” Lieberman said. “Turkey better treat us with respect and common decency.”

Monkeys Hug and Laugh after 30 in Captivity!

This is the moment a group of chimpanzees sees daylight for the first time in 30 years — after being locked in cages for medical testing

The animals hugged each other in delight before they took their first steps outside.
Emotional footage, below, shows how they reacted to their new surroundings.

The outing marked the end of a 14-year bid to re-integrate the 38 primates after they spent most of their lives cooped up inside.

One commentator said: "They hugged as if saying, 'We're finally free'. And then they laughed."

Obama Proposes $450B Jobs Plan but Will Tell Us in 2 Weeks How We Will Pay For It! But Still wants Congress to "Sign It Now."

Seeking to boost a slumping economy along with his hopes for re-election, President Obama on Thursday night implored Congress to pass a $450 billion jobs plan that he says will give an array of tax cuts to small businesses that hire while reforming the corporate tax code and investing in infrastructure projects.
In a highly-anticipated speech to a joint session of Congress, Obama repeatedly called on lawmakers to pass his plan "right away," saying "there should be nothing controversial" about the American Jobs Act. Obama said all the proposals are paid for with spending cuts although he won't detail them until next week.

Top Democrats who have spoken to the president about the speech say he wants to convey a deeps sense of urgency about the economy and plans to try and back Republicans into a corner.
But top Republicans wonder why it took nearly three years to convey this urgency. They suspect the timing has more to do with the president now trying to save his own job.
"The president's so-called jobs plan is to try those very same policies again and then accuse anyone who doesn't support them this time around of being political or overtly partisan, of not doing what's needed in this moment of crisis," said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell. "This isn't a jobs plan. It's a re-election plan."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/08/obama-to-lay-out-450-billion-jobs-plan-in-prime-time-speech/#ixzz1XPSSYlb8

A Lesson on how the Government Gets Money to Pay Its Bills......a must watch!

Credible Terror Threat for 911 Anniversary

Federal authorities have come across what they believe may be a credible threat to the U.S. homeland surrounding the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, several sources tell Fox News.
The threat, said to involve potential car bombs, would target New York City or Washington, D.C., sources said. Authorities have obtained what they believe is information on possible suspects tied to central Al Qaeda, but they have not necessarily determined names of possible suspects.
"As we know from the intelligence gathered from the [bin Laden] raid, Al Qaeda has shown an interest in important dates and anniversaries, such as 9/11," Department of Homeland Security spokesman Matt Chandler said in a written statement. "In this instance, it's accurate that there is specific, credible but unconfirmed threat information."
According to a senior U.S. official with knowledge of the threat, "People are aggressively pursuing leads,” and it is "specific enough to elicit worry." Another senior U.S. official stressed the threat is still “unconfirmed” so it is being chased down and investigated. It was identified in intelligence received from overseas.
President Obama has been briefed on the seriousness of this threat, according to a senior administration official
"It feels more than aspirational," one official said.
The FBI and Department of Homeland Security were drafting a bulletin Thursday night to send to local law enforcement across the country.
"We have a duty to warn,” the senior U.S. official said.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/09/08/authorities-find-possible-credible-threat-to-us-homeland-around-11-anniversary/#ixzz1XPNttlAb