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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Frieda Vizel. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Frieda Vizel Ex-Satmar "viebel" Bewildered That Goyim Hate Jews!


Frieda Vizel was brought up in the Satmar Community in KJ in Monroe. She was married to a Satmar Chusid, had a child, and decided to leave the Satmar culture and divorced. She was able to take her son with her, something very rare in the Satmar Community! 

Frieda has a Web Site, and  U-Tube Channel where she discusses her background and does "hasbara" of the Satmar Community in Williamsburg. In fact, she is presently a tourist guide where she brings in outsiders to explain and experience the community. She is also a talented cartoonist, in fact the above cartoon is a self-portrait. She unlike others that left the community only speaks of her background in glowing terms. She left because it wasn't for her. period! 

את חטאי אני מזכיר היום I have to admit that I try to follow her content and find it very interesting, and found her to be genuine, very sweet, kind with a calming demeanor. I wish her well! 

Having said all this, I was shocked when I watched her latest podcast in which she is totally bewildered about antisemitic hate comments on a segment that she did on  Kosher Phones

 Those who follow this blog, know that my background is Chareide, leaning to the Chasiddishe side; my parents were Holocaust survivors and I was brought up in a community where there wasn't a Jew that I knew that had grandparents. When I was in Shidduchim, all my prospects were from similar backgrounds and in fact my wife's parents were also survivors.

I didn't grow up in KJ as that town didn't exist at that time, I grew up in Brownsville then we moved to Crown Heights before Chabad was dominant, and then we moved to Boro-Park, When I got married I moved to Monsey, and now B'H, I live in Ramat Bet Shemesh. 
I have to say that I don't remember ONE SINGLE DAY as a child and teenager that I didn't experience antisemitism, whether it was on my way to and from school, in school, or playing in the neighborhood parks. Every single day I was reminded that I was a Jew! Halloween was literally the scariest day of the year, not because the Goyim dressed up in scary costumes, but because they would wait for us to come home from school to beat the crap out of us! 

So for Frieda to be bewildered by the hateful comments on her content is something that I didn't understand at first.......... And then I got to thinking. 

She actually did grow up with hate but didn't realize it or internalize it, even now on May 23, 2024 she doesn't have a clue about the hate she grew up with. I know because I know people very very very close to me who grew up in KJ!  

One just has to open a Satmar Yiddish book designed exclusively for Satmar girls, that drips with hate against their fellow Jews who are Zionists! Outright Blood Libels! The book has 309 pages of pure hate and vile vitriol, She doesn't recognize it as such even now that she is out of the community!
That book clearly differentiates Zionists from Jews with a strict line of demarcation. 
Yiddish Satmar Book for Women 

The Chapter talks about Living in Israel ... The Title? "Living together with Rashaim" 

"Asking Jews to make Aliyah is Apikorsas!"

And that is why she cannot understand even in her wildest dreams that Goyim that hate Zionists, hate Jews! 
She doesn't hear, that to a Goy, a Jew is a Jew is a Jew, whether he is a Zionist, whether he is a Satmar Chusid, a Neturei Karta, Mizrachist, Litvish, Sfardie, OTD, or even a Tourist Guide. 
In one of  my posts just today I featured a young girl, by the name of Naama Levy, who is, should say was,  a far leftist, who like Frieda, naively thought she could befriend Non-Jews and Arabs and help "bridge" the gap between Jews and Arabs and that if only we understood each other we could live together in peace.
 Naama, unfortunately, learned the hard way that this is impossible, she is now a hostage, that is if she is still alive,  Frieda is slowly learning that now!
 Of course, there are Goyim and even Muslims that are decent, caring people who wouldn't hurt anyone, but as we now see and witness there are very few around, and those that are, cannot or will not say a word!  Bilam says it best " עם לבדד ישכון"   a "nation that dwells all alone!" 

Frieda living and growing up in the utopia of KJ wasn't taught hate of goyim and even though she knew that her grandparents were survivors, they didn't talk about it and it wasn't taught in schools. Goyim as far as Satmar was concerned was so alien to their culture that it didn't need to be talked about, no Satmar except in the business world would have anything to do with Goyim; Goyim=Martians!

What was dangerous to Satmar philosophy were frum people that had a philosophy directly opposed to the Satmar SHIT'ah aka Zionism!
 A Frum Jew even in a Shtrimal and Bekeshe and maybe even be wearing "vaaseh shtrimp" but who sympathizes with the Zionists was and is, an "inyan" of יהרג ועל יעבור  that frum Jew was and is today a threat to Satmar and everything it stands for and must be slandered and cursed, 
and so Satmar had no choice but to make that hate part and parcel of their curriculum even to girls, that "Zionism" wasn't a Jewish thing, and was actually an anathema something to abhor and loathe. 

Satmar publicly burns the Israel Flag, a symbol of the Jewish people. If you ask any Goy to identify the flag of Cuba or Ireland, they couldn't do it but every single Goy in the world shown an Israel Flag will immediately identify this as the flag of the Jewish people, though Israel is smaller than New Jersey in size, and the population of the Jewish people in total, is less than the entire population of the first grade in China! 
Yet Satmar sees nothing wrong with burning the symbol that the entire world equates with being Jewish and burns it publicly, thinking that Goyim will see the difference between Satmar and the Zionists! 
This is where Frieda grew up and where she absorbed by osmoses that being a Zionist is far worse than being a Non-Jew! 
Even the  Love of Eretz Yisrael wasn't something actual it was something abstract, it was something that you mouthed on the Seder night "לשנה הבאה בירושלים" when 99.9% of the family was already safely tucked into bed! 

So a Frieda Vizel that grew up in an environment where not only is Zionism separate from Judaism, but is to be hated, she cannot fathom or imagine that to a Goy, it makes no difference whether you care about Israel or if you are Neture Karta, to them it's all the same thing. Neturei Karta will learn that, hopefully, very soon too. 
The battle cry of Free Palestine means Jews should leave the WORLD .. The Entire World! 

It wasn't too long ago that Spain expelled its Jews and now, today on May 23, they announced that they want to expel Jews from Israel as well, as they announced just hours ago that they will recognize the State of Palestine.
Does Frieda know that for millions of Jews that live in Israel, they cannot go anywhere!! This is their home! They only have an Israeli passport! 

Frieda is learning firsthand that GOYIM , by in large, hate Jews no matter who they are and where they are, or what they look like. They attacked her on her innocent segment on Kosher Phones, and she is bewildered that someone would spew hate on such a binary subject, she is shocked! 

The only reason she is bewildered,  is because in her background there is a major difference between a Zionist and a Jew, a Satmar Jew to be more specific! 

She is coming to the realization that a Goy doesn't care what you think, a Goy only knows that you are a Jew and that is what they hate. They will take a segment on Kosher Phones and make it into a Free Palestine discussion! 
They don't care that practically everything you, Frieda, talk about, is about a community that hates and abhors Zionists, they don't see that distinction! 

To Goyim the fight of Zionism and Satmar is an internal struggle between Jews and that is all that is to them! 
I would suggest that you read the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners" on second thought, you don't need to read that today just listen to BBC, CNN, New York Times and you will see that we are hated by everyone! 

And now a word to those who went off the Derech (OTD) and think that they will just blend in with the Goyim! Good Luck! 

When Hitler ym"s wrote his book Mein Kampf in 1925 he had never met a Chassidishe Jew, he only knew Jews that looked like Goyim, he writes that his first encounter with Jews was in the German Army in WWI. I'm sure there wasn't a Jewish soldier wearing a Shtreimal! The Jew that Hitler ym"s hated was a Jew that looked like him and may even have been assimilated! 
The Jew that Hitler ym"s loathed didn't look like Frieda's father, grandfather or ex-husband, or like the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe he looked like Blinken, and that's who he hated, so once the Goy gets wind of the fact that you are Jewish, he will hate your guts even if your jeans are torn, even if you wear a halter top, he will hate you even if you are kind to him.
 Frieda says in the video below that her only son is off to college someplace if I remember in Minneapolis,  I wish him the best of luck, and I don't know what he looks like, but Frieda should know that even if he is blond and blue-eyed, once they find out that he is Jewish he will be shunned and rejected. Frieda, you heard it here first! They won't give two hoots that his mother grew up with anti-Zionists, to them he is a Jew from a Jewish Father & Mother!  No "hasbara" will explain that away! 
The Jews fought and died for the civil rights movement, I remember that very well, and what did they get in return????  A huge kick in the proverbial ass! 
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished! Said a wise man! So True! 

The following are direct quotes from Freida Vizel's Blog:On Zionism - Frieda Vizel

" I often had a hard time differentiating between zionists and nazis. To me it was all a heap of Jew-destroyers, a curse word you followed by “erased-be-their-names”, yemach shemo. The zionists killed six million Jews, I’d write on my history test."

In the quote below she states that OTDs are anti-Zionist because of "the atrocities against Arabs" 
Shows you how ignorant she is of what is happening in Israel This quote is parroted by Satmar propeganda! 

"It seems many who leave orthodoxy also espouse an anti-zionist stance of sorts, mostly because of the overwhelming religious power in the Israeli government and because of atrocities committed against Arabs"

Frieda wrote the above quote in a humorous essay titled "On Zionism" she wrote it in 2012, not long after she left the community. I fail to see the humor!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Frieda Vizel Ex-Satmar Yente Wants to start a YouTube channel to Explain the "Frum Anti-Zionist View!" to Goyim!


On May 23 of this year I posted an article about the ex-Satmar Yente, Frieda Vizel. It’s ( כדי) worthwhile, to read it!

In that article, I commented that this Satmar-Katchke, though she left the community is still an anti-Zionist!

 The Satmar Rebbe z”l managed to instill such hate against the only Jewish State in the world, that even if one leaves this cult they cannot isolate their hate against Zionists, and though she is an admitted “Mechallel Shabbos” she cannot take “anti-Zionism” out of her system. In fact she wrote on her blog that OTDs are anti-Zionists since “Israel commits atrocities against Arabs!”

It’s been 45 years since the passing of the Satmar Rebbe, and the Zionist State of Israel has become the home of the majority of the Jewish people. There are now 7.5 million b"leh living in Israel. There are more Torah institutions in Israel than anywhere in the entire world! More Torah is being leaned in the Zionist State than at any time in Jewish history! Though the Satmar Rebbe z”l issued a “fatwa” against Hebrew and prohibited speaking the language, he referred to it as "tumei". Millions of Jews speak the language and the majority of them cannot speak any other language. In fact, even the virulent anti-Zionist Chassidim in Israel speak Hebrew! You cannot possibly live in Israel and communicate with anyone unless you speak Hebrew! You cannot possibly do business with the banks if you don't speak Hebrew. Shiurim in the finest Yeshivois are given in Hebrew!

Frieda Vizel’s Blog and Utube channel cater to Goyim, the video that I posted on my May 23 post had 14,000 views and 1.2 thousand likes. In it she states that is totally dumbfounded that Goyim hate Jews and equate all Jews to Zionist Jews! She couldn’t understand why she got hate mail on a binary video like Kosher Phones!

Well, it’s four months later, and she is still amazed that goyim hate her guts and wish her ill!

In the video (link below) on the 26:59 mark she is “surprised” that even though her videos are primarily about Jews that hate and loathe Israel, the Goyim making comments are not distinguishing between those frum Jews that hate Israel and those who love Israel!

I sincerely believe that she is a very kind and gentle soul, and doesn’t have a bad bone in her body; but having said that,  this is what makes her so dangerous!

 Thousands of her Goyishe followers have the highest respect for her and she now wants to take advantage of that respect to make sure they understand the differences among the Jews!

In her video she lumps all "innocent victims" together,  she G-d forbid, would not express feeling bad for "Jewish Victims" she must lump women raped and mutilated with Arab "victims" who overwhelmingly elected a terrorist government, and launched over 100,000 missiles on Israel without one Jew living in Gaza in 20 years! She feels for all "victims" equally! How absurd! 

 How sick! How twisted!

She now wants to explain to her followers (30:03 mark) that not all Jews love Israel, that there are Religious Jews who believe that Zionism is the cause of the Holocaust and that the Zionist State should not exist!  She now wants to “separate” Jews and make clear to the Goyim “that we have nothing with Israel.” She wants through “hasbara,” to clearly mark a line of demarcation between those who are Zionists and those who are not! She naively thinks that the Goyim will through her UTube channels understand the difference!

She cannot get through her thick skull that Goyim hate all Jews! Period!

99.9% of all secular media and many Frum Media, expound the anti-Zionist View, Frieda believes that that is not enough, she has to put another UTube channel to make sure the Goyim get it! 

UPDATE: I Understand that she took the video off but you can still watch it at this link:


The video garnered 14,000 views she is no small fry she has 70.1 thousand subscribers, and she has already made 246 videos! 

You can respond to her 

mail @ friedavizel .com

Monday, September 9, 2019

Williamsburg Chassidim Sick of Being ‘Photographed Like Animals In a Zoo" By Tourists

I really have to laugh, reading this article in the post....
Chassidim living in Chutz Le'aaretz are amazed and upset that goyim find their way of life fascinating and bizarre ......
Chassidim look like they just walked out of a movie set, filmed in the 1700's ...
and are baffled that people out of the community find them to be interesting! ....
They don't want to stared at like monkeys in the zoo! ..

Did you guys ever stop to think why people don't go to the Zoo to see cats and dogs??
They go to see monkeys .....you know why? Because it's a rarity ....
Monkeys usually don't roam the streets ......

So yes.... I'm not comparing Chassidim to monkeys Chas Ve'Shalom, but you guys are a rare entity even in Jewish circles...and people will pay and spend a day to see living things that are rare .....
And you know what ...???
Move the hell out of there and live amongst the six and a half million Jews living in Israel who don't care if you dress as if it's Purim all year round ....!!!! 

Brooklyn’s ultra-Orthodox Jewish residents are fed up with tourists who swarm their insular neighborhoods by the busload — all to gawk at their clothing and customs.
“People snap pictures of you like you’re on some sort of display — like you’re in a zoo,” said Chaim, 42, who lives in Williamsburg’s Satmar community and asked that his last name be withheld. 
“We are people, not animals to be photographed.”
Sightseeing groups venture into Williamsburg and Crown Heights several times a week, some via tour-bus companies InterviajesNY, Tour America and Civitatis. The three offer so-called “contrast” tours of various cultural communities in Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn and The Bronx — with one touting the “numerous memorials to gang members who were killed in shootouts” in that borough.
The tours — which cost from $40 to $70 — have been going on for years, but locals say that this summer the throngs, and the tensions they cause, have reached a new high.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Former Satmar Girl asked if she wants to be the 10th at a Minyan

The author (left) and her son at the Museum of Natural History in New York // Courtesy of Frieda Vizel
by Frieda Vizel (former Satmar Monroe "Vaabel)

On Saturday, I was walking on Amsterdam Avenue in New York City, crossing over to the other side with my son Seth when a man with white stubble and a New Jersey accent stopped me and asked: “Do you want to be a tenth to minyan?”
I was shocked. I looked at him and asked: “Me?”
“Yes, why not?”
I was caught so off guard; I wore nothing that gave me away as Jewish. Just black leggings and a red shirt; boots. An ordinary outfit. I felt so integrated into the New York City weekend scene. But my eight-year-old son, who often chooses to be more religious than me, had his yarmulka on, so he gave me away.
I never thought anyone would ever ask me to be a part of a quorum for prayers. According to Jewish tradition, the presence of God descends to where there are ten men. Only in egalitarian synagogues women are also counted. I’ve watched men look for a tenth for minyan many times, because I grew up Hasidic and the men needed a minyan three times a day. When my grandfather was old and frail we held prayers in our house and finding ten men older than 13 who could make it was often a problem. We called the extended social network; cousins and neighbors and far away relatives who would make the effort for the sake of the grandfather; but I would never be called. I often helped get the men by running after younger brothers and knocking on neighbor’s doors to ask if someone could come be a tenth. After I got married at eighteen, I could help by sending my husband to be part of prayers when there was a need for minyan, but that was the only extent to which I could participate. Then I left the Hasidic community and began to explore small, tentative ways I can express my Jewish identity and be part of the Jewish community.
I stood there on this rainy Saturday and looked at the kindly Jewish man in astonishment. A part of me wanted to remind him that I was a woman and couldn’t be part of the minyan even if I wanted to, and a part of me was so deeply touched that this man valued me for religious services as much as he would a man.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Frieda Vizel Ex Satmar Lady Defends Chassidic Education



The latest salvo in The New York Times’ ongoing exposé of the yeshiva system in New York focused on a new report issued by the New York City Department of Education that found 18 religious schools failing to meet secular education standards set by the government. The article raised some troubling questions but ignored one of the most important: Why do Hasidic parents continue to send their children to “failing schools?”

I am a former Hasid who makes a living as a tour guide and YouTuber exploring Hasidic Williamsburg, where many of these implicated Hasidic schools are located. Since I am in the neighborhood often, I have come to know the rhythm of the schools that are at the center of the ongoing controversy. Every day I watch hundreds of happy boys spill into the streets during recess and pile into buses at the end of the afternoon. I see children who are deeply cared for. I see a neighborhood with one of the lowest median ages in the country, where life revolves around raising the young. Furthermore, I see parents who pay private school tuition to send their children to these schools. So why, if they are failing, do the schools continue to burst at the seams?

Friday, July 31, 2020

Yiddish Has become a "Religion" for the "Non-Religious"

The following is a lengthy article that was featured in Tablet and it talks about the revival of Yiddish and Yiddish culture ...

I read the article, with curiosity, an article that goes on and on to infiniti, and if you are somewhat of a masochist you will take the time to read it.

 I found that except for three words, 
"kaboles shabes," "khas v’sholem" and "Tish Nigunim,"
the whole article had absolutely nothing to do with Yiddishkeit. 
The word "Judaism" doesn't appear in the entire article and neither does the word "Jew" or "Jewish" ...and of course.... ..... G-D.

 The Yiddish that they do speak is not at all related to the Yiddish that most of the Yiddish speaking world speaks...
 If you would listen to their Yiddish, you would find it to be a cross between Swahili and Flemish..

If they would have any allegiance to Israel, I would have some hope for this group, who come together once a year to speak in their common tongue and listen to Klezmer....

They call this a "revival"... but a "rival" of exactly what?
Most of the old "yiddishists" leaders are no longer here and their children have more or less assimilated and disappeared amongst nations of the world.. 
This new breed of "yiddishists" sound like a nice bunch,  and I saw that they were smart enough to stay away from politics, but if I had to take a guess I would say that they are progressive liberal Jews who want a "One State" solution with  the name Palestine written all over it  ...
I sure hope I"m wrong...

Article after the break