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Showing posts with label yom tefila on water street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yom tefila on water street. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2014

Thousands of Comfortable American Protesters want Israel to go without an Army! Agudah teams up with Satmar for hateful ant-zionist "tefillah Rally"

Satmar Rebbe in his warm fur coat, while his brothers in the IDF are freezing patrolling the borders, and protecting his new Girls School in Bnei-Brak

Lining up to get in the "porto - A - John, while their brothers in the IDF dont have this luxury!

Having a good time texting while his brothers are fighting Arabs in Israel protecting his grandchildren!
Naive Girls Davening that the  boys continue doing nothing and keep contributing zero to the country they are living in; and that's who they want to marry!

Hard to believe how many American Jews don't  want Israel to have an Army!

Excuse me, guys..... is there anyone out there that gave it any thought?

Thousands upon thousands of comfortable American Jews want to dictate to Israel, a country surrounded by wolves that want to annihilate them, that they should go without an army!

Are these people saying that Israel should be protected by the Chilonim only?
Or are they saying that learning and only learning will protect Klall Yisroel?
If they are saying that, then explain to me, why Yeshivos in Ashdod and Ashkelon closed their doors when the missiles were raining upon them last year?
Why didn't they say that "we are staying put, and the Torah will save us?" 
Because they are liars , they don't really believe that! As soon as the rockets starts raining down they run, and wait for the Chilonim to man the Iron Domes!