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Showing posts with label moshe dovid perlstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moshe dovid perlstein. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Rechnitz "bows out of Lakewood Parsha" under extreme pressure and walks back his remarks!

So there you have it, as we all predicted, the kids will now be screwed over again ... and it's all back to regular business....

Kids in Lakewood were represented by a powerful "askin" for about two days, and now see how the mighty have fallen!

Woe to our kids! Woe to Lakewood, Woe to Torah and Woe to the frum communities!

R' Rechnitz meant good, but the Lakewood Askanim, guys like Moshe Dovid Perlstein, "The Maramorsher" would have none of this .... 

So they told Rechnitz "take your filthy money and shove it up, you are not going to delegate how we run our communities" 
"You, Rechnitz, you are not the only one that has money .... we have other suckers that will feed our coffers and will shut the hell up!"

And so they forced Rechnitz to capitulate and fold like a cardboard box ....They made him write an apology that you can read below.

Moshe Dovid Perlstein, "The Chuchim fun Dee Ma'Nishtana" and "nisht kein groiser chuchem and nisht kein kleiner naar" called Rechnitz a Liar and then mussered him by saying 

" he had no problem attacking the entire mindset of the community in front of the Bais Medrash Govoha Roshei Yeshiva and many Rabbanim of the city, thus publicly shaming them, which was even more disturbing."

Hey Perlstein.... where were the Roshei Yeshiva and the "many Rabbanim of the city" when our daughter cried  herself  to sleep??????

"Publicly shaming them?"  What about shaming our Tinokas Shel Bais Raban?
Is the blood of the Roshei Yeshiva any redder than the blood of our children?

Notice how Perlstein,the Hungarian turned Litvak, says that Rechnitz "attacked the mindset of the community" 
Yes ... absolutely, he was for sure  attacking the "mindset of the community" .........which has been by in large "Middas Sdoim"!

It's dangerous guys like the "maramorsher" Perlstein that are destroying our Moisdois Hatorah and are directly the cause of children going off the derech! 

You know guys  ....So few people actually ever stand up for themselves.  

It's considered too risky.  It's safer to conform. 
It's safer to go by the rules. It's just safer to let everything fall out as it's supposed to and try to make your mark within those confines.  

But when you do stand up like Rechnitz did ... and you want people to join you in battle ....

you will find yourself all alone... just like the naive Rechnitz found out! 

Who will now speak for the children without Yeshivos? 

Who will now advocate for victim of bullies ....?
Who will tell the "Elite" parents that dictate to Yeshivos which holy neshomos to throw out, that they should take their rascals out of Yeshiva? 


No one..... because if  gangs like The Perslstein boys, took down a guy like Rechnitz ... in a matter of days, no one will ever be brave enough to face those miserable "Askonim"

There was a smidgen of light this Sunday when Rechnitz spoke the truth, but it was quickly extinguished by the likes of Hungarians that turned into Litvaks!

And that's why Hashem created blogs .... because this is the only way people can communicate anonymously, without repercussions and that's why our leaders are against blogs ....because they fear an uprising that will be soon in coming...

Hashem Yeracheim 

Dear Readers 
As there is a lot of confusion regarding my speech, I would like to clarify some of my points and my intentions. I apologize for any typos etc….but I am writing at a very inconvenient time from a very inconvenient place (Maimonides Hospital). I nevertheless feel it’s important to write now, to avoid anymore potential Lashon Harah. -

1. I apologize and ask Mechila for not for seeing the possibility of people using my comments out of context. The point of my speech was to deliver one message, and one message only, and that is to make sure that there is a place in school for all our children in Lakewood.  It was not meant in any way to “bash” Lakewood or its leaders. Anyone using my comments to support their own ulterior agendas are twisting my words. I am not Anti-Lakewood or Anti-Kollel, and if that happens to be your position, I would reccomend you take a tour of the city and its Mikomos Hakdoshim and I assure you, that you will be impressed. Anyone who is somewhat familiar with the substantial financial resources that I’ve invested and will continue to invest in Lakewood, would quickmy Family, and am proud and thankful that I can be a part of this extraordinary Makom Torah. Besides supporting the Mosdos, I think I’ve proven that I try to do everything in my power to help any Yungerman or their children in a time of need, and IY’H hope to continue to do so, in addition to the rest of Klal Yisroel. 

any of the Roshei Yeshiva or Rabbonim. To the contrary, I spoke of the Roshei Yeshiva’s attempts and involvement in helping children get into Mosdos, only to be turned down. I have heard directly from many Roshei Yeshiva, both from Lakewood and other cities, that they consistently have problems getting children into Lakewood schools. If any of the Roshei Yeshiva or Rabbonim were offended, I hereby ask them publicly for Mechila. If any Rov or Rosh Hayeshiva would like me to come to them personally, I’m prepared to do so. I have, and always had tremendous Kavod for the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva. Im sure if asked, they will all tell you that I fulfill any and all requests they ask of me without asking any questions. As an Askan, I have never acted without the directive of the Gedolim. In all my Tzedakos, I believe that I’m known to never ever give with strings attached. I don’t discriminate against any person or Mosad even if they’ve done me wrong.
2. If I had to do it again, I would’ve spent the first hour telling people about the greatness of Lakewood. Lakewood has grown by leaps and bounds in population and Ruchniyus. Under the tutelage of the Rosh Hayeshiva, Hagaon Hatzadik, Reb Malkiel Kotler Shlit’a, Lakewood has been more successful than anyone’s wildest imaginations. It’s Talmidei Chachamim have sprouted all over the world, spreading Torah and Yiddishkeit. The city off route 9 that we call Lakewood is merely the “corporate office” for the world over. I mentioned that Lakewood is everything right, that there is nothing more beautiful than Lakewood, but they are deficient in just one area. Due to the fact that I wanted to get a point across in the time allotted to me, I clearly did not spend enough time describing my genuine Ahava for Lakewood.
3. Perhaps I wasn’t clear enough when I specifically said  that I don’t place the blame on the Roshei Mosdos, as they’re doing what we’d all do, to protect their Mosdos and not compromise the Chinuch they provide for following years. I also did not want to place blame on them, as every single one of them have bent over backwards to try and help alleviate the problem. I’ve been in communication with most of them, and they’re always trying to place “just one more child”.
4. Let me be clear. I put most of the blame on the Elitists. An Elitist is someone who calls a Mosad, and holds them hostage forcing their will and desires, while clearly harming other children. They are generally of the belief that they are superior or frummer than everyone else. They put themselves on a pedestal and insist on their way or the highway. Instead of viewing other kids as the Aibeshters children, they view every child as a potential threat to their child’s reputation. This happens every year at nearly every Mosad. I can understand a parent wanting a school where all the children come from homes without Internet, televisions or other negative influences, but if you don’t want your child in a class that has children who’s fathers work to provide Parnasah for their family, then you are an elitist! The working father can be ehrlich, Kovea Ittim, have all the right Hashkofos, but that’s not good enough for you, because you consider yourself on a much higher Madreigah.
5. The one point where I should’ve been clearer is that the vast majority of Lakewood are not elitists. They are humble B’nei Torah who’s Zechusim we rely on to exist. But as in every religion and every culture, the extremists and the most vocal carry the show. While the elitists are the Mi’uta D’miuta, they’ll cause 90% of the problem. In my opinion, it’s incumbent on all of us, as the silent majority to speak up and not tolerate these attitudes that are the impetus and perpetuation of the problem.
6. I should have taken out the time to thank all the Askanim who work day and night, trying to get children placed. They Aibeshter should bench them with Shefa and  Bracha. Unfortunately, they don’t have the power alone to fix the system.
7. As I have clearly gotten too emotionally involved, I don’t think I’m the person to deal with the schooling issue. I have therefore decided to remove myself from this Parsha. In terms of financial support, I will continue to support this beautiful Makom Torah, and hopefully with Hashem’s help, and your Tefillos, I’ll be able to increase my support.
As the Seforim Hakdoshim write: We’ll never know who is supporting who.
Ha’Aron Nosei Es Noisov. (Yalkut Shimoni)
B’Chavod Rav,