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Showing posts with label electric razor ban by rabbis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electric razor ban by rabbis. Show all posts

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rabbis from Kiryat Sefer ban electric razors!

Men residing in the charedi town of Kiryat Sefer have been prohibited by local rabbis from using electric razors to remove their facial hair
.net News reports (http://bit.ly/OqPmMx) that the use of electric razors has been banned because the device pulls the facial hair out by the roots, in violation of halacha. The rabbis have ordered that a refund be given to any customer who purchased a “non-kosher” electric razor from a store which chose to sell the razors despite the ban.
Local barbershops have received a list of prohibited haircuts, and the town court has ordered all barbers to review the Jewish laws relating to shaving. The rabbis indicated that only barbers who are deemed knowledgeable about the Jewish laws of shaving will be certified as “kosher.”