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Showing posts with label Yisroel Belsky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yisroel Belsky. Show all posts

Friday, November 8, 2013

Belsky continues to support sexual child abusers!

A great injustice is ongoing in the Torah world. An injustice that should be upsetting to anyone who fears God no matter what slice of Judaism they belong to. It shouldn’t matter if you are Charedi, Modern Orthodox, or even Conservative or Reform. In fact it shouldn’t even matter if you are Jewish or not!

The story is unfortunately all too familiar and well known to the blog world. It involves a Charedi Jew who has been falsely vilified by his peers and former employers. Vilified because he reported to the police a man who sexually abused his son. I am not at liberty to reveal his name. But he is identified as Rabbi S.

Rabbi S was a member in good standing in the very Charedi world of Lakewood. He was widely respected there. He even gave a Chabura - a regular Talmudic lecture to advanced students at Beis Medrash Govoha (BMG more commonly referred to by its location in New Jersey as Lakewood).

He played by all the rules there. Not because he just wanted to get along… but because he believed in them. Even after suffering the trauma of his son being sexually abused. The accepted procedure there is to go to the rabbinic leaders who will decide whether it should be reported to the police.  Whether or not this appropriate is beside the point I wish to make. Which is that he listened to his ‘Daas Torah’– even when I’m sure that every fiber in his body told him to go to the police right away.

Those rabbinic leaders told him not to go… but believed there may have been a problem and required that the accused abuser undergo therapy. At that point Rabbi S. did not report the abuse to the police. Under therapy the abuser admitted his guilt. But then after a session or two he stopped going thus violating the conditions under which he would not be reported. When Rabbi S found out about it, he went immediately to the police.

Long story short the accused was tried in court, admitted his guilt, and was convicted. – even though he recanted before his conviction saying he was pressured into admitting his guilt.

Rabbi S. was ‘thanked’ for his efforts with huge smear campaign. Prominent members of the Lakewood community publicly vilified him - in writing - as a Moser (someone who informs on a fellow Jew to the authorities). A Moser is about the lowest form of human being a Jew can be in these circles - not that Rabbi S actually was a Moser.

Adding to all this was Torah VoDaath Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yisroel Belsky. He publicly insisted that the abuser was innocent and that his accuser – Rabbi S was the true guilty party – implying that he sexually  abused his own son! Rabbi Belsky has since denied that this is what he meant. But knowing the convicted abuser personally - he still maintains his innocence despite the admission of guilt. 

Rabbi S was chased out of BMG and Lakewood. He has relocated to another city where he joined a Kollel and is being paid a small stipend… which is not really enough to provide for his family.

Since all this happened, a prominent signer of the above-mentioned vicious attack realized his error and publicly apologized to Rabbi S for his part in harassing him and family. I have also been told that Lakewood mashgiach, Rav Matisyahu Salomon (who was involved in the initial response to Rabbi S and the abuser) now regrets his part in it too and is quite agonized over it.

For their part - the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) and the OU publically applauded the conviction of that abuser saying that justice was done.

Rabbi Belsky however remains intransigent. He is the Posek for the OU. The OU responded to criticism of Rabbi Belsky by saying that his job at the OU is secure and that he is entitled to his views – with which they disagree.

Rabbi Belsky is important to the OU – the largest Kashrus supervision agency in the world. He is widely respected by the right wing. His presence at the OU gives them credibility with the right. Which increases their prestige and wide acceptance of products they certify as Kosher. 

The OU was not always respected this way. (One can see how badly disparaged they were in the early days of their existence in an article in today’s Forward by historian Jonathan Sarna.) They need Rabbi Belsky or someone like him to retain that respect in the now competitive world of Kashrus supervision. A billion dollar industry these days, if I am not mistaken.

I have also been told that Rabbi S asked his former bosses at BMG for his old job back. He was denied. Why he would want to go back there is beyond me. I would be running the other way and filing lawsuits for wrongful termination.

But that’s me. Rabbi S is a much kinder and braver person than I am and he is willing to overlook all that has been done to him and simply go back to work as a Marbitz Torah – a spreader of Torah. Here is a man whose son was violated in the worst way and by simply doing what was right in his eyes (and in the eyes of just about anybody with a sense of justice and compassion) and look what he got for it!

All this has been weighing very heavily on my mind recently. This man deserves a lot better than what he is getting. And there ought to be something done about it. If he wants his job back – he ought to get it. I don’t know how to put pressure on BMG to give it back to him. My impression is that they are impervious to pressure. And my guess is that they will push back strongly if it is applied.

But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be tried. There are a lot of people sitting this out for fear of repercussions. But that is not what courage is all about. I don’t know how many people in Lakewood read this blog. But I would love to see an uprising of protest by the very people that BMG serves. I’m talking about the students, Avreichim, and even faculty there. Petition the Roshei Yeshiva. Let them know that a great injustice is being done there and the world is watching. Let them know that their own students and faculty will not stand idly by and let it happen.

I realize that this will take a lot of courage since the likely response by BMG leaders will be to expel the protestors. I know that risk and fully understand if there are those who – fearing loss of livelihood - will not do it. But for those of you who have the courage to do it – it is the right thing to do.

I would also ask the OU to consider looking for another Posek of similar stature to Rabbi Beslky and replace him. I believe that Rabbi Beklsky’s intransigence in this issue - painting Rabbi S in evil terms is at least in part preventing BMG from rehiring Rabbi S. I would also ask the RCA many of whose rabbis work for the OU -  to try and influence the OU to do the right thing.

I would also suggest that the survivor community stay out of this – since they are not going to influence BMG in any way – except to  be  further vilified by them.

I know that I am asking a lot of sacrifice from a lot of people. But  something needs to be done or justice will remain perverted. If not now, when? If not me, who? If anyone has any other ideas please feel free to share them. Rabbi S needs to have both his job and reputation restored. That is the least BMG could do.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Rabbi Belsky says that Yosef Kolko is innocent, while Kolko himself says he is guily of child sex abuse!

Read this e-mail exchange from a fellow blogger! 
I am writing to you in light of the recent trial of Yosef Kolko, who was found guilty last week of aggravated sexual assault of a minor in Lakewood. One of Kolko's chief defenders was and continues to be Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas, who wrote a public letter to Lakewood defending the molestor and vilifying the family of the abused child.
Following is the text of Rabbi Belsky's letter: 
RABBI YISROEL BELSKY'S LETTER TO THE RESIDENTS OF LAKEWOOD      My ears should have been spared hearing the horrific news that one of your fellow residents in town informed upon a fellow Jew to the hands of the secular authorities, may god spare us, for which the [Jewish] law is undisputed that one who commits such an act has no share in the world to come. (see: Choshen Mishpat 388:4) 
     After conducting a thorough investigation I am absolutely certain that R' Y.K. [Yosef Kolko], may his light shine, is perfectly innocent of any wrongdoing of any nature whatsoever. And not only is he innocent but it is also as clear to me that all these allegations are fabrications made by [REDACTED]. 
     Further, all the reports made to the secular authorities were only for the express purpose of casting blame for their [the victim's family] own shameful and cursed existence on others. And the truth is that the allegations they make against others are crimes they themselves are in fact guilty of and they seek to cleanse their reputation by blaming an innocent man for their own deeds. 
     Accordingly, as it is a great mitzvah to rescue the pursued from the hands of the pursuer and to make it known that the righteous man is right and the evil man is evil‐to rescue a pure and righteous soul. Therefore, anyone who has the ability to rescue the righteous and does not do so is considered as if he is himself the pursuer. (See: Rambam ‐ laws regarding informing 1: 14) 
Thus, all who have the ability to influence the informers that they should retract their terrible deeds should do so.

Despite the fact that Yosef Kolko admitted his guilt of long term sexual assault of a child, Rabbi Belsky has neither retracted his letter or his vilification of the victim and his family. His letter is unfortunately a tragic example of the widespread, grotesque, evil phenomenon of rabbinic coverup of child molesters and persecution of their victims throughout the frum world.
Rabbi Belsky is a Senior Posek at the OU, an organization which prides itself on its educated leadership, its integrity and its protection of children. I am writing to you to join and be a signator in a letter writing campaign to all the administrators of the OU leadership, asking that they require that Rabbi Belsky publicly retract his letter if he is to continue to be affiliated with the OU. If the OU does not do so, it is giving credibility and publicly honoring a senior employee who advocates protecting sexual child molestors and persecuting their victims, even when the molestor admits his guilt. This is hardly a message befitting the OU and its admirable mission in the Jewish world.  
Please join an email letter writing campaign to voice your opinion about this matter to the OU administration. Following are their names and email addresses. Please include Rabbi Belsky's letter to Lakewood in your letter to the OU. You may just copy the above letter and email it to the following:  
Executive Vice President
Rabbi Steven Weil

Executive Vice President, Emeritus
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Chief Financial Officer
Shlomo Schwartz

Chief Communications Officer
Mayer Fertig

Rabbinic Administrator/Chief Executive Officer
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Executive Rabbinic Coordinator/Chief Operating Officer
Rabbi Moshe Elefant

Executive Rabbinic Coordinator
Rabbi Yaakov Luban

Executive Rabbinic Coordinator / Director of Operations
Rabbi Moshe Zywica

Senior Rabbinic Coordinator/Vice President, Communications and Marketing
Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran

Senior Rabbinic Coordinator
Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz

Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator / Director of Kashrus Education
Rabbi Yosef Grossman
Senior Director of Institutional Advancement
Paul Glasser

Chief Human Resources Officer
Lenny Bessler

Senior Information Officer
Sam Davidovics, Ph.D.

Public Relations Director
Stephen Steiner

Alumni Connections
Rabbi Yehoshua Marchuck

Community Engagement
Rabbi Judah Isaacs

Community Services
Frank Buchweitz

Heshe & Harriet Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus
Rabbi Ilan Haber

Institute for Public Affairs/IPA
Nathan Diament

Jewish Action
Nechama Carmel

Job Board
Michael Srulie Rosner

Rabbi Micha Greenland

Rabbi David Felsenthal

OU Press
Rabbi Simon Posner

Pepa & Rabbi Joseph Karasick Department of Synagogue Services
Rabbi Judah Isaacs

Yachad/Our Way/NJCD
Dr. Jeffrey Lichtman

Dear Tiferes,
Thank you for your letter.  I agree that the OU should sever its relationship with Rabbi Belsky as soon as possible.  The question is what is the most effective manner in which to accomplish this.
I think that what is needed, rather than writing to the OU staff (other than Rabbis Weil, Genack, and maybe selected others) is to reach out to the volunteer leadership.  So far, the only email address I have been able to track down is for Martin Nachimson, President of the OU: martin.nachimson@macquarie.com.  Here are links to what the OU website shows for their lay leadership, in case you want to try:
Board of Directors (appears out of date but that's what is on the website) - http://www.ou.org/contact/C392#listing

Please let me know what you think.
P.S.  Please let me know if you are using a real name or an assumed name.  I work with a number of people who choose not to use their real names.  That does not bother me, but I need to know when that is the case