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Showing posts with label Obama throws Israel under bus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama throws Israel under bus. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2011

Obama Throws Israel Under the Bus

Obama Tells Israel To Commit Suicide "Go back to '67 Borders"

Netanyahu: 1967 Borders Can't Be Defended

Obama endorsed the Palestinian position on the borders of their future state, saying it should be based on Israel's lines before the 1967 Mideast war. Israel captured the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip in the fighting, and the Palestinians claim those areas for their state.
His position appeared to put him at odds with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has not accepted the concept.

Reacting to Obama's speech, Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a full withdrawal from the West Bank, saying the 1967 lines were "indefensible" and would leave major Jewish settlements outside Israel. Netanyahu rejects any pullout from east Jerusalem.
Netanyahu heads to the White House on Friday and said he would seek clarifications.

Obama 'threw Israel under the bus'

Republicans looking to unseat President Barack Obama charged Thursday that he undermined the sensitive and delicate negotiations for Middle East peace with his outline for resumed talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said Obama "threw Israel under the bus" and handed the Palestinians a victory even before negotiations between the parties could resume.
 Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called it "the most dangerous speech ever made by an American president for the survival of Israel."

Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, a tea party favorite who is leaning toward a run, called the border suggestions "a shocking display of betrayal" to Israel.
"Today President Barack Obama has again indicated that his policy towards Israel is to blame Israel first," she said in a statement.

On Twitter, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin didn't directly address the speech but urged Obama to publicly welcome Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instead of ushering him into private meetings away from reporters, as has occurred on Netanyahu's previous visits. The two leaders will talk Friday at the White House.
"Dear Mr. President, please allow our ally, PM Netanyahu, to respectfully arrive through the front door this time. Thanks, Concerned Americans," she tweeted.

Knesset Member: Obama is the new Arafat

Jewish Donors Warn Obama on Israel
Read: Wall Street Journal
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