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Showing posts with label Jacob Ostreicher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacob Ostreicher. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Jacob Ostreicher jailed in Bolivia freed on bail!

Jacob Ostreicher, an Orthodox Jew from the Unites States, who was jailed in Bolivia, was released on bail, according to official reports.

After 18 months of wrongful imprisonment in Bolivia, Jacob Ostreicher, was released today on bail.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn), a confidant and defender of the Ostreicher family after the imprisonment of Jacob Ostreicher, called the occasion "the beginning of the end of the nightmare for Jacob Ostreicher.” The court issued its order today, according to reports. Ostreicher has been cooperating with authorities who took down several prominent figures since his arrest, according to reports.

"This is the first good news we have received in relation to Ostreicher, and we are all very optimistic," Hikind said. "We hope that Jacob will be reunited with his family in Brooklyn, New York, soon. I could not be prouder of our community to be involved with the Ostreichers for everything they do and constantly keep in mind his situation. We are all still praying. Almighty hears us," Hikind added.

Ostreicher family members are currently in Bolivia, where he has reportedly been sentenced to house arrest with bail set at 100,000 bolivianos or $14,265.30.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Bolivia Denies Bail Jacob Ostreicher

Jacob Ostreicher, a New York businessman, center, arrives to a court to attend his hearing in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Monday, June 11, 2012. (AP Photo)

A Bolivian court denied bail this morning to Jacob Ostreicher, a Borough Park, Brooklyn resident who has been incarcerated without formal charges for more than a year. The bail hearing lasted nine grueling hours and was spread over two days while Jacob’s mother, a Holocaust survivor, sat through the entire process in the Bolivian courtroom along with her daughter, Jacob’s sister, both weeping uncontrollably.
Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn), who continues to advocate for Ostreicher, promised to re-double his efforts to set Jaob Ostreicher free.
“It’s inhumane the way Jacob has been treated,” said Assemblyman Hikind. “His human rights have been continually denied, his health is failing, and his family is suffering from his absence and mistreatment. We have to continue to bring attention to this travesty of justice. We have to demonstrate that Jacob Ostreicher’s life and freedom matter.”
The Assemblyman is organizing thousands of synagogues into action on behalf of Jacob Ostreicher this Shabbos, September 1st (14 Elul), Shabbos Ki Teitzei. Hundreds of thousands of Jews across America are expected to join in prayer and follow-up with calls and letters to elected officials.
The National Council of Young Israel, The Orthodox Union (OU) and The Rabbinical Alliance of America have all agreed to publicize Shabbos Ki Teitzei for Jacob Ostreicher to their rabbis, congregations and affiliates. Rabbis across America will be speaking about Ostreicher in their Sabbath addresses and leading special prayers on his behalf. Following the Sabbath, congregational membership will be encouraged to urge their Congressman to adopt Ostreicher’s cause.
“I believe Jacob Ostreicher is fully innocent of all wrong doings,” said Assemblyman Hikind. “Numerous media reports from WABC’s ‘Nightline’ to The Wall Street Journal concur that Jacob is being used as a political football; his family, needlessly traumatized by this on-going nightmare. And now, as feared, Jacob’s very life may be in danger. I am proud that Jews from across the country and all stripes of orthodoxy will be demonstrating their complete solidarity in this urgent matter. We cannot rest while Jacob is imprisoned.”

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rally for frum man imprisoned in Bolivia!


A press conference will be held in front of the Bolivian Mission to the United Nations to rally support for Jacob Ostreicher, an innocent New York businessman who has now been confined for 11 months in one of Bolivia’s most notoriously dangerous prisons without being charged. 

Bolivian authorities have spent the time investigating Ostreicher for money-laundering, after nearly 30 hearings, prosecutors have presented no evidence to back their allegations that the American did anything wrong.  The United States Department of State has had no luck talking to the Bolivian government, and the United Nations Human Rights Commission is “monitoring” Jacob’s situation.

On Tuesday, May 8th, ABC News Nightline will air a segment about Jacob’s plight.  In advance of this airing, Jacob’s family is holding a rally at the door of the Permanent Mission of Bolivia to the United Nations. 211 East 43rd Street at 11:00 AM on Thursday, May 3rd, 2012.

Jacob’s wife Miriam, his children, grandchildren, community and public leaders along with 500 of his friends and supporters will stand in solidarity with Jacob Ostreicher to demand that Bolivia end his wrongful imprisonment and release him immediately.