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Monday, January 13, 2025

She doesn't Understand why someone isn't married!



Garnel Ironheart said...

Live by the book, die by the book.
If everything can be reduced to a numbered list in a "sefer halakha" then so can the criteria for what makes a good bashert.

Anonymous said...

She is 100% right! Frum Yidden tend to be horrible control freaks! They want to have the best choson/kalleh, the nicest house, the fanciest car, the best seminary/yesiva etc etc. They really believe that they can control all of these factors, when in reality, it's the hand of Hashem that directs everything.
It's the same with OTD kids. People will say that the reason is because the mother/father didn't do or did do this, because of this עבירה or that עבירה, but the reality is that דער אויבערשטער פירט דער וועלט, and no family - even the most frum/yeshivish/baalanatish/heimish - is safe from having an OTD child.

Zako said...

To Garnel
A sefer halacha sure helps to be a mensh and help to keep Klal Yisroel stay strong throughout the generations.
It's just that for some people it’s a maximum (too much work) and for others, mainly the maaminim, it’s a minimum (the pre-requisite to everything in life).