A visual breakdown shows how a military Black Hawk helicopter and an American Airlines jet converged before the tragic crash.
REPORTER: Do you have a plan to go visit the site?
TRUMP: What's the site? The water? Do you want me to go swimming?!
A reporter asks if it hurts the investigative process into the aircraft crash to have Trump suggesting possible causes:
NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy:
"With all due respect, I think the press also likes to state what probable cause is before we get to the probable cause."
President Trump orders an immediate review of aviation safety, aiming to reverse any negative impacts from the Biden administration's focus on DEI.
His answers were stupid. By "site" the reports clearly meant the nearest point on the riverbank, not for him to go into the water, or for him to go over the area in a helicopter. Stupid answer on his part creating unneeded antagonism.
Second, blaming this on DIE. It can't end well. If it turns out both pilots and the air traffic controller were White men, he looks stupid. If it turns out any of them weren't but were actually qualified, then he's slandered them publicly. It can't end well.
Turns out that the copter was flying too high, so maybe they weren't trained that well, in addition, it now turns out that the tower was understaffed as one of the 2 air traffic controllers left early! There was only one air traffic controller there at the time against FAA regulations. This is only the preliminary findings!
Trump is absolutely correct that this was avoidable and it will turn out that Biden's DIE programs were an issue!
Garnel Ironheart
Most reporters ask stupid questions just to antagonize! This is a primary example. The site of the accident was not on land it was over the water and there is nothing to visit just debris dragged over to the riverbank, nothing to see there, only experienced investigators needed to be there, and Trump was just showing the world the absurdity of this dumb question to the President of the USA! I remember when a reporter asked Biden what flavor ice cream he liked during some catastrophe!
Trump isn't taking crapola from these dummies!
Again, visiting "the site" doesn't mean physically standing on it. He could've flown over in a helicopter or stood on the riverbank. It's about PR - showing that he cares which he didn't do.
Again, it might've been totally unavoidable but it wasn't due to DIE.
Lol you write and think like a gentile
When Garnel is on target,give him his due
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