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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Israelis Running to shelters Wondering if the Lakewood "Atzeres" Brought a "Kitruk" on Jews Living in Israel

 Letter from a DIN reader

This Lakewood assifa is very disturbing on several accounts. We are in the middle of a multi front war which is the most existence threatening conflict since 1948. 

Do we need a Kitrug from a chelek nikar of Klal Yisroel (Lakewood) against the biggest concentration of yidden and lomdei Torah in the world (EY)? 

Is this what Kevod Shomayim demands?

 Is this what Achdus is all about?

 Is this part and parcel of one's avodah hours before Yomim Noraim?

 Is this what I send my children & grandchildren to Lakewood for?

Was this place for which I spent my 75 years' life's kochos and my last penny worth all the effort?

 Here is an old man wondering if all his life was misguided by some Roshei Yeshiva who don't realize the seriousness of our Matzav.

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