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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Chabad Joins the Crazed Peleg and Orders their Followers Not To Register for the Draft

I have explained to my readers time and again that Chabad is far more extreme vis-a-vis the State of Israel than Satmar! Yes you heard it here first! 
Chabad has never recognized the State of Israel as a State! The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe z"l who I personally met many times, never recognized the Zionist State! 

Yes, of course he met with the Zionist leaders, I was there myself when the Lubavitcher Rebbe met with the President of Israel, Zalman Shazar. And he met with Menachim Begin and Bibi Netanyahu, but because the Rebbe loved every Jew, he did not distinguish between Jews and their affiliations. The Rebbe was also against giving up even an inch of Israel, but refused to recognize the Zionist State as a State! 

Up till about last year, many Israeli Chabadznikers joined the army, not because it was a policy, it wasn't and in fact Chabad was against their followers from enlisting, but many felt that they would have a better chance of being "mekareiv" Jews if they joined than being outside the system!
But all would register for the draft as per national law!'

But now Chabad Rabbis have joined Peleg and the Briskers whose policy is to not to even register ! Even Satmar or the Ahrelich  register! 


Garnel Ironheart said...

The best line I recall reading about the Rebbe,z"l, meeting with Israeli leaders is that it was like a king meeting with important but subservient courtiers. As the self-proclaimed King of the Jews, Israelis were certainly seen as important subjects of his and he did care about him but it wasn't a personal anti-Zionism like Satmar. It was a "Unless it's the state I've established and I run it, it's not legit."

Anonymous said...

where is this from? i cant read the signatures. it doesn't look like an official chabad announcement

Dusiznies said...

It's not the only Chabad announcement .. there are many

Anonymous said...

The Rebbe had a very warm and respectful relationship with Zalman Shazzar, as expressed in his many letters to him that appear in Igros Kodesh. Today there isn't a monolithic "Chabad," but Chabad rabbis and groups, each with their own view, as YY Jacobson says. Who are the signatories? I can't make out their names. Presumably, just as the Rebbe's death was followed by various splits so too there are various points of view today regarding this topic.

Didan Notzach? said...

You are mistaken due to some mixed appearing signals that the Chabadskers have given off. Think about this ... when the Rebbe said multiple times that the Medina should not give a single inch of land to the Arabs, it is definitely coming from a position of Zionism. When have you ever heard the anteh-Tzionim say such a thing? Farkert! Over the last century there has been plenty of anteh-Tzioni talk of appeasing the Arabs with land

Cohen said...

He also promised the settlers they will be there permanently & never be removed.So much for that

Good morning DIN! said...

B"H DIN is finally waking up and seeing the truth about the Chabbad cult beyond all their propaganda. Halevai veiter, un oyf gantz Klal Yisrael un di gantze velt oych gezugt.

Dovid said...

Not sure where you're getting your info from... There are published letters from the Rebbe expressing support for settlement but pessimism about the government holding on to the territory long-term...