Sunday, June 6, 2021

Is the "Amuka" Segulah a Fraud a Prank?


Read below an article in Arutz 7 touting the famous segula for finding your zivug . 

But when did this "segula" start? How did it originate? Is it genuine? 
The truth is that there isn't a source anywhere for this!

According to Emailim Batorah it all started off as a prank!


The  Amukah Segulah is a prank invented in the last 50 years.There is no source in any ספר or a קבלה from any reliable source.

This Segulah was invented by a prankster. It caught on like wildfire
because desperate people do desperate things and believe in them.

The prankster combined two Rashis next to each other as if it read
כל פסולין שאין מוצאין אשה פונין והולכין שם והיא עמוקה
"All Pesulin who can't find a woman turn & go there.
Where do they go?... That is "Amukah" (Prankster's Pshat)

The Gemoro (Yevamos 17a) asks, why is it that (a certain hill) is called הרפניא? 
Answer: Because all the פסולין (Mamzeirim etc.) go towards  this hill הר- פניא to find a spouse. (& have illegitimate children)

רבא said
 "This hill is not really a hill but actually a pit deeper (עמוקה) than שאול (Gihenom) 
From Gihenom one can be redeemed whereas a Mamzer remains that way forever. 

עמוקה is not referring to the town Amukah but the word "deeper".



Instead of Amukah festivals, perhaps we should practice
the 2 most Authentic Segulos

1) Daven at home or in local Shul (no need for    
    Amukah- 40 Rabbonim - 40 days etc.)

2)  a) Talk - Redt Shidduchim.

     b) Talk & explain to all your friends etc. why if we don't
       do anything about narrowing the age gap we will
       end up ח"ו  with 20% of our sisters & daughters 
Know someone who wants to be added? Forward them this email and have them click below. 

Sign up here.

The prayer at Amuka which could bring you your marriage partner by this upcoming Rosh Hashanah.

A prayer like this one doesn't see every day. Today at Amuka, Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Edelstein will conduct an awe-inspiring prayer event on the site to bring personal salvation to members of the public, with the blessing ofRabbi Chaim Kanievsky that those who contribute to poor brides should merit, in accordance with their deeds, to find their partners and get engaged by Rosh Hashanah 5782.

Today marks as the yahrtzeit (date of passing) of the holy Rabbi Yonasan ben Uziel who is interred in Amuka in northern Israel.

t's sufficient to merely mention the name 'Amuka' to cause multitudes to feel a sense of holiness: The holy tomb has long been a magnet, and many have found personal salvation at this place that's auspicious for finding one's marriage partner. Many have found, by prayer at this holy site, their true "soul mates."

Now, a few days before the yahrtzeit, Kupat Ha'ir has publicized that, due to the unprecedented number of poor brides who do not even have the means to pay for their own weddings, Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Edelstein will today be conducting a prayer event and "nullification of curses" at this auspicious place, to help people see personal salvation.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky expressed himself in an out-of-the-ordinary manner in response to this special and rare prayer event.

In the words of the rabbi, those who donate to Kupat Ha'ir's fundraising campaign for poor brides the sum of at least 516 shekels [$160] – the gematria of chasan kallah- will be included in the prayer of Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Edelstein in the ceremony at Amuka, which will be conducted according to the tradition he received from his father Rabbi Ya'akov Edelstein of blessed and righteous memory. They should also merit, with the power of the tzedakah(charity) and the tefillah (prayer), that, in accordance with their deedsthey should become engaged by Rosh Hashanah 5782.

Now is our time- your time- to join this tefillah event; to help these poverty-stricken brides; and to merit to hopefully receive our marriage partners ; to bring us the salvation that we yearn for so much- by Rosh Hashanah 5782. Join now to ensure that your names, and those of your loved ones awaiting their partners, will be there.

To submit names click here



1 comment:

Litvak said...

Not a "fraud", not a "prank" ---
A neurosis!