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This is a photo of your Zaidy According to Scientists |
When I was a kid I used to go to the "tish" of a lot of Rebbes, and during their "toirelich" they would always mention their "zaidis" .... "my zaidy said this ..... my zaidy said that" ....."my zaidy would have said this"
I would always daydream wondering what they actually looked like ......
Well the mystery is over ......according to these apikorsim ..... this is what they looked like!
Meet your relatives: 540 million-year-old bag-like sea creature without an anus may be humans' oldest known ancestor
Researchers have discovered traces of the earliest known prehistoric ancestor of human beings.
In a finding which calls into question decades of research into human evolution, the creature called 'Saccaorhytus' has been revealed.
A microscopic sea creature that lived 540 million years ago, it has sack-like features created by its elliptical body and large mouth.
Bizarrely the species, which is new to science and was identified from microfossils found in China, showed no evidence of having an anus.
This means any waste material inside its body would have come back through the mouth.
It is also believed the thin-skinned creature - discovered after a study of fossils found in China - moved along the ocean bed by 'wriggling'.
The scientists who carried out the research, including some from the University of Cambridge, believe this creature is now the most primitive example of a so-called 'deuterostome'.
This is a broad biological category that encompasses a number of sub-groups, including the vertebrates.
If the conclusions of the study, published in the journal Nature, are correct, then Saccorhytus was the common ancestor of a huge range of species.
This would mean it was the earliest step yet discovered on the evolutionary path that eventually led to humans, hundreds of millions of years later.
'We think that as an early deuterostome this may represent the primitive beginnings of a very diverse range of species, including ourselves,' said Simon Conway Morris, Professor of Evolutionary Palaeobiology at the University of Cambridge.
I really don't want to get into a dispute about evolution because you clearly don't understand the the terms of the evolutionary process.
But tell me please, if you believe in the Adam & Eve creation story, how do you account for the various colors and facial features of the various races. Negroid, mongoloid, caucasian etc., etc. How did they differentiate from their 2 parent source in only the short time period of less than 6000 years, if you believe the creation time frame?
and according to you, how do YOU account for these races? why should it take millions of years for change to happen/ and how come the evolutionary process isn't continuing? We all want wings so badly, how come it's not happening/ We wouldn't have to pollute the earth with climate change. We don't know how these race features formed, but all you have to look at people from different countries and see they look different in the 2nd generation already, Russian immigrants look so Russian and their kids and grandkids already look more like Americans. You have no proof of evolution or human interference with climate change or that alcoholism is a disease, but you jump on the bandwagon without thinking it true and want to say that the rest are ignorants., we have the Torah.
So evolution knew how to make hands, eyes,skin, etc. all by itself and you expect intelligent people to believe that. Who made evolution?
What does speed have to do with anything? We went from horse and buggy to landing on the moon to iphones in 150 years and it's getting faster. How could short European immigrant parents give birth to 6 footers in one generation? How could a deformed or other not normal children be born in 9 months? Who knows how it happened, we don't have all the information, so because of that you're willing to accept evolution because Darwin said so.We don't even know what's going on today with anything so how can we know everything about the past. Look at the fake media , at the end of the day nobody knows anything and I'm talking about 2017. You ask a good question but there are answers to everything. How come evolution stopped?
To Abe,
So you believe that evolution is responsible for a human being being created physically, emotionally, DNA, feelings, intelligence, talents as a tiny mass and develop until adulthood all in nine months sometimes seven/
ever heard of the sons of Noach and his grandson cannan. ever hear of the dor haflaga .research first,
Before I answer; let me first ask; do you believe in it?
Abe, what is your profession or occupation?
All who responded to my query haven't answered the question. How do you account for the different races with different features. It contradicts the adam and chava creation narrative. If you have a better explaination than evolution, please let me know.
As for the observable effects of evolution today, the bacterial resistance to antibiotics is an easy response.
Sure I've heard of them. But how does it logically explain the physical variations of the various races?
Abe, the answer is that they came later. Remember the story of Noach and his sons? Cham was dark-skinned; and Shem I believe was closer to olive, and Yefes was, I believe, was lighter skinned.
And remember; there are only three types of skulls: Mongoloid, Negroid, and Caucasoid.
Noach's sons in turn bore kids, and based on what climate everyone lived in, their complexion, etc. changed. It's been a while, after all....
Abe, since there was no Adam and Eve, how did evolution decide to create a human being altogether? Or birds, lions and trees. That's harder to explain than variations in race. Or why did evolution decide on Asian, Negroid and Caucasian races. Or why did evolution decided to have humans talk and think creatively. Who is evolution?
So the climate changed the white race into black or olive or whatever. Sure sounds like natural selection to me. And how did those mongoloid and negroid and skulls diverge from Adam and Chava's skulls?
Annonymous 7:33 PM,
I say natural selection/ evolution did it. How do you explain the diversity of homo sapiens and other forms of life?
You still haven't answered the question.
Evolution has absolutely nothing to do with whether you believe in God and a creator or not,it simply states that creation was not done instantly but evolved thru billions of years.
Now if you are a believing person and believe in God then what evolution means- is that God created the world thru the process of evolution and things slowly evolved,and if someone is an atheist he simply says things evolved by themselves,.
Believing that God created the universe and had it slowly evolve
to it's fruition is absolutely not KEFIRAH a lot of mainstream FRUM Rabbonim and thinkers and scientists actually believe in the validity of evolution.
As a matter of fact we see everyday how HASHEM creates things slowly,just look how a human being is created,how it slowly evolves from a perm into an embryo and into a fetus and finally into a human being,it took HASHEM 9 full months for this amazing creation,also look at a fruit tree,it takes a few years to grow one,therefore why would it be so strange to believe that HASHEM did exactly the same thing when he created this vast universe and had it evolve slowly
Although I do not believe that human beings evolved from apes and monkeys,but when i read some of the comments here on DIN (especially from this MAMAROSHER FERD "jancsibacsi" )i have to admit that sometimes i think to myself maybe just maybe Darwin was right:)
Everybody look in Rashi and Gemorrah on Breishis. Everything was created with all its fullness, height and weight and even with its agreement and acknowledgement.
Even the moon, was created greater but was shortened, all this happened at creation. I don't understand why this is so hard to believe.
Abe, you must admit, though, that if Hashem wants something to be a certain way, it will be that way. And He obviously knew that it was best for there to be different races.... So He made it happen. He can do anything.....
Through my experience in this world, I can tell you that not all truths seems logical - but, nonetheless, they are still Emes. Emes is the most important thing. Emes doesn't always seem to make sense - but it is still the truth.
Not only that, but with the coming of Moshioch Tzidkeinu (may he come Bi'M'heira Bi'Yameinu, Amein) - all will be clear and revealed, and you'll get a very clear answer to your questions - from Hashem. (See the Chofetz Chaim zt"l on 'Ani Yosef, ha'od avi chai?')
Abe, the reason I asked you of your profession, is because I get the feeling that you don't know much about Darwin's theory. It's just what the average person knows from hearing the basic idea. There are many very difficult questions that would seem to make the idea of Darwinian evolution highly unlikely. There are also several explanations offered by Torah scholars which are far easier to stomach than the theory of evolution. In the final analysis' people choose to understand and accept those theories and ideas which follow their desired outcome, to allow for the lifestyle they wish to lead. I have much clarity to offer on this topic, but I'm not going to do it on this forum. Abe, if you are sincere, find a scholar who can answer your questions. Otherwise admit that you are happy to accept Darwin because it answers some serious questions about you and the way you wish to live your life.
I also don't believe human beings evolved from apes and monkeys .That's not how the evolutionary process works.
One of the major flaws of Darwin is Survival of the Fittest, which is a fantasy for so many reasons, and empirical and even passing evidence refutes it positively. It's all theory, so please show evidence of ANY of his ramblings.
Theological Emes like beauty is in the eye of beholder.
If you believe in Moshiach,yes, all will be revealed when he arrives. He might even tell you that evolution is part of Hashem's master plan. All present scientific evidence points to evolution as the instrument of creation and accounts for the amazing diversity of life on earth.
according to evolution, did rocks evolve/ How ,and what was it originally/
Annonymous 7:24 AM
It's hard to believe because it can't explain the differences among the various races of homo sapien, if they all originated from just 2 human beings at creation.
Abe, so how does evolution produce different races? Where's the evidence, true evidence not junk science.
how did evolution breathe life or soul into itself? You're obsessed with races, can you answer my question?
I enough about evolutionary theory to recognize when someone is incapable of responding to the contradictions of the plain reading of the Torah's creation story.
If you are sincere, you will respond directly to the question I posed.
Annonymous 10:48 AM,
I might answer your question if your question were comprehensible.
In the meantime, try to answer mine.
Annonymous 10:46 AM
Evolution explains the differences among the races like this:
The evolutionary process is explained using rigorous scientific methods unlike your deprication of science using junk theology.
Abe, so do we question what Hashem said in His very Own Torah? We really don't need proofs. If you believe that Hashem is real, then everything that He says is also real.....
I appreciate you asking these questions on here and "getting them off your chest".
Abe, you demand an answer to your question but there are questions to you here, and you have not answeedr to any of them, you just ignore them, so good bye
Yes, rocks did evolve.
Here's the answer to your question:
Anonymous 10:33 AM
Before disputing Darwin's "survival of the fittest " you really should understand what that phrase means, which you clearly do not.
See here:
And you unquestionably don't understand the difference between theory and hypothesis.
See here:
Before trying to defend your unschooled criticism of Darwin, you really need to educate yourself about his theories and why you find scientific theory so objectionable.
Abe, I am sincere. There is an approach written by The Tiferes Yisroel in a controversial work of his called Drush Ohr Hachaim. There is another approach which follows Einstein's relativity of time to coincide the evolutionary time table with that of Biblical creationism. That's not to mention the many inconsistencies present in the theory of evolution. That's just a small sample to show you that I'm sincere, but there's lots more.
Because regardless of whether it's called a hypothesis or theory it's still unproven. Reputable scientists have debunked his conclusions. So far you haven't shown one iota of empirical evidence to backup his theories. except to post links. There is no smoking gun, and I've read his writings extensively. People believe what they want to believe even without evidence, such as life on other planets or that humans cause climate change. There's simply no evidence even if it's plausible, in THEORY. An example is to state that it's impossible to believe that in this vast universe no other life exists. Impossible it may be, but there isn't a shred of evidence to support it. In a court of law where beyond reasonable doubt is the rule, Darwinism fails.
Read Darwinism and Intelligent Design, Jonathan Wells, to read
a logical layman deconstruction of Darwinism which incidentally was the inspiration of the Eugenicists, racists and Nazis. It will surprise you to learn that ID IS based on scientific evidence, the APE to MAN species chart is a fraud based on guesswork and Haeckel's drawings referencing Darwin from the 1892 book by Romanse is a fake and fraud .This book is a goldmine and references other books and scientists.
Your reference to THEORY is not consequential. Someone can state that this computer evolved from a watermelon, gather others who believe it too and call it a theory, which in the original definition actually meant producing evidence. Darwin was against Christianity and faith. It's amazing how many intelligent people buy into a prevailing belief without thinking for themselves. We know that great lawyers can prove that ice cream is our long lost wealthy spinster aunt and we'll all believe it. Also, read, Law Darwinism and Public Education by Francis Beckwith
Anonymous 8:28 and 9:13 PM
Your disagreements with Darwin aside, you still haven't shown how the various races of homo sapien were able to diverge from the original adam and chava, if you believe in the Torah's literal narrative of creation. That was the question which I presented at the outset.
If given a choice between your specious disputations of Darwin and modern scientifically vetted evolution, I'll accept science over true believers fanciful polemics.
There's no evidence of humans, human writing and mummies beyond approx. 5,ooo years ago, and this is a fact. We're all familiar with the ridiculous claim found even in school textbooks that the wheel wasn't invented for thousands and thousands of years . How nutty is that? Nobody ever saw a rock rolling or a round apple falling and rolling and applying it manually to a concept of a wheel? They planted, sowed and reaped to eat but couldn't come up with the wheel.
Just look at science projects by upper grade students and see the great creative ideas they put into exhibits. Fake news and lies is what is being taught.
Abe, I gave an answer. Your questions are valid; there are just answers for them - as all other questions.
Honestly, the entire world is all one race. Where are the different races? We are all humans (B"H), but, as the years have gone by, people's features, etc. have evolved to there environment.
Do you know how little the difference is between everyone's DNA?
I read your answer that climate produced the physical variations in homo sapien. I think that you are unaware how closely that fits with evolutionary theory.
Human DNA among the various races are more than 99% the same, so what accounts for the physical differences ? You should ask the same question about chimpanzees because they share 99% of our DNA. Gorillas share 98% of our DNA.
I think you are evolution fancier. You just don't realize it.
Educate yourself.
No. Honestly, I am nothing like that. However, as I said before, if Hashem wants something to happen - it will happen. And He obviously wanted to make different "races". There are no two ways about it. We don't have to know all the reasons. What is a chok?............
All creatures were created from earth and dust, that's why we share DNA. Nothing evolutionary about that.
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