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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Moldova bars Israeli Jews from annual pilgrimage to Uman for Rosh Hashana

 The government of Moldova is taking steps to block Jewish pilgrims from visiting a popular religious site in Eastern Europe this fall, complicating plans for tens of thousands of Jews to pray there during the upcoming holiday season.

With the war between Russia and Ukraine still raging and air travel to Ukraine limited, Jewish pilgrims to Uman have relied on roads from the neighboring state of Moldova to access the tomb of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, the late 18th-early 19th century founder of the Breslov Hasidic movement.

A popular pilgrimage destination for Breslov Hasidim and other Jewish visitors during the High Holidays – and in particular Rosh Hashanah – Rebbe Nachman’s tomb in Uman is located some 75 miles (120 kilometers) from the Moldovan border.

Despite the war in Ukraine and the difficulties in reaching Uman, tens of thousands of visitors took part in last year’s Rosh Hashanah pilgrimage, with most of the pilgrims reaching Uman from Moldova.

In 2023, Moldova coordinated with Israel to facilitate the influx of Israeli tourists into the country, with Israel compensating the Moldovan government for the special security preparations necessary to handle the surge in tourists and the need to adhere to Israeli standards of security.

This year, however, Moldova has indicated it will not permit the mass entry of Israelis seeking to reach Uman, Yedioth Aharanoth reported Wednesday, claiming that Israel has yet to pay Moldova back for last year’s security arrangements.

A number of flights from Israel to Moldova ahead of the Rosh Hashanah holiday – which begins on October 2nd – have been canceled, and Moldova is reportedly planning on blocking access to the roads used to reach the Ukrainian border by Israeli pilgrims last year.

Daniel Voda, spokesman for Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean, said that without repayment for last year’s security provisions, his country would not facilitate the mass entry of Israelis this year.

Moldovan Chief Rabbi Pinchas Salzman said he was “surprised by the news,” claiming that an agreement was in place between Israel and Moldova.

“I am trying to schedule meetings to cancel this decree,” Rabbi Salzman said.

“The State of Israel gave the Moldovans a guarantee to pay the debt. Maybe someone thinks that Israel is weak because of the war and can be blackmailed, but they are wrong.”

IDF avenges the abduction of Noa Marciano,

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have avenged the abduction of Noa Marciano, successfully neutralizing her captor in a precision airstrike. Marciano, who was taken hostage during the October 7th massacre, and was murdered in Shifa Hospital, Gaza.

Among those eliminated were:

❌Abdallah Abu Reala of the Hamas Shati Battalion, responsible for holding Corporal Marciano. The operation, carried out by the Israeli Air Force, targeted several terrorists involved in the attack.

❌Ayman Khaled Ahmed Abu Allahyani, a Nukhba terrorist who participated in the assault on the Erez Humanitarian Crossing, was also killed in the strike.


Hamas commander to Sinwar: ‘We are broken, our people don’t tolerate us anymore’

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant revealed a document on Wednesday written by a now-deceased Hamas commander to Yahya Sinwar describing the “difficult situation” the military wing of the terror group was facing.

The former commander of Hamas’s Khan Younis Brigade, Rafa’a Salameh, who was killed with Mohammed Deif in an airstrike in July, wrote to Sinwar, “We have lost 90-95% of our rocket capabilities, and we have lost some 60% of our weapons.”

The letter continued, “We have lost at least 65-70% of our anti-tank launchers and rockets, and most importantly, we have lost at least 50% of our fighters between those who are martyred and wounded, and now we are left with 25%. ”

Salameh added, “The last 25% of our people have reached a situation where the people do not tolerate them anymore, and they are broken on a mental or physical level.”

Gallant pointed out that the letter emphasizes that even Hamas’s most senior commanders have reached a breaking point.

The Defense Minister commented on how Salameh “cries out” to the Sinwar brothers “but they, of course, cannot save him.”

“Why? Because we are continuing the effort that started in October and continues step by step… and reaches all senior Hamas officials,” said Gallants.

Salameh worked closely with Hamas leader Mohammed Deif, including the planning of the execution of the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and the 2005 suicide bombing at the Orkhan outpost.

There was initial doubt that the airstrike that killed Salameh in July also eliminated Deif, but the news of Deif’s death was later confirmed.

Yoav Gallant tweeted in August, “Muhammad Deif, the ‘Osama Bin Laden of Gaza,’ was eliminated on 13.07.24,” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant tweeted Thursday.

“This is a significant milestone in the process of dismantling Hamas as a military and governing authority in Gaza, and in the achievement of the goals of this war.”


Biden Appearing Confused Wears Trump 2024 Hat During Shanksville Visit


During a visit to a fire station in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden was seen putting on a red Trump 2024 hat. The event took place just one day after a presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Many of the attendees inside were reportedly wearing MAGA hats and other Trump gear.

Witnesses at the event claim that Biden appeared confused, with one attendee asking, “Do you even know what your name is?” Kamala Harris was reportedly present in the room when Biden put on the hat, adding to the unusual nature of the moment.

‘Pretty insane,’ comedian says of pro-Hamas frat ‘social experiment’

 Pretending to recruit for a pro-Hamas fraternity on a college campus taught two Jewish comedians how much future leaders can be sheep.

Zach Sage Fox, CEO and founder of a production company, and Yechiel Jacobs posed as recruiters for a fictitious pro-Hamas fraternity and sought members.

In a 90-second video titled “Rush Hamas” that they posted on social media, the two comedians don red visors, sunglasses and red tank tops that approximate the word “Hamas” in Greek Letters—eta, delta, mu, delta, sigma.

“It’s back-to-school season, and you know what that means,” they say. “Antisemitism.”

“We’re starting a new fraternity,” they say, gesturing to the text on their shirts. “Hamas.”

They ask one group, “Are you guys anti-Israel?” Several students say that they are. “We’re putting together a Hamas fraternity,” the two say. “This is a Hamas represent come together.”

Some students identify themselves as freshmen at New York University. The undercover comedians are told another student goes to Columbia University. “Dude, Columbia is like one of the biggest, like, Jew-hating schools out there,” the duo says.

“You down?” they ask a girl wearing headphones. “Yeah,” she says, as she appears to sign.

“Just a quick sig,” they tell others, using shorthand for “signature.”

“Throw me your sig right here,” they tell another.

“Don’t you need, like, our emails or something?” one student asks. “Yeah. Yeah. Emails and signatures,” the duo says.

The terms and conditions of the new “fraternity,” the duo says, include “taking a road trip to Jewish-owned businesses to protest.”

“We’re literally going to be, like, chanting outside of synagogues, like harassing Jews,” they tell another student. “Keffiyeh fashion show,” they say to another student. “It’s a lot of fun.”

They also appear to tell students, “Death to America!”

“We’re doing this anti-Zionist keg stand,” they tell a student in a head covering. They tell others, “Obviously chant to obliterate Israel.” To another, they say “boycotting Jewish businesses, protesting synagogues, all the good stuff.”

“What do you think, kick out all of those Jews?” they tell someone on a park bench. “Burning Israeli and American flags, you down for that?” they tell another. “I’m down for that,” he says.

“Some of the schools are starting to crack down on the encampment,” they tell a student. “We want a safe space for Jew-haters.”

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How One Woman’s Divorce Transformed the Jewish Divorce Conversation


Yeshiva Bochrim Prayed For Rain For the Texas Farmers.... And it Rained That Night!


Look at this Fancy Home in a Tunnel ..


Iran’s New Plan: Lost Gaza, So Take West Bank



The Palestinian Authority (PA) has condemned Israel for initiating a large-scale military operation in the northern West Bank, near Jordan, but it has purposely chosen to overlook the reason behind the Israeli security’s operation. Israel’s counterterrorism operation, called Summer Camps, targets numerous Iran-backed armed terrorist groups, including Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), that have been operating freely in PA-controlled territories in the past few years.

The main objective of Israel’s operation is to thwart Iran’s intention, with the help of the armed groups, to turn not only Gaza, but also the West Bank into another terror base to be used as part of the Islamists’ Jihad (holy war) to destroy Israel.

The PA should applaud Israel’s security forces for pursuing the terrorists, rather than criticizing them. These armed groups, which refer to themselves to as “battalions,” pose a direct threat not only to Israel, but the PA as well. The gunmen have created their own state within a state in the areas under PA administration, openly contesting the PA’s legitimacy and making a mockery of its security forces.

Most of the gunmen there belong to Hamas and PIJ, which are strongly opposed to the Palestinian Authority and its policies, especially the security coordination between the PA security forces and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The two groups do not recognize Israel’s right to exist and seek to replace it, through Jihad, with an Islamist state. One of the reasons the PA is reluctant to crack down on the “battalions” is because PA officials are aware that the terrorists enjoy widespread support among the Palestinian public.

The Israeli military operation in the northern West Bank could have been avoided, had the PA fulfilled its duty of combating terrorism by dismantling the armed groups.

Article XIV, “The Palestinian Police,” of the Oslo Accord signed between Israel and the PLO in 1993 states:

Harris survived the debate with a huge assist from the moderators but Trump scored crucial points


Donald Trump got to Kamala Harris’ core problem in his debate close, waving off all her promises about what she’d do in office: “Why hasn’t she done it already?”

Hard to think of a better riposte to her “We won’t go back” slogan — which aims to appeal to Americans’ desperate desire for change from the Biden policies she shares.

Harris had a pretty smooth night: She did her homework for once, including prepping lines guaranteed to get under Trump’s skin — some of which plainly did put him off-balance.

And of course she had backup from the moderators, ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis — who targeted far more tough questions at Trump than at Harris, and all of their “fact-checking.”

Worse: Whenever she started to babble in trying to defend her own record, they rescued her by changing the subject.

And by changing it again whenever Trump was truly on a roll.

Still: Whenever she talked about having “a plan,” it was more of what she and Joe Biden have pushed these last four years — even when it came to the border.

Offered multiple chances to say what she’d do differently than Joe, she dodged every time.

She even fell back on the same seeming strong support for Israel to defeat Hamas, with the same caveats that “how it does so matters” — a passive-aggression ratification of Hamas propaganda smearing the IDF’s incredible restraint, sacrificing hundreds of Israeli lives to minimize civilian casualties.

Answering a question about how she’d get a ceasefire, she went on a meandering review of the war before saying it had to end with a ceasefire that releases the hostages — without a hint of how to get one.

And of course she followed by demanding the same old “two-state solution” that Hamas and its allies don’t want, and is a clear impossibility for the foreseeable future.

Crucially, she also wouldn’t call for Ukraine’s victory in its defense against Vladimir Putin’s invasion, but only brag about how she’d met with Volodomyr Zelensky right before the war began, and isn’t it a wonderful alliance we have helping him now.

Trump at least was honest: He wants the war ended ASAP.

But he also made a powerful point that Putin didn’t do any invading on his watch, and later connected the dots — quite correctly — from the feckless Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the weakness it signaled, to Russia’s invasion.

Harris actually praised Biden’s Afghan bugout, then talked up the importance of “stability,” when Europe and the Middle East are aflame in this administration.

Trump was erratic — notably taking her bait when she claimed people walked out of his rallies and when she fictionalized his remarkable business success.

Yet he could also be fast on his feet, as when he countered her brag that 200 Republicans have endorsed her by noting that was mostly people he’d fired — and that Biden-Harris have fired no one, not even for the Afghan debacle nor the disastrous inflation.

He scored again on inflation when she insisted his tariffs would raise prices, by noting his presidency was inflation-free — and that Harris-Biden “never took the tariffs off.”

On the economy, the No. 1 issue for voters, all she really had to offer was her empty “Opportunity Economy” label; he pointed to his record of achievement.

With a huge assistance from the moderators, Harris got through the debate without repeating Biden’s June disaster.

We’re glad to see she’s now asked for another debate, and hope that encourages her to also finally do press conferences and long interviews.

Trump’s been edging up in the polls as voters say they don’t know enough about Harris: She needs to take more risks, and on less-friendly ground, or she’s still headed for defeat.

Footage of Hamas tunnel where hostages were murdered| Liberman: Stop all the aid to Gaza


Israeli political officials reacted on Tuesday evening to the publication of the difficult footage from the tunnel where six hostages were executed by Hamas terrorists.

Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman said, "The same killing pits that the Nazis used to murder Jews during the Holocaust are being repeated by the Nazi monsters of Hamas. All humanitarian aid to Gaza must be stopped today. No food, no water, no cigarettes, no fuel and no goods. Everyone who had a part, everyone who had a hand in the matter, must not die a natural death."

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir said in response that "Hamas kept our hostages under substandard conditions, and murdered them in cold blood. The response to this should be clear: the cessation of humanitarian aid and the fuel trucks that reach Hamas."

Opposition leader Yair Lapid responded, "The shocking images are a painful and chilling testimony to the unimaginable cruelty of Hamas, but they are also a red flag and a wake-up call to the Israeli government - if we don't do everything to reach a deal now, we are imposing a death sentence on the hostages who are still alive. We cannot afford any more videos like this."

Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett wrote, "A detestable Nazi enemy." The chairman of the United Torah Judaism Party, Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf, responded, "The shocking footage of the tunnel where the six were murdered is infuriating and outrageous. The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out to us from the ground. We will support any deal brought to the government."

"And one more word about hypocrisy: While we are having discussions on improving the living conditions of Nukhba terrorists and the visits of representatives of the Red Cross, in The Hague they are asking for an arrest warrant against the Prime Minister. We will not defeat a cruel enemy by groveling. The State of Israel must use an iron fist against the enemy," added Goldknopf.

The chairman of New Hope-The United Right, Gideon Sa'ar, said that "the gut-wrenching video from the murder tunnels of Hamas - is shocking. We are obliged to continue our efforts to return all the hostages and the campaign to defeat Hamas - which kidnapped them, held them in inhumane conditions and brutally murdered them. This campaign must be conducted on the basis of knowing the reality and not on the basis of wishful thinking. In Washington, I heard only yesterday from knowledgeable senior officials in the American administration (more than one): Hamas is not interested in a hostage deal. We are not close to such a deal. The thought that if Israel just makes one more concession or another and then the matter will be resolved - is simply not true. It's a grave mistake to tear the nation apart over something that doesn't exist!"

Harris and Trump debate | Harris: The war must end, Trump: She hates Israel


Former US President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris faced off in their first debate of the 2024 election on Tuesday.

The debate, which aired on ABC News, was moderated by “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir and “Prime” anchor Linsey Davis.

The two candidates shook hands as they walked onto the stage, with Harris moving to Trump's side of the stage to initiate the handshake.

Harris, asked whether Americans are better off financially than they were four years ago, highlighted her working-class roots and pointed to her plans to lift up everyday families through an "opportunity economy."

She mentioned policies to lower the cost of housing and support small businesses though she did not directly address the premise of the question.

Trump fired back and said, "She doesn’t have a plan. She got Biden’s plan, and it’s like four sentences."

Harris mocked Trump’s campaign rallies, saying, “I'm going to actually do something really unusual and I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies. He talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. He will talk about how windmills cause cancer. What you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom. The one thing you will not hear him talk about is you.”

Trump repeated claims  that new Haitian arrivals in US state Ohio were "eating the cats" of residents.

"In Springfield, they're eating the dogs -- the people that came in -- they're eating the cats, they're eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what's happening in our country," Trump said. 

Trump blasted Harris and President Joe Biden for saying that he is a threat to democracy.

"I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me. They talk about democracy. I'm a threat to democracy. They're the threat to democracy," Trump said, referring to the assassination attempt against him.

The former President said he was being sarcastic when he recently appeared to concede defeat in the 2020 election.

"Look, there's so much proof. All you have to do is look at it... I got almost 75 million votes, the most votes any sitting president has ever gotten. I was told if I got 63, which was what I got in 2016, you can't be beaten in the election," he said.

On the war in Gaza, Harris was asked how to break the stalemate on a hostage release deal and replied, “What we know is that this war must end. It must end immediately, and the way it will end is we need a ceasefire immediately and we need the hostages out. And so we will continue to work, around the clock, on that.”

She added that “we must chart a course for a two-state solution, and in that solution, there must be security for the Israeli people and Israel and, in equal measure, for the Palestinians.”

On the war in Gaza, Harris was asked how to break the stalemate on a hostage release deal and replied, “What we know is that this war must end. It must end immediately, and the way it will end is we need a ceasefire immediately and we need the hostages out. And so we will continue to work, around the clock, on that.”

“The one thing I will assure you always: I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself, in particular as it relates to Iran, and any threat that Iran and its proxies pose to Israel. But we must have a two-state solution.”

Trump was asked how he would negotiate with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas in order to get the hostages out and prevent the killing of more civilians in Gaza.

“If I were President, it would’ve never started. If I were President, Russia would’ve never ever have gone into Ukraine and killed millions of people. But when she mentions Israel…she hates Israel. She wouldn’t even meet with Netanyahu when he went to Congress to make a very important speech. She refused to be there because she went to a sorority party,” he replied.

“She hates Israel,” Trump continued. “If she’s President, I believe that Israel will not exist within two years from now, and I’ve been pretty good with predictions and I hope I’m wrong about that one.”

“The whole place is going to get blown up. Arabs, Jewish people, Israel, Jewish people…Israel will be gone. Iran was broke under Donald Trump. Now Iran has 300 billion dollars because they took off all the sanctions that I had. They had no money for terror. They were broke. Now they’re a rich nation and they’re spreading that money around. I will get that settled and fast, and I will get with the war with Ukraine and Russia ended."

Asked about Trump’s comment that she hates Israel, Harris said, “That is absolutely not true. I have my entire career and life supported Israel and the Israeli people. He knows that. He’s trying to, again, divide and distract from the reality, which is: It is very well known that Donald Trump is weak and wrong on national security and foreign policy. It is well known that he admires dictators.”

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Hysterical!!! Biden Tells Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva He, Too, Favors Banning Jewish Prayer on Har Habyis

by David Israel

 Rabbi Dov Lando, 94, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Slabodka yeshiva in Bnei Brak, was informed on Monday that President Joe Biden, 81, supports his view that Jews should not be allowed on the Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount, has been the holiest site for Jews since its construction by King Solomon in 957 BCE.

On August 27, the Haredi daily Yated Ne’eman,a Loshon Hara Paper, affiliated with Rabbi Lando who is considered the leader of the Lithuanian Haredim, ran a furious front-page ad in Arabic and Hebrew, restating the notorious lie that “all the rulers of Jewish law over the generations forbade severely the ascent of Jews to the Temple Mount (called by the Muslims the Al Aqsa Plaza), and that view has not changed and it continues to hold.”

The statement is very misleading, seeing that many Gedoilim  allowed Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount 

The Yated Ne’eman ad (Otzma Yehudit Scores Win in Battle with Enraged UTJ & Leftists over Temple Mount) was a virulent attack on National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who was channeling Rabbi Goren earlier that week when he told Army Radio he was looking into establishing a synagogue on the Temple Mount. Wouldn’t that be nice? Let there be a synagogue for Jews and a mosque for Muslims in the spirit of religious freedom.

Not in Slabodka, and, apparently, not in Washington DC, either. And so, on Monday, the United States ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew, paid a secret visit to the home of Rabbi Dov Lando in Bnei Brak. It was so secret, that Ynet reported it almost in real-time.

During the meeting, the ambassador delivered to Rabbi Lando a personal message from President Biden, thanking him for his efforts to calm the spirits and prevent security unrest throughout the Middle East through his furious objection to Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount.

The Yated Ne’eman ad said Ben Gvir was a “political pyromaniac” who wished to set the entire region on fire. And folks know the only ones allowed to set stuff on fire are Haredi youths objecting to the IDF draft.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken didn’t call Ben Gvir a pyromaniac, but did issue this statement on the harrowing week when the National Security Minister set the Middle East on fire:

“The United States strongly opposes Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir’s visit to the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount on August 13, which demonstrated blatant disregard for the historic status quo with respect to the holy sites in Jerusalem.  These provocative actions only exacerbate tensions at a pivotal moment when all focus should be on the ongoing diplomatic efforts to achieve a ceasefire agreement and secure the release of all hostages and create the conditions for broader regional stability.”

We checked, and it turns out the State dept. has a thing called the Office of International Religious Freedom, which “promotes universal respect for freedom of religion or belief for all as a core objective of US foreign policy. We monitor religiously motivated abuses, harassment, and discrimination worldwide, and recommend, develop, and implement policies and programs to address these concerns.”

Their website even features this video of Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivering remarks at a reception to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr at Blair House.

Neturei Karta terrorist Arrested After Attack On Monsey Service Station

33-year-old Benzion Rivlin, a member of Neturei Karta, was charged with criminal mischief as a hate crime and trespassing, after attacking the Monsey Service Station over its support for Israel, MONSEY SCOOP REPORTED.

Rivlin attempted to damage an American/Israeli flag at the service station early Tuesday morning using spray paint, but was caught by Ramapo police officers moments later. Sources tell Monsey Scoop that a Ramapo Police officer saw Rivlin in the act, and arrested him following a brief pursuit.

This is not the first such incident at Monsey Service Station, as the business has faced vandalism, flag theft, and protests since the owner’s daughter began displaying an Israeli flag earlier this year.

“Between the stealing of the flags and the spray-painting on the sidewalks… the chanting and protesting outside and the dead fish thrown in front of our building, I couldn’t even tell you how many times we’ve been going through this,” the business told News12.

While police cannot confirm if Rivlin is connected to previous incidents, he was arrested in March on a different hate crime-related charge. Rivlin is due in court on September 19 for the latest charges.

Hostages Fought Off Hamas Killers In Final Moments


Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, along with five other hostages, reportedly fought to defend themselves in the moments before they were executed by Hamas terrorists in a Gaza tunnel, according to new details from the IDF investigation.

The families of the six hostages were briefed over the weekend by IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari, who shared that several of the victims tried to resist their attackers before being shot. The bodies of Goldberg-Polin, 23, and the other hostages—Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lobanov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 27—were discovered on August 31 in a tunnel beneath Rafah in southern Gaza. Evidence suggested that Goldberg-Polin, Danino, Lobanov, and Sarusi defended Yerushalmi and Gat before they were killed.

The tunnel conditions were described as dire, with no air vents, toilets, or showers, and too low for the hostages to stand. Items including protein bars, a flashlight, and a chess set were found at the scene, along with notepads that have been given to the families.

Autopsies revealed that all six hostages were killed by short-range gunshots, likely the day before their bodies were discovered during an IDF raid. Hamas has since taunted the families by releasing pre-recorded videos of the hostages, including a message from Goldberg-Polin where he told his family, “I love you, I miss you… keep on fighting.”

In a somber security cabinet meeting on Sunday, the IDF presented harrowing footage from the tunnel. The video, recorded by IDF forces, revealed the inhumane conditions in which the hostages were held.

Cabinet members were reportedly shocked and horrified by the footage, describing it as “extremely tough to watch.” The IDF plans to show the video to the victims’ families before deciding whether to release it to the public.

At a Knesset committee meeting on Monday, Esther Buchshtab, whose son Yagev was also murdered in captivity by Hamas, confirmed that her son was executed. She criticized government policy, saying that military pressure leads to the killing of hostages, rather than their rescue.

Mossad chief Dedi Barnea briefed the cabinet on ongoing negotiations for a deal, indicating that talks are still underway, with an American mediation proposal expected, but not guaranteed.

Candace "Ovens" Suspended and Demonetized by YouTube Over Antisemitic Remarks


Candace Ovens has been suspended from YouTube for one week following a series of inflammatory and antisemitic comments targeting the Jewish community. Ovens, who has a history of controversial remarks, faced the platform’s decision after a video featuring an interview with rapper Kanye West, widely criticized for its antisemitic content, was removed from YouTube.

Along with the suspension, Ovens’ channel has been fully demonetized, meaning she will no longer be able to profit from her content on the platform. This action follows growing concern over her incendiary rhetoric, which has sparked outrage from many viewers and advocacy groups.

One of the most shocking elements of Ovens’ recent behavior includes her defense of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, infamous for his cruel medical experiments on Jewish children during the Holocaust. Ovens reportedly dismissed the documented atrocities committed by Mengele, claiming that his actions were exaggerated and part of “bizarre propaganda.” Such remarks have intensified backlash against her, with many accusing Ovens of promoting Holocaust denial and antisemitism.

This is not the first time Ovens has faced criticism for her controversial views. She has often positioned herself as a provocateur, but her latest comments appear to have crossed a line for many. Advocacy organizations, including those focused on combating hate speech, have lauded YouTube’s decision to suspend and demonetize her channel.

The suspension is seen as part of a broader effort by major social media platforms to address harmful content, particularly that which spreads hate or disinformation. Many have called for stricter measures to be implemented against individuals who use their platforms to incite division and spread harmful ideologies.

This suspension may signal a turning point for Ovens, whose rhetoric is increasingly being rejected by both viewers and platforms alike. However, it remains to be seen whether this will curb her presence on social media, where she continues to hold a substantial following.

Monday, September 9, 2024

The USA is Being Run By a Movement Not By a President!

 Joe Biden has gone from a vacation at a billionaire’s estate in California to a postponed appearance at the DNC convention in Chicago, and then once more to a vacation in Delaware.

The man who formally serves as president of the country barely has anything resembling a public schedule. And his private one appears to be equally empty. Biden is satisfied with occasionally showing up at a few events a week, mumbling something and then moving on.

Meanwhile his VP is on the campaign trail and appears equally out of reach, only now finally agreeing to a single CNN interview with Gov. Tim Walz, her running mate, there to back her up. If Kamala Harris can’t handle a press conference, can she handle running a country?

And if neither POTUS nor the VP are running the country, who or what actually is in charge?