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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Israeli Police Were Not at Strike and Manage to Arrest Lady Smuggling Arabs Into the Country


Attempt to Smuggle Illegal workers in a Wedding Car 

A woman in her 40s from northern Israel was arrested while transporting six illegal immigrants under the influence of drugs.

Iran And Hezbollah Have Held Off Major Attacks On Israel After Seeing What The IDF Did In Iran


Top sources have revealed to The Jerusalem Post that the IDF’s strike on Iran’s S-300 antiaircraft missile system on April 19 has significantly deterred the Islamic Republic and Hezbollah from retaliating against Israel in the wake of the assassinations of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr.

The strike, which was in response to Tehran’s launch of over 300 aerial threats against Israel on April 13-14, has had a profound impact on Iran’s willingness to engage in further military action, the sources said, noting that Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, views the strike on the S-300 as a significant loss and can’t figure out how Israel achieved it. The proximity of the system to Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility and a key military airport has also made Khamenei aware of Israel’s capabilities and its ability to destroy the military site if it wanted to.

So far, Iran has not responded at all militarily to the assassination of Haniyeh, which occurred in Tehran as he visited the country to attend the swearing-in of President Masoud Pezeshkian.

Hezbollah, on the other hand, has chosen a more limited option to retaliate against Israel, launching several hundred rockets at IDF bases rather than unleashing a full-scale war. Sources attributed this change in plan to fears of Israel’s military capabilities, as demonstrated in April.

Chief Rabbi Slams British Government Over Arms Embargo ... Rabbi Doesn't realize that British Always Hated Jews!


Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis slammed the British government’s decision to suspend some of its arms sales to Israel.

The Chief Rabbi posted on X: “It beggars belief that the British government, a close strategic ally of Israel, has announced a partial suspension of arms licenses, at a time when Israel is fighting a war for its very survival on seven fronts forced upon it on the 7th October, and at the very moment when six hostages murdered in cold blood by cruel terrorists were being buried by their families.”

“As Israel faces down the threat of Iran and its proxies, not just to its own people, but to all of us in the democratic west; this announcement feeds the falsehood that Israel is in breach of International Humanitarian Law, when in fact it is going to extraordinary lengths to uphold it. Sadly, this announcement will serve to encourage our shared enemies. It will not help to secure the release of the remaining 101 hostages, nor contribute to the peaceful future we wish and pray for, for all people in the region and beyond,” he added.

“Britain and Israel have so much to gain by standing together against our common enemies for the sake of a safer world. Surely that must be the way forward,” said Rabbi Mirvis.

British Foreign Secretary David Lammy announced that the UK would be suspending some of its arms sales to Israel.

About 30 out of 150 licenses will be affected. “Facing a conflict such as this, it is this government’s legal duty to review Britain’s export licenses,” Lammy said. “This is not a blanket ban, this is not an arms embargo.”

In response, multiple Jewish groups and leaders in the UK have expressed their dismay at the decision by the British government. The Board of Deputies President Phil Rosenberg said that the organization “relayed our deep concern to the Government at the highest levels, about the decision, and its timing today, to institute a partial arms sales suspension against Israel.”

He said that, “The move, made on the day of the funerals of Israeli hostages murdered in cold blood by Hamas, risks sending a dangerous message to Hamas and other adversaries of the UK that they can commit appalling atrocities – condemned by the UK government – and yet still see Israel castigated.”

He added that he hoped “that ongoing engagement between Israel and the UK will see this decision reviewed at the earliest opportunity, and we will continue discussions with both governments to this effect.”

Netanyahu Holding Strong Against New Pressure ‘No One Will Preach to Me'


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday pushed back against a new wave of pressure to reach a cease-fire deal in Gaza after hundreds of thousands of Israelis protested and went on strike and U.S. President Joe Biden said he needed to do more after nearly 11 months of fighting.

In his first public address since Sunday’s mass protests showed many Israelis’ furious response to the discovery of six more dead hostages, Netanyahu said he will continue to insist on a demand that has emerged as a major sticking point in talks — continued Israeli control of the Philadelphi corridor, a narrow band along Gaza’s border with Egypt where Israel contends Hamas smuggles weapons into Gaza. Egypt and Hamas deny it.

Netanyahu called the corridor vital to ensuring Hamas cannot rearm via tunnels. “This is the oxygen of Hamas,” he said.

And he added: “No one is more committed to freeing the hostages than me. … No one will preach to me on this issue.’

Monday, September 2, 2024

CNN, NBC Face Backlash for ‘Vile’ Headlines Reporting Murder of Hamas’s Hostages — Journalism ‘Has Died

Mainstream media outlets, including CNN, NBC, and USA Today, are facing intense backlash for what have been called misleading and “vile” headlines about the brutal murder of six hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, Breitbart reports.

On Sunday, IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari announced the hostages had been cruelly murdered by Hamas as Israeli soldiers closed in on their location, possibly based on intelligence provided by a hostage rescued last week.

The six hostages, whose bodies were found Motzoei Shabbos in a tunnel underneath Gaza — including American Israeli Hersh Goldberg-Polin — were discovered in Rafah, the same city that Vice President Kamala Harris had told Israel not to enter.

But mainstream media outlets, including CNNNBC, and USA Today, covering the recovery of the bodies, sparked outrage by initially reporting that one of the victims had “died” rather than had been “murdered.”

The cause of the hostages’ death was not clear for about 90 minutes after Hersh Goldberg-Polin was first revealed to be among the victims, which is why some outlets may have been reluctant to use the word “murder.” Mainstream media headlines currently reflect reports by Israeli authorities that the hostages were murdered. However, screen grabs of the initial headlines continued to spark outrage after reports emerged on Sunday that Hamas terrorists had shot each of the six hostages in the head before Israeli soldiers could rescue them.

Yerushalyim Pauses to Accompany Hersch Family on their Son's Final Fairwell!

Demented Biden Steps out of Basement Just to Backstab Israel


Labour Court Orders Leftists To stop Strike ASAP!

 The Labor Court on Monday afternoon ordered the Histadrut labor union to stop its general strike before 2:30 p.m., even though the union asked to continue striking until 6:00 p.m.

That said, the judges refrained from issuing injunctions against strikers.

The judges ruled that the strike was politically motivated. "It is clear that we are dealing with a political strike. In the strike declaration, we did not find any economic claim. The Histadrut's arguments before us regarding an economic aspect were not compelling since they did not explain the connection between the killing of hostages by evil men and the financial aspect of the economy."

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David conceded: "We live in a state of laws, and we respect the court's decision, therefore, I instruct everyone to return to work at 2:30. It is important to note that the solidarity strike was an important move and I stand behind it."

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich commented on the ruling: "The court accepted our stance and ruled that the Histadrut's strike is political and illegal. The workers of Israel who showed up at work en-masse today proved that the days of the union's political servitude are over. You can not harm the Israeli economy and serve Sinwar and Hamas' interests."

Hamas Indoctrinates Israel’s Crazed Leftists


Hamas has warned that the rest of the Israeli hostages in its possession holding could end up sharing the same fate as pilot Ron Arad who went missing in 1986.

“Netanyahu is encouraging the emergence of dozens of new Ron Arads,” Hamas said on its Telegram channel.

The message reveals just how deeply massacre mastermind Yahya Sinwar understands public dynamics inside Israel, and how many useful idiots are ready to do his bidding. To a small enclave of very active and very heavily sponsored Israeli anarchists, the country’s enemy number one is not Hamas, it is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

On October 16, 1986, IAF navigator Ron Arad Arad and pilot Yishai Aviram were on a mission to attack PLO targets in Southern Lebanon. A bomb dropped by their F-4 Phantom II exploded prematurely, causing damage to the aircraft and forcing both crewmen to eject. Aviram was located by an Israeli Cobra chopper, and he escaped by clinging to one of its landing skids as it flew away under heavy enemy fire. Arad was captured by the Lebanese Islamist militia Amal and was taken to Beirut. In 1987, three letters in Arad’s handwriting and two photos of a bearded Arad were received, proving he was alive. The Israeli government negotiated for his release, but talks failed in 1988, and since then there has been no credible information about Arad’s whereabouts.

There were rumors that Arad was shipped to Iran, where he died in the Mullahs’ captivity.

Ron Arad was used before, by the movement that urged PM Netanyahu to surrender to Hamas and release more than 1,000 terrorists, many with Jewish blood on their hands, in exchange for Gilad Shalit. The campaign succeeded, and among the terrorists who were released was Yahya Sinwar. 

This is essentially what Sinwar is threatening to do: not just murder the hostages in cold blood, as he has done over the weekend, but to make them disappear so their families won’t even be able to bury their bodies.

This is just the next slogan the anarchists needed, and they will start echoing it around the clock.

Hamas’s manipulative line is that the six hostages whose bodies were found by the Israeli military in a tunnel near Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip “were to be released during the first stage of the deal of their exchange for prisoners,” but the Israeli PM “opted in favor of the control over the Philadelphi Corridor instead of releasing his hostages.”

Hamas claims that the six hostages were killed by IDF bombardments, but Israel’s health ministry’s forensic examination indicated that the six had been shot dead from point-blank range two or three days earlier, on August 29 or 30.

Yair Golan, former IDF Deputy Chief of Staff, Chairman of the Labor Party, and founder of the new Democrats party (with Meretz), responded to the attempted general strike declared by the Histadrut labor union, tweeting: “Striking the economy is called for, progress in the right direction is extremely important. As long as there is no deal – the strike should continue.”

In other words, to follow Golan’s logic, Yahya Sinwar now has control over Israel’s economy: as long as Netanyahu refuses to surrender to his terms, Hamas is keeping the economy down.

I hesitate to call Yair Golan a useful idiot for fear of insulting all the other useful idiots out there.

by David Israel JP 

“We’re A Step Away From Oct. 7th In Yehudah & Shomron"


Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich, a member of Israel’s political-security cabinet, visited the site of the terror attack on Sunday morning near Chevron in which three police officers were murdered by terrorists, including one whose daughter was murdered battling Hamas terrorists in Sderot on October 7.

Smotrich said at the site of the attack:

 “Here, where three police officers were murdered in cold blood, I appeal to the Prime Minister, members of the government and security officials: We’re a step away from an October 7th in Yehudah and Shomron, chalilah. We have an opportunity to do this time what we didn’t do in Gaza on the night between October 6th and 7th. We are receiving much more than indicative signs.”

“The IDF must wage an all-out war in Yehudah and Shomron, not only in northern Shomron – here in Chevron, Yehudah, Gush Etzion and everywhere. Restore the checkpoints, break free of the ‘conceptizia,’ and eradicate terror.

“The terror in Gaza, Lebanon and Yehudah and Shomron is one, part of the same Iranian chokehold that seeks to destroy the State of Israel. We will launch settlements in Yehudah and Shomron, cut off the hope that drives Arab terrorism, establish sovereignty in Yehudah and Shomron, and yes, we will eliminate terrorism on all fronts.

“After three decades of the ‘there is no military solution to terrorism’ campaign, we are proving in Gaza that there is a military solution to terrorism. We must prove it here in Yehudah and Shomron and in Lebanon against Hezbollah,” Smotrich concluded.

Three Boys Bar-Mitzva Together Killed In the Same Year For Being Jews!

In the photo above, three classmates from Himmelfarb High School in Jerusalem—Aner Shapira, Ben Zussman, and Hersh Goldberg-Polin, stand as symbols of extraordinary heroism.

Aner is a hero of Israel who, on October 7th, defended a protective shelter near Re’im from eight grenades to protect the lives of 30 young people hiding there, until the ninth grenade took his life.

Ben is a hero of Israel who volunteered to fight without being called up for reserve duty. He fought bravely in Gaza as a combat engineer and fell on December 3rd. In his will, he wrote: "I always said that if I had to die, I hope it will be in defense of others and the country."

Hersh is a hero of Israel who was kidnapped on October 7th, gravely injured after losing his hand, and survived over 300 days in Hamas captivity, enduring endless torture, before being executed in a tunnel along with five other hostages.

Their stories are a testament to Israeli heroism and the profound pain that has endured since October 7th.


Leftist Anarchists Trying to Paralyze Israel! Police dispersing them using stun grenades and Water Cannons!


Chazzan Naftali Hershtik Passes Away at 77

We are saddened to share that world famous Cantor Naftali Hershtik has passed away at the age of 77, Baruch Dayan Haemet.
Naftali, as he was known by his many students, was a beloved mentor and teacher of cantorial music to thousands and one of the greatest cantor's of our generation.
He will be sorely missed by his family, students and lovers of Chazanut worldwide.
Yehi Zichro Baruch!


Sen Tom Cotton "Biden/Harris Should be Held Resposible for the murder of the Hostages in Rafa"


Harris Scrambling Like a Poisoned Mouse to Change Debate Rules After CNN Interview Stumbles


Kamala Harris appears to be reconsidering her participation in the upcoming September 10 debate, following a widely criticized interview on CNN. The recent backlash over her interview has prompted scrutiny of her debate strategy, particularly her concerns over the debate format.

Harris has raised specific objections to the debate rules, insisting that microphones remain unmuted throughout the event. This demand, however, was met with resistance from ABC News, which has chosen to uphold the same rules that governed the CNN debate.

In a statement released this morning, Harris, gaslighting, renewed her call for transparency in the debate process. “Donald Trump is surrendering to his advisors who won’t allow him to debate with a live microphone. If his own team doesn’t have confidence in him, the American people definitely can’t,” she said. “We are running for President of the United States. Let’s debate in a transparent way, with the microphones on the whole time.”

There are also reports circulating that Harris requested to be seated during the debate and to have access to a “cheat sheet!"

Last Laugh Laughs Best! Israeli Shipping Giant Sees Huge Surge in Profits…Due to Houthi Attacks


 A massive Israeli shipping company has seen a surprising benefit as a result of the Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea. ZIM Integrated Shipping Services has seen a surge in profits, the timing of which has coincided with the Houthi attacks.

As reported by the Algemeiner, ZIM Integrated Shipping Services, achieved a 48% year-over-year revenue increase in the second quarter of this year. Its net income increased to $373 million and its carry volume has risen 11%.

This has all taken place after the October 7 Hamas terror massacre.

ZIM’s increased revenue and profit appeared to have come because of the Houthi attacks, not despite them.

The reason is that they are taking alternative, longer routes, to avoid the Red Sea. The alternative routes require additional fuel, and the added costs are passed onto consumers, resulting in greater revenue.

According to the Algemeiner, the costs passed onto consumers are usually greater than the additional costs being paid by the company. As a result, they are earning extra profit as well.

In addition to ZIM, Middle East Eye reported that “shares of Maersk, the Danish shipping giant operating more than 700 vessels, are up about 20 percent in the last month, while German company Hapag-Lloy — the world’s fifth-largest container shipping group — is up 17 percent.”

Some say that these higher prices to consumers may be justified because shipping has become increasingly risky.

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi terror group began disrupting global trade by attacking shipping in the Red Sea corridor following the October 7 attacks.

The Houthis have threatened to target all ships heading to Israeli ports, even if they do not pass through the Red Sea, and took responsibility for attempted drone and missile attacks targeting Israel. Houthi terrorist have launched ballistic missiles toward Eilat, and several weeks ago, they hit the center of Tel Aviv with a long-range Iranian drone.

Looks Like Republicans Will Take Both the Senate and the House!

The presidential race may be tough, but the fight for control of Congress may be tougher for Democrats. The latest forecast from The Hill/DDHQ says that Republicans have a 70% of taking control of the Senate and a 56% chance of retaining control of the House.

“Democrats have their backs against the wall. They don’t have much room to lose,” said Washington lobbyist and consultant Christopher Neiweem.

“I think they’re going to get it by two seats, even a third,” he told NewsNation. “This is strong math favoring Republicans. Senate Democrats are going to have a challenge here.”

Trump suggests he could support Florida marijuana law

Neiweem said the Senate seat that’s dead certain to switch is West Virginia, where Democrat-turned-Independent Joe Manchin is retiring.

“West Virginia is a total takeaway for the governor there stepping in to replace Senator Manchin,” he said. Republican Gov. Jim Justice has a formidable lead in every poll, and The Hill/DDHQ predicts he has a 99% chance of winning.

The other seat most likely to switch from Democrat to Republican is Montana. Despite his longtime popularity, Democrat incumbent Jon Tester is trailing Republican Tim Sheehy, a retired Navy Seal turned aerospace CEO. The Hill/DDHQ predicts that Sheehy has a 73% chance of winning.

Americans list inflation, homelessness as ‘very serious’ problems

Neiweem says there are several factors still at play, including voter turnout – which will be greatly influenced by the presidential race.

He also says three races that had been considered toss-ups – Nevada, Ohio and Arizona – are now tilting toward the Democrats. But he predicts that the Republican incumbents in Texas and Florida, Ted Cruz and Rick Scott, will win their races.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Greedy Frum Investors Buying Up Homes in New Frum Monsey Neighborhoods and Renting them to The Lowest Elements of Society

The poster above warns those disgusting money-hungry investors that they will out them, publicizing their names and where they live!

They buy homes in areas such as New Hempstead, Hillcrest, New City, areas where newlyweds and first-time buyers are buying homes for reasonable prices;  these areas are on the parameters of Monsey and not yet fully Frum, hence the cost of homes are still affordable! 

These greedy investors are all Shoimrei Torah Umitzvois and shukkel by davening! Their children all attend yeshivois and eat from the strictest hashgachas! They have no plans to move into these newly created frum neighborhoods!

To give you a real example that happened  three years to 6 years ago: Skver didn't want frum people moving anywhere near New Skver, because they didn't want Skverer Chassidim buying homes across from New Skver, living their lives as they saw fit, but walking over on Shabbos to visit their relatives. So they made their own Eirav and refused to join the rest of the Monsey community, not because they had their own chumrois.....naaaaa! They didn't want their chassidim moving nearby; they wanted them in New Skver proper.

But what happened?

Frum people not Skverer started buying homes down the road and immediately across the road for a lot cheaper than prices in Monsey! 

Skver panicked! So they put out a ban in Monsey magazines stating that they want a mile radius of New Skver to be "Yudenrein! " We reported on that on this blog!

People mocked the "Yudenrein" fatwa and moved there anyway. 

So what did the New Skver gangsters do? 

They began buying available homes in the "Yudenrein" area and deliberately rented these homes out to vagrants and the lowest of the lowest of humanity. On Shabbos afternoon, when the kids were playing outside, these creatures would come out in their bikinis and play music loud , disturbing the entire neighborhood. The Skverer Rebbe was approached by askanim but he brushed them off saying that he is not responsible for those who try to make a living! 

So now, history repeating itself, and as young frum people who cannot afford to live in Monsey proper, are buying on perimeters, these frum roaches, Greedburgers, are coming out of their own Chassidic holes and quickly buying up available homes not to live in them but to rent them out to the lowest forms of humanity, stocking each home with multiple families, making it unbearable to those frum families that are trying to build their families and lives! 

The above poster is signed by respectable shuls and points out all the Torah prohibitions that they are violating especially "Vehavta Le'riacha Ka'moicha"

I am willing to out these investors as soon as I'm giving their names! Absolutely! 

Sinwar’s Israeli accomplices


Caroline Glick

Caroline Glick

On Oct. 7, Hamas terrorists snatched Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Carmel Gat, 39, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Almog Sarusi, 26, Alex Lobanov, 32, and Ori Danino, 25 from the Supernova Music Festival and their homes along the border with Gaza along with 250 other innocents and held them as hostages.

As we know from hostages rescued alive since, Hamas tortures the Israeli captives as a matter of course. They are raped. They are beaten. They are starved. And they are humiliated and psychologically tortured day in and day out.

And many of them have also been executed.

Hamas executed Hersh, Carmel, Eden, Almog, Alex and Ori, apparently quite recently. And the IDF brought their bodies home on Saturday night.

Rather than respond to the heartbreaking news with condemnations of Hamas and demands that Israel fight to victory; rather than call for Israel to execute an equal or larger number of Hamas terrorists who participated in the Oct. 7 atrocities who are currently in Israeli jails, Israel’s opposition leaders in the Knesset have joined the anarchist groups in blaming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for Hamas’s murder of the six.

As one, Benny Gantz, Yair Lapid, Yair Golan and their underlings have joined the leftist groups that have been using mass riots, political violence and general mayhem since 2019 in an effort to oust Netanyahu from power, and have called on Israelis to take to the streets in response to the executions and bring down the government through violence.

R' Zalman Leib Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg Chased and Mocked by Chassidim of R' Aaron Satmar Monroe While Visting Grave of R' Yoilish!


דרמה של ממש התחוללה בבית העלמין הוותיק ב'קרית יואל' במונרו לאחר שהאדמו"ר מהרי"י מסאטמר שהופיע לתפילה באוהל דודו האדמו"ר בעל ה'דברי יואל' מסאטמר, גורש בחרפה ובוז ע"י 

חסידי אחיו האדמו"ר מהר"א מסאטמר ששהו במקום לאלפיהם

So my friends we are still in Chodesh Av, and in Satmar Chodesh Av is a time to harass, shame, and mock members of their very own community! 

The founder of the Satmar Chassidim, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l passed away on Av, and he left no living children. His nephew, R' Moshe Teitelbaum z"l took over and when he passed away leaving his "rebbisteve" to his younger son, R' Zalman, all hell broke loose, and R' Aron who naturally thought that he would the designated one declared war on his younger brother and set up his own dynasty in Monroe! Not to be out done, R' Zalman Leib set up shuls and Moisdois in Monroe as well. R' Aron did the same in Williamsburg! 

The problem is that R' Yoel is buried in Monroe, where the "Aroinis" are dominant! When the big Yurzeit comes up in Av, R' Zalman Leib naturally wants to visit his uncle's grave, but whenever he comes, the Aronis yell, scream, and hurl insults on R' Zalma Leib! 
We have reported this over the years.
But this year is different since the entire Jewish world is in turmoil, Jews are being attacked all over the world simply for being Jewish. So you would think that this would temper the family feud in Satmar! But no! This year it was out of control, and the Charedie press in Israel disgusted with Satmar behavior in this time of war reported it extensively! 

דרמה של ממש התחוללה בבית העלמין הותיק ב'קרית יואל' במונרו לאחר שהאדמו"ר מהרי"י מסאטמר הופיע במקום לתפילה באוהל דודו האדמו"ר בעל ה'דברי יואל' מסאטמר, אשר היום חל הילולא דיליה, גורש בחרפה ובוז ע"י חסידי אחיו האדמו"ר מהר"א מסאטמר ששהו במקום לאלפיהם.

כאמור, אמש (חמישי) ערכו האחים האדמו"רים מסאטמר סעודות הילולא המוניות לרגל הילולת דודם האדמו"ר רבי יואליש מסאטמר, מחולל ומייסד החסידות אחר השואה האיומה, ואת דרכו נגד הציונות וכו'.

במהלך עריכת סעודות ההילולא בקרית יואל במונרו, הכריזו בדבריהם על חובת הקהל להשתתף בעצרת המונית שתיערך בעוד שבועיים בארה"ב ביום ראשון פרשת נצבים-וילך נגד גזירת הגיוס בארה"ק. בעצרת צפויים להשתתף כל אדמו"רי, רבני, וראשי הישיבות של ארה"ב שיגיעו למחות ולזעוק. 

כעבור שעה קלה מעריכת השולחן, פנה האדמו"ר מהרי"י מסאטמר לפקוד את ציון דודו האדמו"ר בעל ה'דברי יואל' זצ"ל הטמון במקום, אולם כשהגיע למקום החלו חסידי אחיו, האדמו"ר מהר"א מסאטמר, למחות ולזעוק, תוך זריקות אבנים ועוד דברים על פמליית האדמו"ר.

יצוין שבשנים עברו נהגו כך בכל עת הגעתו, אולם עם השנים זה הלך ודעך אך אמש זה שוב חזר.

האדמו"ר מסאטמר ראה את כל הנעשה, ומיד סובב פניו ופנה לצאת מבית העלמין לאחר שלא הצליח להגיע לאוהל הק', והורה לחסידיו שלא לענות דבר, ולא להחזיר לחסידי האח שום דבר על מעשיהם.

בשעות אלו חוזר האדמו"ר למעונו, וכפי הנראה יפקוד את הציון הק' ביום ראשון.

כעבור שעה קלה מצאת האדמו"ר מבית העלמין, הוזעקו כוחות רבים של משטרה ואלו סגרו את המקום למבקרים, והוציאו כל איש מתוככי בית העלמין.

‎A real drama unfolded in the cemetery in Kiryat Yoel in Monroe after the Rebbe of Satmar appeared there for prayer of the Ohel of his uncle, the Rebbe with the Divrei Yoel of Satmar, whose yurzeit was  celebrated today, and was expelled in disgrace and contempt by the followers of his brother the Reb Aron of Satmar, who were there in the  thousands. ‎

‎As mentioned, last night (Thursday), the Satmar Rebbe brothers held mass rival dinners in honor of their uncle, the Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Yoelish of Satmar, the originator and founder of Hasidism after the terrible Holocaust, and his derech against Zionism, etc. ‎

‎During the celebration of the of the Yurzeit dinners in Kiryat Joel in Monroe, they announced the obligation of the audience to participate in a mass rally that will be held in two weeks in the United States on Sunday Parshas Netzvim-Vaylach, against the draft decree in the Holy Land. The rally is expected to be attended by all the Rebbe, rabbis, and heads of yeshivas of the United States who will come to protest and shout. ‎

‎A short time after the table was set, the Rebbe of Satmar, Reb Zalma Leib  turned to visit the grave of his uncle,  the Divrei Yoel, zt"l, who was buried there, but when he arrived, the followers of his brother, the Rebbe Aron of Satmar, began to protest and shout, while throwing stones and other things at the Rebbe's entourage

‎It should be noted that in past years this was done whenever he arrived, but over the years it faded but last night it returned again in full force . ‎

‎The Satmar Rebbe, Reb Zalm Leib saw everything that was happening, and immediately turned his face and turned to leave the cemetery after failing to reach the Ohel, and instructed his Hasidim not to answer anything, and not to return anything to the brother's followers for their actions. ‎

‎A short time later, after the Rebbe left cemetery, many police forces were called, who closed the place to visitors and removed every person from inside the cemetery.