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Sunday, August 4, 2024

'Hamas truck' in Williamsburg doesn't care that Satmar is AntiZionist and menaces them

Satmar "shventz" think that Goyim care that Satmar hate their fellow brothers and sisters in Israel! To Hamas a Satmar Chusid is the same as a Zionist girl in a halter! They hate them both! 

An antisemitic 'Hamas truck' has been menacing Jewish residents of Williamsburg, Brooklyn recently, the New York Post reported.

The black Ford F-150 pickup truck has blood-red paint applied to it, including images of bloody handprints that appear to reference the infamous photograph of a man raising his bloody hands in the air in triumph following the brutal lynching of two IDF reservists in Ramallah in 2000.

The truck flies Palestinian flags, has a picture of former Palestinian Authority chairman and PLO leader Yasser Arafat on its front hood, and is covered in fake bullet holes. It is often seen parked near the local Chabad center, and has been known to blast Arabic-language music from speakers on the outside of the vehicle.

Jewish residents of Williamsburg said that the truck made them fearful to be Jewish in Brooklyn, with one calling it an "intimidation tactic" aimed at Jewish people.

One user on X called the truck "a modern day incarnation of the 1977 "Nazi" march in Skokie, IL." Another user questioned why police did nothing after examining the vehicle.

The vehicle does not have a valid license plate or registration, instead featuring a fake license plate that reads 'oh Gaza.' Its windows are also tinted to a degree that is likely illegal in Brooklyn.

The owner of the truck was identified as Jose Littef, 21. Littef has yet to face legal consequences for his vehicle's lack of a license plate and registration or for illegal parking and other illegal actions made while driving.

As A Student, Josh Shapiro Wrote ‘Peace Not Possible’ With Palestinians. Now Palestinians are Murdering Jews left and right He Disavows This View


Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who is widely touted as a potential Democratic vice presidential nominee in the 2024 election, wrote as a college student that he believed peace between Israel and Arabs was “virtually impossible” and “will never come,” The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on Friday.

Writing in the University of Rochester’s Campus Times newspaper shortly after the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, Shapiro, then 20, wrote that he was skeptical of the peace plan in an op-ed titled “Peace not possible.”

“Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” he wrote. “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States.”

“They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a homeland of their own,” he added. “The Palestinians will not be satisfied with only Gaza and Jericho, they will demand more, such as Jerusalem, the demands will turn violent and Israel will be in a similar position of having to swap land for ‘peace.’”

Manuel Bonder, a spokesman for Shapiro, told the Inquirer that Shapiro’s views on Israel-Palestine have since changed and that he supports a two-state solution.

“Governor Shapiro has built close, meaningful, informative relationships with many Muslim-American, Arab-American, Palestinian Christian and Jewish community leaders all across Pennsylvania,” Bonder told the paper.

“The governor greatly values their perspectives and the experiences he has learned from over the years—and as a result, as with many issues, his views on the Middle East have evolved into the position he holds today,” the spokesman said.

Shapiro further distanced himself from the op-ed at a press conference on Friday.

“I was 20,” Shapiro told reporters. “I have said for years, years before Oct. 7, that I favor a two-state solution—Israelis and Palestinians living peacefully side-by-side, being able to determine their own futures and their own destiny.”

Shapiro concluded the college op-ed by noting that he is “a Jew and a past volunteer in the Israeli army.” His short biography at the end of the op-ed notes that he “spent five months studying in Israel and volunteered in the Israeli army.”

In response to a request for clarification about the extent and nature of his service in Israel, Bonder told JNS that Shapiro volunteered in Israel while he was a student at Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy in the Philadelphia suburbs.

“While he was in high school, Josh Shapiro was required to do a service project, which he and several classmates completed through a program that took them to a kibbutz in Israel where he worked on a farm and at a fishery,” Bonder told JNS. “The program also included volunteering on service projects on an Israeli army base.”

“At no time was he engaged in any military activities,” Bonder added.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Iran Plans to Attack Israel on Tisha B’Av


Iran is allegedly planning to carry out its Big Attack against Israel on Tisha B’Av, a day of on which multiple, historic tragedies befell the Jewish People, according to Western intelligence sources who spoke this weekend with Sky News Arabia.

But because this plan has been announced in mainstream media, it may in fact be an attempt at disinformation, so take the rest of this article with a grain of the best sea salt you can find.

According to the report, quoted by Israel’s Channel 14 News, the Iranian attack will be coordinated with its top proxy, the Hezbollah terrorist army in Lebanon.

Both Iran and Hezbollah are seeking to avenge this week’s assassinations of two primary terror leaders: Hezbollah’s “chief of staff” Fuad Shukr (killed in Beirut) and Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh (killed during a visit to Tehran).

Tisha B’Av is the date of the destruction of both Holy Temples in Jerusalem along with other major disasters in Jewish history, including the conquest of Jerusalem. It is one of the two most important fast days in the Jewish faith and is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.

Iran and Hezbollah, along with other terror groups in the Middle East, place great emphasis on the importance of symbols, and their impact on the Jewish People.

Tisha B’Av symbolizes historic trauma for Jews, with its images of destruction and ruin of Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem, the butchering of the Jews of Beitar, the 1290 expulsion of England’s Jews and the 1492 banishment of all Jews from Spain.

Fifty years ago, one of the most hard-fought wars in the history of the State of Israel was launched on October 6, 1973 by surrounding Arab nations on the most solemn day in the Jewish faith – Yom Kippur, which that year fell on the Holy Sabbath.

The current war launched against Israel by Hamas terrorists in Gaza began with the butchering of 1,200 people and abduction of 255 hostages on October 7, 2023: the date on which the most joyous holiday in Judaism, Simchat Torah, coincided with the Holy Sabbath.

Iran's Own Revolutionary Guards Helped Mossad Kill Haniyeh in Tehran

The Mossad spy agency reportedly used agents within Iran's Revolutionary Guards to plant explosives in a Tehran guesthouse where Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh was staying, as per a Telegraph report. This comes amid reports of arrests in Tehran, including senior intelligence and military officials, linked to the killing.

The New York Times corroborated this, noting Haniyeh was not killed in an aerial strike as Iran claimed. Israel has not commented on the incident, while Iran and its proxies have vowed revenge. The Telegraph detailed that agents planted explosives in three rooms and left Iran, detonating the bombs remotely.

The New York Times reports that over 24 people were arrested by the Revolutionary Guards, including senior intelligence and military officers, on suspicion of being involved in the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Among the detainees are senior officers, some from the intelligence wing of the Revolutionary Guards. In addition, members of the staff of the guest house where Haniyeh was staying were arrested.

According to a report in the British Telegraph, the Mossad recruited agents from the Revolutionary Guards for this mission, and they planted explosive material about two months ago - after the helicopter crash which killed the previous President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi.

According to Iranian sources, the plan was to assassinate Haniyeh upon his arrival at Raisi's funeral but the plan was postponed.

Subsequently, the Mossad sent two agents to plant explosives in three different rooms in the guesthouse in northern Tehran.

The agents were sent to these rooms due to the high probability that Haniyeh would stay in them. According to the report, Iranian officials hold footage of the agents moving between several rooms within minutes. After planting the explosives, the agents, suspected of working in the VIP Protection Unit of the Revolutionary Guards, fled Iran - but maintained a source inside the country.

Early Wednesday morning, the agents remotely activated the explosives, killing the head of Hamas's political bureau.

Chareidie Proud that His Son Joined the IDF


Kamala H adds brother-in-law who represented ‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh to campaign team


Vice President Kamala Harris’ brother-in-law, who once defended the notorious “American Taliban,” has joined her revamped campaign team, according to a report. 

Tony West, 58, will serve as a “powerful adviser” to the Harris’ presidential campaign, according to Axios, a move that comes after his 5-year-stint in the Obama administration’s Justice Department and subsequent high-level roles at PepsiCo and Uber. 

West, who is married to Harris’ sister, Maya, also worked as an attorney for the San Francisco-based law firm Morrison & Foerster, where he defended the infamous John Walker Lindh, according to the Washington Free Beacon.   

Lindh, who abandoned the US to train with Osama bin Laden and fight for the Taliban in Afghanistan, was captured by American forces as an enemy combatant in November 2001. 

The following year, West agreed to defend the traitor, arguing at trial that Lindh was no terrorist. 

“He is not a terrorist,” Harris’ new hire told the Washington Post in 2002.

“He did not go to Afghanistan to kill Americans,” West said of the then 21-year-old Lindh.

Lindh faced 10 federal charges, including conspiracy to murder US citizens and contributing services to al Qaeda. 

He was offered and accepted a plea deal in 2002 which had him admit to supplying services to the Taliban and carrying an explosive during the commission of a felony for which he served 17 years of a 20-year sentence. 

The Biden administration came under fire this week for offering plea deals to three alleged plotters of the  9/11 terrorist attacks that would have spared them the death penalty. 

In a shock move, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced Friday that he had revoked the pre-trial agreements handed to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — the accused mastermind of the al Qaeda attacks — and his two alleged helpers, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revokes plea deal for accused 9/11 terrorists in shocking reversal


Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin on Friday revoked the shocking plea deals that would have spared the death penalty for the accused mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and two alleged accomplices.

In an official memo, Austin, 70, announced he had relieved the official responsible for signing off on the widely criticized plea agreements from authority and would instead assert his own authority in the matter.

“I have determined that, in light of the significance of the decision to enter into pre-trial
agreements with the accused in the above-referenced case, responsibility for such a decision should rest with me as the superior convening authority under the Military Commissions Act of 2009,” Austin wrote.

“Effective immediately, I hereby withdraw your authority in the above-referenced case to enter into a pre-trial agreement and reserve such authority to myself,” he continued.

“Effective immediately, in the exercise of my authority, I hereby withdraw from the three pre-trial agreements that you signed on July 31, 2024 in the above-referenced case.”

The Office of Military Commissions (OMC), which is prosecuting the case, confirmed on Wednesday it had entered into pre-trial agreements with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — the accused principal architect of the al Qaeda attacks — and two alleged co-conspirators, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, all of whom have been held at the US military prison on the coast of Cuba since 2003.

The guilty plea hearings — to charges including murder and conspiracy — were scheduled to take place as early as next week, with the sentencing hearings expected sometime next summer, according to the letter obtained by The Post.

The OMC letter revealed that the terror suspects have also agreed to respond to any questions the family members of victims have “regarding their roles and reasons for conducting the September 11 attacks.”

Family members were told they were allowed to submit questions which would be funneled to the men through their defense attorneys and answered within 90 days.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Shabbat Shalom from DIN in the Holy Land!


Zera Shimshon Parshas Mattos-Massai


Chareidie Bnei-Brak Mob Instigated by the Litvishe "gedoilim" Attempted to Lynch Rabbi Leibel and his Family!

ובני קורח לא מתו
As posted on July 31, Litvishe Gedoilim such as Rav Landau and Rav Hirsch published a Loshon Hara Kol Korah in the Loshon Hara Yated, denigrating a Gadol Ba'Torah and Huge Talmud Chachim, the Tzaddik and Gaon Harav Leibel Shlitah, who is actually one of their own! 
His crime? 
To train Chareidim to get a profession and if not learning to join the IDF. Slowly but surely Chareidim are realizing that their way is unsustainable and is collapsing! Finally a breath of fresh air!
The Litvaks are in a panic and are scrambling around like poisoned mice to stop this in its tracks. So the old guard instigated and provoked violence against a huge Torah Scholar and an angry mob of Chareidim  attempted to break into his Bnei-Brak to beat the crap out of him and his household. At one point, police were called and had to protect the Tzaddik from a sure lynching! 
Meanwhile, the Litvishe Gedoilim were flying around the world in private jets to schnoor money under false pretenses, claiming that Torah in Israel is in danger because the  Zionists refuse to support them! 
Now this attack didn't happen in Jenin, Gaza or Ramallah, this happened in Bnei_Brak.
זו תורה וזו שכרה!

 Mob Attacks  Rabbi's House 

A real drama  happened in the last few hours as hundreds of Litvishe Chareidim closed in on Rabbi David Label's house in Bnei Brak and tried to break into it, the situation was out of control . 
In the household of Rabbi Laebel they said in the midst of the attempting lynching: "The situation is very dangerous."

As expected, no condemnation was heard from the section of ultra-Orthodox public representatives. 

This time too - as in the past, the one who condemned the case was precisely Moti Leitner, deputy to the mayor of Beit Shemesh who said:
 "A public that educates talmidim to grow up to respect Torah greats, then storms and tries to break into the house of a great man in Israel. 
What did the hooligans think that they would do after breaking into his house? 
To kill the rabbi and the members of his household? 
 There could be dangerous consequences. 
This madness must be stopped now, before disaster strikes.

*חדשות העיר:* ‏דרמה של ממש מתרחשת בשעה האחרונה כאשר מאות חרדים צרים על ביתו של הרב דוד לייבל בבני ברק ומנסים לפרוץ אותו, אין שליטה על האירוע. בבית הרב אומרים: "המצב מסוכן מאוד".

כצפוי, מגזרת נציגי הציבור החרדים שום גינוי לא נשמע. גם הפעם - כבעבר, מי שגינה הראשון את מקרה היה דווקא מוטי לייטנר, משנה לראש העיר בית שמש שאמר: "ציבור שמחנך לכבד תלמידי חכמים וגדל על כבוד לגדולי תורה מסתער ומנסה לפרוץ לביתו של גדול בישראל. מה היו החוליגנים מבצעים אחרי פריצה לביתו? רוצחים את הרב ובני ביתו נפש? מתברר שלהסתה מופרעת נגד הרב יש השלכות מסוכנות. הטירוף הזה חייב להיעצר עכשיו, לפני שחלילה יתרחש אסון".

Is Israel Targeting Nasrallah?


Chareidie Girl from Beit Shemesh Follows Her Dream and Joins the IDF


Gerer Rebbe Doesn't Believe That "Torah Shields and Protects" as they Close Yeshivas in the North!

 In the Gur Hasidic community, preparations are underway: 

This afternoon, a decision was made to close the yeshivas in Haztor HaGlilit, northern Israel, (all ages), and the students will move to study in Jerusalem until further notice

Alteh "Katchkeh" Instigator for Code Pink tries to blend in but gets kicked out of the Christians United for Israel conference before she could disrupt Jewish and Israeli speakers


Urgent Call on BBC: Investigate the antisemitism at the network


More than 200 people from Britain's TV and film industry have called for an urgent investigation into allegations of antisemitism at the BBC, according to a report in The Independent on Thursday.

Fulwell 73 managing partner Leo Pearlman, who was an executive producer on the 2021 musical film “Cinderella”, former BBC One controller turned Telegraph columnist Danny Cohen, and former ITV executive Claudia Rosencrantz are among those who signed a letter to members of the BBC Board, the report said.

The letter says that “208 BBC staff, contractors, suppliers and contributors from across the television and film industries, the majority of whom are Jewish,” are in “anguish and disbelief” that previous complaints about coverage and social media breaches amid the Israel-Hamas war have not been dealt with.

“We all work in the film and broadcast industries. But we are also members of the wider British Jewish community and can vouch with certainty that there is a loss of faith in the BBC within our community and a widespread opinion that, when it comes to racism and discrimination at the BBC, ‘Jews don’t count,’” the letter says.

“By contrast, we are certain that were similar incidents to occur at the expense of any other minority, the BBC would show zero tolerance. And with this volume of incidents as documented in our three attachments, they would certainly be worried they might have a serious, institutional racism problem,” it adds, according to The Independent.

“We write to you today to request an urgent formal investigation by the BBC Board into systemic problems of antisemitism and bias at the BBC, alongside senior management’s demonstrable failure to properly address the issue.”

The BBC has repeatedly been criticized for the blatant anti-Israel bias in its reporting and this criticism has increased since Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel and the war in Gaza which followed.

In November, the corporation published an apology after falsely claiming that IDF troops were targeting medical teams in battles in and around the Shifa Hospital in Gaza.

Before that, the BBC falsely accused Israel of being responsible for an explosion at a hospital in Gaza, which the IDF proved was caused by an Islamic Jihad rocket.

The network later acknowledged that “it was false to speculate” on the explosion.

In wake of the criticism, BBC Chair Samir Shah said in December that he intends to review the corporation’s reporting guidelines on the Israel–Hamas war.

More recently, the BBC apologized after one of its senior presenters suggested that Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem, was Israel’s capital.

Thursday’s letter references previous documents, which were sent to BBC chairman Samir Shah in July, in which the group claims there have been multiple breaches of the BBC’s social media guidelines.

Turkish Media Outlets Fall For Israeli Joke, Claim Haniyah’s Assassin Was ‘Amit Nakesh’

Several Turkish media outlets fell for a joke on Israeli media and started claiming that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s assassin was an Israeli agent.

While it is not yet clear how and when Haniyeh was assassinated, Haber Global reported that Mossad agent “Amit Nakesh” assassinated Haniyeh.

The report was later erased after the channel understood that the name was a play on the Hebrew word “hamitnakesh,” which means “the assassin.” Israelis often drop initial “h” sounds; thus, the word “hamitnakesh” is most often pronounced “amitnakesh.” As “Amit” is a popular Israeli name, “amitnakesh” could be split into “Amit Nakesh.”

The Akdeniz Gerçek newspaper went as far as writing a profile for Amit Nakesh, claiming him to be a veteran Mossad agent who formerly served in other Israeli security bodies.

A smaller media outlet, Usak Olay, which also reported on the “identity” of the assassin, wrote that even though Amit Nakesh is a veteran of the Israeli security bodies, it may be that he is an Israeli of Indian origin.

The report added that “security experts are closely examining Amit Nakesh’s role and involvement in the murder of Ismail Haniyeh.”

In May, following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, jokes circulated on social media claiming that the crash was intentionally caused by an Israeli agent named Eli Copter.

Israelis usually use the word “masok” for helicopters, but they pronounce the word “helicopter” as “elicopter” due to commonly dropping the initial “h” sound, and thus jokes emerged “naming” the individual who supposedly caused the crash as “Eli Copter.”

Some, however believed Eli Copter to be the name of a Mossad agent, and blamed Israel for the crash.

Investigations have shown that the crash was not intentional or part of a larger plot.

Rabbi Denied Bail Over Illegal ‘Brit Milah’ in Ireland

 A London-based rabbi accused of traveling to Ireland to conduct an illegal circumcision on a young child has been denied bail.

Jonathan Abraham, 47, was detained in Dublin on Tuesday and is charged with performing a circumcision on a child without being a registered medical practitioner, at an address in Dublin 15.

The father of ten appeared before Judge Michael Connellan at Dublin District Court on Thursday.

Detective Garda Megan Furey testified that Mr. Abraham “made no reply” when charged at Blanchardstown Garda station.

Bail was opposed due to the seriousness of the charges.

The detective explained that the offence, under the Medical Practitioners Act 2007, could lead to a maximum fine of €130,000 and five years in prison.

Detective Garda Furey stated there was substantial evidence supporting the charge. Gardaí entered the Dublin 15 address shortly after 1 pm on Tuesday with the homeowners’ permission.

The detective reported that they found the accused “dressed in a white robe, a doctor’s-style coat, with blue gloves and a scalpel in his hand.”

The court heard that the room had a table with a changing pad, scissors, and other medical supplies.

“Gardaí also saw a very young child on the changing pad, naked,” she said, adding that they discovered a circumcision had already been performed on another child at the location.

The detective told the court that a file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), and “it is expected that multiple further charges will follow.”

Expressing concerns about a “significant flight risk,” she noted that the accused flew into Ireland on July 30th around noon and had a return flight booked for that evening. She added that he had no ties to the jurisdiction, no property, assets, or dependents in the country.

She described him as a man of means with a strong incentive to flee and avoid prosecution.

During cross-examination by defense solicitor Tertius Van Eeden, she agreed that if the DPP decided the case should remain in the District Court, the penalties would be much lower: a maximum of six months imprisonment and a fine of up to €5,000.

He suggested that she had omitted this information during her bail objections and was overly eager in assuming the case would go to a higher court, but she did not accept this.

Later, the detective acknowledged that the accused had not claimed to be a doctor and accepted that he was a rabbi.

The garda detective stated he had not provided any information about his training and used the name Rabbi Y. Abraham. The solicitor clarified that Y stood for Yoni, Hebrew for Jonathan.

The solicitor said his client was a member of the Initiation Society, which oversees Jewish circumcisions.

Mr. Van Eeden added that his client, who did not speak in court, was registered as a Mohel, the Hebrew term for someone qualified to perform circumcisions.

The detective admitted being informed of this and said inquiries were still ongoing.

When asked if she had researched this on Google, she said she only learned this around 8 pm on Wednesday.

Pleading for bail, Mr. Van Eeden highlighted that the Initiation Society was the oldest Anglo-Jewish organization, founded in 1745. As a Mohel, he had been performing circumcisions for over 13 years and was fully trained to do so medically and ethically.

The solicitor argued that within the Jewish community, only a Mohel could perform such procedures, and he was insured to do so.

Mr. Van Eeden claimed that if his client had performed the same procedures in England, they would have been completely legal.

However, the judge noted that this was a different jurisdiction.

The solicitor emphasized that these were merely allegations and his client had no prior convictions and was presumed innocent.

The court heard that Mr. Abraham was the primary breadwinner for his family and also received state benefits while his wife worked part-time tutoring children with learning difficulties.

The solicitor mentioned that his client could face a lengthy period in custody, with the trial venue not yet confirmed.

He offered a €5,000 independent surety and assured that Mr. Abraham would comply with conditions not to perform such procedures in Ireland.

Judge Connellan denied bail due to the seriousness of the case, the flight risk, and the strong evidence. Legal aid was granted to the accused, who was remanded in custody awaiting directions from the DPP. Mr. Abraham has yet to enter a plea and will appear again on August 6th at Cloverhill District Court.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Satmar's Favorite airline The LUFTWAFFE scheduled to land in Israel reroutes to Cyprus after crew refuses to fly to Tel Aviv.

Both Satmar Rebbes refuse to fly with El Al because they don't want to "Chas Ve'sholem" give money to other Jews! If they were sick, well then they would have their yentas bring chicken soup! 

Their favorite airline? Funny that you should ask! 

Their favorite airline is the German Luftwaffa,!

A Lufthansa flight from Munich to Tel Aviv landed Wednesday night in Larnaca, Cyprus, with the crew claiming that Israel's airspace was closed and therefore the flight would return to Munich.

The airline responded to the passengers' anger by offering them to disembark in Larnaca - but without their luggage.

Later, representatives admitted that the decision was made by Lufthansa's security team 

"Lufthansa Flight LH682 from Munich to Tel Aviv, which for operational reasons is operated at this stage through Larnaca, will return to Munich after landing in Larnaca at 2:43a.m. CEST this morning, as a means of precaution due to security operations," a Lufthansa spokesperson said.

"The connecting flight from Larnaca to Tel Aviv, as well as the return flight LH683 from Tel Aviv to Munich, which was scheduled to take off today, have been canceled. All of the passengers will be offered alternate flights."

The statement added, "As of now, the other flights planned for today remain unchanged. We apologize for the inconvenience. The safety of the passengers and the crew is our top priority."

Politicians react to IDF confirmation of Deif the one eyed Murderer's killing

 Israeli politicians were quick to react to the IDF's confirmation on Thursday that it had killed Mohammed Deif in the July 13 strike in Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip. 

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant shared a post on X, formerly Twitter, depicting him marking an X on a photo of Hamas's military commander. 

'The Osama Bin Laden of Gaza'

"Mohammed Deif, the ‘Osama Bin Laden of Gaza,’ was eliminated on 13.07.24. This is a significant milestone in the process of dismantling Hamas as a military and governing authority in Gaza and in the achievement of the goals of this war," Gallant wrote. 

"The operation was conducted precisely and professionally by the IDF and ISA. This operation reflects the fact that Hamas is disintegrating and that Hamas terrorists may either surrender or they will be eliminated," he added. 

"Israel’s defense establishment will pursue Hamas terrorists - both the planners and the perpetrators of the 07.10 massacre. We will not rest until this mission is accomplished," Gallant concluded. 

Opposition head Yair Lapid also commented on the announcement, writing on X, "I Congratulate the IDF, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the security forces, for the successful elimination of Mohammed Deif. An unprecedentedly important military achievement.

"The military achievements should be translated into strategic political achievements, and everything should be done to return the hostages home. now," he further noted. 

Yisrael Beytenu's head, Avigdor Liberman, also shared a post in X, writing, "I congratulate and support the security forces for the successful operation that led to the killing of the mass-murderer Mohammed Deif. 

"The courage, professionalism, and determination demonstrated by the fighters are evidence of our ability to face any threat," Liberman noted. 

"There is no place in the world for those despicable terrorists who massacred, raped, and kidnapped Jews on October 7, and we must make sure that none of them die a natural death," Liberman concluded.