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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Are Pro-Hamas Students on Campus Finally Facing Repercussions?

According to a recent poll, 29% "had a job offer rescinded in the last six months," and 7 out of 10 "say interviewers have asked about their protest history." 

Interviewers are also reviewing social media to check if they participated in the anti-Semitic protests. 

Swedish Police Don't Take Crap from Pro-Hamas Protestor .. She Cries "Sorry, I'm Sorry"


Snubbing the Jewish People! Kamala Harris To Skip Israeli PM Netanyahu’s Address To Congress


Vice President Kamala Harris will not attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress this week, according to reports. The decision, made before President Joe Biden’s announcement to withdraw from the 2024 race, has sparked speculation about the administration’s strategy.

Harris was initially expected to sit directly behind Netanyahu’s podium during the Wednesday event. Instead, she is scheduled to speak in Indianapolis, a move a former senior administration official described as “probably not an accident.” The official suggested that Biden may be keeping Harris away from the White House during Netanyahu’s visit to avoid images of her associating with the Israeli prime minister.

This development comes as Harris faces criticism from Zionist organizations over her comments on student protests in support of Palestinians and Hamas. However, a current U.S. official stated that a future Harris administration’s policies on the Israel-Palestinian would align with Biden’s, emphasizing support for Israel’s security and a two-state solution.

A record number of Democrats are set to boycott Netanyahu’s speech, signaling a significant anti-Israel shift in the Democrat party in recent years.

Meanwhile, President Biden, if he is still alive,  may also snub Netanyahu, with a senior official hinting that a meeting between the two leaders is uncertain.

Chaos In The Supreme Court, Bereaved Parents Blow Up Hearing On Increasing Aid To Gaza


Israel’s Supreme Court on Sunday held a hearing on petitions by five left-wing organizations against the Israeli government regarding its policy of allowing humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

The organizations are demanding that Israel significantly increase the scope of aid into the Strip.

Bereaved families and relatives of IDF soldiers fighting in Gaza showed up to protest the hearing and made a ruckus, yelling out “Bushah! Bushah! Bushah!.” In response, the judges left the room.

The right-wing B’Tzalmo organization, which called on Israelis to come to the hearing and see the “bushah v’cherpah” with their own eyes, said: “During the hearing, Judge Uzi Fogelman repeatedly expressed concern about the welfare of the enemy but the judges did not mention even once the welfare of Israeli citizens or the hostages in Gaza and the security of the IDF soldiers there. At one point, parents couldn’t help themselves and shouted at them: ‘What about the hostages? What about Israeli citizens? Have you no shame?'”

“The judges, who had difficulty hearing the truth, ran away from the hearing and the security guards forcibly removed the protestors.”

Monday, July 22, 2024

A glimpse inside the New Israel's Air Force One


Cabin photos only as they won't let us publish the PM quarters...

Skeverer Rebber Named in Lawsuit for Covering Up Sexual Abuse for R' Mordechai Sitorsky Principal of Boyan


Rabbi Mordechai Sitorsky, Mechanech, Speaker, and Former principal of Boyan, Accused of Sexually Abusing Minor in GMVA Suit. Skverer Rebbe Also Sued for Alleged Coverup

Link to full complaint: https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=6V2Qez02MXA9VmdnlgjYZw==

Message to robbers don't rob a Satmar Store!

Cleared for Publication Two IDF Soldiers were Killed Protecting US’s Dysfunctional Aid Pier to Gaza

 Two Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed last month while securing the United States’ humanitarian aid pier off the coast of Gaza, an Israeli military source deployed to the Strip told JNS.

The Biden administration project was plagued by technical and logistical dysfunction and is now being decommissioned by the Pentagon.

“What led me to talk is really just the frustration towards the end of the last few weeks. It’s a very unsafe operation; anything could happen,” the source said. “They [the United States] could have delivered the aid through any land port and finished within a week, but for whatever publicity reason they built the pier. Then they failed and tried to cover it up.”

On June 15, IDF tanks based at a makeshift military outpost set up near the pier ran over a large IED some 400 meters north of it, killing two soldiers and wounding two others, according to the source.

“The operation was conducted in defense of the pier. Anything that occurred in the area, they [the Israeli troops] were responsible for protecting it [the pier],” the source said. “Ultimately, the reason they were engaging these terrorists is because they posed a threat to the forces protecting the aid,” he added.

“The mission was in support of the larger goal of protecting the pier and occurred within that context. Soldiers would not have been positioned within these areas otherwise,” he told JNS.

On June 16, the IDF announced that Capt. (res.) Eitan Koplovich, 28, from Jerusalem, and Warrant Officer (res.) Elon Waiss, 49, from Psagot, were killed in northern Gaza. Both served in the 8th Reserve Armored Brigade’s 129th Battalion.

Two other troops were seriously wounded in the attack, according to the military.

Hamas had targeted the tank with explosives.

JNS reached out to the IDF twice to confirm the veracity of source’s claim. Both times, the military referred JNS to its website and Telegram channel “for information regarding fallen soldiers.”

The U.S. military’s Central Command (CENTCOM), which is responsible for operations in the Middle East, referred JNS back to the IDF.

“I know that my father was very close to the location of the pier. He told us even before he was deployed that he would be located around there. I don’t remember him saying anything about guarding it though. All I know is that he was close to it,” Elon’s son Yedidya Waiss, 27, told JNS.

“The IDF told us that he was on a mission to destroy a Hamas compound, weapons and tunnels when he was killed. They told us about how they heroically rescued the bodies of my father and of Eitan and the two other wounded soldiers,” he continued.

“They did not mention anything about the pier, because he was deployed close to it. There may have been a connection, but the IDF did not directly mention it,” he added.

The son explained that his father was mobilized on June 3 and entered Gaza three days later. Before that, he was deployed in the north together with Koplovich.

“Eitan’s wife was expecting a baby while they were in the north so he had to go on leave for a month and a half. My dad was very happy to see him come back,” Yedidya Waiss told JNS.

Elon Waiss had asked to be mobilized a day late so that he could help his daughter, who had just gotten married, prepare her new home.

“We didn’t really worry. He kept telling us that he was near the Netzarim Corridor [controlled by the IDF and separating northern and southern Gaza], and that it was not like fighting in Rafah or Jabalia. We were really interested to know how his death could happen, but when the IDF mentioned that he was out on a mission, we stopped asking,” said Yedidya Waiss.

Koplovich was mobilized on Oct. 7 and served in the north, according to his brother Ishay.

When his son was born in November, he returned home for a few weeks. He was redeployed until late January, when he was released to continue his studies.

Eitan was called up again in June and was sent to Gaza.

“Eitan was close to the pier, he told me that he was sitting on the water close to it, about 100 yards away,” Ishay told JNS.

“I served in the IDF for 25 years in the reserves. Something can happen in any kind of battle, I can’t really blame anyone. You can always find yourself in the wrong place and at the wrong time,” he said.

“I don’t think that what Eitan did in the week and a half that he was in Gaza had to do with humanitarian aid. The pier was working but I don’t think it was something that affected him too much,” he continued.

While he is not aware of the specifics of Eitan’s mission, he assumes his brother was securing the Netzarim Corridor.

“The IDF wasn’t there because of the pier. The United States, however, was there because they were looking for the safest place to set up the pier. They put it on the beach in the area at the end of the Netzarim route,” he said.

“They were looking for a location under strong Israeli control. They couldn’t exactly put it on Gaza City beach,” he added.

“I guess that his side mission was to protect the pier, but his brigade would have been there regardless. Nobody that I spoke to in the army mentioned the pier as a factor in relation to the mission,” he concluded.

On Wednesday, U.S. Central Command declared mission accomplished. The pier, whose technical name is Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore, “has achieved its intended effect to surge a very high volume of aid into Gaza and ensure that aid reaches the civilians in Gaza in a quick manner,” Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, deputy commander of CENTCOM, told reporters.

The United States has delivered almost 20 million pounds of aid via the pier “in a cost-effective manner,” according to the Pentagon.

Announced by President Joe Biden during his State of the Union address in March, the $230 million floating dock was intended to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza via a Mediterranean Sea route from Cyprus. But it was plagued with problems since it began operations just over two months ago.

The pier was damaged by high winds and heavy seas in late May and removed for repairs after only around a week of operation. Four support boats broke off the structure and became beached, and a portion of the causeway was damaged and also broke off.

“When the pier broke the first time, it was a lot more dangerous than they made it sound. It sounded like they were on top of things, but Israel had to fix it all for them,” the source told JNS. “Everything they tried to accomplish, whether it was a defensive operation or daily operations, nothing went without a hitch.

“There were many tunnels in the area that had not yet been found or had been found but not destroyed. [Gazan] snipers took shots at us from high buildings in the area. I had a bullet go pretty close to my head,” he added.

In May, three U.S. soldiers sustained noncombat injuries while working on the pier, including one who was critically hurt and evacuated to an Israeli hospital.

U.S. forces took extraordinary steps to maintain the appearance that no troops were operating in the Gazan enclave, the source explained.

“Sometimes, they would lay out mats on the floor and walk into Gaza because technically that’s ‘no boots on the ground.’ They deceived the public into thinking they’d carried out something that they did not,” he said.

The pier was reconnected on June 7 but removed again due to bad weather a week later, right around the time the two soldiers were killed. It was quickly put back but was removed again on June 28 due to heavy seas.

Parts of the pier washed up at Tel Aviv’s Frishman Beach in late June.

In the first week after the pier became operational, some three-fourths of the humanitarian aid transported from the dock was stolen by unspecified Gazan actors while en route to a U.N. warehouse. Afterwards, very little of the aid transferred to Gaza was actually picked up to be distributed.

“The food sat in the sun for a month and a half with rats and dogs eating out of it. Bags of flour either arrived damaged or got destroyed by animals. As of last week, a lot of it was no longer viable. As for canned food sitting out in the sun, it probably is salvageable if it eventually gets picked up by the U.N.’s World Food Programme,” the source told JNS.

“We were supposed to be able to deliver 30 trucks of humanitarian aid a day to Gazans, which is insignificant in comparison to what comes through land crossings,” he continued. “Each truck contains between 18 to 22 pallets. But this goal fluctuated tremendously. There were days when the pier was down, the equipment didn’t work, nothing was accomplished.”

Most of what has been told to the public regarding the pier is inaccurate, according to the source. “A lot of the information is outright false or embellished and for the most part the operation was a complete failure,” he said.

“There were many other ways [to deliver aid] that were efficient and safer. They [the United States] did it for good media attention. When the media came, they’d use the best equipment. It was very much a show, everything would magically work smoothly somehow. They weren’t really concerned about getting food to Gaza, it was secondary at best for them,” he added.

According to the source, the pier was returned to its location off the coast of Gaza last week but could not be redocked.

“They ended up beaching the whole thing—a pretty epic failure. They spent the rest of the day trying to get the pier off the beach, and they took it straight to Ashdod for repairs,” he said.

CENTCOM’s Cooper said on Wednesday that future aid will come through the port of Ashdod. “In the coming weeks, we expect that millions of pounds of aid will enter into Gaza via this new pathway,” he said.

New York Times Board Wants Kamala Harris Out of the Race


The New York Times (NYT) editorial board wants Vice President Kamala Harris off the 2024 ticket because of “profound concerns” about her electability.

The push to dump the nation’s first black vice president was posted just after President Joe Biden announced he would not run in the 2024 election — and it could threaten Democratic turnout in November.

The board first provided some throat-clearing praise for Biden:

By agreeing to step down when his term ends in January, he is greatly increasing the chance that his party is able to protect the nation from the dangers of returning Donald Trump to the presidency.

Then it dropped the hammer:

Choosing Ms. Harris would be a reasonable path for Democrats to take; she has been Mr. Biden’s running mate, and while no votes were cast for her as a presidential candidate in primaries, the president’s voters expected her to be on the ticket in November. Nonetheless, party delegates should have a voice in a decision of this consequence. There are other qualified Democrats who could take on Mr. Trump and win, and picking a candidate without a real contest is how the party got into a position of anointing a standard-bearer that large majorities of Democrats and independents had profound concerns about. While the hour is late, there is still time to put leading candidates through a process of public scrutiny before the party’s nominating convention begins on Aug. 19, to inform the choice of a nominee and to build public support. [Emphasis added.]

The NYT‘s instant push to demote Harris after Biden’s exit helps to explain why so many black politicians were publicly eager to keep the Biden-Harris ticket for 2024.

Obama doesn’t endorse Kamala Harris, says Dems will pick ‘outstanding nominee’


 Obama didn’t endorse Kamala Harris — saying Democrats would pick an unnamed “outstanding nominee” in his first statement on President Biden stepping aside from the party’s ticket.

Obama, 62, was joined by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in not immediately backing the 59-year-old vice president — following reports last week that both favored an “open” process to replace Biden.

“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead,” Obama said. 

“But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

“I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August,” Obama said.

“And I expect that every single one of us are prepared to carry that message of hope and progress forward into November and beyond.”

America’s first black president added: “For now, Michelle and I just want to express our love and gratitude to Joe and Jill for leading us so ably and courageously during these perilous times  —  and for their commitment to the ideals of freedom and equality that this country was founded on.”

Obama remains one of the most respected leaders among Democrats and his lack of an endorsement of Harris could damage her candidacy and implicitly encourage new candidates to emerge.

Biden dropped out after Obama and other top Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Pelosi, privately expressed concerns following Biden’s dismal June 27 debate performance that the sitting president would lead down-ballot Democrats to a wipeout defeat.

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker — a possible presidential contender — was among those who did not immediately back Harris, tweeting instead that “I will work every day to ensure that [Trump] does not win in November.”

Usher Vaizel of Williamsburg Accused of Sexually Abusing Two Children


Meet the teenaged girl who read the Talmud in just 2.5 years

When she was 14 years old, Elke Bentley could hear her father’s online Talmud classes through the wall between her bedroom and his home office in Brookline, Massachusetts. The 5 a.m. start time for the daily Talmud learning her father had begun attending during the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t stop Elke from pulling her chair up to the wall and marking up in pencil her own copy of the Talmud, listening along to the men’s-only class.

The Daf Yomi, or regimen of page-a-day Talmud learning that stretches over seven-and-a-half years, is an endeavor typically reserved for men.

But Bentley had heard of people who had completed learning the Babylonian Talmud by the age of 20. And she wanted to be one of them.

Now back from her gap year in Israel, Bentley has completed a remarkable achievement in Jewish text study by reading the Talmud — more than 2,700 double-sided pages of densely printed Hebrew and Aramaic text, commentary and footnotes  — in just two-and-a-half years.

Bentley is also a musician and heading to Harvard University in the fall. And she’s just 18.

“If I had been a boy, I’m not sure if I would have finished Shas,” Bentley, an only child, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, referring to an acronym often used to refer to the entire Talmud. “I would be learning other things. I would be learning way more in-depth, and I would be learning way more stuff and way different stuff and I would have access to way more resources.”

YIVO exhibit illuminates a diary kept by a 13-year-old boy in the Vilna ghetto

Growing up in Vilna in the 1930s, Yitskhok Rudashevski was a typical 13-year-old Jewish boy living a typical Jewish life: He went to school, spent time with friends and family, read and wrote poetry and got involved in Jewish activities at the cultural center, talking about global politics with his father, who was a writer for the Yiddish daily, called Vilna Tog.

In June 1941, Rudashevski began keeping a diary, documenting the alarming transition — in just three months — from living a happy life under the looming threat of war to his family’s forced move into the ghetto, where comfort, joy, food and personal space were in short supply. 

Over the next two years, in neat Yiddish script written in a black notebook, Rudashevski described ghetto life. 

His story is now the core of a comprehensive new online exhibit by New York’s YIVO Institute for Jewish Research as part of their free, public online museum. It launched on Wednesday.  

The interactive exhibit, which can be viewed in individual chapters and takes roughly two-and-a-half hours to click through from beginning to end, incorporates narrative, text, video dramatizations, illustrations, photographs and more to tell the story of Rudashevski and the Vilna Jewish community. Alongside the diary, translated from Yiddish specifically for this exhibit by Solon Beinfeld, the exhibit gives context to Rudashevski’s life in Vilna and the cataclysm that brought it to an end. 

“The online electronic format of this allows us to make use of extensive documentation from our archives that otherwise would be very difficult to put in a single exhibition, and it enables us to tell a story in many different ways,” Jonathan Brent, the CEO of YIVO, told the New York Jewish Week of the decision to put the exhibit online.

“We feel at YIVO that there is an obligation and a responsibility to make our treasures and the immense resources that we have of historical knowledge, for cultural knowledge and for artistic knowledge, available to the widest possible group of Jews of Ashkenazi descent,” he added. “And not just of Ashkenazi descent, and not just Jews. This also gives us a way of reaching Lithuanians in Lithuania and Poles in Poland.”

Yitskhok Rudashevski, lower left, with his arm around his mother, Rosa, poses with his parents and grandparents. His father Eliyahu is at top left. (Courtesy of Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum, Israel/Photo Archive)

What to expect when Benjamin Netanyahu comes to Washington

 One thing we know for sure: Benjamin Netanyahu will stand at a podium in the U.S. House of Representatives at 2 p.m. on Wednesday and make the case for continued support for Israel.

Okay, even that’s not quite certain in these uncertain times: If President Joe Biden steps down before then, if Israel’s seven-front war escalates, or even if it abates — Netanyahu’s visit stateside to deliver a history-making fourth address to Congress could be canceled or postponed.

Here’s a look at what we do know, as of this moment:

Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, ostensibly asked Netanyahu to speak so he could thank Americans for backing Israel in its war with Hamas.

Johnson had to cajole Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the Jewish New York Democrat who has said Netanyahu is failing as a leader, into co-signing the invitation.

Netanyahu’s mission isn’t just to thank America, but to push back against deep unhappiness among Democrats and in the Biden White House with how he has conducted the war, which at first elicited broad bipartisan support. 

Biden will not deliver to Israel large bombs as long as its army is fighting in crowded areas in Gaza, and a growing minority of Democrats are calling into question defense assistance for Israel.

Johnson made clear in a talk this week with Jewish Republicans at the party convention in Milwaukee that one reason he asked Netanyahu to speak was to tweak Democrats as Republicans vie for Jewish votes and support.

“I said if Chuck Schumer doesn’t want to attend, that’s up to him,” Johnson said to laughter.

Confirmed: Deif Is Dead

 Israel received confirmation on Sunday that after seven failed assassination attempts over decades, the IDF finally succeeded in killing Hamas No. 2 leader Muhammad Deif.

Channel 14 News first reported the news and shortly later, the Srugim newsite reported that an IDF official confirmed that the news was true.

The IDF carried out the targeted strike to eliminate Deif last Shabbos using bunker-buster bombs and a “ring of fire,” making it unlikely that Deif survived the attack. However, there was no official confirmation of his death until today.

Deif, one of the masterminds behind the October 7th attack, was on Israel’s most-wanted list for over 25 years for his role as the mastermind behind many deadly terror attacks that killed dozens of Israelis, including bus bombings.

During Operation Guardian of the Walls in 2021, Israel twice attempted to eliminate Dief but he narrowly escaped with his life both times. Previously, Israel tried to eliminate him during Operation Protective Edge in 2014, and in 2006, 2002, and 2001. Deif lost an eye in one attempt and was seriously injured in the 2006 attempt.

Following the attack on Deif, Prime Minister Netanyahu said: “Muhammad Dief is an arch-murderer, the chief of staff of Hamas, No. 2 in the chain of command. He is the architect and leader of the October 7 massacre and many other terror attacks. His hands are covered in the blood of many Israelis.”

IDF Sends Draft Orders to 1,000 Chareidim Who Violate Yeshiva Rules, by Working, Own a Smartphone and have a Drivers License

 Draft orders will be sent on Sunday to approximately 1,000 charedi young men of conscription age, who will then go through the initial medical checkup procedure at the recruiting offices. The IDF is trying to avoid a confrontation with charedi society and has set up a screening process in which it tried to identify the charedi men that would be the easiest to draft.

Those identified by the IDF as potential draftees include men who receive a paycheck indicating they work and does not spend most of his time in yeshiva, those who own a smartphone or have a driving license [which is prohibited by yeshivos], and those who were not present in a yeshiva during attendance audits taken by the Religious Services Ministry.

Despite these attempts to avoid the yeshiva students themselves, the spiritual leadership of the charedi sector is not accepting the move. In the Yated Ne’eman newspaper, a cartoon appeared on Friday in which conscription orders are seen being thrown into a trash can inside a yeshiva, while the students sit in front of an open Talmud, a visual interpretation of the instruction by the Lithuanian Haredi rabbis, led by Rabbi Dov Landau, that yeshiva students and even those not present in their yeshiva should not report for conscription into the IDF.

In recent days, the rabbis of the Shas Torah Sages Council have also joined the no-show order, and published a letter which reads: “As of now, when a new law regulating the status of Yeshiva members has not yet been settled, one must not obey any conscription or draft order, not even a tzav rishon (first order), and therefore one must not show up at all in the recruitment bureaus.”

Shas rabbis also added that “there are elements, led by the High Court of Justice and legal officials, who are working to harm the world of Torah and harm the people of Torah, and therefore it is incumbent upon us now to stand firm, and to make it clear to those people and to the world that there is no power in the world that can succeed, God forbid, in disconnecting the Torah scholars from the Talmud.”

Those who did not join the message are the rabbis of the major Hasidic movements in Israel, the rebbes of Gur, Belz and Vizhnitz movements. The three did not sign such letters, and even told those who consulted them that at this stage a charedi youth who receives a tzav rishon should go to the recruiting office so as not to quarrel with the army, and later they will examine how the exemption for those studying in yeshiva should be maintained.

Another voice that heard in recent days is that of Rabbi Dovid Leibel, head of the Achvas Torah kollel network, who in recent years has been trying to create customized tracks for the charedim in the army. A demonstration of protesters took place around his house last week after discovering that he was meeting there with senior army officers to discuss drafting young charedi men.

Leibel also delivered a lesson to his students in which he opposed the militant spirit of the Haredi rabbis, saying: “In the long run, our entire sector will have to make some sort of arrangement, it is impossible to live in the country and shake hands with the government, the army, and the law and see who will blink first.”

The IDF had difficulty estimating how many young people would ultimately respond to the first draft notice. The first 3,000 orders that were decided upon in the security establishment will be distributed by the IDF in three batches, each two weeks apart.

Brigadier General Shay Taib this week justified the decision to act this way, saying “This is a population that we have essentially zero data on. If you ask me how many of the general population will come forward, I know how to pull out a figure that will be close to reality. This is a population for which we have no data and I cannot estimate how many will come in. After one round, we will have two weeks of learning and improvement, another round and another improvement procedure.”

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Joey endorses the "cackling" Harris !


Joe Biden announced Sunday he is dropping out of the presidential race.

The president was facing mounting calls from within his own party to step aside after a disastrous debate performance against former President Donald Trump in June.

This is the first time an incumbent president has declined to run for re-election since Lyndon Johnson dropped out of the presidential race in 1968.

He is endorsing the Cackling Hyena Kamala Harris 

DemonRats Finally Shove Crazed Joey Out the Door...Will NOT Seek ReElection!


Neo-Nazi ‘Santa Claus’ planned mass murder of Jewish children in NY

 The leader of a neo-Nazi organization, described by prosecutors as a “murder cult,” was charged in a four-count indictment this week, for allegedly plotting to poison Jewish school children and orchestrate suicide bombings against various minority groups.

On Tuesday, a federal grand jury in Brooklyn, New York charged 21-year-old Michail Chkhikvishvili, an immigrant from the Republic of Georgia, with soliciting hate crimes and acts of mass violence.

According to a statement released Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Justice, prosecutors identified Chkhikvishvili as the leader of the Maniac Murder Cult, also known as Maniacs Murder Cult and “MKY”, an international neo-Nazi organization.

“MKY adheres to a neo-Nazi accelerationist ideology and promotes violence and violent acts against racial minorities, the Jewish community and other groups it deems ‘undesirable,’ The Department of Justice said.

“MKY members share a common goal of challenging social order and governments via terrorism and violent acts that promote fear and chaos.”

Under Chkhikvishvili’s guidance, the organization had planned to carry out mass casualty attacks in New York City.

During the preparations for the attacks, members of the organization revealed their intentions to an undercover law enforcement officer posing as a potential recruit to the MKY.

In 2021, Chkhikvishvili authored a manifesto entitled the Hater’s Handbook, claiming that he has already “murdered for the white race” and encouraging fellow MKY members to carry out additional acts of mass violence.

Specifically, the handbook encourages its readers to commit school shootings and to use children to perpetrate suicide bombings and other mass killings targeting racial minorities.

According to the indictment, Chkhikvishvili reached out to an undercover agent posing as a possible recruit for the organization, whom Chkhikvishvili hoped he could enlist in carrying out a series of attacks on Jews and other minority groups in New York City.

The planned attacks included arson, bombings, and mass poisoning of children.

One such plot envisioned a mass poisoning of racial minorities and Jewish school children in Brooklyn, to be carried out on December 31st, 2023.

The plan involved the would-be murderer dressing up as Santa Clause and distributing candy, laced with ricin and other deadly poisons, to children outside of Jewish schools and other venues in Brooklyn.

For the terror plots, Chkhikvishvili relied in part on materials linked to ISIS and other Islamic terror groups.

Biden delays abandoning race to avoid giving ‘satisfaction’ to Netanyahu

As calls increase within US President Joe Biden’s own party urging him to abandon his re-election bid, Biden is reportedly delaying dropping out until after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to avoid giving him “the satisfaction,” as reported by The New York Times.

Given the increasing tensions between the US and Israel over the Gaza War, Biden prefers to save face during Netanyahu’s visit and may postpone the announcement that he will leave the race until after the Israeli premier leaves.

According to an Axios report, Biden, although angered by calls for him to drop the race, was beginning to accept he would have to step back and was considering bowing out over the weekend.

However, advisors recommended that Biden delay dropping out until after Netanyahu’s visit to avoid giving him “the satisfaction” given their conflicts over the war.

The meeting at the White House scheduled between Trump and Biden, which would be the first since 2022, depends on Biden’s recovery from COVID.

Last week, Biden announced he had tested positive for COVID and was isolating in his residence in Maryland.

Republican representatives invited Netanyahu to address Congress on the subject of the war in Gaza, and many Progressives have threatened to boycott the speech to protest Israel’s conduct during the war.

Although Biden was supportive of Israel in the early days of the war and even became the first US President to visit Israel during a war, in recent months, conflict between the two leaders has increased.

President Biden has criticized Israel over the reported and unverified number of casualties in Gaza, the distribution of humanitarian aid, and the Rafah operation, which led the Biden Administration to withhold bomb shipments to Israel temporarily.

Following Biden’s poor debate performance on June 27th, his many gaffes, and additional signs of decreased mental acuity and severe speech problems, an increasing number of Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and House Democratic leader Hakim Jeffries, have asked Biden to step out of the race.