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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Israeli Leftist Anatchists Plan 'Day of disruption'Sunday throughout Israel


Thousands of people protested Saturday evening on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv and at several intersections across the country, demanding the approval of the deal with Hamas and the announcement of an election date.

At the end of the central protest at the Kaplan intersection in Tel Aviv, participants blocked the Ayalon highway northbound, and two were arrested. During the event, the police violently arrested Shahar Mor, the nephew of hostage Avraham Munder.

Sunday is planned to be a "day of disruption" to mark nine months since the October 7 massacre, and the protesters called on the public to join them in the strike "until all the hostages return."

Approximately 2,000 people attended the protest near the home of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Caesarea, set a submarine model on fire, and called, among other things, for his resignation.

Israel Goes Deep Inside Lebanon and Eliminates Key Hezbollah Commander

 The IDF eliminated another key Hezbollah commander in a town in the Baalbek district in the northeastern part of the country – a rare airstrike deep inside Lebanon.

The IDF said that the strike killed Meitham Mustafa Altaar, a key operative in Hezbollah’s air defense unit.

“Meitham led many of the unit’s activities and took part in the planning and carrying out of numerous terrorist attacks against Israelis,” the IDF spokesperson said. “Meitham also flew to Iran multiple times, where he gained knowledge and assisted in building up Hezbollah’s force and arsenal of Iranian weapons.”

“His elimination significantly harms the capabilities of Hezbollah’s air defense unit.”

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Chief Rabbi of Gaza Dupes Squad Rep. Cori Bush Campaign

A parody social media account of the fake “Chief Rabbi of Gaza” has duped another Squad member.

The re-election campaign of stridently pro-Palestinian Rep. Cori Bush (D-Missouri) was considering a possible fundraiser with “Rabbi Linda Goldstein” — a bogus X account that spews anti-Israel bile to catfish eager-to-believe progressives.

The account — which previously fooled Bush’s congressional comrade Rep. Jamaal Bowman — reached out to Team Bush on June 23 with the fundraising idea, exchanges shared with The Post reveal.

“I’ve been bouncing around different cities since my congregation was displaced from Gaza after Israel’s invasion on October 7,” Goldstein wrote in an email to Ronika Moody, Bush’s finance and engagement director.

“Also – would [Bush] travel to the Gaza border for the fundraiser? The optics could be incredible!”

Moody responded on June 27, writing, “Cori is interested in hosting in Gaza and it’s something she has been trying to plan. Unfortunately, we have not been successful with that opportunity as of yet.”

“Theme is Gaza?” Moody asked.

Goldstein — who has boasted of using a menorah made of missiles and digging terror tunnels into American universities among other outlandish antics — suggested the fundraiser’s theme could be “the morality” of intifada.

“The topics are built around finding a final solution to the problem of Zionism,” added Goldstein, without a response from Bush’s campaign.

“Cori Bush is the perfect example of an ’empty suit’ antisemite.– completely clueless about how the Israel-Palestine conflict works, but eager to speak up because it gives her cover to publicly hate Jews,” said the man behind the parody account, a pro-Israel lawyer named Michael, who declined to give his last name.

Like Bowman, Bush is stridently pro-Palestine and polls suggest she is heading for a loss in the Aug 6 contest against St. Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell.

'Prosecutor's Office will find it difficult to press charges' Israelis who killed Oct 7 Terrorist


The State Prosecutor's Office will find it difficult to file against the suspects on charges of murder, and may be satisfied with an indictment for theft of weapons, according to Channel 13 News.

One of the two suspects in the murder of a terrorist from Hamas's elite Nukhba force, commented on the case for the first time from his grandfather's house, where he is under house arrest pending another decision.

The suspect is 22 years old from the town of Elkana. He commented: ''The murder of a Nukhba terrorist. It sounds absurd. The people of Israel and I went to the south to fight in the Gaza envelope, where the army did not arrive on the first day.''

Speaking to Ynet, he mentioned that he had served in a combat unit during his regular service. On October 7th, he called a police officer friend and another friend: "We raced south to fight, and already at 8:24 we were in a battle at the Sha'ar Hanegev Junction with four other elite soldiers who unfortunately were killed in action against the terrorists. There was high-intensity fighting there against the terrorists and we risked lives. My friend took a bullet in the shoulder and continued to fight."

The Economist Slams Biden With BRUTAL Magazine Cover And Editorial

 Liberal magazine The Economist published a scathing cover story on this week’s magazine cover criticizing President Biden’s age and fitness for office. The cover image, which featured an elderly person’s walker with a presidential seal next to the words “No way to run a country,” quickly went viral.

The corresponding editorial board column pulled no punches, slamming Biden’s debate performance and stating that he is “unfit” to be president. The board criticized Biden’s “mental decline” and his inability to “finish a sentence about Medicare,” questioning whether he should be trusted with the nuclear codes.

The Economist’s editorial followed similar calls from other publications, including The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, urging Biden to drop his re-election bid after the CNN Presidential Debate on June 27.

The magazine’s critique sparked widespread attention and debate, with some commentators noting that even liberal outlets are now questioning Biden’s fitness for office. Economist and podcaster Kip Herriage observed, “When the Economist turns on one of their own, it’s OVER.”

US Allows every criminal and Rapist to sneak into the border Except .... Yemenite Jews

  Tens of Yemenite Jews, who were rescued from Yemen to Cairo in 2021 by an Arab country without diplomatic relations with Israel, are now hoping to immigrate to Israel, according to Zman Yisrael

The refugees, part of a group of over 100 who were brought to Cairo, have come to the conclusion that they will not receive US citizenship as they had hoped and have turned their attention to Israel.  [many of them identify with Satmar, which had encouraged them to apply for US citizenship.]

The group is headed by Yosef Levi, and most of them are from the Marhabi and Hamdi families. A few weeks ago a relative of the families from Israel visited them and some said they had despaired from reaching the US. Others are still hoping to reach the US, which demands that they waive their Yemenite passports if they wish to receive refugee status. There are other procedural difficulties with moving to the US.

Dr. Yigal Ben-Shalom, a former Welfare Ministry director-general and now the head of the association for developing the community, culture and heritage of Yemen, told Zman Yisrael that “Israel is the homeland which the Jews of Yemen prayed to and yearned for, and to here Jews from Yemen should come.” Ben Shalom is trying to promote their aliya via the Jewish Agency and the International Fellowship.

Solomon Lonner's Murderer Arrested He was Lonner's Tenant

  A Mays Landing man has been charged with fatally stabbing his landlord, authorities reported.

Michael Carney, 39, was arrested on Wednesday and faces charges of murder and weapons offenses, according to a news release from the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office.

Multiple 911 calls were made shortly before 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, reporting that a stabbing was taking place at 798 Park Road.

When officers arrived, they found the landlord, Solomon Lonner, 49, of Lakewood, inside the home with multiple stab wounds.

Carney was arrested at the scene after police identified him as the suspect.

Lonner was later pronounced dead at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Korach


Deans’ disdainful texts further expose the antisemitic rot at Columbia

Columbia University’s antisemitism problem is even worse than we knew.

Texts between Columbia deans, obtained and released by the House Education Committee, tell the tale — and show exactly how modern progressive thinking morphs into classic tropes of Jew-hatred.

The deans were texting amid a May 31 alumni event about Jewish life on campus, the school’s effort to show it was truly sensitive to the crisis (and so still worthy of alums’ donations): The two-hour panel let speakers share stories about rising Jew hate in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

But the texts from the hateful three — Susan Chang-Kim, Matthew Patashnick and Cristen Kromm —show these top faculty mocking the idea that Jewish students deserved increased support and protection. in the face of soaring bigotry, and resenting having to listen to Jewish pain.

“Laying the case to expand physical space! They will have their own dorm soon,” groaned Patashnick.

Chang-Kim scoffed: “Comes from such a place of privilege. . . hard to hear the woe is me, we need to huddle at the Kraft center Huh??”

Hello? Practically every Columbia student is “privileged,” and the Kraft Center for Jewish Life may have been the only “safe space” on a campus where Jews were being urged not to look visibly Jewish while the “pro-Palestinian” goons raged.

“Amazing what $$$$ can do,” Kromm grumbled at one point, and in another text added: “If only every identity community had these resources and support.”

Yes, he actually went to “Jews are all rich” and “they use their money to buy behind-the-scenes control.”

Read “The Elders of Zion” much, Cristen?

Again, this all flows from the ideology, rampant in academia, that classifies all Jews as privileged oppressors and Israelis as white settler-colonialists (and no matter that most Israelis descend from Jews who never left the Middle East for all the many centuries of the Diaspora).

Sure, some of this was initially exposed in an underhanded way: An audience member sitting behind Chang-Kim snapped shots of her phone as the trio texted, later leaking some to the Washington Free Beacon.

But they’re not fake, and they expose a dark truth: Antisemitism is so deeply rooted at Columbia that top administrators comfortably converse using ugly anti-Jewish stereotypes even as they’re pretending to listen to victims of hate.

All three got put on leave, but even firing them won’t change the bigger picture: Hate doesn’t just have a home at Columbia, it’s running the place.

No alum should give a dime until the whole school is disinfected, from the board of trustees on down.

The @nytimes is a threat to the two greatest countries in the world


Are Women That Desperate To Marry? Watch as Guy Sets Up a Mock "Terrorist Carjacking" To Propose and the Dope accepts!


Watch Hamas Torture Gazans Who Took Food from the Humanitarian Food Trucks


British Jews see uncertain future as Labour expected to win big


Incumbent UK PM Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Keir Starmer

British Jews, along with the rest of the citizens of the UK, flocked to the polls on Thursday to elect their representatives in Parliament. The election was called for July 4th by Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who dissolved the Parliament in May amid rising dissatisfaction with the country's current leadership. The polls are expected to close at 10:00 p.m. local time, and the results will begin to come in as the night progresses.

According to public opinion polls, the UK Labour Party is expected to win in a landslide, with the latest poll, published on Wednesday, giving them 39% of the vote, ahead of the ruling Conservative Party which according to the survey took only 21%.

As the Brits flock to the polls, Arutz Sheva-Israel National News spoke with Chaim, a Jewish university student from London, about the local Jewish community's feelings about the current election and what the average British Jew is looking for when voting for a candidate.

Belz, Sanz, Vizhnitz, Boyan, Biala, and Karlin Are Fed Up With The Litvishe "gedoilim" Keeping Them in Poverty and Will Teach "Full Curriculum Studies"


Ahead of the opening of the next school year, several major CHasidic communities are  joining state religious education.

Discussions have been held between the Ministry of Education officials and representatives of senior Chasidic leaders with the aim of integrating the educational institutions of the Chasidic communities into state religious education.

According to sources involved in the matter, this marks the culmination of many processes with the institutions' managers and representatives of the communities.

Among the communities that will join the state-religious education are Belz, Sanz, Vizhnitz, Boyan, Biala, and Karlin. It is estimated that this involves about 18 schools with a total of between 5,000 and 7,000 students.

As part of the state religious education, there will be full core curriculum studies, including standardized tests and close supervision by the Ministry of Education, and the teachers will be state employees.

Religious studies will remain the exclusive responsibility of the institutions' management in each Hasidic community.

Outrageous: CNN Finally Fires Journalist Who Worked For Hamas!

Abdel Qader Sabbah with Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zaha

 CNN will no longer accept work from a Gaza-based freelance journalist who was previously employed by Hamas and boasted about his ties to the U.S.-designated terrorist organization on Facebook, according to the HonestReporting media watchdog.

Abdel Qader Sabbah “provided material used in stories for us and other outlets over the past nine months, during which time our own journalists have been barred from entering Gaza independently,” a spokesperson for CNN said on Wednesday, in a statement cited by the pro-Israel NGO.

“We have reviewed this material carefully and are comfortable that it meets our standards,” the spokesman continued. “We were not aware of this individual’s historical social posts and recognize that they are highly offensive,” he added, saying that CNN would no longer use his work.

On Tuesday, HonestReporting published an investigation that showed Sabbah photographed himself with a senior Hamas leader, served in a Hamas-run body to which he also provided video work, praised murderous terrorists and shared anti-Israel propaganda.

The report noted that, in 2018, the freelance “journalist” posted a selfie taken with Hamas leader and co-founder Mahmoud A-Zahar, whom he referred to as “commander Abu Khaled Al-Zahar, literature teacher.”

Al-Zahar wrote a book titled “The End of the Jews,” which glorifies historic violence against Jews and praises the Holocaust and Nazi Germany.

Sabbah—whose Facebook profile mentions “military service” in 2013— shared a picture of himself wearing the uniform of the General Training Directorate, which trains Hamas’s “security” apparatuses in Gaza.

He later produced a promotional video for the Hamas-run body, which was shared on the official page of the terrorist group’s Interior Ministry.

Ivanka Talks About Her Judaism and ‘Lashon Hara’


Ivanka Trump, a Jewish convert and the daughter of President Donald Trump, appeared on the Lex Fridman podcast. It was her first ever podcast interview, a long and in-depth glimpse into her personal feelings and values.

Among the many topics covered, Fridman asked Ivanka how she coped with the enormous amount of attacks she suffered and how she remained stoic.

Ivanka responded that she feels things “very deeply” and she felt both the positive and negative in a deep way. She then discussed how evil the concept of “lashon hara” is in Judaism.

She said: “There’s a concept in Judaism called Lashon Hara, which means evil speech. The idea is that speaking poorly of another is almost the moral equivalent to murder, because you can’t really repair it. You can apologize, but you can’t repair it. Another component of that is that it does as much damage to the person saying the words than it does to the person receiving them. And I think about that a lot. I talk about this concept with my kids a lot, and I’m not willing to pay the price of that fleeting and momentary satisfaction of sort of swinging back because I think it would be too expensive for my soul. And that’s how I made peace with it, because I think that feels more true for me.”

Ivanka also touched on her father’s recent criminal conviction. She began by explaining why she is no longer as involved in politics as some of her other family members.

“It’s a pretty dark world. There’s a lot of darkness, a lot of negativity, and it’s just really at odds with what feels good for me as a human being. And, you know, it’s a really rough business. So for me and my family, it feels right to not participate,” she said.

Fridman replied, “I think part of that darkness is just watching all the legal turmoil that’s going on. What’s it like for you to see your father involved in that, going through that?”

Trump reiterated her support. “On a human level, it’s my father and I love him very much, so it’s painful to experience,” she said. “But ultimately, I wish it didn’t have to be this way.”


“Jews Are Not Safe in France, Europe and Even the USA!"


Sharren Haskel

Israeli MP Sharren Haskel has issued a stark warning regarding the safety of Jews in France after her 88-year-old grandmother was assaulted by a group of thugs.

Haskel revealed the disturbing news, emphasizing that such incidents have become alarmingly common in France. “It’s quite common in France,” Haskel stated, highlighting the frequent targeting of Jewish communities by antisemitic individuals. She explained that after the events of October 7, there has been a noticeable increase in antisemitic activities, with perpetrators “driving through Jewish neighborhoods trying to find Jews.”

Video P:0

This incident underscores the broader concerns about rising antisemitism in Europe, prompting discussions about the measures needed to protect Jewish communities and ensure their safety.

Further details about the attack on Haskel’s grandmother have not been disclosed, but the incident has sparked a renewed call for vigilance and stronger actions against hate crimes. Jewish organizations and leaders across Europe are voicing their solidarity with Haskel and her family, while urging authorities to take decisive steps to combat antisemitism.

As the situation develops, many are looking to the French government for reassurance and concrete actions to safeguard Jewish citizens and uphold their rights to live without fear in their own neighborhoods.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4 in Yiddish

Viznitzer Chusid from Beit Shemesh Accused of Spying for Iran Gets to Meet His lawyer

As we posted on June 27, a Viznitzer Chusid from Beit Shemesh with a computer and internet in his home was arrested on suspicion of espionage, spying for Iran רח"ל  !

 Well it's been almost two weeks and the Judge is allowing him to see his lawyer and family! 

עדכון מפרשת הריגול בבית שמש ▪︎ האברך נפגש עם עו"ד, וראה את בני משפחתו

 בחסידות ויזניץ מספרים כי האברך מהחסידות, תושב בית שמש, שנעצר בחשד לריגול לפני כשבוע - נפגש לראשונה עם עורך דין, וכך גם קיבל אפשרות לראות את בני משפחתו לדקות בודדות.

Take out the popcorn .... California delegate says Black women will 'blow the party up' if Dems pick a 'White man over Kamala Harris"

 California Democratic delegate Areva Martin told media personality Stephen A. Smith that passing over Vice President Kamala Harris as President Biden's replacement should he withdraw from the race would destroy the party. 

"If you pick a White man over Kamala Harris, Black women, I can tell you this, we are going to walk away," Martin said Tuesday. "We are going to blow the party up."

As speculation over Biden's status as leader of the party grows, Democrats are openly divided over who is qualified to run against former President Trump in the months before the election. 

"Who are we agreeing [to]?" Martin asked Smith. "There's a long list of Democrats, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, the list goes on and on." 

"Where is their consensus?" she continued. "You've got to build consensus. And there is not consensus right now."

"So where are we getting agreement from on whom this ideal Democratic candidate should be?" Martin said. "Tell me that." 

Martin, a civil rights attorney, said that the Biden administration deserved credit for its diversity. 

"Joe Biden, when he gets re-elected, which my prediction is that he will, he brings with him Kamala Harris, the most diverse administration in the history of this country," she said. "Y'all need to just stay the course. We got more Black judges appointed under Joe Biden than anyone, even President Barack Obama." 

Martin also compared the presidential race to a sports match, saying that Biden is the "star player" and deserves support. 

"I don't know anything about sports, but I know you don't give up on your star player in the middle of a game," she told Smith. 

"We are almost at the finish line. We have an opportunity to save this democracy. And I bet you, [if] you blow up Joe Biden, you might as well give Donald Trump the keys to the White House and let him start ruling the country in August," she said. 

new national poll from CNN indicates that three-quarters of voters say the Democratic Party would have a better chance of keeping the White House with someone else other than Biden at the top of the party's ticket.

And the survey, released Tuesday by CNN, suggests that Harris performs slightly better than Biden in a match-up with Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee.

The poll was conducted entirely after Biden's extremely rough performance during last Thursday's face-to-face showdown between the two major party contenders.

The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital