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Sunday, June 9, 2024

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Just In Time for Shevuois ..The Story of Four Different Individuals Who Converted to Judaism!


In a World Gone Nuts.. UN Special Rapporteur calls rescue of 4 hostages 'genocidal'


United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories Francesca Albanese criticized Israel for the operation in which Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40), four of the hostages who were kidnapped from the Nova music festival on October 7, were rescued.

"Relieved that four hostages have been released," Albanese wrote on X, using the word 'released' instead of the more accurate 'rescued.'

However, she claimed, "It should not have come at the expense of at least 200 Palestinians, including children, killed and over 400 injured by Israel and allegedly foreign soldiers, while perfidiously hiding in an aid truck."

Albanese called the rescue 'humanitarian camouflage' at another level".

"Israel has used hostages to legitimize killing, injuring, maiming, starving and traumatizing Palestinians in Gaza. And while intensifying violence against Palestinians in the rest of the occupied territory and Israel," she claimed.

"Israel could have freed all hostages, alive and intact, 8 months ago when the first ceasefire and hostage exchange was put on the table. Yet, Israel refused in order to continue to destroy Gaza and the Palestinians as a people," Albanese claimed.

According to Albanese, the rescue "is genocidal intent turned into action. Crystal clear."

The four hostages were rescued alive from two apartment buildings during a daring operation in Nuseirat on Saturday morning. The forces faced heavy resistance from terrorist forces as they attempted to leave with the rescued hostages.

Hamas claimed that over 200 people, including many women and children, were killed in the raid, a figure Albanese unquestionably cited despite the inability to independently verify it.

Albanese has a long record of anti-Israel bias and antisemitism. In March, she and six other UN officials published a letter blaming Israel for the trampling incident that occurred when a humanitarian aid convoy was swarmed in northern Gaza in February and for all of the fatalities during the incident. A few weeks later, she submitted a report accusing Israel of "genocide."

She has supported Hamas in the aftermath of the terrorist organization's massacre of over 1,200 people on October 7, denying that the massacre was antisemitic in nature as well as Israel's right to defend itself. She called a demand that Hamas release the youngest hostage, Kfir Bibas, who was less than a year old at the time, "unacceptable."

Less than two months after the massacre, Albanese published a book co-opting the phrase used to call out the antisemitism behind the trial of Alfred Dreyfus in 1898, 'J'Accuse.' The purpose of the book was to shift the blame for the massacre Hamas committed from the terrorists who committed the atrocities to their Israeli victims.

In 2022, past comments of Albanse were revealed in which she railed against the "Jewish lobby," engaging in classic antisemitic tropes of Jewish power.

Noa Argamani was held in Al Jazeera Reporter's apartment. He Was Killed During Rescue


Noa Argamani, the 26-year-old Israeli woman who was rescued yesterday in a daring raid by the IDF after eight months as a hostage in Gaza, was held in the apartment of an Al Jazeera reporter, according to Open Source Intelligence Monitor.

According to the report, Noa was held by Abdallah Aljamal, "a photojournalist and writer/editor for both Al-Jazeera and the Palestinian Chronicle.

The Palestinian Chronicle reported that Aljamal was one of the Gazans who was killed during the rescue, which it called the "Nuseirat massacre." OSIM reported that Aljamal and several members of his family were killed while attempting to prevent the rescue.

Noa was held in a separate apartment and a different building from Andrey Kozlov, Shlomi Ziv, and Almog Meir Jan, who were rescued at the same time.

Noa Argamani’s kidnapping became one of the symbols of Hamas’ attack on Israel. On October 7, a video was published of Argamani and her boyfriend Avinatan Or being kidnapped from the Nova music festival.

Noa's mother Liora published a video addressed to US President Joe Biden in November begging that he ensure that she would be able to see her daughter one last time due to her terminal brain cancer.

Noa was reunited with her family following her rescue Saturday morning, including both of her parents. She celebrated her father Yaakov's birthday, which coincided with the day of her rescue.

Stupid Dumb BBC Reporter Yente asks: "Why didn't Israel warn Gazans before the hostage rescue?"


 Former head of the IDF international communication branch, Jonathan Conricus, was interviewed by BBC about Operation Arnon, the daring daylight raid to rescue four hostages from Nuseirat. During the interview, he was asked why Israel did not give the Gazans an evacuation warning beforehand, given that the plans included an intense bombardment of the targeted neighborhood.

"Of course we cannot expect Israel to issue a warning ahead of the raid to extract hostages, because then the terrorists would kill the hostages, defeating the goal. I agree with you that we don't know if all the civilians who were killed were necessarily directly connected to the holding of Israeli hostages in Gaza for 8 months," he said.

"There was also significant resistance to the Israeli forces, including RPGs, heavy machine gun fire, and hand grenades. Some of the casualties were likely from reckless Palestinian fire," he noted.

He added: "Just like we saw in Rafah, Israelis were held by Palestinian civilians. Hamas gunmen may have been there also, but the bottom line is that we have complicity of Palestinian civilians."

Noa's Father Thanking the Ribbono Shel Olam


I'm Confused! Can Someone Please Clear this up?


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Mazal Tov... George!


Hostages were forced to read the Quran

 The hostages who were freed from captivity during Saturday’s rescue operation in Nuseirat told the medical teams that they were emotionally abused while in captivity and that the terrorists forced them to read the Quran and learn Islamic rulings.

Channel 13 News reported that Noa Argamani told her family members that she was in captivity together with Yossi Sharabi and Itay Svirsky, who were killed while in Hamas captivity.

Later, the IDF acknowledged that Sharabi was likely killed during an attack on a building near the place where he was held, and that Svirsky was murdered a few days later. Noa told her family, "I saw the missile enter the house, I was sure I was going to die. I thought that was it - but I remained alive."

Noa also said that throughout the period of her captivity, she was moved between several apartments, and was not kept in the underground tunnels. From time to time she went out to breathe fresh air, and did so while disguised as an Arab woman.

Noa was rescued on Saturday morning in the heroic operation of the IDF, the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) and the Yamam in the heart of Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip. She was held in an apartment on the first floor of a building in Nuseirat - hundreds of meters away from the building where the three other hostages who were rescued were held: Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan and Andrey Kozlov.

She told her family members that she heard loud knocks on the door on Saturday morning. "She told me that, out of nowhere, all of a sudden she was told that it was the IDF, 'we have come to rescue you,'" said her relative, Assaf Shahibi, who met her at Sheba Hospital, where the four rescued hostages were taken.

Sharon Sharabi, the brother of the late Yossi Sharabi who was with Noa in captivity and whose other brother Eli remains in captivity, told Ynet on Saturday night, "I feel enormous joy, I am so excited. This heroic operation lifted the nation, we were all grounded, we went through psychological ups and downs in the last few months.”