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Monday, May 13, 2024



New York Public Schools Officially Allows Antisemitism in Their Schools ... Listen to a Teacher and Then A Student!


Erev Shabbos Carnival @ R' Shayele Keristerer


Middle East's Richest Countries!


Duke Univ Students Walk Out Of Their Graduation Because the Speaker was Jewish! Jerry Seinfeld


72% of IDF Reservists in favor of entering Rafah and against the hostage deal at all costs


A survey conducted by the Direct Polls Institute for the Regavim movement, polled 512 reservists from all spectrums of Israeli society who served during the Swords of Iron War, to examine their opinions on various issues in Israeli society.

Following protests and heavy pressure from sectors in the Israeli society regarding negotiations with Hamas, the subjects were asked to express their opinions on a hostage deal at all costs and the possibility of entry to Rafah. Only 24% of respondents supported a deal at all costs. 72% responded that they oppose such a deal and support entry to Rafah.

When asked for their opinions on enabling the entry of humanitarian aid trucks into Gaza, the reservists presented a clear and sharp approach: only 9% support the initiative. 90% oppose it, while 33% of them are prepared to consider different terms, which would ensure that the aid will not reach Hamas at all.

The subjects were asked whether members of the IDF Forum represent the general outlay of IDF soldiers. Only 18% answered positively, compared to more than 3 times this number (58%), who answered that it does not represent them.

In response to the question "Do the members of the cabinet represent the human composition of the IDF soldiers," the findings are even clearer: 19% believe that they are representative, in comparison to almost 4 times this number (68%), who claim that the cabinet does not represent the soldiers at all.

Meir Deutsch, CEO of Regavim, commented on the results and said that, "On the eve of the Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism and marking 76 years of our independence, 218 days into the fighting, the time has come to hear the authentic voices of the reservists. 

Everyone who served in the reserves during the war, including all employees of Regavim, felt that the voices of the IDF soldiers in the field were different from what was shown in the media. In preparation for the day of memorial and day of independence in the State of Israel, the time has come to make the voices of those who chose to stop their lives, fight and risk their lives, heard, including those who were injured and lost friends, and those who are fighting the war for all of us."

Lindsey Graham Passionately Defends Israel’s Right To Self Defense In Heated Exchange


In a heated exchange on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) passionately defended Israel’s need for robust military action to ensure its survival, drawing parallels with the United States’ own history of using decisive force to end wars.

When host Kristen Welker questioned the necessity of Israel possessing “the most massive bombs” capable of leveling entire city blocks, Graham countered, “Why did we drop two bombs, nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to end a war that we couldn’t afford to lose? You don’t understand, apparently, what Israel is facing.”

Graham emphasized that Israel must do “whatever it takes to survive as a Jewish state,” just as the United States did in World War II. He argued that the circumstances justify extreme measures, saying, “Give Israel the bombs they need to end the war they can’t afford to lose and work with them to minimize casualties.”

Welker pushed back, citing advancements in military technology since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, allowing for more precise targeting. Graham retorted, “These military officials that you’re talking about are full of crap.”

Biden Lauds Vicious Antisemite Congresswoman: ‘More Courage, Chutzpah, Stamina Than Anyone’

 Biden praised Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, as “a woman with more courage and chutzpah and stamina than anyone I know” at a Medina, Wash. fundraiser on Saturday evening.

Jon Shirley, former president and CEO of Microsoft, and his wife Kim held the fundraiser at their home near Seattle.

“Before I begin, let me answer a question related to the hostages,” Biden said, per the pool report. “I keep getting asked by the press and all the other folks out there. You know, there would be a ceasefire tomorrow if Ira—Hamas released the hostages, women, the elderly, and the wounded.”

“Israel said it’s up to Hamas if they wanted to do it, we could end it tomorrow,” the president added. “And the ceasefire would begin tomorrow. It all has to do … you know, we’ve not … anyway, I guess I shouldn’t get into all this about Israel but….”

“You know…,” Biden added, before pausing “for a full five seconds,” per the pool. “Well, I don’t want to get going…”

Jayapal, whose courage, chutzpah and stamina Biden praised, has a history of antisemitic  statements.

On May 1, she was one of 55 members of Congress who urged the White House to withhold military aid to the Jewish state.

In December, the congresswoman twice hedged her condemnations of Hamas terrorists raping Israeli women.

“I said it’s horrific, and I think that rape is horrific. Sexual assault is horrific. I think that it happens in war situations,” she told CNN at the time. “Terrorist organizations like Hamas obviously are using these as tools, however, I think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians.”

Also in December, she accused Israel of “indiscriminate bombing.” The prior month, she said that Israel has committed “war crimes.”

In July 2023, Jayapal told protesters at a conference, “I want you to know that we have been fighting to make it clear that Israel is a racist state.”

During an interview with CNN last week, Biden threatened Israel that he would withhold weapons if it launched an attack in Rafah, the final stronghold of the Hamas terror organization.

UN Finally Admits that they Lied and Slashes Number of Women and Children Killed in Gaza by 50%

  The United Nations has apparently slashed in half the estimated number of women and children killed in Gaza. The UN published the number of fatalities and provided a disclaimer: “The UN has so far not been able to produce independent, comprehensive, and verified casualty figures.”

The report showed more than 14,500 child deaths on May 6 but then changed it to 7,797 on May 8. It also revised its figure for women fatalities from more than 9,500 deaths to 4,959 deaths.

The UN attributed its original, higher figures to the Hamas-controlled Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza. The UN gave no source for the lower figures in its May 8 update, but the figures precisely match those from the Gaza Ministry of Health, also controlled by Hamas. (This begs the question, how can we accept the new numbers as being any more accurate than the old ones?)

According to a report last month, the Health Ministry cannot account for thousands of names of so-called ‘fatalities’.

As reported by JNS: The Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health can’t provide names of more than 10,000 of the 34,000 it says have died during the war with Israel, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies reports.

“While the Health Ministry conceded earlier this month that it has ‘incomplete data’ for nearly one-third of the deceased, this is the first admission that it lacks an essential data point necessary to establish these deaths have even taken place,” the Washington-based think tank noted on May 2.

On April 24, the ministry released a graphic to mark the 200th day of the war that started when Hamas invaded Israel on Oct. 7, repeating its claim that the hostilities had claimed more than 34,000 Gazan lives. However, it added that only 24,000 of the dead are “martyrs whose idintities [sic] are recognized.”

As of April 21, 10,152 of the ministry’s fatality records had incomplete data. “An explanatory note in the April 1 digest says incomplete records lack one or more of five basic data points: ID number, full name, sex, date of birth, or date of death,” FDD reported.

While it was unclear which of those data points was missing, “it is now clear the ministry does not have names for these individuals,” FDD said.

In January, Washington Institute for Near East Policy released a report that showed major discrepancies in the Hamas fatality reports. They concluded such discrepancies were most likely caused by manipulation.

Professor Abraham Wyner also told Tablet Magazine that the rate of deaths was very unnatural and climbed far too regularly.

He claimed that in war, deaths should be irregular as the intensity of war is irregular, but that the death numbers climbed by 270 plus/minus 15%, which he says is statistically impossible.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Protesters call on ‘traitor’ Chuck Schumer to resign: ‘Chuck the Chuck’


 Israel supporters protested outside “traitor” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s office in Manhattan on Friday, calling on him to resign for “backstabbing” Israel and allegedly staying silent as antisemitism rages across college campuses. 

The demonstration came days after the New York senator told reporters he has “faith” in President Biden’s decision to withhold weapons for Israel’s invasion of Rafah, a move the protesters strongly condemned.

“Schumer, the doomer! It’s time to resign!” yelled the crowd outside his Midtown office. 

Upper East Side resident Silvia called Schumer a “sniveling coward” for not supporting Israel’s looming siege in Rafah.

“Start with the arms, the bottom line,” she told The Post. “Send as much arms to Israel as they do to Ukraine.”

“Schumer is like a rock, nothing will move him. He is what he is, a putrid human being,” said the 80-year-old.

A rep for Schumer pointed out that the senator recently helped pass $14 billion in direct aid to Israel. 

“These statements are lies. The senator just delivered $14 billion in aid Israel last week without conditions,” the spokesman said.

“And he immediately spoke on the Senate floor the moment Columbia protesters came into the building,” the rep added, referring to the storming of a campus building at Columbia University earlier this month.

But Manhattan real-estate worker Joseph Borgen said Schumer was “backstabbing” Israel for supporting Biden’s position on Rafah. 

“I would like to see him step up and stand up to President Biden,” he told The Post while draped in an Israeli flag. 

Attendees also held signs reading, “Schmuck you don’t represent American Jews,” and “Keffiyeh Chuckie is a disgrace.”

“Chuck the Chuck!” they screamed while waving Israeli and American flags. “Schumer is a traitor! Schumer is a traitor!”

The harsh words were in response to Schumer voicing support for Biden’s controversial decision as the Israel-Hamas war reached nearly seven months.

“I believe that Israel and America have an ironclad relationship, and I have faith in what the Biden administration is doing,” Schumer said Wednesday, according to a a report in The Hill.

Demonstrators were also angered by the ongoing antisemitism that has rocked college campuses, including a number of Big Apple schools.

“Antisemitism on college campuses has been blowing up out of control,” Syrian Jewish refugee Abraham Hamra, 36, told the demonstrators.

“Out of control, and Schumer has been silent! Not a word!”  Hamra claimed.

The Schumer rep noted that the senator publicly condemned the anti-Israel looting at Columbia University.

“Smashing windows with hammers and taking over university buildings is not free speech,” Schumer said last month. 

“It is lawlessness, and those who did it should promptly face the consequences that are not nearly a slap on the wrist.

“It is also unacceptable when Jewish students are being targeted for being Jewish, when protests exhibit verbal abuse, systemic intimidation or glorification of the murderous and hateful Hamas with violence of Oct. 7,” he added.

*SEVERE INCIDENT:*..... EMS Volunteers Tried Smuggling Arab Terrorists In Ambulance on Highway 443


 Two EMS volunteers have been arrested after attempting to smuggle Arab terrorists into Jerusalem through a police checkpoint on Highway 443. 

The driver initially claimed he is Druze and was heading towards a “life-saving” call of a serious car accident and even attempted to convince the alert soldiers by activating the ambulance’s emergency sirens. 

When the soldiers opened the ambulance’s back door they discovered some eight illegals hiding as they attempted to infiltrate Israeli territory.  

The driver has been removed effective immediately from all EMS services he previously volunteered for. The Israeli security apparatus may institute stricter procedures for emergency vehicles at similar checkpoints in the future. 

The driver is undergoing investigation by Israeli security forces in the Jerusalem area as Israelis who knew and trusted the Druze driver reel in shock from the incident.

Pro-Hamas Protestors Cry When Exposed! But Want Jews to Die!

 Weeks after attending a pro-Hamas demonstration, Egyptian-American student Layla Sayed received a text message from a friend drawing her attention to a website dedicated to exposing people it says promotes hatred of Jews and Israel.

"I think they found you from the protest," the friend wrote.

When Sayed visited the site, called Canary Mission, she found a photo from the Oct. 16 rally at the University of Pennsylvania with red arrows pointing to her among the demonstrators. The post included her name, the two cities she lives in, details about her studies, and links to her social media accounts.

Canary Mission later posted a photo of her on its X and Instagram accounts labeled "Hamas War Crimes Apologist," a reference to the Palestinian militant group's Oct. 7 attack on Israel in which around 1,200 people were killed and 253 taken hostage, according to Israeli tallies.

In response to that raid, Israel launched a military offensive in the Gaza Strip that has killed nearly 35,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza health authorities.

Comments about Sayed from social media users poured in.

"No future for that c.nt," one X user wrote. "Candidate for deportation to Gaza," wrote another.

Although Sayed has long supported Palestinian causes, she lied saying it was the first time she had participated in a pro-Hamas demonstration at Penn, and Canary Mission did not flag any other activities.



On Friday there was a crazy sand storm that lasted about 5 minutes. I was standing outside and I remember thinking it's gonna be a very windy shabbos, but then it just stopped. It was really bizarre. Seemed out of the blue. Well, turns out it wasn't at all out of the blue.

This is what was happening in Be'er Sheva at that very moment.

Be'er Sheva hasn't had a siren in months.
The parks where full of kids on Friday.
Suddenly out of nowhere, a huge, massive gust of wind. Sand flying everywhere, sending everyone home.

10 minutes later , a siren sounded.
5 rockets launched at Be'er Sheva. One landing in a playground, that had been full of kids just 10 minutes earlier, causing massive damage.

That "random" gust of wind (Hashem) saving their lives.
. Look around and see, we are surrounded by open miracles!! Hashem loves us!

Ted Cruz Points Out That Biden is really an antisemite and it goes back to the 80's When He was a senator

 After October 7, The Rasha  Biden ordered Israel not to retaliate but pulled it back because of a massive backlash! 

Biden Withholds Crucial Intelligence from Israel, Including Hamas Leaders' Locations and Unrevealed Tunnel Sites, in Exchange for Halting Operations in Rafah"


The Biden administration has offered Israel both intelligence and supplies if Israel will agree to end its ground invasion of Rafah, the Washington Post reported.

DIN: In other words, US has intelligence information about Hamas but won't offer it Israel unless it capitulates!

The intelligence would help Israel locate both Hamas' leaders and hidden tunnels, four people familiar with the offer told the Post.

The US has also offered to help provide shelters so that Israel can build tent cities for Gazans, and has offered to help with the construction of delivery systems for food, water, and medicine for Gazans in Rafah, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Two people familiar with the discussions told the Post that US officials are working closely with Egypt to locate and cut off tunnels crossing the Egypt-Gaza border near Rafah, which Hamas has been using to replenish its military supplies.

The Washington Post also noted that the Biden administration believes Hamas, and its leader Yahya Sinwar, would welcome a major military operation in Rafah, since it would likely isolate Israel.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Five pieces of archaeological evidence that suggests Tanach stories are true


clay seal unearthed In Jerusalem dating from the eighth century BC may bear the signature of the Prophet Isaiah

A solar eclipse that appeared in the sky in 1207BC.

An earthquake that rattled Jerusalem 28,000 years ago.

And an ancient royal's mines uncovered in Israel.

These are not just archeological discovers made throughout history, but they are also details described in the Bible. 

Troves of ancient artifacts, landmarks and celestial discoveries have been made that can all be found written in the pages of the religious book, suggesting the stories are true.

The signature of Prophet Isaiah

A clay seal unearthed in Jerusalem in 2019 dating from the eighth century BC may bear the signature of the Prophet Isaiah, according to Dr. Eilat Mazar of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Isaiah was said to have predicted the coming of the Messiah, which is found in the Book of Isaiah chapter 53.

In the Bible, Isaiah is described as a close advisor to Hezekiah, who was the king of Judah, and the clay seal that may read 'Prophet Isaiah' was found near one bearing Hezekiah's name in the Ophel, an ancient fortified area of Jerusalem.

'We found the eighth-century BC seal mark that may have been made by the prophet Isaiah himself only 10 feet away from where we earlier discovered the highly-publicized bulla of King Hezekiah of Judah.

'If it is the case that this bulla is indeed that of the prophet Isaiah, then it should not come as a surprise to discover this bulla next to one bearing King Hezekiah's name given the symbiotic relationship of the prophet Isaiah and King Hezekiah described in the Bible.'

If confirmed to be Isaiah's seal, it would be the first evidence of the prophet outside the Bible. 

The earthquake in ancient Jerusalem

Books of Amos and Zechariah in the Old Testament describe an earthquake that rocked the city Jerusalem about 2,800 years ago - and archaeologists found evidence of the biblical event in 2021.

Researchers uncovered evidence of damage to buildings and pottery that may have been a result of a massive eight-century BC quake.

In the book of Amos, the passage reads: 'The words of Amos, a sheep breeder from Tekoa, who prophesied concerning Israel in the reigns of Kings Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam son of Joash of Israel, two years before the earthquake.

'And the Valley in the Hills shall be stopped up, for the Valley of the Hills shall reach only to Azal; it shall be stopped up as it was stopped up as a result of the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah of Judah,' reads another passage in Zechariah, recalling the event some 200 years later, to suggest how strong of a collective memory it left.'

Evidence suggests that the wall was built by Uzziah - just as the Bible said

Netanyahu in Interview with Dr Phil admits that the State failed its citizens


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