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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Inside a Facility Where Oct. 7 Terrorists Are Imprisoned

From left: Sgt. 1st Class Zohar Elazari, Lt. Col. Shachar Kamisa, Sgt. 1st Class Oren Reuveni and Advanced Staff Sgt. Maj. Mowafaq Asakla.

Handcuffed and wearing blindfolds, dressed in brown overalls, the prisoners were brought into a side room. One by one they were sat down on a round chair in front of a camera and bright light and photographed against the backdrop of an Israeli flag. They were terrorists from Hamas’s Nukhba special forces unit and had been brought to the prison a month and a half earlier.

“When they arrived, one of them looked at me and started wailing,” Staff Sgt. Maj. Mowafaq Asakla, the commander of an Israel Prison Service (IPS) security team who oversees a prison facility whose location is classified, told Israel Hayom. “He cried, said he was just a construction worker who came to Israel to find work and that he had no money for food for his children. He kept saying, ‘I’m a worker, I’m a worker. I didn’t do anything.’

“The next day I found out who he was when I saw his personal belongings. He was not a worker, he was a murderer who had killed a young [Israeli] woman and her young son in cold blood, who had used a knife while they were alive and then shot them in the head. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

TikTok Refuses To Run Ads To Free Gaza Hostages, Claiming They’re ‘Too Political’

  Social media giant TikTok  is refusing to run a paid ad campaign in which family members of hostages held by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza appeal for the release of their loved ones, deeming the content to be “too political.”

While Meta platforms Facebook and Instagram have agreed to host the video clips, which place a spotlight on the 129 people still being held hostage in Gaza, Fox News reported Sunday that TikTok rejected the request to run the campaign on its platform, claiming that it didn’t meet its advertising policies.

Content creation manager for the Hostages and Missing Families Forum Yossi Lubaton said that he had first inquired about running the campaign on TikTok several weeks after the horrific October 7 Hamas onslaught, in which some 1,200 people were killed and more than 240 were seized as hostages, but was rejected after Tiktok claimed that the ads included “campaign slogans” or “depictions of war, weapons, hostages and violence” which are contrary to the platforms policies.

However Tiktok allegedly displayed a double standard on its policies, as it agreed to accept so-called “humanitarian” campaigns that serve Hamas’s narrative while fundraising for Gaza children.

Fox news claimed based on internal memos from Tiktok employees that the social media platform had adopted an unequal policy regarding Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza. Despite rejecting the hostage ad on political grounds, Tiktok allowed content featuring graphic violence and incitement against Israelis to be featured.

Additionally, Jewish employees at Tiktok told Fox Business that their work environment had become increasingly toxic due to antisemitic sentiment expressed by colleagues, as well as the company’s failure to combat Jew-hating rhetoric on the video-sharing platform.

Tiktok hotly denied the allegations, claiming that “We invest heavily in training our moderators to apply these [advertisement] policies consistently.”

Israeli communications minister Shlomo Kari  called Tiktok and demanded that they allow the hostage ad to be published.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Just feet from the White House Palestinians Deface Statues


Chareidie Wedding in Monsey Singing Hatikvah Under the Chupa with the Chassan & Kallah Draped in Israeli Flag


When Rabbi Weinberger from Eish Koidesh Sat on Santa's Lap


Meanwhile in Teheran the "Yamach Shemoh'nickes" Meet with the Murderers


It will take years to correct the damage the generals wrought by reducing the size of the IDF and inducing its total dependence on the United States


Two underlying assumptions guided Israel’s security establishment for the past generation. The first asserted that with the end of the Cold War, the era of conventional wars had ended. In the present age, brains, rather than brawn, would rule the roost.

The primary author of the “small and smart IDF” doctrine was Ehud Barak, who served as Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces when the Berlin Wall crumbled. In later years, the slogan was finessed.

A generation of IDF Chiefs of General Staff organized around the vision of a “small, technological and lethal army.”

As Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Brick, (retired) who served as the IDF ombudsman for ten years, has documented, operating under the spell of Barak’s doctrine, the IDF shut down multiple reserve divisions. It cut its artillery forces by 50%. Armored brigades were shut down. The reserve force was reduced by 80% between 2003 and 2017. The non-commissioned officer corps was gutted. The bulk of the IDF budget and nearly all the U.S. military aid were diverted to the Air Force—the strategic arm of the “small, technological and lethal” IDF.

Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch: Working Charedim will be viewed, treated, as Torah-learners, new yeshivas should be founded for them.


Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, a leading Lithuanian-haredi rabbi, has called for a "kollel" (yeshiva for married men) to be formed for haredim who work to earn a living.

Speaking at an event for employed Lithuanian-haredim at the International Conference Center in Jerusalem, Rabbi Hirsch urged that these men be given more respect in the haredi community.

"It is very important to treat them - and this is how they need to treat themselves - not as 'Baalei-Batim' who do not belong to the 'Torah learning' community," Rabbi Hirsch said. "The foundation needs to be that a person thinks, 'I am absolutely a Torah-learner, who has no choice and I need to work for a livelihood, but I am definitely a Torah-learner."

Later in the event, he clarified, "There need to be more kollels, for Torah-learners who work. Not 'Baalei Batim  kollels,' but 'kollels for Torah-learners who work,' and there, each person will learn according to his abilities."

"Through this, there will be a very great sanctification of G-d's name... May G-d give these kollel students the ability to handle the burden of a livelihood and remain true Torah-learners in all ways. And this will greatly sanctify Heaven," Rabbi Hirsch concluded.

Biden convinced Netanyahu not to launch pre-emptive strike on Hezbollah on Lebanon

 President Biden convinced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the 11th hour to nix a planned strike against Hezbollah days after the Oct. 7 massacre over fears that it would trigger a region-wide war, a new report says.

Israel allegedly had warplanes waiting for orders to target the Lebanese terror group by striking its forces along the Lebanon border Oct. 11 when Biden spoke with Netanyahu about the consequences of such a preemptive attack, given American intelligence finding no evidence of an impending Hezbollah invasion, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.

Israeli officials were said to be on edge after Hamas’ slaughter of more than 1,200 people in Israel on Oct 7., with the nation’s own intelligence network suggesting a repeat of the attack was imminent from the Palestinian terrorists’ allies in Lebanon.

But Biden allegedly talked Netanyahu and his war cabinet into taking a more reserved approach rather than risking an all-out war in both Gaza and Lebanon, sources told the Journal.

IDF finds explosive belts made for kids, toy chests with warheads in Gaza


Israeli soldiers found Hamas explosive belts adapted for children and toy chests hiding warheads at a Gaza kindergarten, the army said over the weekend.

The Israel Defense Forces said a sweep of a Hamas-operated area near schools, a mosque and a medical facility turned up a weapons compound filled with countless explosives.

In the compound, the IDF found explosive belts specifically modified for children to wear, along with dozens of mortar shells, hundreds of grenades and several intelligence documents, it said Sunday.

The raid on the compound was carried out after Israeli troops took out seven Hamas terrorists in the building.

A similar raid occurred at a Gaza school that was serving as a shelter for Palestinian refugees, the IDF said.

Iran’s nuclear breakout: ’Twas the night before Armageddon

 It remains far too quiet at the White House this Christmas. Iran alarmingly is on the cusp of building a nuclear bomb and the Biden administration appears oblivious that we are now on the eve of Armageddon in the Middle East. 

Yuletide gifts for Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in the form of more economic-sanction relief won’t stop the ayatollah from achieving his military goal of turning Iran into a nuclear power as a counterweight to Israel’s nuclear arsenal.

Creatures are stirring in Iran, and dangerously so in the full light of day. 

Tehran is only days from a nuclear breakout, not weeks or months. Iran already possesses sufficient mass of 60% highly enriched uranium to assemble nuclear bombs, and readily has the centrifuge capacity needed to reach 90% enrichment — the level required to sustain a nuclear chain reaction.

MK Moshe Feiglin: 'There was no humanitarian path for the babies of Hiroshima' "Victory is to conquer the land, evacuate all the People from Gaza"


Moshe Feiglin, Israeli politician and activist, spoke to Israel National News – Arutz Sheva about his decision to leave the Likud, the current IDF achievements, and the sacrifice of our soldiers.

“What we see is the spirit and heroism of this generation of soldiers. We have never seen this in the past. We have seen tremendous heroism during all the wars since 1948, but what we are seeing now, we have never seen before. Personally, it gives me tremendous hope for this country. I know that we are going to win. There's no doubt about it. The problem we have is with the political leadership and with the top political leadership of the army,” Feiglin opens.

He explains, “Winning, and what is winning, is the key question because when they [the leadership] decided to eliminate Hamas, that's ridiculous. That's not a victory. The definition of victory is to conquer the land, evacuate all the people from Gaza, and rebuild the whole Gaza Strip as the new greater Tel Aviv; Gaza should be a big city like Tel Aviv. Of course, Gush Katif must be built again. We should have an airport over there. We should have hotels. This should be the new Israeli Riviera. That should be the vision; nothing less than that. That's a victory. When you talk about sacrificing our heroes, our children, in Gaza and then giving it back to the Gaza people, they are the enemy.”

Outrage in Chabad: Tunnel discovered under Chabad Headquarters

A tunnel has been discovered under the Hasidic World Center 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, New York.

The tunnel had been dug for several months at least, as Chabad suspects that several men are responsible for the digging that began during the Covid-19 pandemic, in order to enter a building that was locked.

Others in Chabad claim that the tunnel was dug during the last year by a number of Mexican workers.

Due to the danger to the foundations of the building, it was decided to close the women's section above the tunnel. The diggers hid the dirt and debris in a mikvah that had not been used for years.


Israel has to completely defeat Hamas but at the same time find religion and reconnect to G-d.

The October 7th massacre of innocent Jews has shaken the world. The depth and breadth of the killing, rape, torture and mutilation is unparalleled in the history of mankind according to archeologists who have made it their life’s work to study such things. Jews have united the world over in ways unimaginable prior. Even the Left in Israel has had a change of heart.

A poll by Israel’s Channel 12 found that at least one third of Israelis characterized themselves as “moving to the Right”. A Tel Aviv University poll found that the vast majority of Israelis were against a two state solution and the numbers opposed had grown since October 7th. As it stands today only 28.6% of Jewish Israelis support a two state solution.

The number declines every day. The number of Israelis who support peace negotiations with the PA has dropped to an all time low of 24.5%. The main explanation for this is that most Israelis distrust the PA especially since they initially failed to condemn the slaughter and have been to ready to justify it.

Hamas murdered many of Israel’s well-known “peace activists” including Vivian Silver the founder of “Women Wage Peace”. This has caused a shift in many of the Israelis who had aligned themselves with Peace Now and other such groups. One resident of Kibbutz Nir Oz who had participated in rallies in support of the expulsion of Jews from the 22 Jewish Villages in Gaza in 2005 has begun to question his beliefs.

It is not only that a transformation is occurring in Israelis’ political views and positions but in their spiritual quest. At a Chanukah Torah Scroll dedication I organized; an unaffiliated Israeli cardiologist made sure to attend because he wanted to “learn about his Heritage”. He is seeking answers and understanding. He attributed his newfound curiosity to the events that took place to his people on October 7th.

There has been an awakening. It has stirred his heart. A Rabbi called me soon after October 7th and told me that this is a “Kiruv Moment”(to come back to Judaism and return to one’s roots). I am beginning to see the wisdom of those words. Many are returning to the fold.

Israel has to completely defeat Hamas but at the same time find religion and reconnect to G-d.


HOT ON HIS HEELS: Nikki Haley Within Just Four Points Of Donald Trump In New Hampshire


Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is trailing closely behind her former boss, ex-President Donald Trump, in New Hampshire, with a new poll by the American Research Group showing Haley lagging Trump by just four points.

The poll reveals Trump leading with 33% of voters’ support, while Haley is hot on his heels at 29%. Other contenders, including former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie at 13%, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at 6%, and Vivek Ramaswamy at 5%, lag behind the front-runners.

Trump’s lead over Haley widens slightly among Republican voters (39%-27%), but Haley takes the lead among independent voters with 33%, followed by Trump at 24% and Christie closely behind at 23%.

Haley’s rise in New Hampshire reflects a broader trend in her campaign, as she has been gaining momentum in the Republican primary race over the past few months. This surge comes as DeSantis’s poll numbers have seen a decline. Some commentators have suggested that Christie should consider dropping out and endorsing Haley to enhance her chances against Trump, although Christie has not indicated any intention to withdraw, despite his low polling numbers outside New Hampshire.

A recent CBS News poll mirrored these findings, placing Haley at 29% support in New Hampshire, though Trump maintained a more substantial lead in that survey, holding 44% of voter support.

Haley’s supporters argue that her momentum and ability to attract voters make her the most potent challenger to Trump. However, DeSantis supporters question her strength with the party’s base to succeed in a head-to-head matchup with Trump.

Chief Rabbi Lau Calls Out Pope Frank'instein For “Outrageous Statement”

Chief Rabbi of Israel Rav Dovid Lau on Sunday published a letter to Pope Francis calling him out on a comment he made last month during a conversation with President Isaac Herzog that seemed to equate Israel’s actions in Gaza to Hamas’s atrocities.

Pope Francis said that it is “forbidden to respond to terror with terror.”

 “The State of Israel embarked on a just war in the face of attacks from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen that threatened the very existence of the State,” Rav Lau wrote. “Islamic terrorism, which crosses almost all international borders, has reached our home. The murder, rape, vandalism and abuse suffered by civilians, the incessant calls for the destruction of Israel and the abduction of hundreds of innocents into captivity, including children, women, men, and the elderly, forced upon us a war for our existence. A war for our survival. Our life. Our desire to grow our crops in peace and live with our neighbors in dignity.”

“As a person who is knowledgeable of the world’s history, you are surely aware of the suffering of the Jewish people throughout the ages. The people who introduced the concept of one God and the values of the Torah: compassion, kindness and mercy, were forced to stand up for themselves. An unfortunate mistake did indeed take place, a mistake that sadly resulted in the accidental death of the two women in the churchyard in Gaza. This, however, does not turn us into terrorists. It was not us who initiated the attacks with the stated purpose of murdering, pillaging, humiliating and killing civilians. On the contrary, we are doing everything possible to prevent and reduce harm to civilians.

“I apologize for feeling an inner obligation to respond to your words, but I am concerned that one of the innumerable followers of the Head of the Catholic Church, who eagerly absorb your observations, may perhaps misinterpret your words. Therefore, based on our acquaintance and past meetings, I respectfully request you to change your definition of the events. I pray that peace, calm and serenity prevail in our world.”

Israeli NGO Files $2.8 Million Suit Against Red Cross

 Israeli rights organization Shurat HaDin on Thursday announced the filing of a 10 million shekel (nearly $2.8 million) lawsuit on behalf of 24 plaintiffs against the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Filed in the Jerusalem District Court, the lawsuit accuses the Geneva-based ICRC of delaying action in the aftermath of Hamas’s Oct.7 massacre, and failing to visit or provide medical assistance to the hostages held by the terrorist group.

“We are seeking a court order to compel the ICRC to visit the hostages, supervise their situation, ensure that they are alive and not being tortured and raped, as well as to provide them with medicine,” Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the president of Shurat HaDin, told JNS.

According to the lawsuit, the ICRC holds a unique position and mandate under international humanitarian law. This status gives it certain prerogatives but also carries with it the obligation to act with due diligence in cases such the Hamas hostage crisis. According to the ICRC’s guidelines, the captives being held in Gaza are recognized as being among the most vulnerable “protected persons” in need of its help.

On Saturday, Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, the president of the ICRC, said that Israel must accommodate Hamas’s demands before her organization can get access to the captives.

Jerry Seinfeld’s Wife Says After Israel Visit: “I’ve Never Seen More Unified Country’

  Jessica Seinfeld, wife of comedian Jerry Seinfeld, shared her thoughts and experiences after visiting Israel and seeing the scenes of October 7th and the situation in the wake of the ongoing war. Seinfeld commented that despite the significant political divisions that still exist in Israel, she had “never seen a more unified country.”

“We just got home from Israel,” Seinfeld wrote on her Instagram page. “We wanted to see for ourselves the impacts of the October 7th attacks. We saw homes where families were tortured, shot, bombed, and burned alive. We stood in a field where kids at a music festival were murdered and kidnapped by the hundreds as they fled.