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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Hostages Were Held At Homes Of a UN Teacher And Gazan Doctor


In a startling revelation by Channel 13 News, Almog Boker reported that one of the recently liberated hostages had been detained for 50 days in the attic of a UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) teacher’s home, providing more evidence that the U.N. was complicit in Hamas’s terror operations.

“One of the abductees, held for nearly 50 days in an attic, reveals he was held by a UNRWA teacher – a father of ten children. This teacher locked the victim away, barely provided food, and neglected medical needs,” Boker wrote on X.

This incident is part of a far broader and troubling pattern, as Boker further reported on another hostage situation involving a Gazan doctor. “Another abductee was held captive by a Gazan doctor who, simultaneously, cared for children,” Boker wrote, highlighting the dual lives led by many “innocent civilians” in the Gaza Strip.

These are not isolated cases, but part of a larger picture where civilians are actively involved in the captivity of hundreds, including women and children.

UNRWA, the United Nations agency dedicated to assisting the descendants of Arab refugees from Israel’s War of Independence, has faced criticism over alleged links to Hamas and the reported extreme antisemitism among some of its employees. These latest reports of a UNRWA teacher’s involvement in a hostage situation lay bare the agency’s willingness to actively support terrorists.

Adding to the grim picture, Devora Cohen, aunt of 12-year-old Eitan Yahalomi who was also recently released, disclosed that Eitan experienced physical abuse at the hands of Gazan civilians. She revealed that children, including Eitan, were threatened with rifles if they cried.

TERROR IN JERUSALEM: 3 Murdered, 6 Injured, In Shooting Attack At Entrance To Jerusalem

Three people were murdered and six people were seriously and moderately injured in a shooting attack at the entrance to Jerusalem on Thursday morning. One of the fatalities was a 24-year-old woman, a second was a man in his 70s, and the details of the third fatality are not yet known.

Two terrorists opened fire, one with an automatic weapon and one with a pistol, toward passersby on Rechov Weizmann. The police said later that the terrorists arrived in the area by car and opened fire at people waiting at a bus stop. Cartridges with hundreds of bullets were found in the terrorists’ vehicle

Both terrorists, who were later reported to have been residents of East Jerusalem, were neutralized by a soldier who was nearby. Channel 12 News reported that the soldier was on a 12-hour leave from his post in the Gaza Strip.

Eight victims were evacuated to Shaare Tzedek and Hadassah Ein Kerem hospitals, five in serious condition, one in moderate condition, and two in light condition.

Watch the reserve soldier run to his car to get his gun to shoot the terrorists in the video below – at 14 seconds:

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Senior CIA Official Posted Pro-palestine Propaganda on Social Media


Dissension among foreign-policy professionals with the Biden administration’s support for the Jewish state’s war to destroy Hamas has now manifested in America’s espionage agency.

Amy McFadden, an associate deputy director for analysis at the CIA, posted a Palestinian flag as her Facebook background two weeks after the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks against Israel.

Her LinkedIn page also showed support for the International Crisis Group, an anti-Israel organization linked to an Iranian propaganda network and previously led by Robert Malley, the suspended special envoy for Iran. The page also features the banner “I am for equity because equity starts with everyone.”

The Financial Times, which broke the story and did not name McFadden, also reported the CIA director had posted a selfie with the phrase “Free Palestine” imposed on it.

Following FT’s inquiry into the photo, McFadden removed the image.

McFadden is a Middle East specialist whose duties previously included preparing the President’s Daily Brief.

Henry Kissinger Dies at 100 Blocked Military to Israel During Yom Kippur War


 Henry Kissinger, the Jewish child refugee who defined American foreign policy during the 1970's while turning his back on his People, had died. He was 100.

*Born in Germany to a frum family,* he escaped with his parents in the 1930s and immigrated to the United States. His ties to the Washington Heights kehilla of Adath Yeshurun frayed as he climbed the ladder of success, and were cut completely when he married out of the faith. As such, he will not be buried by the kehilla's chevra kaddisha.

Kissinger, as President Nixon's nation security advisor, forced Israel to cede most of the territory out gained in the 1967 Six Day War, and later tried blocking military aid when Israel was attacked by seven Arab countries in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. He denied this in an interview earlier this year but historians say that the story is true but he was overridden by Nixon.

After Nixon resigned, Kissinger became secretary of state to President Ford. He proved to be one of the most effective diplomats of the 20th century, opening up China to the West in 1971 and engineering a detente with the Soviet Union. This helped bring about the end to the Vietnam War and to contain the Communist world.

He earned the wrath of many for supporting massive bombing campaigns in Vietnam and Cambodia, backing the authoritarian regime of Chile’s Augusto Pinochet and turning a blind eye to genocide in East Timor and Bangladesh.

In 1973, Kissinger engineered a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt after the Yom Kippur War by acting as an intermediary as part of “shuttle diplomacy” to resolve the conflict.

Hamas Tortured Captive Jews with Electric Cables


A Thai hostage who was released by Hamas told Israel’s Channel 12 that the Jewish hostages with him were beaten with electric cables and that all the hostages were denied adequate food.

Channel 12 also quoted the Thai hostage as saying that Jewish hostages were kept in worse conditions than others.

As reported by the Times of Israel:

“He says there was little to eat for the hostages — a pita a day, sometimes a tin of tuna to share between four, and sometimes a piece of cheese. Held for more than seven weeks, he says they were allowed to shower once.

“We were with Israelis, and they were guarded all the time,” he is quoted saying. “The Jews who were held with me were treated very harshly, sometimes they were beaten with electric cables.”

In addition, it has been reported that Hamas tortured children by forcing them at gunpoint to watch films of atrocities against Israeli civilians during the attack. It also kept some children alone for weeks and denied hostages sufficient food, water, and sunlight.

Many hostages lost weight, and not unexpectedly, many of the children have shown signs of psychological trauma.

The Red Cross has not made any attempts to visit the hostages, nor has it transferred medicines and other needed items to them. In fact, there is no evidence that the Red Cross, which has immense leverage, has made any serious effort to pressure Hamas to allow them in.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Stark images of murder and torture in Israel leave US senators in tears and silence


Sen. Michael Bennet, a Colorado Democrat, runs out of a Senate room where there was a screening of the Oct. 7 Hamas atrocities, in the U.S. Capitol, Nov. 28, 2023

 If there’s a trait that unites the 100 members of the U.S. Senate, it is volubility: These folks, who invented the filibuster, know how to talk.

It was remarkable to see them then exiting a screening room on Tuesday in the bowels of the Capitol building, barely able to shape their mouths into a single word.

The unusual silence came after two senators, Jacky Rosen, a Jewish Nevada Democrat, and Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, screened for their fellow senators 43 minutes of harrowing footage of the carnage Hamas terrorists committed on Oct. 7.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat, said as she walked away, her eyes filled with tears.

Palestinian Authority Will Pay 9 Released Terrorists 19,500 Shekels a Month for Life


Nine of the first 78 terrorists that Israel released in the exchange deal with Hamas for Israeli hostages have served more than 5 years in Israeli prison. Palestinian Authority (PA) law grants every terrorist prisoner a monthly salary from the day of arrest until the day of release, with the salary rising the longer they’re in prison.

For terrorists who are imprisoned for more than five years, the PA continues to pay their final monthly prison salary for life.

The PA will be paying four of the released terrorists 2,000 shekels each month for life, while the five who are Jerusalem residents will receive a bonus of 300 shekels a month, and thus a total of 2,300 shekels a month. These nine released terrorists will be receiving a total of 19,500 shekels each month for life from the PA.

The Palestinian Authority has been paying over 300 million dollars a year in monthly salaries to terrorist prisoners, and in monthly allowances to families of dead terrorists.

Liberman: 'An extended ceasefire means victory for Hamas'


MK Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) on Wednesday morning responded to the extended ceasefire with Hamas.

"The Israeli government must not agree to an extended ceasefire with the Hamas terrorists, without reaching the goals of the war," Liberman wrote.

Liberman also reiterated the goals of the war: "1. Release of all the hostages. 2. Eliminating Hamas and the leaders of Hamas, in Israel and abroad. Not one of them should die a natural death. 3. Complete destruction of all terror infrastructure within the Strip. 4. Throwing Hezbollah back behind the Litani [River], in accordance with Resolution 1701 of the UN Security Council."

"An extended ceasefire without meeting the goals of the war will mean a victory of Hamas and the continuation of Yahya Sinwar's regime - something which will critically harm Israel's deterrence.

"No resident of the south or north will return to his home. We must not agree to this. We must defeat [Hamas], we must win," he concluded.

Chilling Message to the Entire Western World! Wake Up Now !!!!

 Read this chilling report from Holland.

Geert Wilders is a Member of the Dutch Parliament.

In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: "Who lost Europe ?"

 Here is the speech of Geert Wilders, Chairman, Party for Freedom the Netherlands , at the Four Seasons in New York , introducing an Alliance of Patriots and announcing the Facing Jihad Conference in Jerusalem .

Dear friends,
Thank you very much for inviting me.

I come to America with a mission.  All is not well in the old world.  There is a tremendous danger looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic.  We might be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe.  This not only is a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself, it is a threat to America and the sheer survival of the West.  The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe.

First, I will describe the situation on the ground in Europe.  Then, I will say a few things about Islam.  To close I will tell you about a meeting in Jerusalem.

The Europe you know is changing.

Subway hate crimes targets Jewish NYers following Hamas attack


Hate crimes targeting Jewish New Yorkers in the subway system have soared in the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack and Israel’s subsequent invasion of the Gaza Strip, new statistics show.

There were nine such crimes reported from October, through Nov. 5 — equal to the tally recorded for the entire preceding nine months, according to the data from the NYPD and MTA.

Those incidents believed to be targeting straphangers of the Jewish faith accounted for almost two-thirds of the 15 overall hate crimes reported for the month, officials said.

Over the same period, there were two reported hate crimes targeting Muslims, bringing the total of religiously motivated offenses since the Israel-Hamas war began to 11.

“Criminals are using the war between Hamas and Israel as an excuse to lash out against innocent Jews,” said David Greenfield, the chief executive of the Met Council on Jewish Poverty, one of the largest Jewish charities in the city.

“We’ve never seen as many hate crimes against Jews as we have in the last few weeks,” he added. “There are many more crimes going unreported because Jewish New Yorkers fear for their safety.”

Recently, police arrested a man wanted for attacking a 29-year-old woman inside the 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue station on Oct. 14 and telling her he slugged her because “you are Jewish.”

Even with the recent surge, the number of overall hate crimes remains below last year’s levels, the stats show.

In the first 10 months of 2023, there have been 60 hate crimes reported in the subway system, compared to 74 for the same timeframe last year.

“Attacks or harassment targeted at New Yorkers because of who they are or what they believe are intolerable,” said Rich Davey, the top boss of the MTA’s subways and city buses. “We are grateful for the consistent efforts of the NYPD, with whom we are cooperating, to quickly bring perpetrators to face justice.”

One of those attacks landed on the front page after a man, Sabir Jones, with a lengthy rap sheet in New Jersey and a history of mental illness shoved a woman into a moving subway train, leaving her badly injured.

He was later arrested.

Crime in the subways remains above pre-pandemic levels, when the system would often only see one or two murders for the entire year.

The violence became a key issue in the closing weeks of the governor’s race and helped propel Republican Lee Zeldin within striking distance of Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul.

Hochul responded by pledging to help City Hall fund overtime shifts to boost patrols on the subway system.

Since then, the number of arrests has jumped almost 50% and the number of summons issued is up nearly 36% when comparing year to year.

Biden must be reminded Hamas is a terrorist group as he panders to Muslims in secret, but publicly backs Israel


No American should need to be reminded that our government has designated Hamas a terrorist organization. But apparently, one very important American does need to be reminded.

That would be Joe Biden.

The news that the president apologized for casting doubt on Hamas’ casualty reports in Gaza is stunning. All the more so because Biden made his apology in secret.

He backed down in a meeting with five Muslim Americans, a fact that suggests Hamas has garnered sympathy if not outright support among some Americans and immigrants from Muslim lands.

That’s troubling in its own right, but Biden’s apology signals he’s willing to pander to them privately while publicly supporting Israel.

Truth emerges slowly

Little Emily the Hostage released will only whisper now!

Thomas Hand, the father of Emily Hand, the nine-year-old girl who was released on Saturday night after being kidnapped during the Hamas massacre of October 7, spoke to CNN about his daughter's traumatic experiences during her 50 days as a hostage.

Hand said that while he wants to know what his child endured, she can only open up about those dark days when she is ready.

He stated that when she was kidnapped, Emily was "pulled, dragged, pushed" by her captors through Kibbutz Be'eri on the day of the massacre, and taken to a place in Gaza which she is calling "the box."

Hand described his reunion with his daughter on Saturday night, saying that “all of a sudden the door opened up and she just ran. It was beautiful, just like I had imagined it, running together."

However, when he got a good look at his daughter, he saw that "her face was chiseled, like mine, whereas before it was chubby, girly, a young kid face.”

Emily had lost a significant amount of weight during her 50 days in captivity and was paler than he had ever seen her.

He further stated that he was shocked by how Emily would only whisper because her Hamas captors had conditioned her over the previous month and a half to not make any noise. “You could just see glassy-eyed terror,” he said.

When Hand asked how long Emily thought she had been held in Gaza, she replied "a year," when she had actually been held for less than two months.

“Apart from the whispering, that was a punch in the guts. A year,” he said.

Hand said that he learned from Emily that the group of hostages she was with only ate breakfast regularly, and sometimes had something for lunch and dinner, and that she became so hungry that she came to love bread with nothing but olive oil. He further stated that the captives never hit her, as the threat of their voices was enough to keep the hostages in line.

He said that when Emily was returned to him, her head was covered in lice, and she "cried until her face was red and blotchy" last night.

As part of their efforts to return to a normal life, the family held a belated birthday party for Emily, who turned nine while in captivity.

Emily was released together with her friend, Hila Rotem-Shoshani, whose house she was sleeping over at. The girls were kidnapped together with Hila's mother, Raaya, who took care of them for most of the time they were in captivity.

Two days before the girls were released, Hamas separated Raaya from the girls, breaking its commitment under the hostage deal to keep mothers and their children together. Hand called this “another step of cruelty" by Hamas.

He stated that Raaya must be freed for the sake of the girls, demanding of the world: “Don’t go silent on us now. Bring them home, bring them home.”

Teenage siblings freed to find their mother was murdered

Noam Or, 17, and Alma Or, 13, were among those released in the prisoner exchange that took place on Saturday. For fifty days in Hamas captivity, they hoped to reunite with their mother but found that would not be possible.

“This dream had been shattered by the fact that she was murdered,” said the siblings’ maternal uncle Ahal Besorai to CNN. “My sister, their mom, was murdered on October 7. The children did not know that. We thought they were together when they were kidnapped, but they were separated from the outset.”

“When they first crossed the border and reunited with their grandmother and older brother, the first news that they had to confront was the fact that their mom was no longer alive. And that was a terribly emotional and traumatic moment for them,” Besorai added.

The siblings recounted that they were not told they were being freed. Originally, they were told they were being taken to a restroom but were then handcuffed, blindfolded, and taken to a car to be handed over to the Red Cross.

They had lived in Kibbutz Be'eri, one of the main targets for the Hamas invasion. Dror, their father, is still missing and presumed to be held by Hamas as well.

The siblings were freed uninjured, although they had lost weight in captivity. Besorai expressed that he fears for their mental health in the long term.

Ben Gvir: 'We will not be part of a government that allows Hamas to exist'

 Otzma Yehudit threatens to dissolve the government, if Israel does not continue fighting with all its might against Hamas in Gaza, after the implementation of the outlines for the return of the captives.

Sources in the party emphasize that if another deal is brought to the government that will result in the stopping of the war, all six Otzma Yehudit Knesset members, led by Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, will leave the coalition.

"The ultimate goal of the war is the complete elimination of Hamas. Any deal that entails keeping Hamas alive will lead to more disasters like the Black Sabbath disaster on October 7th, and such a deal means a victory for Hamas in this war," the sources claimed.

They added that, "We must not agree to any such deal – and, in any case, Otzma Yehudit will not be part of government that will allow Hamas to continue to exist."

Earlier, Minister Itamar Ben Gvir tweeted: "Stopping the war = dissolving the government."

Aron Yishai Unger 62 of Monsey Killed on Palisades Parkway in One Car Accident


Aron Yishai Unger Z”L,  was killed in a crash on the Palisades Parkway, he was 62 years old.

The victim was traveling on the Palisades Parkway southbound near Exit 2, when his vehicle collided with a tree. Bergen and Rockland Hatzolah did everything they could to save his life, and rushed him to Englewood Medical Center. Unfortunately, he was Niftar a short while later.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Finally Solid Proof of Rashida Tlaib's astonishing links to Hamas group held liable for DEATH of an American Jew: Charity boss co-hosted her Congress campaign event… and more of her backers have clear ties to murderous terroristsroof

David's devastated parents (above) took their grief to civil court and, in 2000, after years of preparation they brought a case under a 1992 law that permits American victims to sue anyone providing material support to terror groups.

David Boim (above) was born in Brooklyn, New York, but on May 13, 1996, he was living in Jerusalem and studying at a yeshiva. It was the day he was murdered.

Rashida Tlaib had the crowd eating out of her hand.

It was March 2018, and the hookah lounge in a working-class suburb outside of Chicago was packed.

Warm and engaging, frequently switching between English and Arabic, Tlaib - a Michigan State representative with larger ambitions - pleaded for out-of-state donations to help her become the first Palestinian American in Congress.

She unashamedly told the audience that her Detroit constituents often declared: 'Rashida is a warrior, and this is a war we're in.'

Sitting in the front row, Rafeeq Jaber listened intently, seemingly impressed and knowing a thing or two about raising money to wage war.

For Jaber's now-defunct charity, the Islamic Association for Palestine, was found legally liable for financing the Hamas murder of an American and ordered to pay a $165 million settlement to the victim's family.

Jaber's 2018 attendance – confirmed to DailyMail.com by a national security research institute – at an event for a future-U.S. Congresswoman would likely shock most Americans. But he was far more than simply a guest.

Jaber was a prominent host of Tlaib campaign gatherings, and he remains unrepentant today - even refusing to condemn Hamas when asked to do so by DailyMail.com.

What's more, he is not Tlaib's only major supporter with alleged ties to the vicious killers now responsible for the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.

There's Wisconsin furniture salesman Salah Sarsour, who co-hosted a party for Tlaib in July 2018 in Milwaukee. His name appears on the official Tlaib invite to the event.

Sarsour is known to U.S. counter terror experts as being a suspected fundraiser in one of the largest pro-Hamas money laundering operations in U.S. history.

Then there's Abdelbaset Hamayel, whose name is listed alongside Jaber's as a co-host on an official 'Rashia Tlaib For Congress' invitation to a meet and greet at the Jerusalem Banquet restaurant in Bridgeview, Illinois in July 2018.

Hamayel was a purported point person for another charity, named KindHearts, that was accused by the U.S. Treasury Department of financing terrorism in 2006.

Tlaib's defenders claim it is unreasonable to expect her to know the background of all the guests at her campaign events or the 45,000 donors named on her Federal Election Commission records.

That's fair enough.

Yet she certainly should know the identities of her co-hosts.

Perhaps most troubling of all is the thread tying these Tlaib's campaign boosters together, as a DailyMail.com investigation has now revealed that each of them are connected to an alleged pro-Hamas network that – to this day – is under investigation for supporting terror.

Read on 

Biden Pressure on Israeli Tactics Will Leave Hamas Intact and in Power


A source within the Israeli government told Breitbart News on Tuesday that U.S. President Joe Biden’s pressure would lead to Hamas surviving the war intact, rather than allowing Israel to destroy Hamas or remove its military and governing capabilities.

In recent days, the White House has acknowledged that Israel intends to continue fighting Hamas after the current “pause,” sought by Biden to allow the release of hostages, ends later this week.

“The Israelis have been pretty clear that once the pauses are complete and the hostage exchanges [sic] are over that they intend to continue their military operations against Hamas,” White House adviser John Kirby said on Monday (Israel does not hold “hostages”; it is releasing convicted Palestinian terrorists).

However, the White House is no longer clearly stating that it shares that goal. And the Israeli government privately believes Biden is prepared to tolerate the survival of Hamas, despite the fact that Hamas and other terror groups would see that as a victory.

The reason Israel believes this is Biden’s goal is that the U.S. administration is imposing onerous conditions on the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) regarding its operations in Gaza, such that defeating Hamas has become almost impossible.

Israel Must Remember That America Has Not Won a Serious War in 80 Years



 Rabbi Dov Fischer

 Joseph R. Biden (D-Burisma) and Antony Blinken consult daily with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu, offering Israel their American ideas on how to conduct the war against Hamas-ISIS in Gaza, how to negotiate hostage releases and prisoner exchanges, and such.

Consider that America has not won a single war (except Grenada) these past eighty years. Not the Korean War. Nor the Vietnam War.  Made an absolute mess of Iraq, after saving Kuwait from Saddam Hussein. Amid George W. Bush’s idiotic belief that America could imbue an Arab Muslim society with Western values of democracy and fundamental freedoms, America destroyed a Dream Conflagration that saw Saddam and the Ayatollahs embroiled in a potentially Eternal War. For eight glorious years, from 1980-1988, 500,000 Iraqis and Iranians killed each other at a combined cost of $1 trillion (and that was when a trillion dollars was worth a trillion dollars). And then Bush ruined it, leaving both warring sides focused on hating America instead.

America, G-d bless it, has made a mess of practically everything it has touched the past 80 years, culminating in its recent disgraceful exit from Afghanistan and now the eternal stalemate in Ukraine. America, once great, simply does not know how to win a war anymore.

Finally Someone with Guts Says: "There are 2 million Nazis’ in West Bank"


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said on Monday that “there are 2 million Nazis” in the West Bank, referring to recent opinion polls indicating that most Palestinians in that territory support Hamas’s October 7 massacres in southern Israel.

Israeli officials have equated the ideology behind the atrocities committed during the Hamas onslaught — in which 1,200 people were brutally murdered, most of them civilians, and over 240 were kidnapped to Gaza, triggering the ongoing war — with the worldview that brought about the systematic mass murder of millions of Jews by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.

Compare Red Cross Statements from 1944 and Now 2023