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Friday, November 10, 2023

Over a Million Israelis Had to take shelter because of large rocket barrage fired from Gaza at Central Israel Including Bnei-Brak

 1:45 PM Israel Time

Shabbat Shalom From All the Holy Chayalim



Watch How Reporter Douglas Murray Destroys Piers Morgan's Pity Party for Gazans


Fetterman Mocks Pro-Palestinian While Waving Israeli Flag


When the music stopped

The Family Asked For 10 to attend the Funeral of Oct 7 Victim instead thousands showed up


When the Heart Cries Only Hashem Hears ...


Hilarious: Pro-Hamas Supporters Occupy Jew-Hating NY Times Building, Accuse Them Of Supporting Israel


Bryant Park in New York City witnessed hundreds of anti-Israel protesters on Thursday afternoon, culminating in an occupation of the lobby of The New York Times building. The demonstrators called for the elimination of the State of Israel and accused President Biden of supporting what they labeled as “genocide.”

During the protests, participants deemed Israel a “terrorist state” and chanted slogans like “From river to sea, Palestine will be free,” a phrase known for its call for the eradication of Israel. These chants echoed through midtown as the march progressed on Thursday evening.

The protesters also directed their ire at President Biden, shouting, “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide, you’re supporting genocide.” This vocal demonstration followed President Biden’s earlier statement to reporters, where he stated that there is “no possibility” of an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

As the protest escalated, participants entered the lobby of The New York Times building, continued their chants outside the premises, and distributed mock newspaper copies titled “The New York War Crimes.” They expressed their intent to hold The New York Times accountable, accusing the publication of inciting what they referred to as “genocide.” Chants of “Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for the New York Times” and “Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for Israel’s crimes” filled the air.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Powerful Speech at the UN from Michal Cotler





Hassan Eslaiah (right), an AP/CNN photographer, with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar (left) in an undated photo

See Photos at end of article !

CNN has 'suspended all ties' with a freelance photojournalist who appears to have been embedded with Hamas on October 7 at the time of the terror group's barbaric assault on Israel. 

Hassan Eslaiah has been filing photographs of the conflict to CNN and The Associated Press since the Hamas attack on October 7. They include images of a burning Israeli tank from which soldiers were kidnapped.

Now, photos have emerged of him posing with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. He also posted a now-deleted video to Twitter in which he described how Hamas fighters kidnapped Israeli soldiers from the burning tank. 

Eslaiah is one of four photojournalists whose work has now come into question. 

Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud and Hatem Ali have also been providing western media outlets with photos of the conflict since October 7. They have worked with CNN, The AP, Reuters and The New York Times, according to an expose by Honest Reporting

There are grave concerns over what each of the photojournalists knew and when. 

Israel's government has demanded an explanation from the media outlets, all of which have denied having prior knowledge of the attack. 

In response to the criticism, a CNN spokesperson told DailyMail.com: 'We had no prior knowledge of the October 7th attacks. 

'Hassan Eslaiah, who was a freelance journalist working for us and many other outlets, was not working for the network on October 7th. 

'As of today, we have severed all ties with him.' 

In a previous statement, the network said it had not found 'reason to doubt the journalistic accuracy' of his work. 

IDF Located a Hamas Drone Manufacturing Plant & Weapons Depot in a Residential Building in Gaza


Europe died at Auschwitz

Who or what really died at Auschwitz? Here's an interesting viewpoint. 
The following is a copy of an article written by Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez and published in a Spanish newspaper. It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest of Europe - and possibly to the rest of the world.

*I walked down the streets in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a terrible truth - Europe died in Auschwitz !! We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims in the past 4 decades* !!.

*In Auschwitz, we burned a group of people who represented culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who made great contributions to the world, and thus changed the world* .

*The contribution of today’s Jewish people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. Look at any donors’ board at any symphony, art museum, theatre, art gallery, science centre, etc. You will see many, many, Jewish surnames. These are the people who were burned. Of the 6,000,000 who died, how many would have grown up to be gifted musicians, doctors, artists, philanthropists* ?

The Murder of 1400 Israelis Doesn't Stop the "Aahrelich" From Painting Palestinian Flags in Bet Shemesh Bet!


*Beit Shemesh News • Iron Swords*

Is it thanks to the war that the Palestinian flag is being sprayed in RBS B again?

This isn't in Arab villages, it's here in Beit Shemesh

'Journalists who stood idle while children were slaughtered are no different than terrorists,'. Benny Gantz says.


Minister Benny Gantz (National Unity) on Thursday morning responded to reports noting that foreign journalists covered the October 7 massacre from the beginning, implying that they had prior knowledge of what was to come.

In response, Gantz clarified: "Journalists found to have known about the massacre, and still chose to stand as idle bystanders while children were slaughtered - are no different than terrorists and should be treated as such."

The HonestReporting report revealed that Gaza-based photojournalists from prominent international news agencies crossed into Israeli territory to document Hamas’ October 7 attack against Israeli towns located near the Gaza border.

"Hamas terrorists were not the only ones who documented the war crimes they committed during their deadly rampage across southern Israel. Some of their atrocities were captured by Gaza-based photojournalists…whose early morning presence at the breached border area raises serious ethical questions," the organization noted.

"Is it conceivable to assume that ‘journalists’ just happened to appear early in the morning at the border without prior coordination with the terrorists? Or were they part of the plan?" the organization queried.

HonestReporting also pointed out that even if the photojournalists did not know the exact details of what was going to happen, "once it unfolded did they not realize they were breaching a border? And if so, did they notify the news agencies? Some sort of communication was undoubtedly necessary — before, after or during the attack — in order to get the photos published."

Legal experts have noted that crossing a recognized border illegally along with hostile belligerents is a war crime.

Watch What Happens When Gaza Widow Finds Out That Her Dead Terrorist Husband Got Virgins


Watch Dershowitz Condemn the "Despicable" Obama


Did AP and Reuters Coordinated With Hamas on Oct 7


The placement of freelance photographers, who captured some of the attacks perpetrated by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel on Oct. 7 for AP and Reuters, raises questions about how much and when they knew about the attacks in which more than 1,400 people were killed, according to a new analysis from HonestReporting.

The watchdog identified six freelance photographers—Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, Hatem Ali, Mohammed Fayq Abu Mostafa and Yasser Qudih—who were present during the attacks, and whose work the Associated Press and Reuters are selling to other publications.

“What were they doing there so early on what would ordinarily have been a quiet Saturday morning?” HonestReporting asked. (It was the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah as well.)

“Was it coordinated with Hamas? Did the respectable wire services, which published their photos, approve of their presence inside enemy territory, together with the terrorist infiltrators?” HonestReporting added.

The freelancers snapped photos of a burning Israeli tank and of Hamas terrorists kidnapping people, including the German-Israeli woman Shani Louk, who has since been found dead.

HonestReporting published screenshots of since-deleted social-media posts in which Eslaiah stood before the Israeli tank without a press vest or helmet. He captioned the image in Arabic: “Live from inside the Gaza Strip settlements.”

The watchdog also noted that the AP apparently removed the names of the freelancers from some photos in its database. “Perhaps someone at the agency realized it posed serious questions regarding their journalistic ethics,” HonestReporting wrote.

Mostafa photographed a lynch mob “brutalizing the body of an Israeli soldier who was dragged out of the tank” for Reuters, according to HonestReporting. The news agency labeled the image with a graphic warning—and “shamelessly” made it one of its “Images of the Day” in its editorial database.

“Let’s be clear: News agencies may claim that these people were just doing their job. Documenting war crimes, unfortunately, may be part of it. But it’s not that simple,” per HonestReporting.

“It is now obvious that Hamas had planned its Oct. 7 attack on Israel for a very long time: its scale, its brutal aims and its massive documentation have been prepared for months, if not years. Everything was taken into account—the deployments, the timing, as well as the use of body cams and mobile phone videos for sharing the atrocities,” it added. “Is it conceivable to assume that ‘journalists’ just happened to appear early in the morning at the border without prior coordination with the terrorists? Or were they part of the plan?”

“Even if they didn’t know the exact details of what was going to happen, once it unfolded did they not realize they were breaching a border? And if so, did they notify the news agencies? Some sort of communication was undoubtedly necessary—before, after or during the attack—in order to get the photos published,” HonestReporting wrote.

“Either way, when international news agencies decide to pay for material that has been captured under such problematic circumstances, their standards may be questioned, and their audience deserves to know about it,” it added. “And if their people on the ground actively or passively collaborated with Hamas to get the shots, they should be called out to redefine the border between journalism and barbarism.”

In the past, there has been extensive discussion about how journalists should operate in war zones and in circumstances where they are in a position to provide aid. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a CNN reporter, drew on his medical training to assist people and became part of the story while reporting in Haiti.

A Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph that appeared in The New York Times in 1993 of a starving Sudanese child being stalked by a vulture also raised serious questions about the photographer’s ethical responsibilities.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Police collect 700 testimonies from survivors of October 7 massacre, 50,000 videos from attack in biggest investigation in Israeli history.


The Hamas terrorists who massacred over 1,400 Israelis and took over 140 people hostage on October 7 committed mass rape against their victims during the massacre, according to survivor testimony and interrogation of captured terrorists gathered by the Israel Police's special Lahav 433 unit.

According to the evidence, which was cleared for publication today (Wednesday), dozens of cases of sexual assault and sexual crimes by Hamas terrorists have been documented.

One massacre survivor testified that she saw another woman being raped in front of her. "I knew that he raped her, then they transferred her to someone else. She was alive until, in the end, he shot her," said the survivor.

Multiple terrorists revealed during their interrogations that they had received permission and instruction to kill Jewish children because the children would become IDF soldiers when they grow up, as well as to abuse the corpses of their victims in order to sow fear in Israeli society.

So far, more than 700 testimonies have been collected from survivors of the massacre. Police officials said that "this is the largest investigation case since the founding of the state."

Lahav 433 has been gathering evidence against the Hamas terrorists in order to prosecute them for the crimes committed on October 7.

The police have more than 50,000 videos from the terrorist attack and are using facial recognition software to identify which terrorists committed which specific crimes. The police also have hundreds of cell phones which belonged to terrorists from Gaza.