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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Megyn Kelly slams Jordan's Queen Rania for 'trying to spin the lie that children weren't killed' by Hamas in Israel terror attacks


Megyn Kelly has slammed Queen Rania of Jordan after her fiery interview speaking out against Palestinian deaths and accused the queen of denying the deaths of Israeli babies.

The queen, who is of Palestinian descent, told CNN's Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday that she was angry at 'glaring double standards' in coverage of Israeli and Palestinian deaths.

She accused the world's media of immediately accepting Israel's official line, but being skeptical about a Palestinian perspective.

'The CNN website at the beginning of the conflict reported a headline of Israeli children found butchered in an Israeli kibbutz, and when you read through the story, it's not been independently verified,' said Rania.

It was unclear what Rania was referring to, and there is no doubt that Hamas terrorists murdered babies, riddling their bodies with bullets.

Kelly reacted with disgust. 'Unbelievable. She's actually trying to spin the lie – the queen – that children weren't killed,' she said.

And it's just shocking to the Arab world,' she told veteran reporter Christiane Amanpour, before questioning whether babies had been 'butchered' by Hamas. 

'I'm not arguing accuracy, Christiane, I'm arguing equivalence and double standards here,' she fumed. 

Amanpour fired back that it had been verified both by CNN's reporters and other foreign media on the ground that Hamas was butchering babies, but stopped short of demanding a condemnation from the queen of the terror group's practices. 

Amanpour did directly appeal for sympathy for Israelis and condemnation of Hamas, asking if Queen Rania 'accepted' that they had brought suffering on Palestinians. 

Queen Rania made a brief concession, but then returned to criticizing Israel and its allies. 

'These are the rules of war and they need to apply to everybody. Yes, there is the shock and there was the condemnation [towards Hamas]. But why isn't there equal condemnation to what is happening now?' 

'Even if Israel defeats every last Hamas member, then what? Haven't they left a trail of terrible memories that will create a new generation of resistance that is fiercer and more violent?' 

Amanpour began by asking the 53-year-old how she had felt since the Hamas attack of October 7 'as an Arab, as a Palestinian, as a mother, as a human being'.

Rania replied: 'I cannot begin to describe to you the depth of the grief, the pain and the shock that we are feeling here in Jordan. 

She said her country, home to the world's largest Palestinian population, was 'united in grief, regardless of our origin'.

Hamas preventing civilians from escaping northern Gaza

 A Gaza resident who was told to leave before IDF strikes says Hamas is blocking roads and shooting those attempting to leave.

VIDEO: Hamas Documented Atrocities – FOOTAGE RELEASED by Israel of Barbaric Attack on Innocent Civilians …WARNING ON CONTENT

 Please post on Social media..

Obama’s warning to Israel

The Issue: Former President Barack Obama’s warning to Israel to avoid civilian deaths in Gaza.

Michael Goodwin put it perfectly. He suggested that former President Barack Obama and President Biden either share a speechwriter or a brain — which should show everyone who it is who’s actually running the show at the White House (“Hey, Israel, with friends like these,” Oct. 25).

What we are looking at is the vision Obama actually had for the US. He just has Joe doing his dirty work, as he doesn’t care about Joe’s legacy (not that there was much there to begin with).

Israel needs to do what it needs to do and not be concerned with interference from other countries. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a war hawk and will make sure the United States backs them. Well said, Goodwin.

Obama called ISIS “the JV team.” He did not see the evil. It was beyond the scope of his ideological framework or that of his intimate advisers.

His administration and the Biden administration’s approach to Iran has, inadvertently and out of blithe foolishness, helped to develop the aggressiveness of Israel’s enemies.

Now he has called for Israeli restraint. My suggestion is that fighting Islamic extremism is not his strong suit.

Jews and Israel don’t need Obama to lecture us on our responsibilities or proportionality.

Let’s take a walk down memory lane: Obama bombed a hospital in Afghanistan. Obama killed untold civilians through “humane” targeted drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Libya, and g-d knows where else.

Obama gave billions to Iran through his failed engagement with the No. 1 state sponsor of terrorism, which openly calls for killing Jews and Americans. No doubt this money ended up actually killing Jews and Americans on Oct. 7. Jews don’t need a friend like that.

These are just the greatest hits, but I’m sure there are more. It’s easy for him to write these performative musings while sipping on a cocktail in Martha’s Vineyard.

His pen might be better put to use lecturing the antisemites in his own party or addressing the cancer he helped spread on college campuses.


Turkish President Erdogan Clarifies: He Supports Hamas. Period.

The Three Deadly Stooges

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has canceled his planned visit to Israel against the background of the war between Israel and Gaza’s Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist organization.

“We had a project to go to Israel, but it was canceled – we will not go,” he told a gathering of his AK Party faction in parliament, condemning Israel for its “inhumane” war against Hamas terrorists who invaded more than two dozen Jewish villages on October 7 and slaughtered many of the residents.

“The West owes you a lot. But Turkey does not owe you anything,” Erdogan said in remarks aimed at Israel, adding that the terrorists are simply freedom fighters.

“Hamas is not a terrorist organization,” Erdogan insisted. “It is a group of mujahideen (holy warriors) defending their lands.”

In response, Israel’s Foreign Ministry slammed the Turkish president’s words.

“Israel wholeheartedly rejects the Turkish President’s harsh words about the terrorist organization Hamas,” said ministry spokesperson Lior Haiat.

“Hamas is a despicable terrorist organization worse than ISIS that brutally and intentionally murders babies, children, women, and the elderly, takes civilians hostage and uses its own people as human shields,” he said.

“Even the Turkish president’s attempt to defend the terrorist organization and his inciting words will not change the horrors that the whole world has seen and the unequivocal fact: Hamas = ISIS.” 



 The IDF on Wednesday revealed the identity of Hamas terrorist and spokesperson of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades known as Abu Obaida

Hudhayfah Kahlot, as named by the Israeli military's Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee, "hides behind his red keffiyeh just as Hamas hides behind civilian facilities to launch rockets toward Israel.

"Hudhayfah Kahlot, you have been exposed," Adraee wrote with an attached video revealing the terrorist's face. "It is time to stop covering up. The mask and keffiyeh will not help you."

Chassidishe Chassan Dances With Israeli Flag


MK Danny Danon: 'Sever all ties with the UN Secretary General'


n an interview with Arutz Sheva-Israel National News, MK Danny Danon, Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations, takes the statements made by Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, very seriously, according to which the Hamas attack did not take place in a vacuum but on the background of a stifling occupation of 56 years, which has been interpreted by many in Israel and around the world as legitimacy granted by the UN Secretary-General to Hamas.

Danon, who knows the Secretary-General well on a personal level from his time as ambassador, says that he was shocked to hear the Secretary-General speak this way, as until now, he has tried to stay neutral.

"I have known him personally for many years, and to hear these things is shocking. This is an outrageous, brazen, baseless, and very serious statement," says Danon, who also believes that the UN Secretary-General has given full legitimacy to the massacre of the Jewish people.

According to MK Danon, “If the Secretary General does not retract his statement or resign, Israel will have no choice but to sever ties with him, not to invite him to Israel, and not to meet with him. I suggest that our allies in the US and other countries around the world also do the same.”

Jewish students at Cooper Union College locked inside library for 40 minutes as anti-Israeli protesters block the doors.

 Jewish students at Cooper Union College in New York City were forced to lock themselves inside the library on Wednesday as a mob of anti-Israeli protesters blocked the doors.

Footage posted on social media showed the students in the library as a large crowd of anti-Israeli protesters bang on the doors.

About 40 minutes later, security escorted the students out of the building via a tunnel.

Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman shared the footage and wrote on X, “Cooper Union students locked in a room for their own protection against protesting Hamas supporters. Eventually escorted out by police through a rear exit. This is happening now, in New York, in 2023.”

INSANE!!! Biden Calls For Two-State Solution


President Joe Biden on Wednesday urged world leaders to collaborate in pursuit of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His statement comes at a crucial juncture as Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hamas reshapes the region and raises questions about the future of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.

It marks a sharp turn for Biden, who had initially refrained from initiating U.S.-mediated negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians aimed at achieving a two-state solution since taking office. Instead, his administration had adopted a strategy focused on managing the conflict by supporting security cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.


Rav Ezrachi was a Magid Shiur for over 60 years in Yeshiva Kfar Chassidim, in Chevron Yeshiva and later the Rosh Yeshiva of Ateres Yisrael in Bayit Vegan in Yerushalayim, and a member of the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael of Degel Hatorah.

 He had been hospitalized the past few months, and was recently on a respirator.

He was a tremendous Gaon and wrote many Seforim on Torah, Gemara, Halacha, and Machshava, called Birkas Mordechai (ברכת מרדכי‎).

His wife, Rebbetzin Shulamis Ezrachi A”H, was Niftar in December of 2022. She was a daughter of the famed Chevron mashgiach HaRav Meir Chodosh Zt”l.

Palestinian Protester in New Jersey Threatens ‘October the 7th. It’s Going to Happen Again, Soon!’

 In Englewood, NJ Muslims gathered to support Hamas and celebrate the horrors inflicted on innocent Jewish civilians during the Oct 7th massacre.

This protestor in the below video held up a picture of a dead Israeli woman and screamed at Jews: “October the 7th. It’s going to happen again, soon!”

Here is another video from Englewood, NJ meeting supporting Israel which was disrupted by a Hamas supporter. The open Jew hatred is on full display.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Little Israeli boy plays cards with his dead father at his grave


Little Boy Sings "Shma" on Army base ...bring tissues



Neturei Karta Quoting Satmar & Eida Hachreidis Propaganda Speak to Reporters at a Pro-Palistinan Rally


ה'ערב רב' של סאטמאר ו'העדה החרדית' לוחמים לצד רוצחי יהודים

Listen to this recording between a Hamas Terrorist and his parents..brags how many Jews he murdered Parents cheer him on


Arab Guy Gives the Entire Israel History in 3 minutes


A message to the citizens of gaza


Hamas Horror after Horror Unbelievable cruelty


Hamas used landline phones in Gaza tunnels to evade Israeli intelligence for 2 years while plotting attack


A small cell of Hamas terrorists used old-school landline phones specially installed in the “spider web’’ of tunnels under Gaza to evade Israeli intelligence forces for two years while plotting the group’s horrific Oct. 7 attack, a report revealed.

The hard-wired phone system allowed Hamas to communicate without being detected by Israel or the United States, sources told CNN Tuesday, catching the Jewish state by surprise with the attack that left about 1,400 dead.

Planning meetings were held in person whenever possible, and digital communications on cellphones and computers were avoided to ensure secrecy, the sources said.

Knowledge about the attack was also kept secret from the majority of Hamas’ fighting force until days before the shock assault in an effort to prevent any information from slipping out — even as the terrorists trained above ground without knowing their objective.

“That’s how you compartment and keep something that’s tight,” a source told CNN, explaining that intelligence about Hamas’ network of secrecy was shared with the US by Israeli officials.

Intelligence officials were not alarmed to see Hamas training because “the thinking was, ‘Oh, they always train people like this.’ It didn’t look different,” the source said.

It is believed Hamas learned its security and secrecy methods from Iran, but US intelligence does not believe the nation was directly involved in actually planning the Oct. 7 attack, according to CNN.