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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

"Kaporas" in China


Watch Hundreds of Children Singing in Uman


Israeli Ambassador to UN Waives a picture of an Iranian Lady Murdered by Iran Regime ... Gets Arrested by UN Personnel


United Nations security personnel on Tuesday detained Israel’s ambassador to the UN shortly after he left the General Assembly Hall to protest a speech by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

It was not clear why he was being detained, though he was later released. Fox News Digital has reached out to the UN for comment.

Before storming out of the General Assembly Hall, Gilad Erdan held up a picture of Mahsa Amini, an Iranian woman who was brutally murdered last year by the country’s so-called morality police for not properly wearing her hijab.

Blowing the Shofar on Shabbos in Yerushlayim Coming Back

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, head of the Temple Institute, spoke to Israel National News about the unusual situation of blowing a shofar at the Temple Institute on Rosh Hashanah, which fell on Shabbat.

This was the fourth time that the Temple Institute has restored the custom of blowing shofar on Shabbat in a Beis Din, a custom reinstituted by Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger in 1906 and approved by Rabbi Shmuel Salant, the Aderes and the Sdei Hemed, although extremist elements opposed Rav Schlesinger’s initiative. Rabbi Ariel recently published a 450-page book on blowing Shofar and taking the lulav on Shabbat, detailing the sources of the custom, which continued for over 1000 years after the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, including in the Beis Din of the Rif in Fez, Morocco.

“There was great interest in participating in the observance of the mitzvah of blowing the shofar on Shabbat,” he said. “Families came from all over the country: from Tzfat, Bat Yam, Efrat, and also from the neighborhoods in Jerusalem. They also walked long distances to the Temple Institute to be part of the blowing of the shofar,” says Rabbi Ariel.

Ordinarily, rabbinic law prohibits blowing the shofar on Shabbat to prevent violations of Shabbat through the carrying of the shofar to synagogue. This restriction did not apply to the ceremony at the Temple Institute, as a Beis Din was convened to allow the blowing of the shofar, as detailed in the gemara.

According to him, “The prayer, in which about a hundred people participated, consisted of all shades of the spectrum – Sephardim, Ashkenazim, religious Zionists and haredim. Great scholars from the Mir Yeshiva also came with them, and a discussion of the sources about the methods in Babylon and Jerusalem developed. In the end, they wanted to glorify the mitzvah and the members of the Mir Yeshiva used the order of shofar blowing described by Rashi. Rabbis from Mea Shearim, who usually do not participate with religious Zionists in events, also came. Among those present was a very young boy, Malachi, of Bar Mitzvah age, but well-versed in all aspects of this issue. He came from afar, very excited, and brought his father and mother.”

Rabbi Ariel tells about the blasts themselves. “There was a meeting of the Beit Din, the Rabbinical court, because the blasts should take place during such a meeting. At the time of the shofar-blowing, there were seven members of the Beit Din who sat there and explained to the public the halachic aspects of the blast and then began sounding the shofar. The ruling states that the Beit Din determines that this is Rosh Hashanah – God leaves the Beit Din in heaven and abides by the ruling of the one on earth. That’s why after the tribunal announced ‘The new month is sanctified!’ three times, the whole audience replied, ‘It is sanctified!” and began blowing the shofar themselves.”

The prayer was held at the Temple Institute in the ‘Chamber of Hewn Stone’ hall, a name used in the Temple itself, where there are about 71 chairs. “The rest stood. It was truly a historic event. This is the fourth time we have held this event. We started in 2007, and continued in 2007 and 2018, and now one more time. In the past, we were a limited public and now there was greater interest. I wrote a book about this called Shofar and Lulav on Shabbat, a book that resonated to such an extent that there were also several localities where discussions were held on whether to renew the practices.”

To conclude, Rabbi Ariel says that a minyan was also held near the institute where they blew on Shabbat. “There was another minyan in the quarter of Lithuanians who also renewed the mitzvah. Two minyanim in the Jewish quarter blew the shofar on Shabbat.”

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Monsey Home Raided and find 31 migrants living in one-family ‘flophouse’ on 295 New Hempstead Road


DIN: I sure hope that this home is not owned by "unzereh" 

Officials in Rockland County, New York took legal action Monday to shut down a so-called “migrant flophouse” where 31 asylum seekers were crammed into a suburban one-family home.

The migrants — hailing from Ecuador and Guatemala — were discovered following a surprise inspection at the house located at 295 New Hempstead Road in the tiny hamlet of New City in Clarkstown.

“In essence, it was a migrant flophouse,” said Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann.

“We knew something was amiss. What we saw was so bad. This was by far the worst flophouse we’ve seen.”

Hoehman fumed that the migrant crisis had spun out of control and the number of migrants living in the home was “unacceptable.”

“We are not going to let this happen in Clarkstown,” Hoehmann said.

The town supervisor warned suburbanites that the migrant crisis “is coming to a local town near you.”

Clarkstown keeps a list of homeowners who rent out their properties and said the owner listed was Shleima Koppel.

Hoehmann said Koppel had been cited for violations in the past and had ignored recent town inquiries.

A local judge approved a warrant to inspect the premises.

Pictures taken showed mattresses strewn throughout the house, in the basement and garage.

“Our investigation thus far has determined that this is an organized effort that has brought these illegal immigrants and migrants to Clarkstown. This is a national security crisis and a humanitarian crisis,” Hoehmann said.

Congressman Michael Lawyer (R-Rockland) and Rockland County Executive Ed Day blamed the migrant crisis on President Biden’s failure to secure the border and New York’s pro-sanctuary policies of taking in asylum seekers, which they described as people entering the country illegally.

During a press conference, Lawler also took a shot at New York’s most powerful Democratic lawmaker in Congress, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“Chuck Schumer needs to get off his behind and do something,” Lawler said.

He also said Mayor Eric Adams should be “held accountable” if he was behind transporting the migrants to Clarkstown.

“We are still determining how these individuals arrived in Clarkstown, and whether or not they were part of a clandestine effort by Mayor Adams to subvert the will of Rockland County and prior judicial decisions,” Lawler said. 

“The restraining order filed today by Supervisor Hoehmann is an important step in putting a stop to this, and we are continuing to pursue all courses of action in order to resolve this matter.”

Rockland Executive Ed Day called on state Attorney General Letitia James to launch an investigation into the human trafficking of migrants in New York City.

“There is no way this happens without money,” the Republican county leader said.

“This is a crisis. The southern border must be closed for a period of time  until we find common sense solutions.”

Schumer recently defended his record in dealing with the migrant crisis.

“The record is very clear that I have been working at the highest levels, delivering funds for New York and am still fighting for more,” Schumer, the 72-year-old Senate majority leader from New York, said in a statement to The Post last week.

“I’ve publicly pushed the administration to accelerate and expand work authorization so that immigrants can support themselves and have repeatedly communicated this to the White House as recent as this past week,” the Democrat added.

City Hall said the Adams Administration is not involved with busing migrants to Rockland, noting that ongoing litigation prevents them from doing so.

“We had nothing to do with the asylum seekers ending up there,” an Adams spokesperson said.

Black Ex-Gang Member Who Terrorized the hood Becomes a Chareidie


Chareidim Now Joining the Mossad and Shin Bet


The Mossad spy agency and Shin Bet internal security service will begin to take in Haredi volunteers as part of a new national service program.

The Mossad and Shin Bet will begin the program by each taking in 100 Haredi yeshiva students who are over the age of 21, after they undergo professional training.

The enlistees will serve for two years and the program will be financed by the Intelligence Ministry and National Service Authority.

Arab mother Whose Child Was Murdered by Gaza Rocket Fires Tells Arab MK: Take my son's photo out of your post


MK Ahmad Tibi (Hadash-Ta'al) published photos which he claimed were photos of children and infants hit by IDF fire - but included a photo of Ido Avigal, a five-year-old Israeli killed by Gaza rocket fire in 2021.

Shani Avigal, Ido's mother, was shocked to see her dead son's face among the photos.

"Hey Ahmad, what's up, do you hear me?" she wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "It's totally fine to take all sorts of kids, put them in one photo, and tell the world that the IDF killed them, but is there a chance that you could take the photo of my child off there? I am pretty sure Hamas killed him, and injured my daughter, and my nephews, and myself. But I'm not a kid, so whatever. Ah, yeah. They fired at a home!"

Deputy Minister Michal Woldiger (Religious Zionism) responded: "Ahmad Tibi, you are still a member of the Israeli Knesset. This is too much! To publicize a photo of Ido Avigal, may G-d avenge his blood, who was killed by a rocket launched by Hamas towards his home, and to present him as if he was killed by the IDF?! And in general - you know very well that the IDF is the most ethical army in the world. To you the goal justifies the means, including twisting information and using children, even in their deaths. Shame on you!"

Journalist Yehuda Shlesinger wrote: "This morning as well, it is important to correct the damage and remind: The IDF does not blow up homes with children." Tibi responded to his tweet by posting three photos of children and infants and writing cynically, "Other than the times it does."

Letter Shows What we all Suspected that Pope Pius Xii Had Detailed Information About Nazi Crimes


Newly discovered correspondence suggests that World War II-era Pope Pius XII had detailed information from a trusted German Jesuit that up to 6,000 Jews and Poles were being gassed each day in German-occupied Poland. The documentation undercuts the Holy See’s argument that it couldn’t verify diplomatic reports of Nazi atrocities to denounce them.

The documentation from the Vatican archives, published this weekend in Italian daily Corriere della Sera, is likely to further fuel the debate about Pius’ legacy and his now-stalled beatification campaign. Historians have long been divided about Pius’ record, with supporters insisting he used quiet diplomacy to save Jewish lives while critics say he remained silent as the Holocaust raged.

Pro=Palestinian GERMAN Ambassador Has the Chutzpah to attend the Supreme Court Hearing about Judicial Overhaul


DIN: To give you an idea who this SOB is, in July he attended an alternative Yom Ha'atzmaut event that honored slain Palestinian terrorists, who died in the course of carrying out terrorist attacks against innocent Jewish Men, Women and children. He also refuses to let anyone photograph him in what he calls "occupied" territories.

Israeli government has complained to Germany after the German ambassador attended a high-profile Supreme Court hearing last week looking at the legality of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul, an Israeli diplomatic official said Monday.

The complaint, sent at the order of Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, sparked a rare diplomatic spat between the two allies, with German leaders defending their ambassador against the criticism.

The Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was discussing behind-the-scenes diplomacy, said that Israel had relayed its “dismay” through diplomatic channels, including the Israeli Embassy in Berlin.

“This was a decision taken by the highest figure in the ministry,” he added. Cohen is a close ally of Netanyahu.

Last Tuesday’s hearing was the first challenge to Netanyahu’s contentious judicial overhaul, which has bitterly divided the Israeli public and put the country on the brink of a constitutional crisis.

Ahead of the hearing, German Ambassador Steffen Seibert posted a video of himself on X, formerly known as Twitter, inside the courtroom under the heading: “The place to be this morning.” It included the Hebrew hashtag for Israel’s Supreme Court.

“I think something important is happening here for Israeli democracy,” he said, speaking in Hebrew. “We, as friends of Israel, are watching the Supreme Court with great interest and I wanted to see for myself.” Seibert did not express an opinion on the case in the video.

In New York, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended his government’s envoy against the Israeli criticism.

“The German ambassador is a very committed man with very clear principles. And I believe that everyone knows that — including in Israel,” Scholz told journalists.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock added that it is the “everyday business of diplomats” to monitor developments in foreign countries. “It’s also normal to go to public hearings or public court cases — it’s part of his job,” she said.

Scholz and Netanyahu are scheduled to meet Tuesday on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

EX- Ambassador Danny Ayalon Dumb Stupid Comment "Netanyahu’s ‘Embarrassing’ Musk Visit Is ‘Stab In The Eye’ Of Biden"

DIN: The left are so off the mark that practically everything that comes out of their filthy ignorant mouths is stupid and morally corrupt!

Yes, the Musk visit was intentionally made to stab the demented lunatic, Biden in the back.  Biden is the one that didn't invite Netanyahu to the white house on purpose, instead the "Nursing Home Inmate" invited the pajama schnorring Zelenski and the Vietnamese PM. 

This Netanyahu-Musk visit was a brilliant move, and the proof of the pudding is that the leftist roaches are coming out. 

In the wake of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s initial meeting in the US with Tesla founder Elon Musk, former deputy foreign minister and former ambassador to the US Danny Ayalon sharply criticized Netanyahu on Israeli radio.

Ayalon said that “This is not a regular visit, this is an embarrassing visit. Embarrassing for the prime minister, who has to travel all this way to meet a businessman. Normally it is businessmen who come to visit the prime minister.

“Secondly, he contradicted himself. He comes to Musk, this is the best opportunity to explain Israel, so why does he instead explain himself politically? Its very embarrassing. He said that ‘I have a majority to pass any law I want’ and that itself explains why he needs the supervision of the courts.

“You know what will reverberate the most in Washington? When he called Musk the ‘unofficial president of the US’. That was a slap in the face, a stab in the eye of Biden. This is not the Netanyahu I know, this is a loss of control, spinning out. He is also sending strange messages which are later reworded by the Likud. Maybe he intends to confuse everyone, I don’t know but it looks bad and doesn’t serve Israel, “Ayalon added.

With reference to the expected meeting with Biden at the UN general assembly, Ayalon said that “For the Americans, this meeting is almost pointless. One of the reasons the Americans give for why Biden hasn’t met Netanyahu up to now is because he says Netanyahu’s lost control. We see that Netanyahu doesn’t intervene when[his coalition] humiliates the US. Everything Netanyahu does is in accordance with what he is told in the cabinet.

“Biden is also not at his best but he’s still focused. I think that Biden just because he is a true lover of Israel,  he calls himself Zionist, that is why he can allow himself to behave to Netanyahu as he has. Obama wouldn’t have dared to do this because Obama was suspected of being hostile to Israel.

“What else is a problem? For Israel, when the meeting is in New York, the attention of the president is not on the meetings. He has 50 meetings there. Instead of talking about Iran, Hezbollah and maybe Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu will hear a lecture on what is a Western-style liberal democracy,” Ayalon added.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Mother lost all her limbs from bacterial infection after eating undercooked tilapia


  • Laura Barajas got a bacterial infection from eating undercooked tilapia.

  • Barajas had to have all her limbs amputated because of the infection.

  • The CDC warns Vibrio vulnificus infections are rising due to warming waters.

A mother in California had to have all of her limbs amputated after eating a piece of undercooked tilapia.

Laura Barajas, 40, purchased the fish from a local market in San Jose last month which she cooked and ate on her own at home, her friend Anna Messina wrote in a GoFundMe campaign.

Barajas spent more than a month in the hospital fighting an infection of Vibrio vulnificus bacteria before having all of her limbs removed on Wednesday, according to Messina.

"We kindly request that you find it in your hearts to support this beautiful family during this incredibly challenging time," Messina wrote. "What has happened to them could happen to any of us, and together, we can make a meaningful difference."

On September 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health advisory, warning of an increase in Vibrio vulnificus bacterial infections in the United States due to increasing water tempuratures.

Vibrio vulnificus is a bacteria that thrives in warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico, according to the CDC. Vibrio bacteria are known to cause around 80,000 illnesses in the United States each year, according to the agency.

In Galveston, Texas, a man died over Labor Day Weekend after eating oysters contaminated with Vibrio vulnificus on August 29, according to FOX 26 in Houston.

Signs of a Vibrio vulnificus infection are watery diarrhea, stomach cramping, nausea, vomiting, and fever, the CDC says. An infected wound may display redness, pain, swelling, warmth, discoloration, and discharge, according to the department.

The CDC says the most common cause of Vibrio infections is eating undercooked or raw oysters and shellfish.

"Don't eat raw or undercooked oysters or other shellfish. Cook them before eating," the CDC recommends. "Always wash your hands with soap and water after handing raw shellfish."

The CDC also recommends staying out of salt water if you have an open wound to avoid Vibrio infection.

Read the original article on Insider

Watch the Complete Enhanced "1922 Chafetz Chayim" Clip at the Knesia Gedoilia

Ambulance Stuck 10 Min in Traffic Because of "Peleg Protestors"

Schumer Quietly Changes the Dress Code in the House to Accommodate the Crazy Fetterman

 Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has axed the dress code that requires legislators to wear professional attire on the Senate floor months after Sen. John Fetterman was slammed for wearing a hoodie.

Schumer (D-NY) quietly directed the Senate’s Sergeant at Arms to stop enforcing the dress code that mandates male senators wear a jacket and tie and female senators a dress or other businesswear on the floor, Axios reported Sunday.

The change in policy comes after Fetterman (D-PA) was bashed by conservatives for donning a hoodie, gym shorts and sneakers to the chamber. Many called his casual fashion choices disrespectful.

“John Fetterman’s attire in the Senate perfectly summarizes Democrats lack of respect for Americans and our institutions,” tweeted conservative comedian Tim Young.

The 6-foot-8-inch tall Democrat often swapped a suit and tie for the informal duds when he returned to Washington following a six-week stint at Walter Reed National Medical Center, where he was treated for clinical depression.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Lipa "ochilu"


R' Shlomo Carlebach "Meloch Kol Haolom"


Biden to Meet the "Pajama Wearing Schnorrer" Zelensky


US President Joe Biden plans to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy next week around the United Nations General Assembly meetings, multiple officials familiar with the plans told CNN on Thursday.

It remains unclear whether the meeting would occur in New York or later in the week at the White House. One source familiar with the matter told CNN that Zelenskyy is expected to travel to Washington, DC, after his stop in New York.

Biden and Zelenskyy are both scheduled to address the General Assembly on Tuesday.

The Ukrainian President is planning to use an in-person appearance at the annual meeting to appeal for more support for Ukraine as it continues to wage a counteroffensive against Russia.

Biden last met Zelenskyy in-person on the sidelines of a NATO summit in Lithuania in July. Before that, they spoke in May at the G7 summit in Japan.

Zelenskyy last traveled to the United States in December, where he met Biden face-to-face in the White House and also gave a special address to Congress.

A spokesman for the US National Security Council declined to comment on the reported meeting.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Zelensky in Kyiv last week as part of a trip aimed in part at aligning the US and Ukraine ahead of the diplomatic gathering. The top US diplomat told the Ukrainian President that the US is “determined to continue to walk side-by-side” with Ukraine.

Armed Robbers Rob Diners Inside Kosher Miami Beach Restaurant


Three masked individuals brazenly entered a popular kosher Miami Beach steakhouse on Tuesday night, holding several diners at knifepoint before making off with their belongings.

The audacious robbery unfolded at the Grill House, a popular kosher steakhouse located at the intersection of 41st Street and Alton Road. Surveillance footage captured the criminals loitering outside the restaurant before entering. Once inside, they confronted three patrons who were savoring their meals, brandishing knives and demanding their valuables.

Startling images from the surveillance cameras show the culprits menacingly brandishing their weapons as they absconded with their victims’ property.

Local law enforcement in Miami Beach immediately sprang into action, mobilizing efforts to track down leads in the investigation.

“This is a closely-knit Jewish community, and patrons here have a genuine affection for the delectable cuisine,” Jesse Elkouby, an employee at the Grill House, told local media.

Authorities are now investigating the possibility that the assailants might have trailed the victims into the restaurant.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

'A Holocaust is preferable to recruiting yeshiva students:' Peleg Posters

 DIN: This idea that "a Holocaust is preferable to being drafted in the IDF" is not new, extremist "gedoilim" said this when the Jewish State was established in 1948. 

It is interesting to note that this statement did not come from any "gadol" that experienced the Holocaust, it did not come from any "gadol" who had his wife murdered or his children shot or gassed. 

Is it a wonder that just 75 years later, teenagers who supposedly learn the Torah all day, and shokel and shokel by davening would have hundreds of posters stating that "a Holocaust is preferable" than protecting their families in the IDF?

Do they even know what happened in the Holocaust? There is presently absolutely no Holocaust curriculum taught in any of the Chareidie Moisdois , and they are prohibited from visiting Yad Veshem! The Kloizenberger Rebbe Z"L used to say that the Holocaust was the worst tragedy to have befallen the Jewish people in its entire history, and added, that it was worse than the destruction of both Bais Hamikdashs' the Crusades and all the pogroms. 

I'll bet that every single one of those 6 million martyrs would have preferred joining the IDF than having their limbs chopped off while still alive by the Ukrainian murderers. I'll bet that the women who watched their babies torn from their arms and thrown into the pits to be buried alive, would have preferred their husbands joining the IDF!

So far, not one "gadol" has said anything about this disgusting vile public display by "Bnei-Torah!" 

Is it any wonder that with this mentality sanctioned by their Roshei Yeshivos, that hundreds of thousands are opting out of Yiddishkeit. 

Hundreds of Chareidim staged protests across Jerusalem and Bnei Brak on Wednesday after a call to demonstrate was put out by the extremist Jerusalem Faction, stopping traffic on major roads following the arrest of a young ultra-Orthodox man after he failed to show up to his call-up on Tuesday. 

The protests come at a tense time amid the dialogue surrounding the draft law, with a new version of it, The Conscription Law, sparking controversy within the government, with ultra-Orthodox parties threatening to dissolve the coalition if it is not passed immediately following the Knesset’s summer break, scheduled to end after the High Holy Days in October.

In Jerusalem, protesters held up numerous signs at the demonstration. One read “A Holocaust is preferable to recruiting yeshiva students.”