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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Lakewood Ponzi Schemer Eli Weinstein Who Got Clemency Charged in New Fraud


A New Jersey man who was twice convicted of defrauding investors out of $230 million and whose lengthy prison sentence was commuted by President Donald Trump is once again facing fraud charges, federal prosecutors in New Jersey announced Wednesday.

Eliyahu “Eli” Weinstein, 48, of Lakewood, who is also known as Mike Konig, is among five men accused of defrauding dozens of investors out of $35 million, according to an arrest complaint unsealed in federal court in Trenton. The five are charged with wire fraud conspiracy and conspiracy to obstruct justice, and each could face up to 25 years in prison.

Philip Sellinger, the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, said Weinstein used a fake name and falsely promised access to deals involving scarce medical supplies, baby formula and first-aid kits supposedly destined for wartime Ukraine.

“These were brazen and sophisticated crimes that involved multiple conspirators and drew right from Weinstein’s playbook of fraud,” Sellinger said.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Biden’s Bibi hatred endangers national security


The 75th anniversary of the strong, historically unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel is being celebrated this year.

Unfortunately, the occasion is marred by President Joe Biden’s personal animus towards Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which is weakening our relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East.

Biden snubbed Netanyahu by instead inviting President Isaac Herzog, Israel’s head of state, who lacks executive power, to an official state visit.

Almost invariably in the modern era, state visits are held with the head of government, not the head of state.

The last time the exception happened was 2007, when President George W. Bush hosted Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.

Unlike in 2007, this decision was not out of reverence but politics. 

Biden despises Israel’s conservative government.

Meirav Hajaj Bereaved mother of slain IDF soldier prosecuted for protest


The bereaved mother of an IDF soldier killed in the line of duty expressed outrage that she is currently being prosecuted for pasting stickers on a building, while not a single indictment has been filed against anti-judicial reform protesters who have illegally blocked Ayalon Highway and engaged in massive demonstrations that have crippled the country.

Meirav Hajaj’s daughter Shir was murdered in a 2017 Jerusalem terror attack, at the age of 22.

Since the slaying, Hajaj has been an outspoken advocate against international aid to Palestinian terror groups and critical of the Israeli government’s policies around fighting terror.

In 2020, Hajaj participated in a protest against the European Union’s funding of Palestinian NGOs that serve as fronts for terror. As part of the demonstration, she glued stickers expressing opposition to the financing onto the EU’s consulate in Tel Aviv.

Hajaj was immediately arrested and has been subject to a criminal trial that’s now stretched more than three years, according to a Channel 14 report.

Speaking to the news outlet, Hajaj compared the vigor of the prosecution targeting her with what she described as the state’s soft touch towards left-wing protesters.

“I see the damage they’re doing to Ayalon, to Kaplan [Street in Tel Aviv] and it’s simply crazy,” Hajaj told Channel 14. “They’re damaging every place where they’re demonstrating. But there’s no prosecutions against anyone.

“Meanwhile, I’ve already been to court dozens of times… the judge asked me to prove that there wasn’t irreparable damage done to the EU building. I feel like now I shouldn’t have to prove anything, since the anarchists are free to create chaos in the streets for weeks on end.”

Hajaj acknowledged that during the protest in which she participated, one demonstrator did graffiti the words “German money kills Jews” on the building.

Notably, in recent months, the Brothers in Arms organization has repeatedly engaged in vandalism such as damaging the offices of the Kohelet Forum, using barbed wire, sandbags, and stickers to deface the space.

Additionally, left-wing protests have seen tires set aflame and fires started outside on Ayalon Highway, in major intersections and outside government buildings and lawmakers’ homes.

“They’re intentionally dragging out the trial, when the damage to the EU building was estimated at 200 shekels ($55) to repair. On the other hand, we’re talking about damages to the Kohelet Forum and Ayalon that are just insane. But nobody is prosecuting them, nobody is taking them to court, there’s no indictments. Nothing,” Hajaj said.

Muslim Gangs get a pass for Beating Up Jews in NYC and LA


In May 2021, Joseph Borgen was violently assaulted by a Muslim mob while walking down the street in midtown Manhattan in the vicinity of an anti-Israel rally. The Jewish man was kicked, punched, pepper sprayed, beaten with a metal object, and ended up in the hospital.

Borgen was taunted as a “dirty Jew” and the assault was caught on video. “They were kicking me in my ribs, my stomach,” he described.

Waseem Awawdeh, the best known of the attackers, was out two days later. Even after Awawdeh reportedly told prison guards, “If I could do it again, I would do it again”, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg offered him a plea deal of only six months in prison. After public outrage, including protests and condemnations by elected officials, it was raised to eighteen months.

Faisal Elezzi, another of the attackers, got off with probation and an obligation to complete “anti-bias programming”.

When Scarlett Johansson Famous Actress Finds Out Her Family Got Killed In Warsaw Ghetto


When a Grandfather Thinks He had a Boy Grandchild but it's a GIRL!! In Yiddish


4 Year-Old Cooks His Own Sandwich


Mayim Bialik Jewish Host of ‘Jeopardy!’ Accused of Being ‘Racist’ by Major Media Outlet for Supporting Israel


Mayim Bialik, an actress and the current co-host of the popular American quiz show Jeopardy!, is Jewish, and, like most Jews, a Zionist.

Bialik is simultaneously a supporter of Palestinian self-determination, having expressed her belief that they should live — like Israelis — in an “autonomous free and safe nation.”

In addition, she has previously called out “extremists on both sides” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and reiterated her belief that such fundamentalists are representative of neither all Israelis nor all Palestinians.

Why, then, has entertainment news site MEAWW, which claims to be among the world’s fastest-growing media-tech companies with millions of readers worldwide, published an antisemitic diatribe by staff writer Oshi Agarwal that suggests Bialik is a racist?

Placed in the website’s op-ed section and later reprinted word-for-word by MSN News, the clumsily-written screed takes aim at Bialik for her “very obvious support for the Israelis” while falsely accusing Israel of using “brutal violence on the few Palestinians struggling to survive in their own land.”

In the piece, Agarwal insinuates that being a Zionist is tantamount to being anti-Palestinian and also denies the very existence of the Jewish state by bizarrely declaring that Bialik’s many Israeli relatives live in “Palestine”:

Yetzer Hara Follows You To the Airport As Well


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Trump Will Get Arrested Again Soon

 Former President Donald Trump says he received a letter from special counsel Jack Smith stating that he is the target of a January 6 grand jury investigation on Tuesday.

Trump says he initially received the letter on Sunday and said he expects to face both an arrest an indictment.

This is a developing story. Check back soon for updates.

Pushing Back: 75K Reservists Sign Anti-Refusal Petition Overnight


With little or no financial support and no ad agencies promoting their message, right-leaning and other sane rank & file Israelis are beginning to reverse the tide of the anarchist attack on Israel’s democratic institutions, most importantly the ideas of one-man one-vote, and if your side lost the election, you don’t get to push your ideas through violence.

And so, on Monday afternoon, Channel 14’s host of the popular political show “The Patriots,” Yinon Magal, launched an online petition calling on anyone who has served in the IDF to join the side of citizens who oppose the refusal to serve.

The Reservists’ Petition – We Oppose the Refusals!” states: “We, male and female soldiers in the past or the reserves in the IDF oppose the refusals and are loyal to the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. We will serve the State of Israel because it is our only state – and we will protect her at all costs!”

Drivers Fed Up with Anarchists Blocking Roads Take the law in their Own Hands

Satmar Chusid Badmouthing Israel to Reporter Gets a Lesson in Yiddish

Anarchist Walks Into Traffic Gets Seriously Hurt But Ambulance Cant Get to Her Because of the Protestors


A female protester about 40 years of age was seriously injured on Tuesday morning near Ra’anana when she walked into traffic on Highway 531, where a protest was taking place, and was hit by a passing car.

She was evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah sedated and ventilated.

Witnesses of the incident said that the woman was driving on the highway and apparently deciding to join the protest, she suddenly stopped her car and got out, and was hit by the car driving behind her. The driver, an Arab-Israeli, stopped his car and got out “in a state of shock.”

It took some time for an ambulance to reach the woman as the highway was blocked by protesters.

The driver was detained for questioning but the police said that it is clear that the incident was an accident and not intentional.

Demonrats Will Ban Words “Husband” And “Wife” from Federal Law


Demonrats in the House of Representatives are so bent on transforming reality that they have introduced new legislation, the “Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act,” put forth by California Democrat Julia Brownley, that would remove the terms “husband” and “wife” from federal law, replacing them with gender-neutral alternatives such as “spouse.”

The proposed bill aims to address existing laws that fail to recognize the constitutional right of same-gender couples to marry, despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.

In a statement released last Friday, Brownley said Congress must reaffirm its commitment to equality, particularly in the face of recent rulings by the conservative Supreme Court and state legislatures. She emphasized the importance of aligning federal statutes with the principles of inclusivity and justice, arguing that the words embedded in laws carry significant meaning and should reflect the values of the nation.

The “Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act” targets several federal laws for amendment, including the “Ethics in Government Act of 1978,” the “Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993,” and the “Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,” among others. By substituting the terms “husband” and “wife” with phrases like “a married couple,” “married person,” and “person who has been, but is no longer, married to,” the legislation aims to ensure that all marriages are recognized and respected under federal law.

The bill comes on the heels of a recent Supreme Court ruling in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, which saw a majority decision favoring First Amendment rights over LGBTQ+ non-discrimination protections.

Beit Shemesh Mayor Aliza Bloch Attacked by Chareidim... Bottles Thrown Calling her "menaveles"

The mayor was attacked: a riot took place tonight in the neighborhood of Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet

(Ramat Bet Shemesh "Bet"  is where the uncivilized barbarians live) 

Mayor Aliza Bloch arrived tonight at 12:00 on Sderot Nahar Hayardein  Street in the Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet neighborhood, extremists who noticed her started screaming 
" Menaveles get out of here" 
attacking her with empty bottles.

The mayor quickly left the place by walking towards her car on Hayardein River Boulevard 
Some of  the residents tried to protect the mayor and clashed with the extremists who are all Chareidim as clearly seen in the video 

*ראש העיר הותקפה: מהומה התרחשה הלילה בשכונת רמת בית שמש ב'*

ראש העיר *עליזה בלוך* הגיעה הלילה בשעה 12:00 לרחוב שדרות נהר הירדן בשכונת רמת בית שמש ב', קיצונים שהבחינו בה פתחו בקריאות כנגדה.

ראש העיר עזבה במהירות את המקום בהליכה רגלית לעבר רכבה בשדרות נהר הירדן כאשר עשרות קיצונים תוקפים אותה בצעקות "מנוולת, תסתלקי מפה" ואף מספר בקבוקים הושלכו לעברה, תושבים במקום ניסו להגן על ראש העיר והתעמתו עם הקיצונים.

‘CHAZAL were against people being poor’ ... RAV ELIEZER STEINBERGER:


 A signed letter, the Rabbanim said, in part, “…we have now heard that people are planning to establish an institution called a yeshiva gedolah which mixes the holy and the profane, Heaven forfend, in the city of Beit Shemesh. It is our duty to warn against this and to raise a huge storm to alert the Yere’ei Hashem wherever they are that they should not send their children and disciples to this place or give them any support G-d forbid.”

Rav Eliezer Steinberger is Rosh Yeshiva of Nishmas HaTorah, a Charedi yeshiva that incorporates secular studies into its curriculum. In a fascinating, compelling and informative interview, he explains why there is a huge need for this type of yeshiva, while at the same time, explaining the perspective of the Gedolim as well.

In the episode of the VIN Podcast, the addressed the following questions:

  • Is learning secular studies ideal or only ‘b’dieved’?
  • Is it strictly for parnassah or for philospohical reasons as well?
  • Were the yeshivas in Europe unanimously opposed to secular studies? What was Rav Hirsch’s opinion?
  • The need for parnassah for the sake of a family’s mental health and ability to properly function
  • Why do American yeshivas teach secular studies?
  • Did Rav Shach z”l oppose yeshivas teaching secular studies in all cases?
  • His thoughts on the Gedolim’s ban of the yeshiva in Beit Shemesh
  • Much more

Egged Bus Blocked By Chareidi Protesters In Bnei Brak- Because The Driver Was Female


Charedim waiting for an Egged bus in Bnei Brak Sunday blocked the bus when it arrived in protest over the driver- who was a woman. “They refused to enter and prevented her from continuing the route,” passersby reported.

The bus, No. 146 travelling from Bnei Brak to Holon, was on the route in the early afternoon when it was stopped by passengers who demanded to ride on a bus which is not driven by a woman.

The Egged company responded to the incident, stating that “this was a serious and disgraceful incident and we sharply condemn harming workers of the Egged bus company who are faithfully performing their jobs. The 146 bus from Bnei Brak was blocked by an extremist group of hooligans who do not represent the residents of the city. We hope that law enforcement authorities will bring these hooligans to justice so that attacks of this type will not repeat themselves in Bnei Brak or in any place in Israel.”

Gender separation is a controversial issue which is frequently in the headlines. In 2011 the Supreme Court ruled that gender separation on buses is only permitted with the agreement of all the passengers. There are Mehadrin buses in may chareidi enclaves. Deputy transportation minister Uri Maklev favors the establishment of “separate-gender routes” and has called on women to accept such segregations, claiming that this “is not feminine exclusion but rather a feminine benefit.”

Monday, July 17, 2023

Rabbi Yair Hoffman Purposely Omits that the Rambam Ascended the Har Habayis in His Polemic Against Going Up

We clearly see that the Rambam ascended to the Har Habayit with his father, brother and the Chief Rabbi of Akko. In fact The Rambam made a Yom Tov every year on the anniversary of that ascent! He referred to this aliya in many other letters to the community. 

Rabbi Hoffman is being deceptive and disingenuous for not mentioning this historical fact.

R" Hoffman also brings the psak of Harav Avraham Yitzchok Hakohein Kook Z"L  that prohibits going up to the Har Habayit. What is interesting is that these "poiskim" tend to bring up Harav Kook z"l only when it suits their agenda. Otherwise, they have no problem with tearing out his haskomos and ignoring him. They have no respect for him at all in Yeshivishe and Chassidishe circles; to bring him up to back their "opinion" is being disingenuous. 

It is important to point out that Harav Kook z"l lived when the Ottoman Empire occupied Palestine and then through the British Occupation. It was under those circumstances that he gave that psak. The British even arrested Jews who blew a Shofar at the Kotel.... yes, you heard that right. If you blew a shofar at the Kotel, you were under arrest and thrown into a dungeon. In fact anti+Zionists bizarrely blame the 1929 Chevron Massacre because someone blew Shofar at the Kotel  and they say that, that was a provocation! Mamash Insane! 

The fact that Arabs massacred Jews all over the world for centuries without anyone blowing any shofors anywhere in the entire world is not part of their equation. And what is really bizarre and insane is that these same anti+Zionists blame Rav Kook z"l ..yes you heard that right, they blame him for encouraging the blowing of the shofar at the kotel. It turns out that we now know that it was the anti-Zionists that made that up and it is a work of fiction. 

But even if that was true, a blood thirsty Arab needs any provocation to murder Jews? Are you telling me that an Arab who chopped off the limbs alive of a Yeshiva Bochor in Chevron and raped Yiddishe girls before he murdered them, did it because some guy blew a shofar at the Kotel? How Insane? 

R' Hoffman also purposely omits a Meerie in Shevuois 16 that clearly states that there is "NO Kareis" going to the Har Habayit.

In addition and very important to know, that Jews for centuries had a presence on the Har Habayis and even built a shul on the Har Habayit,

Sebeos, a 7th-century Armenian bishop and historian, wrote about the existence of a Jewish prayer hall on the Temple Mount as follows:

After the Jews enjoyed the aid and protection of the Arabs for a long time, they conceived the idea of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon.
They identified the location of what they called the “The Holy of Holies” and there they built a prayer hall, using the foundations and the remnants of the original building. Once they had started to build, the Arabs became jealous and banished them from there. Instead, they gave the Jews another area on the Temple Mount for a synagogue.

Solomon ben Jeroham, a Karaite exegete who lived in Jerusalem between 940 and 960, wrote in his commentary on the Book of Psalms that the Muslims had permitted the Jews to pray on the Temple Mount
for many years.

When, with the mercy of the God of Israel, the Romans were thrown out [of Jerusalem] and the Islamic kingdom appeared, permission was given to Israel to enter [the city] and live there. Furthermore, the courtyards of the Temple were turned over to them and they prayed there [on the Temple Mount] for many years. Afterwards [slanderers] told the Muslim king that they did bad things there, that they drank intoxicating wine and desecrated the place. He therefore ordered them expelled to one of the many gates and there they prayed for many years. But they continued to do bad things and there came a new king and he expelled them from the Temple Mount completely.

Feel free to read the whole account:
Sebeos, Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos, trans. Robert Thomson, Liverpool University Press, 1999, ch. 31. 16 

Comment on Psalms 30, cited by Goren, Shlomo, Sefer Har Habayit [Book of the

Temple Mount]. Rev. ed., Jerusalem, 2004, 314 [Igrot HaRambam, p. 79: “On Yom Shlishi, 4th of Cheshvan in the year 4926 since creation, we left Acco to go up to Y’rushalayim, under danger. And I entered the great and awesome Bayit (literally: the House, the place where the Beit HaMikdash stood) and I prayed there, on Yom Chamishi (Thurs.), the 6th of Cheshvan.

Read further for Rabbi Hoffman's polemic. 

Bluebird Hunder Lodge in the Catskills Keeps Throwing Out Frum people ON Shabbos


A hotel in Hunter, NY, is coming under allegations of anti-Semitism after it tossed out nearly 40 members of a single Orthodox Jewish family on Shabbos over a noise complaint that may have never even occurred.

According to people familiar with the matter, the family – which consisted of several generations, including grandparents and young children – booked a weekend stay with Hunter Lodge, a Bluebird by Lark property. Prior to confirming the booking, the family outlined to hotel staff how many people they were, how many children there were, and what could be expected from them as guests.