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Monday, April 24, 2023

5 Wounded in Terrorist Ramming Attack Near Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda Market


Multiple people were wounded Monday afternoon in a ramming terror attack that took place on Jerusalem’s Agrippas Street down the street from the city’s iconic Mahane Yehuda open air market, near a large parking garage.

Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi turned down offer to light Independence Day torch - here's why.


Following criticism that none of those lighting an Independence Day torch are haredim, Kikar Hashabbat revealed that Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi, a leading religious figure, was offered to light a torch - but politely refused.

According the Kikar Hashabbat, Rabbanit Mizrachi had received permission from rabbis to take part in the torchlighting ceremony - but chose to turn down the offer.

Galei Zahal journalist Yanir Cozin reported that Rabbanit Mizrachi made the final list of torchlighters, and even received a phone call prior to being announced as one of those chosen for the honor.

However, Cozin added, in the end Rabbanit Mizrachi chose to forgo the honor, for reasons of modesty. He emphasized: "What I mean is, that Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi decided to forgo the torchlighting for reasons of humility and personal modesty."

Kikar Hashabbat did not receive comment from Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi.

Part Three ...The Chaotic Crazed Interview with the Host Heshy Goldstein whose program went belly-up and Zev Brenner


This Heshy Goldstein character the host of the disastrous Pesach that didn't take place, talks for over a half hour, arguing with Zev about how Zev runs his Talkline program without answering a single question on how he plans to repay his victims.. Zev with patience of a saint tries to unsuccessfully get him to tell us what exactly happened. Heshy has the chutzpa of basically calling those who he scammed "crooks." 

Yossi Ziblocki who runs Pesach and other programs was scammed by Heshy Goldstein for approx $7,000 and has a judgement against him, yet Heshy calls Yossi the crook. Instead of being contrite and humble, he keeps talking about his rabbi, "my rabbi said this, my rabbi said that" and during the interview he actually claims that he has the rabbi on the other phone, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what the hell his rabbi actually said. This would actually be hilarious if it weren't so tragic. 

The interview goes from bad to total chaos and snowballs into the abyss! 

Question: Would you ever ask Heshy what time it is?

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Pesach Program Scam Part Two With Zev Brenner ..... The Program Host Heshy Ran to South Africa


Zev Brenner Talkline 
Talkline With Zev Brenner - Atlantic City Pesach Program Crash PT 2-Elan Kornblum, Yossi Zablocki, Doni Schwartz & Sinai Rubin

Talkline With Zev Brenner- Atlantic City Pesach Program Crash PT 2 What happened? Elan Kornblum- Great Kosher Restaurants who has covered the plight of the victims, Yossi Zablocki of Destinations 613 who was scammed, Doni Schwartz of Passoverlistings.com who's an expert on Pesach vacations & $700k investor Sinai Rubin. Was it a bad gamble or Fraud? Scam or was the owner conned? What happens to the money for those that paid for the Passover program? Was the owner scammed as he claimed or is there more to the story? 

Bidens’ corrupt web rapidly unraveling before our eyes and Blinken's Dirty Tricks Revealed by FBI Informer


The sudden flurry of evidence and allegations about the Biden family’s money-making schemes is a direct result of the GOP winning control of the House of Representatives last year. 

The margin of midterm victory was very small — just five seats — but the impact is very large because the majority comes with subpoena power.

And aggressive new Republican committee leaders are eager and willing to use that power. 

After a slow start, they are producing at near-daily pace documentation of serious wrongdoing.

None of this would be happening if Democrats still had control of the House. 

The breakthroughs include testimony showing how a group of retired intelligence officials influenced the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, effectively proving the existence of a corrupt Deep State. 

There are also claims from an IRS whistleblower that federal law enforcement agencies are giving favored treatment to President Biden’s son in a long-running probe and that Attorney General Merrick Garland lied to Congress about the case. 

The implications of these developments are enormous and while there is still much to be learned, it is possible investigators are on the cusp of revealing one of the largest scandals in the history of American politics.

The probers believe the president participated in and profited from the corrupt influence-peddling schemes while he was vice president. 

The arrows all point in that direction, with Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, head of the Oversight and Reform panel, producing bank records that show millions of dollars from China being divvied up among as many as nine Biden family members. 

In response, the president emerged from hiding to say only, “that’s not true,” without directly refuting the evidence collected by banks and subpoenaed by Congress. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Chareidei Terrorists Tear Off Flags in Bet Shemesh "Dalet" on Shabbos


The city of Beit Shemesh has a minhag of adorning the city lampposts that are on the main thorough-fairs with Israeli Flags prior to Yom Ha'atzmaot. It looks festive; after all we live in a Jewish country. 
The city makes sure not to antagonize the kanoim that live in Beit Shemesh BET and leave their lamp posts alone.

In the last two years, the city that now has a population of 160,000 has expanded and built a brand-new area called Beit Shemesh "Dalet." 
Dalet is massive and is larger than the entire Beit Shemesh which includes Old Beit Shemesh, BS Alef, Bet (the extremist area), Gimmel, Gimmel Shtayim, Mishkafyim and Hey better known as Nevei Shamir. 

The guys living in Bet, are hell bent on making sure that "dalet" becomes one of their enclaves and rent buses every night to disrupt the lives of the normal people that moved into dalet, trying to make sure that normal Jews will hear about the riots and will be dissuaded from moving there. 
For example, just last Wednesday night they bused in a bunch of parasites to scream "nazi" "shiksa" at people that were sitting peacefully  shmoozing and drinking coffee at a bakery/coffee shop called "Chalas Habayis" 
On Thursday night the normal residents of dalet came out by the thousands to "Chalas Habayis" to support the store and to send a

message to the Chareidie terrorists that they are ready to take them on. 
As you can imagine, all hell broke loose, and police came to separate the groups and to send the terrorists back to their caves in BET!

Friday, April 21, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Tazria-Metzora


Leading Rabbi Reverses His Previous Rulings and "Paskens" that Hallel SHOULD be said on Independence Day night


The rabbi of Kiryat Arba and a leading religious Zionist rabbi, Rabbi Dov Lior, ruled to say the Hallel prayer with a blessing on the night of Israeli Independence Day.

Rabbi Lior explained that "in the past, I was apprehensive based on those who opposed Former Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren and therefore ruled that because there is doubt, not to say the Hallel prayer with a blessing on the night of Independance Day, but now I think that one should act according to Rabbi Goren OBM and say Hallel with a blessing on Independance Day."

He emphasized that one should recite the prayer with a blessing "even though there are rabbis who rule otherwise."

The reason for this, he explains, is "the importance of giving thanks for the miracle and since in the middle of this night the rule of the British Mandate ended, and the Jewish kingdom came into effect."

"Hallel" is a prayer of thanksgiving, consisting of a compilation of Psalms, traditionally said on Jewish holidays and the first of every Jewish month. After the establishment of the state of Israel, the Chief Rabbinate called on Jews to say the prayer on Independence Day without a blessing.

 In 1974, the Chief Rabbinate under Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren changed its ruling and added the blessing to the prayer. Rabbi Goren also ruled to say the prayer at night with a blessing, but that ruling was not widely accepted.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Chazzan Moshe Stern Passes on at 87


Cantor Moshe Stern, 87, has passed away.

Stern was considered one of the best Ashkenazic-Jewish cantors, and became famous throughout the world for his powerful voice.

Born in Budapest, Hungary, Stern studied under his father. His older brother, László (Benjamin) Stern, was the head cantor in Budapest for decades.Stern began his career as the head cantor in Rehovot's Great Synagogue. Later, he served as cantor at the Heichal Shlomo synagogue in Jerusalem, as well as in South Africa and in the Beth-El synagogue in Boro Park, New York, where he became famous.

In 1977, Stern returned to Israel, and settled in the neighborhood of Har Nof in Jerusalem.

The funeral will be held at 3:00p.m. on Thursday, at the Shamgar funeral home in Jerusalem.

How the FBI Directly Influences Elections Officially


UN Says Minors Can Consent to Sex "and that is the law"


The United Nations is working to mainstream sex with minors, stating in a report that relations with underage individuals can be considered consensual despite worldwide prohibitions on such acts.

"Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law," several U.N.-backed organizations claimed in a March report that advocates decriminalizing these acts as part of a "human rights-based approach" to laws governing sexual relations.

CVS Goes Fully Woke - Look at the Insane Requirements Employees Must Now Follow: Report


CVS Pharmacy, a health care corporation that hires people who presume to embrace science in medicine, has gone fully “woke” and will require all employees — without exception — to buy into the falsehood that people can change their genders.

Employees at the retail giant’s thousands of U.S. stores have recently been given a policy on how to address their “trans” coworkers, which included a note that any restroom is to be used by anyone at any time.

Watch Arab Saying that All of Israel is Occupied Including Tel Aviv


It All Started With Words .... Never Again!



Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Ezzra Friedlander of the "JudenRat" Meets Antisemitic Yentas Ilhan Omar and Tlaib


The self serving kapo, Ezra FriedLisker, has proven once again that he is an amateur! 

Friedlander,  who does this "for the Benjamins" invited himself to an Arab seuda called "Iftar" to tuchisleck outright antisemites. Instead of talking about Yom Ha'shoah he decided to diss the State of Israel and meet her enemies. 

As I said many times "ehr iz nisht a groiser chuchim in nish a kleiner naar" he isn't very bright and he isn't a small fool. 

This being chummy with people that are against America and Israel could actually be dangerous for Jews as he isn't a seasoned politician and who knows what this "upgerissinar naar" could say! 

How Callous and Heartless is Fat Nadler & Daniel Goldman? Get Public Tongue Lashing From Crime Victims!


A confession: When House Republicans announced plans for a New York hearing to showcase rampant crime, I didn’t need to curb my ­enthusiasm. 

I assumed the worst, that the hearing would bring New Yorkers bad news they already know and that Democrats and their media shills would dismiss the event as theater designed to embarrass Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg

I was right.

The hearing, partly because of its timing, smelled like payback for Bragg’s flimsy indictment of Donald Trump, giving Dems and the media the ammunition to repeatedly ridicule it as a partisan dog-and-pony show. 

But I was also wrong in a major way: I underestimated how clueless and heartless Democrats could be about the sufferings of actual crime victims. 

My big takeaway was that they ­really don’t give a damn. 

Nadler’s unforced error 

Manhattan Rep. Jerry Nadler, for example, made the brain-dead mistake of citing declining homicide rates and decreased shootings in New York as proof that Judiciary Committee Republicans were using crime as a “pretext” to “bully the district attorney.” 

Telling grieving families that statistics say crime really isn’t so bad in New York and it’s worse elsewhere is tone-deaf.

That’s what 30 years in Washington will do to you. 

The indifference of Nadler and his fellow travelers to the witnesses’ pain and demands for justice made the hearing instructive.

As a result, the Dems snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and the hearing was more than worthwhile. 

The deniers were ice cold when warmth and compassion were called for, with Rep. Daniel Goldman offering another example of callousness.

His attempt to label the day a waste of time earned him a much-deserved scolding from the angry mother of a murder victim. 

“Don’t insult my intelligence,” Madeline Brame snapped at Goldman, an heir to the Levi Strauss fortune and a prolific stock trader whose district includes lower Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn. 

“You’re trying to insult me like I’m not aware of what’s going on here,” Brame said. 

She testified that Bragg’s office downgraded and dismissed charges against two offenders who — along with two others — brutally beat and stabbed her son, Army vet Hason Correa, to death in Harlem. 

“When Alvin Bragg came into office, he was handed a strong, trial-ready murder case,” Brame said. 

“He dismissed — completely dismissed — gang-assault and murder indictments against two of the defendants clearly on video participating in the brutal, savage slaughter of my son. Hason was kicked, punched, stomped and stabbed nine times by four individuals whom he did not know, nor had he done them any harm.” 

The only decent thing Goldman could have done was express his sorrow at her loss and promise to look into her complaint that Bragg was coddling killers. 

Lecturing her about Washington gotcha games and cutting her off midsentence was not an option, yet that’s what he did. 

Leo Dee asks Sadigora Rebbe to Wave Israeli Flag and recite Hallel on Yom Hatzmeot


 During the course of a condolence visit by the Sadigura Rebbe of Jerusalem to Rabbi Leo Dee, who lost his wife and two daughters in a terrorist attack on Pesach, Rabbi Dee made an unusual request of the rebbe.

Firstly he asked the Rebbe if he waves the Israeli flag and the rebbe responded positively. Afterwards he asked if the rebbe would be willing to recite Hallel on Israel’s 75th independence day, which falls at the end of next week.

The rebbe responded by telling a story from his great-uncle, who was the Sadigura rebbe after the Holocaust.

“My uncle lived in Vienna between the First and Second World Wars,” he said. “When the Nazis rose to power, they brought him to the streets of Vienna to clean the streets. He made a promise and said, ‘If G-d will be with me, and the Master of the World saves me from this horror, when I reach the Land of Israel, I will clean the streets of Israel.”

The Sadigora Rebbe continued, “When he managed to escape to Palestine, he indeed got up early in the morning and cleaned the streets of Tel Aviv. He did not tell anyone the reason why he did it, even when his followers questioned him as to why he was doing this.”

“This custom, of a love of the Land of Israel, is in our blood. And I think that we need to work more on loving every Jew, no matter how he dresses or what his opinions are. We will take this upon ourselves, and I think that the Hallel will come on its own,” he concluded.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

El Al Pilot Delivers Anarchist’s Rant to Passengers on Flight to New York


Once again, anarchist continue to cross red lines. 

Passengers on El Al flight 007 to New York received an unexpected political message from their pilot, Doron Ginzburg, on Yom Hashoah, Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Using English worse than Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s, the pilot delivered his anarchist-fueled rant to the passengers over the loudspeaker, declaring,

 “Reminding all of us that things like [the] Holocaust are potentially to be occurring in a dictatorship, and we are fighting in Israel to remain a democratic country. Thank you all and have a nice flight.”

Moving: Holocaust survivor surprises his granddaughter on Mount Herzl


Yaakov Meir Dimenstein, a Holocaust survivor who lives in Switzerland, came to Israel specifically to watch his granddaughter, Rina, who serves in the Home Front Command and who will be a flag bearer in the traditional torch lighting ceremony that will take place next week on Independence Day.

On Monday, on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Rina's family, together with grandfather Yaakov, surprised her by arriving at the rehearsals for the ceremony, which were held on Mount Herzl. At the end of the rehearsals, Yaakov joined the flag bearers in the singing of Israel’s national anthem, “Hatikvah”.

Yaakov, who was born in Belgium and fled the Nazi regime to a refugee camp in South Africa, said, "I cannot explain in words the meaning of the visit to the rehearsals for the torch lighting ceremony, in which my granddaughter will take part. Only about 78 years ago, the Jewish people were persecuted and their status was at the lowest point in history. Today, the State of Israel is a beacon and a source of great Jewish pride and proves that history will not repeat itself thanks to the power of the IDF."

His granddaughter, Rina, said, “As the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, I am proud and happy to wear the IDF uniform - thus fulfilling the dreams of our forefathers. I strive to contribute to the country as much as I can, and being an IDF officer is one step in commemorating all those who are no longer with us. We must cherish and give gratitude every day for the right to live in the land of Israel."

Iranian Crown Prince: It's my duty to honor Holocaust victims


Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, who is visiting Israel, on Monday evening attended the official state ceremony marking the start of Holocaust Remembrance Day at Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Speaking to i24NEWS after the ceremony, the Crown Prince said that the Iranian regime “doesn’t represent the Iranian people” and as Tehran doesn’t acknowledge the Holocaust, he felt it was his duty to show his support for Israel on behalf of his nation that has 2,500-years-long relations with the Jewish people.

"It's a Biblical relationship that our two countries have had over centuries and today when we have the regime that denies the Holocaust has ever occurred it's my duty to be here representing my fellow compatriots, to honor the victims of the Holocaust and pay my respects to this nation and its people," he said.

Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel earlier on Monday welcomed Pahlavi upon his arrival at Ben Gurion Airport.

"I congratulate the Iranian Crown Prince on his important visit to Israel as the most senior Iranian personality to ever visit here. We appreciate the Crown Prince's expression of solidarity with the citizens of Israel in the face of the severe terrorist attacks perpetrated by Iran, as well as his visit to Yad Vashem on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day in order to sympathize with the Jewish people, in contrast to Iran's rulers who deny the Holocaust and encourage antisemitism. Together, through a common vision, we will take the first step in building bridges and collaborations between the two peoples," said Gamliel.

Gamliel will host Pahlavi during his visit to Israel, with the aim of creating a bridge between Israel and the Iranian people, and expressing joint opposition to the Ayatollah regime. The heir to the throne promotes discourse on the human rights situation in Iran and supports a democratic Iranian leadership.