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Thursday, October 6, 2022

US stocks up on $300m worth of radiation sickness drug - but officials insist it has nothing to do with Putin's nuke threats

 The US has stocked up on radiation sickness drugs just weeks after Vladimir Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons against the West.

Officials said the deal — worth $290million — was ‘part of ongoing work’ and ‘has not been accelerated’ by the Kremlin leader's escalating rhetoric.  

The US Health and Human Services (HHS) - whose motto is to 'improve the health, safety, and well-being of America - announced the purchase of romiplostim Tuesday.

Sold under the brand name Nplate, it is used to reduce bleeding caused by acute radiation syndrome (ARS), also known as radiation sickness.

Putin issued a chilling warning late last month that he was prepared to use Russia’s nuclear arsenal to protect Ukrainian territory annexed after sham referendums.

But the US Health and Human Services (HHS) said the drug order was ‘part of ongoing work’ and ‘has not been accelerated’ by Putin’s warning.

However, the timing will likely raise questions given that this is the first time the US Government has bought Nplate.

It is unclear how many doses the order covers, but the drug normally fetches between $1,000 and $2,500 per dose.

Beautiful Rendition of Kwartin's "Ve'tiher Reb Yisgmael Atzmoi" by Chazzan Tzvike Berkovitz


Support Growing for Itamar Ben Gvir as Government Minister Despite Biden's Threats


Israeli support is growing for the possibility of a ministerial post for right-wing Otzma Yehudit chair and MK Itamar Ben Gvir, as seen in the latest poll by Israel Hayom and Ma’agar Mochot conducted at the start of the week — but the deadlock between the right and left remains.

The question arises in light of Israel’s upcoming national elections on November 1 — the fifth time Israelis are being asked to cast their ballots in less than four years.

In the poll, 44 percent of those surveyed responded that Ben Gvir’s appointment as a government minister would be “legitimate.”

The administration of US President Joe Biden has expressed its adamant opposition to any appointment of Itamar Ben Gvir as a minister in the next government.

Sadigere Rebbetzin Fights Her Little Twirp Son who is trying to evict her from her own Dira


The rift in Sedigora  began two years ago, and is now entering a new phase: 

Rebitzin Sara Friedman, the widow of the Rebbe Israel Moshe Friedman, filed an objection to the Registrar of Inheritance against the appointment of her son as the sole heir to the Sadigere dynasty.

• According to her, the son took advantage of the father's medical condition 

• On the agenda: the role of the spiritual leader and assets worth millions of shekels

 She filed an objection to the will that established her youngest son as the heir of her late husband Israel Moshe Friedman, the Rebbe of Sdigora 

This rift of more than two years has agitated Sdigora Hassidism and the entire ultra-Orthodox Hasidic world, with assets at stake worth hundreds of millions of shekels.

According to Rebitzin Friedman, the documents that crowned her youngest son YitzhakYehoshua Hashil as the Rebbe of Hasidism was signed by her husband while he was in a very serious medical condition, where his younger son and his associates were using severe pressure and threats.

It should be noted that Yitzhak Yehoshua Hashil was 24 years old when he was "appointed" to the position of Rebbe, and overtook his brothers who are about 15 years older than him

Rabbi Israel Moshe Friedman z"l served as the rebbe of the Sedigura Chassidim community for about seven years when he became sick with pancreatic cancer 

When the father passed away, his wife announced that her husband's wish was for the three respective sons to serve as rebbes. The family's children signed the agreement, but the  youngest son and his chassidim relied on the will which clearly stated that he would serve as the sole and only rebbe

The Rebitzin, who for the past two and a half years remained silent, decided to present her version of the events that has divided the community, stunned the ultra-Orthodox sector, and even led to actual violent incidents

According to her, during her husband's illness, and in particular in the last year of his life, moves were made by those who wanted the "twirp" to be rebbe, to change the accepted practice in Hasidic courts, in which the eldest son fills the father's place in the leadership of Hasidism

"camela" Harris Mocked

The liberal satirical show compares the VP to the main character in the comedy series 'Veep.'


New York Jew DO NOT VOTE FOR HOCHUL, SHUMER and AG Letitia James


t's Crystal clear to most people that Mike Lawler and Lee Zeldin are the Go-To candidates to vote for if you're Jewish and want to keep NY safe (crime-wise in terms of hate and anti-Semitic incidents) 

And make living in NY more financially affordable (with regards to rent, bills, and property taxes, and grocery items), and have candidates that have our backs in this whole Democrat controlled Albany thing telling our Yeshivas what to do even though it's a clear violation of church and state, 

However in case not everyone is clear on who to vote for, for United States Senate on the ballot, Chuck Schumer is responsible for the expensive grocery prices at Evergreen and Rockland Kosher, he's pushed forward trillion $$ packages in the Senate that dug us deeper in inflation, he's Nancy Pelosi's boyfriend and 2-State solution Biden's lapdog, vote for Joseph Pinion to help retire Chuck the Schmuck, Joseph supports Yeshivas and will vote against high spending bills that drive us deeper in inflation that causes living in NY State to be less affordable, 

Election day is Tuesday November 8th, go out and vote and tell your neighbors who don't have Internet and see my post to go out and vote for community endorsed Lee Zeldin, Mike Lawler, as well as Joseph Pinion, let's as well fire Letitia A. James from her position as Attorney General since under her criminals attack people including Jews in NYC and get released in cashless bail, and replace her with more competent Michael Henry, as well as fire the disaster Elijah Melnick Shmendrick and replace him with Bill Weber who shares the same goals and values as the above candidates and will fight to make living in NY more affordable, wishing everyone an easy fast

White rice is as bad as candy when it comes to heart health


Here’s some spooky news for rice lovers this October: A new study has found that eating too many refined grains is just as bad for your heart as eating too much Halloween candy.

The report, which studied the eating habits and health histories of Iranians, says the risk of premature coronary artery disease, or PCAD, from eating refined grains which include white rice, the Daily Mail reported, is similar to that of eating the kind of “unhealthy sugars and oils” found in sweet treats.

The study focused on a group of some 2,500 people, some with normal arteries and some with coronary artery disease. Each participant answered a food frequency questionnaire to determine how often they ate whole and refined grains.

Researchers found a higher intake of refined grain was associated with an increased risk of PCAD, while eating whole grains was associated with a reduced risk.

Grains are “refined” when they’re processed into flour or meal, which gives them a finer texture and longer shelf life but eliminates some key nutrients. However, whole grains, like brown rice oats and whole-wheat bread, contain the entire grain.

“There are many factors involved in why people may be consuming more refined grains as opposed to whole grains … Some of the most important factors to consider include the economy and income, job, education, culture, age and other similar factors,” said Dr. Mohammad Amin Khajavi Gaskarei, the study’s lead author.

“A diet that includes consuming a high amount of unhealthy and refined grains can be considered similar to consuming a diet containing a lot of unhealthy sugars and oils,” he continued.

Refined grains are quickly broken down by the body since they have been stripped of fiber, which leads to a post-meal spike in blood sugar levels, per the CDC.

Over time, high blood sugar can damage blood vessels and the nerves that control the heart and cause plaque to form in the artery walls.

How Jews with "mesiras Nefesh" Blew The Shofar at the Kotel in 1931 Defying the British Bastards


NY mayor turns on Biden after dozens of migrant kids secretly flown to small town


An upstate New York mayor ripped into President Biden and his team after dozens of migrants kids were secretly flown to his small town by the feds last week, telling The Post: “This seems clandestine.”

At least two migrant flights have touched down at Orange County Airport in Montgomery from El Paso, Texas in recent weeks, according to officials.

The latest flight, which landed last Friday night, was carrying 25 minors ranging between 13 and 18 years of age, who were quickly shipped off to 12 locations, including children’s homes and shelters, scattered across the tri state and New York City suburban areas.

“They were transported out of the county once they got here,” Montgomery Village Mayor Steve Brescia told The Post Tuesday.

“We were never informed about any flights coming into the airport. It’s just disturbing we weren’t informed of any of this,” he continued. “We’re worried about the safety of the passengers who didn’t know where they were going.”

Last week’s flight was arranged by the Biden administration’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) — which falls under the Department of Health and Human Services, according to Montgomery County’s Deputy Police Chief Paul Arteta.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

OPEC Ignores Biden's begging and voted to slash oil output


The Biden administration’s scramble to avoid another surge in US gas prices took a major hit Wednesday after OPEC and Russia approved a significant cut in oil production.

Oil jumped to $87 on Wednesday after the OPEC+, a group of oil-producing nations that includes Russia, slashed output limits by 2 million barrels per day. The cut would mark the largest drop in OPEC+ oil production since 2020 and add additional pressure to global energy markets already reeling from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Bloomberg reported.

The cuts were approved even after the Biden administration attempted a “full-scale pressure campaign” in a bid to convince OPEC+ not to slash output , CNN reported, citing sources familiar with the matter.

OPEC+ ministers are seeking to bolster the price of oil, which has declined in recent months as fears mount about a potential global recession. Experts had already warned that tightness in energy markets this winter – with Europe on the verge of a full-blown energy crisis – could send oil prices much higher.

Meanwhle, the national average price of a gallon of gas hit $3.83 on Wednesday following days of steady increases. The trend is a political headache for President Biden and other Democrats ahead of midterm elections that will determine which party controls Congress.

Republican lawmakers and other critics accused the Biden administration of prematurely taking credit for falling gas prices as they receded from a record high of $5.016 in June. With prices once again on the rise, there are signs White House officials are scrambling to avert the resulting political backlash.

The White House has tapped the Energy Department to project the impact of a potential ban on experts of US-produced gasoline, diesel and other refined petroleum products, Bloomberg reported.  Domestic oil producers oppose the idea, arguing a ban would disrupt struggling energy markets and only lead to higher prices for American motorists.

Meanwhile, Biden has publicly targeted US oil companies during the recent uptick in prices.

As the destructive Hurricane Ian approached last month, Biden issued “a warning to oil and gas industry executives: Do not — let me, repeat, do not — do not use this as an excuse to raise gasoline prices or gouge the American people.”

As The Post has reported, experts say the Biden administration’s restrictive policy stance on domestic energy producers have exacerbated the price problem.

The OPEC+ cuts mark another snub for the White House. Biden visited Saudi Arabia earlier this year to request additional oil output, but the trip was widely deemed a failure after OPEC only announced a modest increase.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Kol Nidrei


Kol Isha Alert

Ariel Kaplan 32 from Toronto whose remains were found was abducted


A Toronto Jewish man whose remains were discovered inside a hockey bag north of the city earlier this year was abducted last August, investigators said on Monday, according to CityNews.

Durham police believe 32-year-old Ariel Kaplan was abducted near Yonge Street and Sheppard Avenue in the North York area of Toronto on August 29, 2021, before he was killed and his body was disposed of.

“Based on witness accounts Mr. Kaplan appeared to fear for his safety in the days and weeks that preceded his abduction,” said Det. Sgt. Doris Carriere during an update at Durham police headquarters in Whitby on Monday morning.

Using cellphone data, investigators also believe Kaplan had dinner with friends in the Yorkville neighborhood of Toronto around 9:00 p.m. on the same evening he was thought to be abducted. They have not been able to confirm which restaurant Kaplan attended and who he was with.

“We know from our interview that Kaplan had ties to the Russian and Jewish communities in Toronto, and further that he had business relationships with members of the Somalian, Italian, and Mexican communities,” Carriere said, according to CityNews. “There is no direct link right now to make us believe he was directly linked to organized crime.”

Investigators are appealing to any witnesses who may have more information to come forward.

“Ariel Kaplan was a son, a brother, an uncle; his death has deeply affected his family, his friends and his community,” a Durham police release said.

“At this time, we continue to follow up on leads, but are appealing to the public for any information that could assist in solving this murder and provide some closure to those affected.”

Police confirmed this past May that human remains found in Uxbridge, about 70 kilometers north of Toronto, are that of Kaplan.

On May 10, at approximately 2:40 p.m., local officers were called to the area after human remains were located in a bag floating in a pond.

The remains were confirmed to have belonged to Kaplan by Ontario Forensic Pathology Services.

In May of 2021, three months before he was reported missing, Kaplan was charged with two counts of possession of property obtained by crime exceeding $5,000 for his alleged involvement in the theft of a tractor-trailer that was carrying nearly $250,000 worth of merchandise, including thousands of bottles of juice and more than 100 washing machines.

Chinese Just Like Ami & Mishpacha Magazines Ban Printing Of Hasidic Woman’s Memoir Due to Having Her Picture on the Cover!


 Just kidding, the headline should read:
Chinese Censors Ban Printing Of Hasidic Woman’s Memoir Due To ‘Anti-Communist’ Content

Hasidic book publisher Dovid Zaklikowski was looking forward to getting his latest title — the memoir of a Jewish woman who immigrated from the Soviet Union to the United States — printed and shipped off to customers.

Everything seemed to be going according to plan. In mid-August, a Chinese printing company he regularly worked with told Zaklikowski that local government censors had approved the content of “The Queen of Cleveland” and that the job would likely be completed in less than a month.

But a few days later, a representative of Hong Kong-headquartered 1010 Printing informed Zaklikowski that the book was being sent to China’s national censorship agency for further review, citing the war in Ukraine.

“In view of the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the book has to upgrade for further approval, which needs to take 15 days,” the 1010 Printing representative told Zaklikowski by email.

Almost a month later, China’s General Administration of Press and Publication handed down its final decision about “The Queen of Cleveland,” a memoir written by Shula Kazen, who died in 2019 at 96, about the challenges of living as a Jew under Soviet communist rule.

“Unfortunately this book is not approved to print in China as content involves anti-communist,” a 1010 Printing representative told Zaklikowski by email. “Now the only option is printing outside of China.”

Monday, October 3, 2022

Hamas Head Yahya Sinwar Surrounds Himself With Children So That Israel Doesn't blow his Head off


'Maritime deal gives 100% to Lebanon, 0% to Israel'


Former US ambassador to Israel David Friedman lambasted the emerging maritime border deal between Israel and Lebanon, claiming it marks a complete capitulation of Israel’s interests in favor of Lebanon’s.

In a series of tweets Monday morning, the former Trump administration official said that prior to Biden’s election, the White House nearly brokered a more equitable deal.

“We spent years trying to broker a deal between Israel and Lebanon on the disputed maritime gas fields. Got very close with proposed splits of 55-60% for Lebanon and 45-40% for Israel. No one then imagined 100% to Lebanon and 0% to Israel. Would love to understand how we got here.”

“I could be wrong, by I think Israel does get zero. My understanding is that Israel gets royalties only on drilling within its own sovereign territory — that’s beyond the scope of the maritime dispute with Lebanon. As to the disputed territory, I understand Lebanon gets it all.”

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid alluded to Israeli concessions, following the release of maps from the ongoing talks, which showed the boundary now under consideration farther to the south than previously accepted by Israel.

"Over the weekend, Israel and Lebanon received the American mediator's proposal for an agreement on a maritime line between the two countries. We are discussing the final details, so it is not yet possible to praise a done deal; however, as we have demanded from the start, the proposal safeguards Israel's full security-diplomatic interests, as well as our economic interests," Lapid said.

Lapid argued that ceding natural gas reserves to Lebanon would help the country become independent of Tehran, and ultimately curb the strength of groups like Hezbollah.

Right-wing lawmakers blasted the planned concessions, however, with Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu calling any deal during the government’s lame duck session “illegal”.

"If this illegal move goes through, it will not bind us."

Texas Senator Ted Cruz expressed concern over the emerging deal, after Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah hailed Israeli concessions as a sign of Lebanese victory.

“I am deeply troubled that Biden officials pressured our Israeli allies to hand over their territory to the Iran-controlled terrorist group Hezbollah,” Cruz tweeted. “Another topic for the next Republican Congress to investigate.”

Eugene Kontorovich, Director of International Law at the Jerusalem-based Kohelet Policy Forum and director of the Center for the Middle East & International Law at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School, said signing on to such an agreement during a lame duck government would violate Israeli constitutional rules.

“After being proposed and rejected a decade ago, the deal is being rammed through, just weeks before the Israeli elections - in violation of Israeli constitutional rules - because the Biden Administration and Hezbollah understand the desperation and weakness of the Lapid-Bennett government.”

93-Year-Old Petah Tikva Pianist Reenacts Shir HaMaalos As Heard From Yossele Rosenblatt


Yosefa Fish, a 93-year-old pianist residing in Petah Tikva, is remarkably sprightly for her age. Fish has not forgotten an event which left an indelible impression on her even at the age of 4, when Yossele Rosenblatt arrived in the town to perform a concert and sung many of his famous tunes, including Shir Hamaalos.

Fish, evidently a musical prodigy, was enchanted by Rosenblatt’s concert and since then performed his tunes many times including on Israeli television. Yet it is hard to find a nonagenarian who plays with such gusto and enthusiasm.

During the course of coronavirus Fish was not able to attend shul services at the main Petah Tikva shul, which was built by her grandfather in conjunction with Baron Rothschild at the end of the 19th century. She was looking forward to participating in Yom Kippur prayers this year and asked Chazan David Weinbach to perform some of the songs which were sung in the shul many years ago. Weinbach brought his choir and endeavored to comply with the request.

In another clip Fish described her distinguished lineage and also played Kevakaras Roeh Edro as she remembered from the shul’s choir many years ago.

United Airlines Stopping All Flights To and From JFK


United Airlines says it will halt its flights from JFK Airport on October 29th, saying its schedule at the airport is too miniscule to remain competitive in the market.

The airline said the “difficult decision” was reached in part due to more airlines resuming flying to and from JFK in the winter season.

“The significance of JFK to our operation hasn’t changed — we think New York customers deserve more choices, and robust United service to JFK is good for our customers, our employees and our airline,” United said in a letter to CNN. “As a result, we will continue our pursuit of a bigger and more desirable schedule for our customers and be ready to seize those opportunities if and when they surface.”

United has been urging the FAA to provide it more of the highly coveted takeoff and landing spots at JFK and advocating for the agency to update its assessment of the airport’s capacity, saying that talks with the FAA have thus far been “constructive.”

Those updated assessments, however, will take time and United is thus halting flight at JFK, at least temporarily.

“The FAA is dedicated to doing its part to safely expand New York City airports and airspace capacity” the agency said in a statement. “We will follow our fair and well-established process to award future slots to increase competition between airlines so passengers have more options.”

United had threatened to stop its service from JFK if the FAA didn’t give it additional slots, less than two years after a 5-year hiatus from service at the airport.

The airline says that its 100 employees who work at JFK will not lose their jobs and will simply be transferred to other nearby locations, and that it is “working with customers” who have flights booked with them from JFK scheduled for after October 29.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Ben and Jerry Who Love Linda Sarsour don't care about Iranian Women being murdered in cold blood


Listen To The New Italian PM For Two Minutes, And You’ll See Exactly Why They’re All Freaking Out


Note: I am still on the fence about her, I need to hear more of her views on Israel, she once made anti-Israel remarks but she has since walked all that back and recognizes that Israel is in the right in its war on the terrorists! 

Footage of Italy’s soon-to-be first female prime minister Giorgia Meloni went viral on social media Monday, and it’s clear from listening to her that she’s preaching against the far-left status quo.

“Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening?” Meloni asked in the now-viral video shared across almost all social media platforms. “There is a single answer to all these questions: because it defines us, because it is our identity, because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves.”

Meloni continued to note that these elites attack national, religious, gender, and family identity as a means of cultivating the human race into “the perfect slave” society “at the mercy of financial speculators.” Her stance is quite the opposite, returning the value of individual human beings as parts of families, communities and nations, and not as a conglomerate of numbers manipulated to support macro-consumerism that places wealth in the hands of a few.

Robert Menendez Putting his Nose Into Israeli Elections warns Netanyahu that having Ben Gvir in gov’t would harm US ties


Robert Menendez, chairman of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, recently warned opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu that including extreme-right lawmakers in a potential future government would harm US-Israel relations, according to a report Saturday.

According to the Axios report, Menendez made the comments during a visit to Israel last month. Citing two unnamed American sources familiar with the meeting, the report said Menendez raised his concerns over Netanyahu’s cooperation with far-right parties, specifically mentioning Otzma Yehudit and its leader Itamar Ben Gvir.

Former prime minister Netanyahu recently brokered a deal to get Otzma Yehudit and Bezalel Smotrich’s Religious Zionism party to run together in a bid to improve his chances of returning to power.

Ben Gvir has reportedly been offered a senior ministerial position if a Netanyahu-led government is established.