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Monday, June 13, 2022

Two More Iranian aerospace scientists die under mysterious circumstances


Mohammad Abdous,

Two Iranian aerospace scientists died under mysterious circumstances just hours apart, according to reports by the state-controlled Fars outlet Monday.

On Sunday, Ali Kamani, a scientist who worked for the Iranian air force’s aerospace unit, was reportedly killed in a car crash in Khomein.

Iran’s Tasnim outlet hinted that the crash may not have been an accident, calling Kamani a “martyr” who died during a “mission to protect” Iran.

A day later, Fars reported that a second aerospace engineer working for the Iranian air force was killed while on a mission an air base in Semnan in northern Iran.

The second engineer was identified as Mohammad Abdous, who was reportedly working on the Iranian air force’s satellite program, drone aircraft, and ballistic missiles.

The Fars’ report did not elaborate on the circumstances of Abdous’ demise.

The two deaths follow a string of high-profile deaths of both Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps officers and Iranian scientists linked to the military’s aerospace unit.

Last month, Colonel Hassan Sayyad Khodaei, a member of the IRGC's Quds Force in Syria, was shot dead outside of his Tehran home.

A second officer, Colonel Ali Esmailzadeh was found dead days later at his home.

In early June, Iranian missile engineer Ayoob Entezari was found dead in Yazd. According to some reports, Enterzari died after attending a dinner party. The host of the party allegedly fled the country shortly thereafter.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Macy's Running a 100% Discount Sale.. Don't Miss it .. Send your Rebbetzin


Israel has the highest population growth rate in the Western world


The Israeli real estate market will continue to climb in spite of inflation. 7 thoughts 👇

1. Simple supply and demand economics. In 2021 there were 63,000 construction starts, compared to at least 100,000 construction starts that the market needs to meet demand (according to the CEO of the Israeli Builders Association). True, you can take this number with a grain of salt but (see number 2 ...)

2. Israel has the highest population growth rate in the Western world. With over 3 children per mother on average, and with almost 40% of the population aged under 18, the next 20 years there will see many more singles, young couples and families that will need housing. And this without taking into account new immigrants and returning residents

3. The percentage of renters stands at 34%. That means 66% of the population are homeowners. In times of economic crisis (or in times of rising interest rates), investors are more available to sell investment assets. In contrast, homeowners who live in their own property will fight to keep it under their ownership. This means that only a third of the properties in the country may be sold for financial reasons only

4. Competition from investors abroad. There is no shortage of foreign investors vying for Israeli property, whether as holiday homes, investments or future residence - especially in high-demand real estate markets (Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Netanya, Herzliya)

5. Extremely low mortgage risk in Israeli property market. The 2008 US real estate crisis occurred due to massive mortgage default in which people purchased real estate beyond their financial means due to extremely liberal mortgage terms on the part of the banks. Not here - Israeli banks minimize risk by demanding 30% down payments

6. Historical proof. In the last 40 years, the average price of an apartment in Israel has never dropped. At times the growth rate slowed, but the trend was always been on the rise. True, this provides no indication on the future but by comparison, the stock market's flagship index, the S&P 500, collapsed 6 times in that same period

7. Supply chain crisis driving up the price of construction materials. The war in Ukraine, the economic effects of the Corona, a decline in output of China's export market - all these and more have led to a spike in the price of basic raw materials. This drives up the price of building new buildings - regardless of the fluctuation in land prices

Tiger "shmeiger"

 If you are too lazy to pick it up, I'll just do it!

Israeli firm develops radar which can ‘see’ through walls


Israel-based Camero-Tech company developed a next-generation portable, high-performance imaging system that can ‘see’ through walls.

According to a press release from Camero-Tech, it is launching the Xaver 1000 – the new generation of the company’s product line that offers unprecedented operational capabilities to military forces, law enforcement agencies, Intelligence units, and first responders. 

The Xaver 1000 has an AI-based tracking algorithm of live targets and its own 3D ‘Sense-Through-The-Wall’ capability, enabling it to detect and ‘see’ people or static objects behind walls and obstacles. Live objects can be seen in high resolution down to the level of specific body parts. This includes whether an object is sitting, standing or lying down, even after they have been stationary for a long period of time.

The system also enables users to measure the height of objects and decide whether they are adults, children, or animals, resulting in a clear operational advantage and the ability to ‘step into the known’.

Operatable by a single user and ready for use with the push of a button, the Xaver 1000 is optimized for tactical and ISR operations, making this an essential system for military, law enforcement, search and rescue teams and intelligence units operating in various situations, including hostile urban environments and of natural disaster sites.

“The XaverTM 1000 determines the most suitable approach to ensure successful life-saving missions in a variety of operational scenarios, such as hostage rescue situations,” says Amir Beeri, CEO and founder of Camero. “A high-resolution 3D view and other powerful tools of the system provide an exceptional level of situational awareness. Being able to achieve a high level of sensitivity, the Xaver™ 1000 is a true game-changer for special forces and law enforcement teams conducting urban and rural operations that require reliable information regarding hidden live objects.”

The Xaver 1000 is controlled by an embedded 10.1’’ touchscreen display with a simple user interface for intuitive interpretation. The display also features easy menu navigation and integrated data recording and playback for post-mission analysis, training and debriefing. Completely radiation safe, the system meets human exposure international standards.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

US to lift negative COVID test requirement for air travelers


The Biden administration announced on Friday that it will remove the requirement for travelers to test negative for COVID-19 before entering the U.S.

The change will take place for air travelers entering the U.S. at midnight on Sunday, CNN reported.

The CDC decided the restrictions were no longer necessary after the travel industry asked for the rule change for the last few months, advocating that the measure was not needed “based on the science and data,” a senior administration source told CNN.

The restriction went into effect during early 2021, put in place by the Trump administration and then expanded by the Biden administration. It required air travelers entering the U.S., including American citizens, to provide a negative COVID-19 test before getting onto planes. U.S. land boarder crossings were not included in the regulation.

The measure was harming travel demand, the airline and travel industry had been telling the administration, pushing for the rule to be lifted. Politicians from both parties had been urging the administration to remove the requirement, saying it was not longer necessary and was negatively impacting the hospitality industry.

The CDC said that it will examine the move in three months in order to determine if it needs to be reinstated, according to CNBC.

Putting A Gerer behind Bars Won't Stop him from going after a "Shaul Alter" Chusid


Friday, June 10, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Be'hal'oischa (Israel)


"Cry'in" Schumer Threatened Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh two weeks before a gunman decided Shumer was right and went to kill the Justice


Watch Hamas brutally evicting Bedouins in Gaza and seizing the land


Men riding a bus save a girl's life as they watched her being hit outside on road


Brooklyn Man Dead after being sucker punched ..No Guns were used after all they are illegal


Cheerios blamed for tummy troubles in latest cereal fear

 Another breakfast staple is being blamed for causing upset stomachs — leading to plenty of belly-aching.

Cheerios cereal could be making consumers vomit and giving them diarrhea, according to a growing number of complaints funneling into iwaspoisoned.com, a platform that tracks food-borne illnesses. 

The new reports involving Cheerios come on the heels of a massive outbreak involving Lucky Charms, which has allegedly sickened more than 8,000 consumers over the past year, according to the website and sparked an investigation by the Food and Drug Administration.

Both cereals are made by General Mills. 

Israelis laughing after Iran claims Mossad agent named "Passed Gas" killed by drone


While Iranian media is known for making outlandish claims, Israelis were doubled over with laughter at the latest news out of Iranian state media that a Mossad commander apparently named “Asa Flots” (which translates to “made a fart” in English) had been assassinated by a drone strike in Erbil, Iraq.

An investigation by the Jerusalem Post found that the smelly story seemed to have spread through the media beginning with a tweet from the IntelSky Twitter account which mostly comments on air traffic tracking.

“(Ilak Ron) Asa Flots, commander of the Mossad assassination unit, assassinated [sic] during an attack with kamikaze drone in Erbil, northern Iraq,” IntelSky said in a now deleted tweet.

The Iranian Mehr News Agency then picked up the gassy story and ran with it without apparently fact checking the agent’s name by any Hebrew speakers.

Israeli social media users immediately began joking about the comical claim, explaining that the name “Asa Flots” translates in English into “made a fart,” leading to plenty of sulfuric jokes about Iran’s dubious claims that Agent “made a fart” was part of an alleged Mossad contingent in Iraq.

“We would like to give our heartfelt condolences to the family of Asa Flotz. Like a waft in the wind, you were gone too soon. We toot our horns in your honour. Let's all remember his him by saying ‘smell you later,’” wrote the spoof Mossad Assassination Commander Asa Flotz account.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

I thank you Hashem for giving me the Opportunity to live in the land you gave us


Next in line to Gerer Rebbe ..R' Avraham Mordchai" Allegedly Molested Gerer Boys and Ger paid 300,000 Shekel to keep them quiet


שני חסידי גור מעידים: בן האדמו"ר תקף אותנו מינית; בחסידות טייחו את המקרים

החסידים אמרו ל"הארץ" כי אברהם מרדכי אלתר פגע בהם במשרדו בישיבת "נר ישראל", וכי בכירים במוסד הורו להם לא לספר על כך לאיש ■ האדמו"ר גילה על התלונות שנים לאחר שהוגשו, ולא דיווח עליהן לרשויות. הוא ובנו מכחישים את הטענות ■ החסידות שילמה 300 אלף שקל כדי למנוע את פרסום הסיפור ■ הממונה על הצניעות בגור: "הוא צדיק ולא פגע באף אחד. מי שאומר את זה משקר"

במשך שנים מנסה ש', חסיד גור, לשכוח את מה שקרה בחדרו של אברהם מרדכי אלתר, בנו של האדמו"ר. גם לאחר שנישא והפך לאב לא סיפר על כך לאיש. "לא מדברים על דברים כאלה בגור", הוא אומר, "זה לא נמצא בשיח. הבושות הכי גדולות אצלנו הן דברים כאלה. אף אחד לא מספר ולא מדבר".

ש' וחבר נוסף בחסידות מעידים בסדרת שיחות עם "הארץ" כי אלתר הבן תקף אותם מינית לפני כשני עשורים בבניין ישיבת "נר ישראל" של החסידות בירושלים. שורה של מקורות מציירת תמונה של טיוח המקרים, שאירעו במשך שנים והיו ידועים לבכיר אחד לפחות בחסידות החזקה והמשפיעה בישראל.

האדמו"ר עצמו, הרב יעקב אריה אלתר, קיבל מידע על התקיפות שיוחסו לבנו רק לאחר שנים. אלתר, מהחשובים שבמנהיגים בחברה החרדית, הורה להוציא את הבן מהישיבה, אך לא דיווח על כך לרשויות ולא הציע סיוע למתלוננים. כשחשש שהדברים יפורסמו, שילמה החסידות מאות אלפי שקלים כדי למנוע זאת. האדמו"ר ובנו מכחישים את הטענות, וסירבו להגיב מעבר לכך.

המתלוננים ששוחחו עם "הארץ" עשו זאת בחשש גדול מפני המחיר שבחשיפה אפשרית, לדבריהם תוך שהם מסכנים את עצמם. "אם השם שלי ייצא, זה יסכן אותי באופן אישי", אמר אחד מהם. השני הוסיף: "אני לא יכול לסכן את עצמי ואת משפחתי. יש לי סיוטים רק מהמחשבה שאולי השם שלי יתגלה".

Exclusive: DIN infiltrates Hamas Meeting Discussing a slogan on "How to Frighten Israelis "


Arabs beating the hell out of each other in Shechem


The Tzaddik that refuses to check for bugs while eating cherries


Your Wife's Cheescake is not Kosher if she has a smartphone!


Loose Translation:

In Honor of the Holiday of Shevuois

Fresh Cheese Cake, danishes, kreplach

Received from a neighbor, friend or Mechutanisah

The following is the Daas Torah from

Harav the Genius R' Yitzchol Aluzer Maskowith Shlita

The head of the SHOTZ Bais Din

There is a very serious side of Kashrus, that one should not eat food that a lady cooked, that owns a smartphone, There are  Rabbis that are involved in this matter and will explain this.

The Sefer "Pri Toar" who was a huge poisik states unequivocally that "one is prohibited from eating any foods that were cooked by a lady a lady that does not possess "fear of G-d" and a lady that owns a smartphone has no fear of G-D. And this a very serious question