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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

46 Shot, 10 DEAD During Memorial Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago...ZERO MEDIA COVERAGE


John Durham lost because he treated the FBI as a dupe — rather than a Clinton collaborator


What was the role of the FBI? In the Russiagate probe, in which Special Counsel John Durham has been tasked with getting to the bottom of the Trump-Russia “collusion” farce, that is the key question. If you don’t get the bureau’s role right, you’re apt to get the most consequential things wrong.

Durham has banked his investigation on the premise that the FBI was a victim — an innocent dupe manipulated by the wily Clinton campaign. On Tuesday, this misplaced faith led to the acquittal of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann.

The irony abounds. A Washington, DC, jury found Sussmann found not guilty of making a false statement to the bureau even though Durham’s team convincingly proved the falsity of the statement he made — namely, that in purveying derogatory information about Donald Trump, Sussmann was not representing any client, when in fact he was representing the Hillary Clinton campaign. Moreover, although the acquittal will encourage Democrats and their legacy media allies in seeking to discredit Durham’s probe, the law enforcement shenanigans uncovered by the trial illustrate that the probe is essential.

Nevertheless, the probe will come to naught, and accountability will remain a pipedream, unless Durham gets the FBI’s role right.

Nancy Pelosi's husband killed his older brother in 1957 car crash


Nancy Pelosi’s husband killed his older brother when he flipped his sports car in California — 65 years before he was arrested over the weekend and charged with drunk driving, newspaper clippings show.

Paul Pelosi was 16 when he crashed his car near San Mateo in the early hours of Feb. 22, 1957, the Daily Mail reported, citing a local news report from the time.

His brother, David Pelosi, 19, was likely strangled by a neck brace he had been wearing due to a previous neck fracture, according to the San Francisco Examiner report.

Paul, who suffered a broken collarbone in the wreck, called for help after breaking free from his car, the report said.

Highway Patrolman Thomas Ganley told the local outlet at the time that Paul said his older brother had urged him to slow down in the moments before the crash.

This is a bad stretch — better slow down,” David is said to have told his brother.

Paul told authorities he tried to shift gears and slow down, but lost control of his vehicle.

“The car veered across the road, bounced back from a small embankment, climbed 20 feet up another, spun around and somersaulted simultaneously and ended upside down on the shoulder with both youths underneath,” the local report said.

Paul’s older brother was pronounced dead after he arrived at Mills Memorial Hospital in San Mateo.

The brothers had been out on a “joyride” at the time after Paul had picked up David from a girlfriend’s house, according to the report.

The patrolman said he planned to cite Paul for misdemeanor manslaughter, but the case never made it to court and the then-teen was exonerated by a coroner’s jury.

Details of the fatal wreck emerged in the wake of Paul’s arrest following his alleged drunken crash in Napa Valley on Saturday night.

Paul, now 82, was driving home alone from a dinner party when he crashed, his lawyer told Fox News.

His lawyer said Paul had stopped at an intersection before turning onto State Route 29 when his 2021 Porsche “was hit on the back fender by a Jeep.”

Paul — who has been married to the House speaker since 1963 — was charged with one count of driving under the influence and another for driving with a blood alcohol content level of 0.08 or higher. Both charges are misdemeanors.

He was released on $5,000 bail.

Paul’s spokesman didn’t immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment. When asked about the fatal crash, Pelosi’s office referred The Post to Paul’s spokesman.

The Lying Clinton Campaign Lawyer Acquitted .... Hillary Jurors ignored evidence to acquit ex-Clinton lawyer of lying to the shameful FBI


The Obama appointed judge stacked the deck against the prosecution allowing Jurors who donated to Clinton to be on the Jury. The Judge also allowed someone whose daughter played with Sussman's daughter on the Jury! Despite strong evidence that Sussman was a liar, he was acquitted! 

A lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign was acquitted Tuesday of lying to the FBI when he pushed information meant to cast suspicions on Donald Trump and Russia in the run-up to the 2016 election.

The jury in the case of Michael Sussmann deliberated on Friday afternoon and Tuesday morning before reaching its verdict.

The case was the first courtroom test of special counsel John Durham since his appointment three years ago to search for government misconduct during the investigation into potential ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign. The verdict represents a setback for Durham’s work, especially since Trump supporters had looked to the probe to expose what they contend was sweeping wrongdoing by the FBI.

The trial focused on whether Sussmann, a cybersecurity attorney and former federal prosecutor, concealed from the FBI that he was representing Clinton’s campaign when he presented computer data that he said showed a possible secret backchannel between Russia-based Alfa Bank and Trump’s business company, the Trump Organization. The FBI investigated but quickly determined that there was no suspicious contact.

The bureau’s then-general counsel and the government’s star witness, James Baker, testified that he was “100% confident” that Sussmann had told him that he was not representing any client during the meeting. Prosecutors say he was actually acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and another client, and that he hid that information so as to make it seem more credible and to boost the chances of getting the FBI to investigate.

Lawyers for Sussmann deny that he lied, saying that it was impossible to know with certainty what he told Baker since they were the only participants in the meeting and neither of them took notes.

They argued that if Sussmann said he wasn’t acting on the Clinton campaign’s behalf that that was technically accurate since he didn’t ask the FBI to take any particular action. And they said that even if he did make a false statement, it was ultimately irrelevant since the FBI was already investigating Russia and the Trump campaign and would have looked into the Alfa Bank data no matter the source.

First Shul In 3,000 Erected On Har Hazeisim

The Donors The Ginzbergs 

 Just three days before the celebration of Yom Yerushalayim, the first shul to be erected on Har Hazeisim in 3,000 years was dedicated by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginsberg in memory of their daughter Sarala, a”h, who passed away six years ago at the tender age of 17.

When Rabbi Ginzberg began his search to dedicate a shul in the memory of his beloved daughter who is buried in the family plot on Har Hazeisim, he didn’t have to look too far. Through a chance meeting with Josh Wander, one of the most knowledgeable people in the history and location of graves on Har Hazeisim, Rabbi Ginzberg learned of a community of 200 families that live at the foot of the mountain – one that Josh now calls home.

As Josh showed the Ginzbergs around his community of Maalei Zeisim, they were shocked to see a thriving, bustling community with hundreds of children living in spacious apartments in a completely protected, walled complex.

Noticing a large, empty hole in the ground in middle of the community, Rabbi Ginzberg asked Josh what it was intended for. Josh explained that it was a parcel of land that had been purchased years earlier by Irving Moskowitz z”l, who intended to build a shul on it. Unfortunately, the project had never gotten off the ground and the parcel remained undeveloped for over a decade.

Hearing that, Rabbi Ginzberg realized the incredible Hashgacha Pratis that had sent him there and immediately sprang into action build a shul – Ohel Sarah – in the memory of his daughter on the empty land parcel.

Following five years of meetings, transatlantic trips, and countless sleepless nights, the community last Wednesday held a beautiful Chanukas Habayis for Ohel Sarah, providing the community a real shul to daven in for the first time in twenty years – a welcome change from the underground parking where minyanim were held until now.

At the Chanukas Habayis, one of the Rabbanim noted that Ohel Sarah is the first Shul on Har Hazeisim in 3,000 years, and as the Medrash says that Moshiach will ascend Har Habayis by passing through Har Hazeisim, Ohel Sarah could very well be the very first shul to be visited by him.

For Rabbi and Rebbetzin Ginzberg, the promise they made to their daughter Sarala a”h close to 6 years ago has now been fulfilled.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Viznitz Rebbe Busy With the Ladies .. Prohibits Women to purchase Dresses from Channel

Watch how Ger Gets Ready for Shevuois by Tearing down posters of the R' Shaul Alter



Stoliner Rebbe Speaks Up Against the Ger Pogroms

In Yiddish! 

Mother of the Child That was molested by Chareidie Pedofile in Bayit Vegan Speaks Up .. Wants the media to name him and publish his photo

The "Chazor" is blurred out 
Loose Translation of letter below by DIN

By Yael Elon 

Truth for our children !!! 

להיות נבל ברשות התורה

"To Be a Pervert with permission from the Torah !!!"

Hello, my name is Yael, and I am the mother of one of the children who was harmed by an educator in the shocking incident that took place in a kindergarten at Bayit V'gan.

Many have inquired why I haven't spoken out since the news spread  about the case in the kindergarten where my son studied…

I will speak up now as once again I found a Facebook post full of fake news disrespecting the parents who are keeping up the fight against this pedofile, from when this happened on the cursed tragic date: April 8, 2022…

So I decided that what I really needed to do was to find a way to change the situation, and I'm going to give it a try, as any mother should.

The "hanhala" of the school , supports this pedophile, paid to bail him out, and even came to support him in court!

What was even worse, was that the police decided that the direct evidence found at the scene ( a mattress, and the ax with which the criminal threatened the children to silence them), was not found as sufficient evidence for his prosecution !!!

So I  am disrupting the lying routine of these dirty and violent teachers, and of this cold, heartless hanhala. And am exposing everything this damn staff uses as talking points to protect themselves. 

They state that this whole story was invented by a "group of French mothers", who are perhaps coddling  their children !!!!

But everyone who knows me - near and far - understands how unlucky this criminal is, in that he chose to harm my baby!

Know that I am the opposite of silence, the opposite of calm and passivity.

I also feel like we are not addressing mothers enough in this whole story.We are the ones who fight like lionesses for their puppies! We are the ones who went out to fight yesterday in court, with the aim that the judge should  remove the ban on publishing the name and picture of the criminal!

We have become a bunch of united and powerful women, who have been fighting for the truth for close to two months.

In the eyes of the Israeli press and our lawyers, what happened yesterday in front of the court never happened and we made history! Because (frum woman) demonstrating, is not something in the Israeli mentality and culture at all!

Yesterday, ultra-Orthodox women wearing wigs and kerchiefs stepped out of their comfort zone by going out to demonstrate. They came and appeared before the court, and cried out in grief and sorrow, and even ran after this pedophile, in the unbelievable heat of Jerusalem, without fear and without shame!

It's time to change awareness and open up public thinking!

It is written in the Torah, "And you have chosen life," but these monsters don't not represent the way of the Torah and the truth in general! These people are killing children !!!

So please then, mothers, and expectant mothers, try to identify problems in your children, understand the signs, create in them a sense of security, and believe them when they tell you everything that happens in school.

And remember, there is nothing greater than the power of a mother!

Once you have the information, don't shut up, because in silence you may harm your child! Because silence is the real crime (in addition to the direct harm)! Come on and shout! File a complaint with the police!

Dear mother, ignore what the neighbors will say, and what your husband's rabbi, or any other person, will think…

Play the role of your life! File a complaint and go to the end with your truth! Everything should stand aside when it comes to our kids!

Know that about 50% of a child's healing stems from his parents' fighting for him and protecting him, so that he feels free to speak in an atmosphere of security at home. If it does not happen this way, the child's life can be ruined forever…

Think twice, before you choose to be silent and your worry to keep a "good name", before thinking about what's good of your children…

Thank God, I  recognized and understood the signs in my son, and with a simple question, he felt free to speak and tell, he felt I was attentive to him and I allowed him to let go.

I thank Gd for the opportunity to get the horror out of my little son's mouth, and with that I was able to put an end to the nightmare in this cursed kindergarten!

So please understand, I'm not quiet…I just needed time to help and fight for these pure children! I have never been ashamed or afraid of my future in life, much less of my son's future, because we are in the best hands... of G-d!

We plan with the help of Hashem , immediately after Shevuois, to hold a large conference with specialists who are experts in this field. The purpose of this meeting is to educate parents on this issue, and to raise public awareness of these issues.

Update me in a private message if you plan to be present at the meeting, or attend remotely.

The struggle has just begun! Good week to you all!


Chinese Demand "The Jerusalem Post" Take down Story About Their Threats to Taiwan


Palestinian Takes a "piss" on the roof of Al Aqsa Mosque


What do you want to be when you grow up "I want to be a murderer"


Yeshivas send thousands of letters pushing back against draft state oversight rules

 A group of religious schools in the city, including a large number of yeshivas, are pushing back against new oversight rules they feel will infringe upon their rights to provide children with an education.

The schools have sent 180,000 letters to the education department Tuesday opposing draft guidelines for new measures on the religious institutions.

While state officials maintain that the oversight will ensure students a fair education, the schools say the actions hinder their ability to give religious education to Jewish children.

Under the proposal, nonpublic schools would need to get accredited, or register through the state, or demonstrate academic progress on state-approved exams. Schools that do not comply must submit to review by their local school districts.

“We have done a magnificent job in educating our children,” Aaron Twerski, a Brooklyn Law School professor and Yeshiva parent, wrote to state officials. “They are deeply religious, highly disciplined, hard-working and industrious.”

Monday, May 30, 2022

2 Minute Clip of how guests badmouth the Hosts at a wedding ... For Hebrew Speakers


When Biden urged all Americans to buy Shotguns


“Real Threat:” Israel Issues Travel Warning To Turkey


Israel on Monday issued a travel warning to Turkey, saying that there is a “real threat” to Israelis in the country.

The warning comes due to fear that Iran will intensify its attempts to harm Israelis in the countries bordering it in the wake of the assassination of a senior IRGC officer in Iran last week. Concern grew after The New York Times published a report saying that Israel confirmed its responsibility for the assassination to the US. Another Times report on Friday said that the unexplained “accident” at a sensitive Iranian military site east of Tehran on Thursday was actually a drone strike similar to past strikes attributed to Israel.

“For several weeks, and even more so after Iran blamed Israel for the death of a Revolutionary Guards officer last week, there has been growing concern in the security establishment about Iranian attempts to harm Israeli targets around the world,” a statement from the Counter-Terrorism Division at the National Security Council (NSC) said.

The statement continued that the NSC is “sharpening the warning for travel to Turkey and wants to clarify that this is a country at a high level of risk to Israelis these days.”

Sources in the defense establishment emphasize that these are “warnings on the background of a real threat to Israelis in the Turkish arena.”

The statement also noted that “the level of threat has also increased in other countries bordering Iran. Therefore, Israeli citizens must remain vigilant and adhere to the necessary precautions when traveling to one of these countries.”

Fear For Iraqi Jews In Wake Of Law Imposing Death Penalty For Ties With Israel


Iraqis celebrate the passing of the law criminalizing the normalization of ties with Israel, in Tahrir Square, Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, May 26, 2022. 

The law passed in Iraq last week banning ties with Israel on penalty of death or life imprisonment has aroused fear in Iraqi Jews, Yisrael Hayom reported on Sunday.

Some Iraqi Jews have been drawing closer to Yiddishkeit thanks to the work of the Shorashim department of Yad L’Achim, which publishes material in Arabic. The head of the Shorashim department said that the Iraqi Jews he’s been in contact with are very fearful of their fate.

“The situation there is growing worse day by day and there’s tangible fear,” he wrote in a report to the Yad L’Achim administration. “The law bans us from having any contact and fear of the law is already being felt. Several Jews that I’ve been learning with sent me messages that they’re afraid to continue and I shouldn’t contact them anymore or  send the daily shiurim and divrei Torah.”

Yad L’Achim is loath to lose contact with the Jews altogether and they’re trying to develop alternative ways to continue the relationship, such as through a third country. “After we returned these lost Jews to Am Yisrael, we’ll make every effort to maintain contact with them without harming them of course so that they won’t be lost again to Am Yisrael.”

In a message seen below, one of the Iraqi Jews who was learning about Yiddishkeit told her Yad L’Achim contact: “Anyone who contacts the state of Israel, even on social media, will be punished. We need help urgently.

Hatzalah Spent $250,000 of Tzadaka Money to Sue Hatzalah of Florida in Secular Court


New York-based Jewish ambulance service Chevra Hatzalah is trying to snuff out a similar group in Florida — because they employ female EMTs, the founder of the Sunshine State-based volunteer program claims.

When Isaac Hersh, 30, started Hatzalah of Palm Beach and Hatzalah of South Florida last year — modeled off the Big Apple’s Chevra Hatzalah EMS corp — he was proud to be giving back to his Orthodox Jewish community.

But now Hersh says he is drowning in legal fees after Chevra Hatzalah sued him in November for using part of its name. He alleges the suit is actually a ploy by the Big Apple service to maintain market control and punish him for hiring women.

Allowing women to be EMTs is “a highly controversial move in the eyes of Chevra Hatzalah, who has a strict policy of orthodox males being the sole applicant allowed to join in most capacities,” Hersh said in a statement to The Post.

Still, “our initial reaction was shock,” he said of the lawsuit, adding it is “inconceivable to think that one lifesaving non-profit organization would behave like this to another.”

In its 12-page complaint, Chevra Hatzalah, legally named Hatzoloh Incorporated, claimed Hersh infringed upon and counterfeited its registered service marks.

The suit makes no mention of female EMTs. But Hersh says he believes the impetus for the complaint was the fact that he employs both men and women.

Blacks hold down and beat Asian man in NYC subway station


Kudos to Rabbi Yair Hoffman for writing that we have to have "Hakaros Ha'toiv" for the Kotel

I have to give credit when credit is due. Rabbi Hoffman wrote this knowing that he will get flack from the Lakewood/Satmar "amaratzim."

 by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

55 years ago, something remarkable happened.  It happened for the very first time in nearly two millennium.  What was it?

he Kosel and Har Habayis came back under Jewish control.

Yerushalayim. 1967 was very special. The people of Eretz Yisroel defended her against attackers that wished to annihilate her at every border. It is special not because we captured the eastern half of yerushalayim. But because Hashem gave her back to use and freed her.

It is a very essential difference.

That reunification was the culmination of the tefilos of our bubbies and zeidies for two thousand years – something that our ancestors could only dream of. For the previous 19 years before 1867, we American Jews could only access the Kosel as Americans, flying to Amman, Jordan, on an American passport. After 1967, we could visit the Kosel once again through Eretz Yisroel.  And the Jews of Eretz Yisroel could not visit at all.

Yerushalayim was once as remote as the stars in the sky to the victims of the Crusades. To the victims of Rindfleish massacres, and to the victims of the Chmelnieki Massacres of tach vetat. Indeed, even to the victims of the pogroms of Europe and to the victims of Auschwitz and Treblinka, she was unimaginable.

But now, we have her and we must feel that sense of hakaras hatov to Hashem yisarach that seems, of late, to be a bit lacking.

We must continuously fulfill the words of the navi Yishayahu (62:1), “Lemaan tzion lo echesheh, ulemaan yerushalayim lo eshkot!”