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Monday, April 25, 2022

Watch Chareidim in Bnei Brak at the Viznitz Bakery grab the first batches of Chametz an hour after Pesach


Residents of Bneii Brak want to know where 856,000 Shekel Collected for Widows & Orphans Went


Yaakov Vider, Member of the Vaad in Bnei-Brak wants to know where close to a million shekel collected for widows and orphans went.... it disappeared!
In a comment to the Israeli press he said that "once again the askanim who collect for widows, orphans and poor families couldn't stand up to the challenge of not stealing tzedakka money

Harav Pinchos Padve Will no longer take any responsibility on Belz Kashrus ... "It's all bluff!"


הגאון ר' פנחס פדווא, רב קהילת בעלז בקרית גת, וחבר בית דין כשרות 
בעלז, הודיע שאינו לוקח עוד שום אחריות על כשרות בעלז.

 הוא טוען שהכל בלוף שם בגלל כמה עסקנים ואין שום אחריות ונאמנות. הרבי מבעלז ניסה בכל הכוח להחזירו למערכת הכשרות, אבל בעצת כמה גדולים סירב. עם היותו חסיד גדול מהרבי מבעלז וגם מנאמניו הקרובים הסביר להקבי מבעלז שאינו יכול לקחת עוד אחריות על הכשרות הרערוע לאחר שבלאו הכי ראשי הכשרות  לא מקשיבים לו

Al Aqsa is such a holy place that if you riot there you’ll regain your ability to walk.


Listen to these crazies .....


Thursday, April 21, 2022

California ruling deemed step forward for Jewish women stuck in abusive marriages

 For Jewish women trapped in abusive marriages, a California divorce court may have offered a way out.

In an unprecedented ruling, a Los Angeles judge deemed a man’s refusal to give his wife a get, or Jewish divorce, a form of domestic violence, and made that determination part of the basis for granting her full custody of their children.

Judge Bruce G. Iwasaki’s order, issued Feb. 7, relied on a recent clarification of the California family code that established coercive control — that is, a pattern of behavior that interferes with the spouse’s personal liberty — as a kind of domestic violence. Iwasaki held that the husband’s get refusal, by preventing the woman from remarrying under Jewish law, met that definition.

Japanese Singing the Haggadah


Lecha Dodi Zikiv

Jen Psaki Cries because Republicans don't want 6 year olds to have operations to change their genders


Listen to this unmitigated fool


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Listen to this damn liar


Chusid beats a Marine in pushups


The "minhag" of Chassidishe women shaving their heads is "bad and stupid"


The custom of women shaving their hair after marriage was widespread in Galicia and Hungary prior to the Holocaust and is still continued in some communities, mainly from the Toldos Aharon sect and in old Yerushalmi families. Some said that the basis for the custom was a fear of sechita (squeezing liquid) on Shabbos or so that the hair does not represent a chatzizah (barrier) to immersion in the Mikvah.

Many poskim opposed the custom, including Rabbi Yosef Shaul Natansohn in his Shoel U’Meishiv who said that such a custom may be Lo Yilbash [females adopting a male custom which is prohibited by Torah]. The mekubal Rabbi Yehuda Petaya said that the custom contradicts the kabbalistic opinion of the Arizal, who maintained that women should grow their hair and only men should shave their heads.

In a sharp response to a young man querying whether to keep his family’s custom of shaving married women’s hair, Hagaon Rabbi Shlomo Fisher Zts’l, who recently passed away, said that such customs are “bad and stupid”.

Rabbi Fisher wrote that “you can remain calm and need not be upset about revoking this bad and stupid custom [about which we can say Rabbeinu Tam’s anagram that Minhag is the letters of Gehennom] of married women shaving their hair, which is against halacha and defies intelligence as well as causing great distress to women.

“The gemara (Eiruvin 100b) says that women are accustomed to growing their hair long. In the Rambam (Avodah Zarah 12:10) it says that a woman may not shave her head and in Nazir 28b it is written that a husband may say: “I don’t want a shaven headed wife.” The women who shave their hair wear a sheitel when going outside and in the home they are contemptible to their husbands and this is the opposite of the Torah’s imperatives. Rashi writes (Devarim 4:9) that when you perform the Torah’s statutes in the proper way you will be considered wise and perceptive but if you distort them you will be deemed fools.

“The sephardim maintained kabbalistic customs throughout the generations even more than Ashkenazim and were more acquainted with kabbalistic stringencies but they never even considered doing this bad custom of having women shave their heads. If the custom was not maintained one must rejoice in this and not be upset.”

Israel Cancels Indoor Mask Requirement


Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz announced on Wednesday the revocation of the requirement to wear masks in most enclosed spaces

Masks will still be required in places with a high potential for infection such as hospitals, nursing homes, and on flights.

The decision will go into effect beginning on Motzei Shabbos, April 23 at 8 p.m.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

"Ich Vill Zein a Rebbe"


White House Staff Rushes an Easter Bunny to Stop Biden from blabbering to Reporters


A staffer dressed in an Easter Bunny costume intervened Monday to stop President Biden from answering a reporter’s question on the White House lawn.

Biden, hosting the first White House Easter Egg Roll of his presidency as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes, began to answer Afghan reporter Nazira Karimi’s inquiry before the bunny showed up and cut him off.

Event attendee Thomas C. Dillon tweeted his footage of the interaction, which wasn’t viewable to most spectators.

“Joe Biden quickly interrupted by the Easter Bunny after he starts to comment on #Afghanistan and #Pakistan at the White House,” Dillion captioned an 11-second clip.

Dillon, a public relations consultant and former adviser to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, shared an extended version of the video with The Post, including Karimi’s brief and hard-to-hear inquiry regarding Afghanistan, Pakistan and Russia.

“Pakistan should not and Afghanistan should be — people should be free,” Biden began his answer, before the bunny rushed to his location.

Biden jerked his head toward the costumed character in apparent shock and took a step away from the censorious beast.

Airports, airlines across US begin to drop mask mandates after court ruling

Travelers were celebrating across the country Monday as airports and airlines dropped their mask requirements after a Florida federal judge voided the Biden Administration’s mask mandate for planes, trains and buses on Monday.

But confusion also accompanied the enthusiasm as some airports, airlines and transportation agencies had yet to announce whether or not they would continue to enforce the mandate — or confirm that masks are still required.

Following the judge’s ruling, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines and American Airlines all relaxed their mask policies for customers, crew and workers.

“Feels good to be flying the moment the mask mandate was lifted. People are literally celebrating at this airport,” Darrin Smith tweeted Monday night.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Julia Haart's husband moves on with a new girlfriend


Julia Haart’s estranged husband Silvio Scaglia has already moved on with a new woman.

The La Perla owner, 63, has been dating blonde socialite Michelle-Marie Heinemann, 56, for the past few months, Page Six has learned.

“Silvio Scaglia and Michelle-Marie Heinemann recently began dating and are very much in love,” a spokesperson for Scaglia confirmed to us on Sunday.

“[They] look forward to spending their future together.”

Haart, 51, filed for divorce from Scaglia in February, hours after he fired her as CEO of Elite World Group.

While the two are still duking it out in a vicious divorce battle, that clearly hasn’t stopped Scaglia

Trump Sends Snide Holiday Message to “Racist” New York AG James


Former President Donald Trump delivered an aggressive holiday wish to New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is currently conducting a broad investigation of the Trump Organization’s business practices.

“Happy Easter to failed gubernatorial candidate and racist Attorney General Letitia James,” Trump wrote in a statement blasted out by his Save America PAC. “May she remain healthy despite the fact that she will continue to drive business out of New York while at the same time keeping crime, death, and destruction in New York!”

Last week, James filed a motion to hold Trump and his children in contempt for failing to turn over documents to her investigators that were ordered to be handed over by a judge.

James began investigating Trump in 2019 after his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, testified before Congress that his company had manipulated its asset valuations for tax and business benefits.

Our response to the situation at the Kotel, then and now* Rav Kook z"l


The Mufti of Jerusalem has just accused the Jews of rioting at the Kotel and claimed that they were attempting to take over the Al-Aksa Mosque. This accusation did not only appear yesterday, but also at the time of the Arab riots at the Kotel in 5689 (1929). At that time, *Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook* published an incisive response to the Mufti of his day, although it seems that it could have been written this morning:

"All of the civilized world knows that the Jews never stopped praying at the Western Wall. Everyone knows that the moniker of 'Wailing Wall' was given to it on account of the tears that Jews wept there for generation upon generation, in the midst of penetrating prayers of every heart and soul.

"The Mufti's claim that Arabs were threatened is false. There is no foundation to this. No Jews, even the young among them, ever threaten anyone. They only stand their ground to defend themselves and, especially, their elders, their women, and their weak when others converge on them. It is a vain and terrible slander to say that the Jews desecrate the holy places of the Muslims, something that has never entered their minds.

"Is this the strategy of those Muslims going to pray, to arm themselves with swords and knives? And who can fail to understand that the Arabs who carry these weapons do so for the sole purpose of committing murder.  And how dreadful it is when they turn their prayers into a libel against Jews so that they can justify murder and the spilling of innocent blood.

"The truth is so obvious that a horrible injustice has been instigated by some Muslims through incitement against a quiet people that labors, body and soul, in the Holy Land.

"We hope that the tradition of peaceful co-existence, where all the residents of Eretz Yisral build together the beloved and neglected land, and transform it into the Garden of Eden it is meant to be - that this same holy tradition will prevail over the lying schemes and deception, the impurity and malice we have witnessed of late."
