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Sunday, December 12, 2021

5 hurt, 2 critically, in Woodmere car crash


At least five people were injured in a serious traffic accident in Woodmere, New York Saturday night.

Three of the injured were in one vehicle, while two of the injured were in a second vehicle. Two of the injured are in critical condition, while two more are in serious but stable condition.

The accident occurred at approximately 11 PM Saturday night.

Footage from the scene shows two vehicles on opposite sides of a residential street with their front ends badly damaged.

Weeping Hillary Reveals What She Would Have Said In Her 2016 Victory Speech

 Machsheifas also cry!

Chassid Steals Hundreds of Thousands From Chasidish Store, and Is Released by Israeli Police

 It's interesting that the owner went directly to police without consulting a rav but if his daughter would have been molested, he would have gone to rav first!

A prominent chasidus in Yerushalayim is in shock after a member of its community was caught stealing hundreds of thousands of shekalim from the store in which he worked.

The thief, who portrayed himself as a baal teshuva but actually grew up in a frum home, was taken under the wing of community members, who helped him get a job in a Yerushalayim store – Shehechiyanu Colors on Rechov Yirmiyahu.

But, to the great shock and disgust of the community, the individual was caught after stealing at least 10,000 shekel and additional hundreds of thousands in shekalim in checks.

Immediately upon learning of the theft, the store owner contacted the police, who arrested the suspect for quetioning. However, to the storeowner’s surprise, the police released him without asking the court to extend his detention.

“I begged the police not to release him before he said where the checks are,” the storeowner said. “Even if the cash is gone, at least the checks can be saved.”

“I expect the police to arrest him once again in order to understand where he keeps the money. I brought all the evidence to the police, so there is no reason why he should not be prosecuted.”

Israel Police said in a statement that they are continuing the investigation “professionally and thoroughly.”

Community leaders say they don’t believe this was the first time the suspect stole, as numerous valuables have gone missing in recent weeks across the community.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Alien-like fish with a translucent head With glowing green eyes is spotted some 2,000 feet below the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California


There is an alien-like fish that lives some 2,000 feet below ocean off the coast of California that has a translucent head that exposes its glowing eyes.

Called the barreley fish, the deep-sea creature was spotted by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) using its remote-operated vehicle (ROV).

'MBARI's remotely operated vehicles Ventana and Doc Ricketts have logged more than 5,600 successful dives and recorded more than 27,600 hours of video—yet we've only encountered this fish nine times,' the video description reads.

The elusive fish has two small indentations where its eyes would normally be, but instead, its eyes are two glowing green orbs behind its face that gaze up towards the top of its head.

Documents Reveal Italy Made Deal with Arafat not to interfere With Terror Attacks Against Jews

 Italian media on Friday published documents that appeared to confirm long-held accusations that Italy had agreed on a deal not to interfere with Palestinian terror attacks on Jewish targets and had failed to prevent a 1982 assault on a Rome synagogue in which a 2-year-old boy was killed.

The documents showed that Italian intelligence had clear information on the planned attack on the synagogue but did not stop it, and police even reduced security around the Rome house of worship.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Vayeisheiv


Europe freed 80 Agunas by extending the jurisdiction of Israel's rabbinical courts over non-Israeli agunot


The emancipation of Jews in Europe changed their status and lives totally. Before it, they were non-citizens, invited to live in a certain town or kingdom at the behest of the local ruler, their status prone to change overnight, by the whim of a decree. To reside in a certain place, Jews had to be members of the local Jewish community, which had the power to cancel the residential status and had an independent legal system headed by the local rabbi.

Emancipation changed all that. Jews became ordinary citizens, subject to the secular legal systems of the lands they resided in. The membership in a Jewish community became a voluntary endeavor, and the rabbi had no legal jurisdiction over the Jews in his town.

However, as with everything good, this shift included some collateral damage. According to Jewish law, a woman can only get divorced from her husband by his full consent, although in certain cases, the rabbinical court has the right to require the husband to issue a bill of divorce. The problem is that, while rabbinical courts issued such decrees, there was no way to enforce them, since membership in the community was optional.

Harav Avraham Baruch and other Crazed Sfardie Rabbanim : "Women Wearing Wigs Are From Ameileik and Have No Chelik in Olam Haba "



Song of Taanis


An Entire Family Saved Living in a Cave During the Holocaust


Chinese Guy Singing as a Guy and Gal at the same time


Terrible Zionist Grant 1,000 Shekels Monthly to Each "Avreich" with 3 Children 7 over

 התבקשנו לפרסם:

*מענק מהמדינה לאברכים*

אולי יכול להועיל למישהו:

פרויקט של המדינה שהם משלמים לכל אברך שיש לו 3 ילדים ומעלה, 1000 ש"ח לחודש!

פשוט להיכנס לקישור למלא פרטים ובהצלחה!!!

מי שלא מצליח דרך הקישור שירשום בגוגל: "קהלת משרד החינוך"

הרישום הוא עד תאריך 10/12/2021 בלבד!

כתובת קישור:

מצווה לפרסם לכל האברכים!

הרישום הוא רק ליומיים הקרובים בלבד!

Headline of Today's "Yedeut Achronot"


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Moriah Cohen, Stabbed By Her Terrorist Neighbor Says She’s Not Leaving


Moriah Cohen, the woman who was stabbed in the back by a terrorist Wednesday morning near Shimon Hatzadik, recollected the incident on Channel 12 during the evening. Cohen was released from hospital earlier in the day after suffering light injuries.

Cohen, a 26-year-old mother of 5, told Channel 12 news on Wednesday evening that she noticed the assailant, “who had such hatred in her eyes.”

She then felt “a hard blow on my back, and I screamed in pain, and my son said to me, ‘Mommy, you have a knife in your back’.”

In the commotion that followed, as she called for help, “the terrorist, it seems, panicked and ran away,” Dvir Cohen, her husband, said.

“It was a miracle,” he said. “If she had continued, I don’t know how this would have ended. I don’t want to think about it.”

Dvir added that his wife is “feeling fine” despite being stabbed in the back with a 30 cm knife.

“She said it hurts less than childbirth,” he quipped.

Moriah said that she does not want to dwell on what triggered the attack and just wants to thank Hashem for the miracle as well as the wonderful people who treated her and took care of her children.

The attacker lives adjacent to the Cohen family, although the Jewish families in Nachalat Shimon do not have much interaction with their Arab neighbors. It is not clear as yet if the  attacker intentionally targeted the victim because she lives in the neighborhood. The Cohens are one of several dozen Jewish families who live in Nachalat Shimon, situated next to the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood where riots broke out in May after the court determined that Arab tenants in Jewish owned homes would be evicted from their homes if they did not recognize the Jewish ownership.

Cohen said there have been issues between the Jewish and Arab residents for a while, with the latter often throwing stones at them, and during May fighting between Israel and the Gaza Strip nearly a dozen Molotov cocktails were tossed at their home.

But, despite the danger, Dvir Cohen said the family will continue to live in the neighborhood.

“It is part of our mission in life,” he said.

“I won’t give up on being here,” Moriah Cohen said in her TV interview.

Video Player

Letter of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Permitting Wigs [shaitels] ...Being Auctioned by Genizim


Fundamental Responsum of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Permitting Wigs [shaitels] for married women. New York, 1962

Handwritten & Autographed!

The fundamental and popularly-quoted responsum of the Posek Hador and author of Igros Moshe Harav Moshe Feinstein writes regarding wearing wigs: “Most of our Rabbis, including those that we rely on for the fundamentals of deciding halachah, permit it.”

After delivering this verdict, he explains the rationale of permitting a married woman to wear a wig and sharply addresses the letter writer who wished to act stringently and forbid his wife from wearing a wig.

“His honor may not prevent his respectable wife from wearing a wig, for even if his honor would like to be stringent, he may not impose his stringencies upon her, for this is her law. Since she is following the law according to the majority of opinions…he may not rule stringently on her account.”

New York, 1962. 2 Leaves. Page size: 28x21.5 cm. Published in Igros Moshe, Even Haezer Vol. 2 Ch. 12.

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"Gedoilim" Made the Wrong Call Again Instructed Chareidi MKs To Turn Down Secret Offer From Bennet & Lieberman Which Would Increase Budget To Yeshivos


Bechadrei Chareidim revealed an unusual incident among the charedi parties that took place on the night of the vote on the state budget in the Knesset.

Two MKs from Agudas Yisroel, Meir Porush and Israel Eichler, had a particularly tempting proposal in their pockets which included large budgets totaling about 1.2 billion NIS that would be given by the government to the Yeshivos and Talmud Torah programs in exchange for abstaining during the vote on the state budget on second and third readings. The proposal did not require all party members to abstain, just those two. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Officers who killed Terrorist that stabbed Chareidie Visit Him in Hospital

It's All Over, Folks ...New York City Poised To Give Voting Rights To Noncitizens


 New York City, long a beacon for immigrants, is on the cusp of becoming the largest places in the country to give noncitizens the right to vote in local elections.

Legally documented, voting-age noncitizens comprise nearly one in nine of the city’s 7 million voting-age inhabitants. Under a bill nearing approval, some 800,000 noncitizens would be allowed to cast ballots in elections to pick the mayor, City Council members and other municipal officeholders

Noncitizens still wouldn’t be able to vote for president or members of Congress in federal races, or in the state elections that pick the governor, judges and legislators.

Little stands in the way of the effort becoming law. The measure has broad support within the City Council, which is expected to ratify the proposal Thursday. Mayor Bill de Blasio has raised concerns about the wisdom and legality of the legislation, but said he won’t veto it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What Happened to the London Boys Choir ? Watch 50 year Re-union


Yigal Calek and the London School of Jewish Song, who wowed crowds across the globe over the span of decades, joined together once more on the last night of Chanukah to regale both themselves and their audience with song and music.

Calek, Yigal Calek and the London School of Jewish Song were not only revolutionary with their contribution of songs to the Jewish world, but were also a key player in the advent of the frum concert; prior to the London School of Jewish Song’s concert performances in the early 1970’s, musical events were almost exclusively held in the basements of shuls. 

Calek a sixth grade rebbi, composer, and musical director, released his first album (Ma Navu) in 1970 with his London Pirchim Choir (which later morphed into the London School of Jewish Song), and followed it up with many more albums filled with songs that have become classics in the Jewish music genre.


The End of Women Sports as a Guy Who Dresses like a Girl wins every single swimming contest in Women Swimming Competitons


The women who he is competing against are afraid to say a word, because then they look like they are against transgenders. If this continues women will never win another contest.

A 22-year old transgender swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania continued her dominant performance this season — setting numerous pool, meet and program records at a three-day event in Ohio last weekend.

Lia Thomas blew away her competition Friday night in the 500-yard freestyle preliminaries and finals at the Zippy Invitational at the University of Akron, according to results posted by the school.

In the finals, Thomas notched a winning time of 4:34.06 — good enough for a new Ivy League record.

The swimmer continued smashing records on Saturday with a nearly 7-second victory in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:41.93 — representing the fastest finish in the country, the school said.

Over the weekend, Thomas also set a new program, meet and pool record in the 1650-yard freestyle. She finished that race in 15:59.71 — more than 38 seconds ahead of second-place finisher, and teammate, Anna Kalandadze.

Before her transition, Thomas competed for two full seasons at Penn as a man. NCAA rules mandate at least one year of testosterone suppression treatment to be eligible to compete as a woman.

“(Swimming) is a huge part of my life and who I am. I’ve been a swimmer since I was 5 years old,” Thomas told Penn Today last June.

“Being trans has not affected my ability to do this sport and being able to continue is very rewarding.”

I'm sure about that.