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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Ha’aretz the Enemy of the Jewish People


 by Victor Rosenthal

Ha’aretz is more than just a left-leaning newspaper.

It is an enemy of the state, and in fact, an enemy of the Jewish people, whose future depends on the state.

Today, when Israel and Jews are under attack throughout the world, when international organizations have been turned into lie factories targeting Israel, when the Jewish State is accused of the very crimes – terrorism, murder, apartheid, genocide – that her enemies are either guilty of or aspire to, an Israeli newspaper, owned and operated by Jews, is a primary propaganda organ of those enemies.

Every day, the paper – which publishes both a Hebrew print edition that few Israelis read, and an English internet edition that is read around the world by decision-makers in governments and businesses – pumps out its vileness. Every day its writers present a slanted version of events in which Israel and Israelis are oppressors, occupiers, murderers, racists, thieves, and liars.

By virtue of its Israeli origin, this Stürmer gains credibility. Perhaps you don’t believe everything you read on Aljazeera’s website, but this is an Israeli newspaper; indeed, it’s been called the NY Times of Israel, the paper of record.

Today there is a typical example. In an editorial, they excoriate the Yamam, the Israel Police counterterrorism unit, accusing it of committing a “cold-blooded execution” of a man named Ahmed Abdu. They call it “Israel’s own death squad,” equating it with the ones operated by South American dictators.

Their accusation is based on a security camera video: it shows someone in a car getting shot. That is all it shows. But let me quote the Ha’aretz editorial:

Blacks Now Targeting Frum Jews Going to Shul Early in the morning


Biden Administration Admits Ordering Facebook to Censor posts they don't like


The Black Officer that Murdered the White Ashli Babbitt a Trump Supporter on Jan 6 .....Identified


This is the Reason Jews Need Their Own State


Goldfish Dumped In Lakes Are Growing To Football Size


Do not release your pet goldfish in lakes or ponds. That's what officials are saying after a huge goldfish was recently pulled from a Minnesota lake, an issue that has been seen across the United States in recent years.

National Geographic said while a goldfish typically weighs just 0.2 to 0.6 pounds, they can weigh more than five pounds in the wild, CBS News reported.

"They grow bigger than you think and contribute to poor water quality by mucking up the bottom sediments and uprooting plants," the City of Burnsville, Minnesota, tweeted on Friday, July 9. 

In recent years, huge goldfish were also reported in bodies of water in South Carolina, Missouri, Virginia and Kentucky, CBS News said.

Large, invasive goldfish have also been seen in New York. In March, an angler in Syracuse reported that he caught a 14 1/2 inch goldfish Onondaga Lake, according to Syracuse.com.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has posted guidance on how goldfish owners can "break up" with their pet without damaging the ecosystems of any bodies of water. The agency said after freeing your pet, it can still grow huge under the right conditions.

"Imagine a goldfish the size of a football and weighing four pounds," the agency said.

Some alternatives include rehoming the fish or donating it to a school, learning institution or pet store.

Kidnapper Snatches Boy off the Street in Broad Daylight in "Criminal" NYC


The apparently deranged stranger who snatched a boy off a Queens sidewalk and threw him into a car — only to have the child’s quick-thinking and faster-moving mom grab him back — handled the kid “like he was a bag of garbage,” the victim’s big brother told The Post.

Dolores Diaz Lopez, 45, was walking along Hillside Avenue in Richmond Hill Thursday night, taking her three kids to see their mechanic dad, Benjamin Diaz, at work, when a man she didn’t know leapt from a nearby maroon sedan.

Jacob had just let go of her hand, running a little bit in front of her on the wide and fairly empty sidewalk. She said she was watching him.

The next thing she knew a man sprinted out of a car, grabbed Jacob and ran back to the vehicle with him.

“Then I saw the man coming out of the car. He ran towards Jacob,” Lopez told The Post. “I was scared. I screamed, ‘Oh my God, he is taking my kid!”

“He picked him up like he was a bag of garbage,” said Jacob’s 9-year-old brother, Benny. “The car was close by. He opened the passenger door in the back and threw my brother in the car. He shut the door and locked it.”

James McGonagle, 24, has been charged with attempted kidnapping in the bizarre, shocking incident. 

Diaz Lopez, Benny and 8-year-old daughter Zuriely sprang into action like a trio from an action movie — and rescued a stunned Jacob.

“I ran around the other side of the car and tried to open the door,” Zuriley told The Post. “I pulled it but it didn’t open. The man locked the door with my brother inside the car.”

Benny recalled McGonagle’s passenger in the sedan ask the apparently crazed kidnapper, “What are you doing?”

“He was sitting in the passenger seat in the front,” Benny said of the man who police sourced identified Saturday as McGonagle’s father. “The man who took Jacob said, ‘We are kidnapping the kid.’”

It was up to Mom to finally save the day.

“Jacob stood up in the back seat and I pulled him out through the front passenger window,” she said as she gestured out both arms, made fists and pulled her arms in, showing how she grabbed her son out of the car.

She grabbed Jacob through the front window because the windows in the back were locked.

“Give me that stupid kid back!” McGonagle yelled. But by then a crowd had gathered and the men took off.

“He didn’t want to get caught,” said Benny. 

Lopez said she was beyond relieved when Jacob was back in her arms.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Devarim


Eda Chareidis Lunatics Holds Tikkun Chatzos With Sackcloth At Disputed Site Of New Light Rail Route

Read comments after the article 
During the course of the past few months there have been weekly and almost daily protests on Bar Ilan street in northern Jerusalem against the building of a new line of the Jerusalem light rail which will be traversing the street in a short while. The demonstrators claim that the planned route of the new line -from the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus to the Givat Ram university campus – will bring hundreds of secular students and staff through the predominantly chareidi neighborhood, changing the atmosphere and negatively influencing local children.

At present the street – a vital thoroughfare which connects the northern entrance to Jerusalem with its main western entrance – is clogged with numerous buses with both internal and intercity routes passing through and creating significant congestion. The planned train would reduce local public transport and ease the congestion but at the same time change the character of the neighborhood. Trains are more frequent than the buses and this would lead to more people getting off trains to make purchases in the area, leading to a drop in modesty standards.

Eda Chareidis leaders say that just as another planned line crossing Meah Shearim is to be placed under the streets of Strauss and Yehezkel, the Bar Ilan line should also be placed underground in order to “prevent spiritual harm to residents of the neighborhood.”

The demonstrations have also turned violent on some occasions, with extreme elements destroying equipment and setting fires in an attempt to halt the ongoing construction. Police have used water cannon, arrests and other measures in attempts to disperse the demonstrations but protesters continue the daily vigils, which have also disrupted traffic in the area on numerous occasions.

During the nine days the Eda Chareidis decided not to initiate demonstrations but rather to make a prayer vigil near the site, where Tikkun Chatzos was recited by the elders of the community, according to a report by B’Chadrei Chareidim and Kikar Hashabbos

No machlokes
 10 hours ago

“demonstrations have also turned violent on some occasions, with extreme elements destroying equipment and setting fires in an attempt to halt the ongoing construction.” Children aren’t negatively influenced by this behavior? Destroying equipment is stealing, an issue d’oraiysa.

 5 hours ago

Arrogant souls think they own the whole country . Secular people don’t fret when Haredim walk through their neighborhoods, buy homes and move in , usually because of housing shortages in orthodox neighborhoods .

 8 hours ago

Unfortunately for the Jews that live in these neighborhoods, Israel a democracy, where citizens have the right to wear what they choose to wear.
The Orthodox just have to deal with that. The Orthodox do not have the right to impose their rules on everyone.

The sea is a mirror
 7 hours ago

>>> Trains are more frequent than the buses and this would lead to more people getting off trains to make purchases in the area, leading to a drop in modesty standards.

This is the entire issue? Residents don’t want more transit riders getting off the trains and making local purchases?

The solution is simple. Run an advertising campaign:

“Buy dati, not chareidi.”

Everyone should shop in their own neighborhoods, and support their own institutions.

Neutrogena & Aveeno Sunscreens Recalled Due To Cancer-Causing Chemical


Johnson & Johnson said Wednesday that it is recalling five of its sunscreen products after some samples were found to contain low levels of benzene, a chemical that can cause cancer with repeated exposure.

The affected products, packaged in aerosol cans, are Aveeno Protect + Refresh aerosol sunscreen, and four Neutrogena sunscreen versions: Beach Defense aerosol sunscreen, CoolDry Sport aerosol sunscreen, Invisible Daily Defense aerosol sunscreen and UltraSheer aerosol sunscreen.

The recall includes all can sizes and all levels of sun protection factor, or SPF. The products were distributed nationwide through retailers.

The health care giant said the benzene was found after testing by the company and an independent laboratory. It is investigating how the chemical got into the products.

J&J said it’s working to get all lots of the five products removed from store shelves. It urged consumers to stop using the sunscreens immediately and said customers can get a refund by calling J&J’s Consumer Care Center at 1-800-458-1673. More information is available at the websites for Neutrogena and Aveeno.

J&J said in a statement that “use of these products would not be expected to cause adverse health consequences” and that it voluntarily decided to recall them “out of an abundance of caution.” The statement added that people should use an alternate sunscreen to protect themselves from the skin cancer melanoma.

Benzene is a highly flammable, widely used chemical that’s present throughout the environment. It can cause cancer with repeated exposure at high enough levels. It also can damage the immune system and prevent cells from functioning properly, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The chemical’s effects vary by whether a person accidentally inhales or ingests it or gets it on skin and clothing. Symptoms range from dizziness and irregular heartbeat to convulsions and, at very high levels, death.

J&J, which is based in New Brunswick, New Jersey, said it has notified the Food and Drug Administration of the recall.

HaRav Yoel Kahan ZT”L, Chief “Choizer” Of The Lubavitcher Rebbe


We regret to  inform you of the Petira of Hagaon HaRav Yoel Kahan ZT”L, who served at the chief choizer (reviewer and teacher) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L’s teachings and the Head Mashpia of the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch. He was Niftar after suffering a massive heart attack on Thursday. He was 91.

Known as “Reb Yoel,” he was revered by generations of Chabad students and scholars for his brilliance and his ability to distill and communicate subtle, complex concepts of Chabad philosophy to a wide and diverse audience. He was also the editor-in-chief of the highly acclaimed encyclopedia of Chabad Chasidic thought, Sefer Ha-arachim.

Born in the Soviet Union in 1930, he emigrated with his family to Israel at the tender age of five, where he studied in Yeshiva Achei Temimim in Tel Aviv. He spent his teenage years studying with several prominent Chabad Chasidic scholars. In 1950 he boarded a ship to New York where he quickly became attached to the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L, devoting all his energy to interpret and disseminate the Rebbe’s teachings.

Reb Yoel’s unique talent for memorization, along with his intellectual abilities, made him the official “reviewer” and the authoritative exponent of the oral discourses of the Rebbe. Often held on Shabbos, when writing was not possible, Reb Yoel led the effort to reconstruct the Rebbe’s talks, with a team of scholars under his tutelage.

In his role as the head mashpia of the Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva at 770, Reb Yoel guided thousands of students in the teachings of Chassidus. He also traveled far and wide to give shiurim in Chassidus and to farbreng. His audio recordings, and books, are used by many more around the world.

He is survived by his wife, Rebbetzin Leah Kahan.

The Levaya will be leaving Shomrei Hadas Chapels – 3803 14th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11218 on Friday 9:45 AM.

The procession will be passing Lubavitch World Headquarters – 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213 on Friday 10:45 AM.

The Kevura will be at the Lubavitch section of Old Montefiore Cemetery – 226-20 Francis Lewis Blvd, Cambria Heights, NY 11411.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

From Bais Yaakov to Becoming an Anaesthesiologist


A Post-Charedi Bais Yaakov Graduate Speaks Out 

Guest post by Dr. Efrat Bruck

I surreptitiously angled my test paper so that light would filter through and I would be able to see the question. I was in the 9th grade, and we were taking the NYS regents biology exam. A giant white sticker covered question #19. Luckily, it was a sunny day and faint rays of sunlight filtered through. I could just make out a diagram of male anatomy with an arrow pointing to the vas deferens. Funny how the topics our school avoided teaching us ended up seared into our minds. “The arrow is pointing to which structure?” I filled in the correct answer knowing it wouldn’t help. We would all automatically get that question “wrong”. That was my high school’s policy. 

It wasn’t surprising to us. After all, they tore out of our textbooks all the chapters covering evolution and reproduction. The former, perhaps is understandable, but the latter still baffles me; some of the students were literally 3 years away from getting married and starting families. I recall feeling anxious and angry. Somewhere, is some recess of my mind, I wanted to become a doctor. Would there be another five questions on reproduction or evolution causing my baseline score to tank? Would it affect my chances of going to college? My older sister had started the exam off with a 90% and I had even heard of one class that sunk to the 80’s. 

But I shouldn’t have been so worried. There were only two “bad” questions on our exam and we started off with a 99%. In addition, it would be a while till I would actually pursue medicine and by then, this particular score wouldn’t matter that much. What should have worried me more was how the philosophical underpinnings of my environment would affect me in the coming decade. For example, the time a seminary teacher spent an entire lesson telling us a story of a graduate from our school who went to Touro College in Brooklyn (a college that is set up to serve the frum community, with separate classes for men and women and professors staying clear of topics that would be considered inappropriate) and then went on to marry her non-Jewish professor and become irreligious. The teacher then paused, closed her eyes dramatically, and said: “Then she got cancer. May it be a kaparah for her.”

I’m writing this essay in a format addressing those who are part of the charedi leadership. I’ll be using “you” when referring to the charedi world/leadership and “we” collectively to address myself, as if I am part of the charedi world, simply because this makes for easier writing. If you are curious to know why an otherwise successful product of charedi chinuch chose not to continue in this path, read on. If you are a charedi leader, you probably care to know why people are “leaving”, and rest assured, they are. Some make a lot of noise or go OTD. Some just want to live their life peacefully and make a quiet, graceful (I hope!) exit, finding other branches of Orthodoxy. 

Rivka Morgenshtein 36 from Geula Section Missing


The last time she was reported seen was on  on June 6 in Tel Aviv. Police ask that you call them if you see her!

רבקה מורגנשטיין מירושלים, נעדרת כבר למעלה מחודש, והיום (חמישי) המשטרה מבקשת שוב את עזרת הציבור, לסייע לה בחיפושים אחריה.

רבקה מורגנשטיין היא בת 36, ומתגוררת בשכונת גאולה בירושלים - ברחוב נחום.

לדברי המשטרה, היא נוהגת להסתובב בתל אביב, שם היא נראתה בפעם האחרונה בתאריך 11.6.21.

תיאורה: גוון עורה בהיר ושיער כהה, מבנה גוף בינוני. לבשה חולצה שחורה עם פסים אפורים, חצאית שחורה ארוכה, כפכפי קרוקס ומטפחת ראש שחורה.

"כל היודע דבר על מקום הימצאה מתבקש לדווח למוקד 100 של המשטרה או לתחנת לב הבירה טל׳ 02-5391550", נמסר מהמשטרה.

Cuban Refugees Will Not be Allowed in the USA because they will Vote Republican


Now listen to this interview! 

Lightning Now Considered "racist" because it destroyed a memorial of the criminal George Floyd


Someone Please Explain this.... Please please


Photos of the Chareidim That are Destroying the Photos of the Meron Victims in Meron


Solo Performance ... Memories of a Widow


Eichah yashavt badad … (Lamentations, 1)

How did you sit in seclusion, in your apartment, in your neighborhood, in your city Jerusalem. Eichah … How did you sit there widowed, a mother, grandmother, a great grandmother to dozens, sitting for over three months, lonely, although never alone.

You woke in the morning, showered and dressed, applied your make-up, ready for morning prayers, ready for telephone calls, ready for lessons and zoom meetings. And at the end of each week you readied for Shabbat.

Surely the angels are with you, invisible angels standing beside your chair, staring across at the portrait on the wall. Despite the harsh conspicuous wrinkles ingrained in the contours of his skin, his face radiates from the artists painting. Your husband seems happy in the world to come, listening to you sing Sholom Aleichem. You sing each stanza three times, exactly as he did. His balding forehead looks like you could play tic tac toe on the lines etched there, lines that developed on his handsome face, wrinkles that developed not only from age.

The empty armchair at the head of the table is where he once sat. He always seated himself after greeting the angels, and then chanted a page or two of text before Kiddush. You never knew what that text included, but now you know, and you chant as he did, prayers to “Adon HaShalom, King of the Universe for blessing to find peace and good life for you and your family, to find favor and wisdom in the eyes of the Almighty…that I merit to receive Shabbat with joy…and say a blessing at my table that is set.”

He stares at the table, set for his queen, and he doesn’t have to ask, “Who set the table?” Only you set the table, with two small challot positioned on your father’s silver challah tray, a silver knife, European china that you purchased as a young couple over half a century ago, Wallace sterling flatware, a wedding gift from your family sixty years ago, and fresh flowers arranged in a bowl that you buy every erev Shabbat, same as he did.

You fill his silver cup. The cup you purchased as a gift for his 26th birthday after you settled in Jerusalem. You fill it first with a little wine, and then grape juice to keep the drink mild, same as he did. He appears to be listening to your Kiddush, although your voice is not the pleasant voice of the Baal Tfilla; your voice is not his voice, and it never will be. Most disturbing is that you cannot remember his nussach, you cannot make the blessing as he did. You cannot remember his specific melodious kiddush tune. You can’t even be sure that he is still smiling. Your eyes are glued to the blessings in his little booklet. And then the memory of his kiddush suddenly gets stuck in your throat.

Lapid Will Have Last Laugh as Bennet Slowly Becomes a "Footnote" in Jewish History


In the leadup to the 9th of Av, Rabbi Nosson Slifkin recounted in his blog the Talmudic story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza. 

In the story, Bar Kamtza had good reason to angry for his humiliation by the party host and the Rabbis who remained silent. But Bar Kamtza’s anger and hatred was so intense and unbridled (sinas chinam) that he pursued a course of action destructive to himself and the Jewish people – involving and inviting in the Romans which ultimately led to Jerusalem’s destruction.

The lesson is that hatred and anger, even if not baseless, should never drive us to pursue a course of action that harms ourselves and our people.

Rabbi Slifkin, a supporter of Naftali Bennett and Yamina, drew a parallel between Bar Kamtza and Bibi. Humiliated and outraged at being forced into opposition despite having secured the most seats, Bibi and Likud, he wrote, responded by withholding support for the Citizenship bill, thereby harming Israel. 

Though Rabbi Slifkin’s application of the Bar Kamtza lesson to Bibi and Likud seems fair and well taken, he would have done much better to apply that same lesson to Bennett and Saar. 

Bibi’s personality flaws and alleged untrustworthiness may well have given Bennett and Saar every reason in the world to hate and distrust him, and to want nothing to do with him. But politics compels you to make choices and compromises. Bennett and Saar’s hatred of Bibi was so intense and unbridled that rather than forming a right-wing government under Bibi and Likud, they decided to invite an anti-Zionist Arab party and the anti-Zionist leftto join in forming the ruling Israeli coalition.

The ramifications of that decision are enormous. Likud’s lack of support for the Citizenship bill is correctable – the bill can be re-tabled in the future, an alternative bill can be presented, etc. The same cannot be said for Bennett and Saar’s decision.

US Court Holds Iranian Banks Liable For Murder Of US Citizen


Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin, h'yd.

In the first decision of its kind, a federal court in Washington D.C. ruled that Iran, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, three Iranian banks, and Syria are liable for a terror attack perpetrated by Hamas in 2015.

The decision marks the first time that an Iranian bank has been held liable for the death of a US citizen.

Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin, h’yd, were killed on Chol Hamoed Sukkos while driving to their home in the Shomron by five Hamas terrorists, who brutally gunned them down in front of their four children in the back seat. The children, ranging in age from 10 months to nine years, survived the attack.

Rabbi Henkin was a US citizen, and his relatives, in the name of the children and the estate of their parents, filed a lawsuit to a US court under the terrorism exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

The plaintiffs claimed that Hamas was funded, trained, and equipped with weapons by Iran, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, and Syria. Additionally, they placed blame on three Iranian banks, all already sanctioned by the US for financing terror, for funneling funds to Hamas.

None of the defendants responded to the lawsuits.

“Financing is the oxygen needed for terrorism,” said Gavriel Mairone, one of the plaintiffs’  lawyers said. “Bank Markazi serves as both the Central Bank of Iran and the Central Bank for financing international terrorism directed against Americans and our allies. The Treasury Department has sanctioned Melli and Saderat as facilitators and financiers of international terrorists such as Hamas and Hezbollah.”

The court has yet to determine damages.