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Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Guy With Two Beautiful Voices......

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Lamma Lo?

A Jewish man from Cleveland, Ohio, brought a llama wearing a tuxedo and a kippah to his sister’s wedding, following through on a 5-year-old vow.

Mendl Weinstock arrived with Shocky the llama, which he rented from a llama farm, on Sunday to the wedding of his older sister Riva.
Mendl told Riva five years ago, when she wasn’t even dating, that he would bring a llama to her wedding to tease her over how often she spoke about getting married, he told Insider in an interview for an article that was published Tuesday.
“She tried to use reverse psychology on me and said, ‘OK, the llama is invited to the wedding,’” he said.
Riva was engaged in October, and Mendl told her that he intends to hold her to her words.
And he made sure she remembered.
“He has been torturing me with this, in good fun, and has been reminding me of this probably twice a week for the last five years,” Riva told Insider. “I have tried striking so many deals, I have tried doing literally everything possible to make sure it didn’t happen, and lo and behold, there was a llama at my wedding.”
Mendl had the tuxedo and kippah specially made for his guest.
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Here’s how to tell if you have the coronavirus — and when to see a doctor

With the coronavirus outbreak spreading across the US, fears of catching the new illness have spiked — but coming down with a fever and cough doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been infected.
So how can you tell if you have the virus? And when should you see a doctor?
Symptoms of the coronavirus — fever, cough, runny nose — are similar to those of the common cold or the flu.
If you’re experiencing those symptoms but feel like you can manage them with over-the-counter drugs from the comfort of your home, experts say that’s what you should do.
“If you feel well enough that if it weren’t for coronavirus you wouldn’t see a doctor, don’t see a doctor,” Lauren Sauer, an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Johns Hopkins Medicine, told The Washington Post.
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Crying Schumer Threatens Supreme Court Justices ... Wants Them To Vote Permitting Killing of Newborn Babies!

“I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price!”

— Chuck Schumer at a pro-choice rally near SCOTUS as the court hears arguments about Louisiana’s abortion law
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“There can be few things worse in a civilized, law abiding nation, than a United States Senator openly, and for all to see and hear, threatening the Supreme Court or its Justices,” Trump wrote on Twitter Wednesday night.
“This is what Chuck Schumer just did. He must pay a severe price for this!”
Earlier Wednesday, at a rally on the steps outside the high court, Schumer warned Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh would “pay the price” if they voted to restrict abortion rights.
The court was hearing a challenge to a Louisiana state law that required doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the clinic. Opponents said the law would limit women’s access to abortion in the state.
“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” Schumer said. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
Schumer’s comments even elicited a rare public rebuke from Supreme Court Justice John Roberts.
“Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangers,” Roberts wrote on official Supreme Court letterhead.
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See Neturei Bastards Marching With Palestinian Murderers Against AIPAC

Israel to France, Germany, Spain, Austria and Switzerland STAY HOME!

Israel on Wednesday imposed tough new travel restrictions on five European nations due to fears of coronavirus, barring entry to almost all non-residents of the Jewish state arriving from these affected countries.
Israel had earlier in the day ordered all citizens and residents returning from the five countries -- France, Germany, Spain, Austria and Switzerland -- into 14-day home quarantine upon entering the country.
The measures come on top of restrictions previously imposed on arrivals from mainland China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Macau, South Korea, Japan and Italy.
Guidelines issued by the health ministry on Wednesday afternoon declared that foreigners from the affected European countries "will not be able to enter Israeli territory unless they can prove they have a place to stay in quarantine".
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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Frum Attorney and his Wife, children, and neighbor test positive for Coronavirus

The wife and two children, including a Yeshiva University student, of a Midtown lawyer infected with coronavirus also have been diagnosed with the illness, along with a neighbor — bringing to six the number of confirmed cases in the state, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday.
“They’re home on self-quarantine,” the governor said at a press conference in Albany, referring to the four people, including the neighbor, who had driven the Westchester County man to a hospital.
“We have unfortunately received news this morning that our student has tested positive for COVID-19. Our thoughts are with him and his family as well as to all those affected,” Yeshiva University said in a statement.
“We are taking every precaution by canceling all classes on Wilf Campus in Washington Heights. This includes all in-person graduate courses on that campus as wall as the boys’ high school,” it added.
The 20-year-old undergrad lived on campus at Yeshiva, officials said Tuesday, though he had not been there since Thursday, when his father — identified by sources as Lawrence Garbuz, 50, of New Rochelle in Westchester County — was admitted to NewYork-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville.
On Wednesday morning, two people who had contact with the student were taken to Bellevue Hospital for testing, Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement.
“We will continue working closely with our State partners to ensure we are doing everything we can to keep New Yorkers safe,” Hizzoner said.
The Yeshiva student had been quarantined at his parents’ home, along with his mother and sister, while his dad remains hospitalized at NewYork-Presbyterian Columbia University Irving Medical Center in Manhattan, where he was transferred Monday.
His 14-year-old sister attends the private Jewish SAR Academy in Riverdale that closed Tuesday for “precautionary measures” — as did its nearby sister school, the SAR High School. The school remained closed Wednesday.
“By definition, the more people you test, the more people you will find who test positive,” the governor said at the Albany news conference.
He also said about 300 students and faculty from SUNY and CUNY schools studying abroad in five high-risk countries — China, Iran, Italy, Japan and South Korea — would be brought home on a charter flight and quarantined in dorms for 14 days.
The sixth coronavirus patient is a 39-year-old health care worker who arrived from Iran and is self-isolated at her Manhattan home, where she is feeling better, Cuomo said. Her husband, who traveled with her, tested negative for the disease, he added.
Also testing negative was a “cluster” in Oneida County and six people in Buffalo who had been isolated in their homes after recently traveling to a part of Italy where travel warnings have been issued.
Temple Young Israel in New Rochelle, where the Westchester patients are congregants, has been ordered to suspend services and some members have been ordered to self-quarantine because of possible exposure.
Garbuz’s two other children are in Israel, according to Westchester County Executive George Latimer.
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Rebbelich Going Into Panic As Chassidim Refuse to Kiss Their Hands Because of Corona

Rumors have it that the Rebbelich are perplexed by this new plague, and are trying to figure out ways to continue having the Chassidim kiss their hands....

Chassidim have decided that it's enough that they have to share their Rebbe's soup, luckshin and bubbelich! 

My sources say that kissing the hands of a Rebbe that had his hands kissed by hundreds, and we have no idea where those hands were before, is a breeding ground for hoof and mouth  disease.

In Israel, Chief Rabbi Lau asked that people stop kissing the mezuzah, stating that  R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z"l never kissed the mezuza ..he would just raise his hand toward the mezuzzah!

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Shaked: Israeli Left Trying to Destroy Israeli Democracy

Former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina) on Wednesday attacked the imitative of the Blue and White and Joint Arab List parties to advance legislation that would prohibit the president from imposing the task of forming a government to people under indictment.

"The left-wing camp that has the rule of law in its throat is trying to change the rules of the game and cancel the results of elections right afterwards through personal and retroactive legislation, is a violation of the foundation of Israeli democracy," Shaked said.

On the results of the election, 
Shaked said, "Of course, we expected more, and the right-wing bloc will achieve 61 seats. We have to wait for the results of the truth and see how a government can be formed. For the Israeli public, every effort must be made to form a government."

"Of course we would be happy if Liberman would come in but even if not alternatives will have to be found," MK Shaked stressed.

Earlier, due to Blue and White's attempt to pass a law that would prevent Netanyahu from forming a government, Knesset legal advisor Ilan Yinun made it clear that private legislation is not possible during this period.

 "As a rule, the Knesset plenum and Knesset committees do not convene in the two weeks between the elections and when the new Knesset convenes."

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As Iran Becomes Ground Zero for Coronavirus Pandemic, Israel Becomes Ground Zero for Cure

On Monday, Iran’s Ministry of Health released new data concerning the coronavirus. It said that 66 people have died from the virus while 1501 have been infected. But given the Health Ministry’s propensity for lying, the figure for those dead and infected is likely much greater.
The rampant spread of coronavirus in Iran was a problem largely the result of the Islamic Republic’s own making. In early February, Iranian officials were aware of a potential problem in the city of Qom, where a shrine holy to Shia Muslims served as a breeding ground for the transmission of the virus. Yet authorities took no action to quarantine the city or even warn residents to take safety precautions. The shrine still remains open to visitors and video has recently emerged showing people licking the shrine.
By the time health officials began taking action, it was a case of too little too late. Iran’s Deputy Health Minister, Iraj Harirchi, downplayed claims made a city lawmaker that deaths from COVID-19 had reached 50 and said that he would resign from his post if that assertion was accurate. A day later, Harirchi became a victim of COVID-19 and was under quarantine but not before he was observed coughing on those adjacent to him during the previous day’s press briefing. Several other Iranian diplomats and parliamentarians have since been infected, and at least two have died including a senior adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

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Satmar Leadership Meets With "Crying" Schumer

Guys ... Remember when Satmar was screaming that we shouldn't undermine the President of the USA when Hussein Obama was president ....

All has changed.....
The Satmar leadership met with the man responsible trying to overthrow a sitting president.

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New Segulah Against Corona Virus

Clerics in Iran hung a Quran high on power lines so that it could block and prevent Coronavirus from entering the area.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Eretz Yisroel ..... Explaining the Different Views ..... by DIN

I am approaching my second year living in the promised land, and I am thankful to the Creator that He gave me this opportunity! 
הודו לה' כי טוב כי  לעולם חסדו

For years I said three times a day
המחזיר שכינתו לציון
"Blessed are You, Hashem, Who restores His presence to Zion"

Did I know what I was talking about ?

The Midrash says that when the Jews were exiled to Bavel, the Shecheene was exiled with them.....
When the Jews were exiled to Edom the Shecheene was exiled with them...

Because according to the Midrash the  Schcheene goes where the Jewish people go.

 Now that I live in Israel and am witnessing the return of the Jewish people to their inheritance I now understand the true meaning of 
המחזיר שכינתו לציון
Blessed are You Hashem.... who restores the Shecheene (where it belongs) in Zion!

The Schecheene doesn't come to a deserted land ... the Shecheene returns when the Jewish people return...

I  always asked Hashem 
ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון ברחמים
"May our eyes behold Your return to Zion"

and now I am witnessing it!

 I have been approached by many people who still live in Chutz Le'aaretz and who visit Eretz Yisroel from time to time and who ask me 
"What was your motivation for making Aliyah?'"

Some of those asking, were huge Talmeidei Chachamim (Torah Scholars),  who were seriously asking me to prove to them that 
"Yishuv Eretz Yisroel" (settling in Israel) is a Mitzvah......
they explained that they were really seeking the truth..

 If it is a Mitzvah .... they questioned..
is it a "Mitzvah Medeoriisah" (Biblical)
or is it a "Mitzvah MeDrabbanan (rabbinical)?"

And if it is either one.... is it applicable now...?
or is it applicable only when there is a Bais Hamikdash?

Is it even a Mitzvah at all.... maybe it's just a "nice thing."

So I decided, that I will for the next couple of weeks אי''ה, discuss the Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael in depth and bring down all the different "shitos" that either hold that it is a Mitzvah De'Oriisah, or hold that it is a "Mitzvah De'rabbanan." 
And, again, if it is either one ...is it applicable in the here and now!

I will do this in a respectful manner and will argue and debate this solely on its merits...

I will bring the view of the Rishonim such as the  Rambam, the Ramban, the Megilas Esther (commentary on the Rambam), Meeri, Ritvah, Rosh, Baal Haturim, Ran, and Terumas Hadeshen and others...with its sources...

I will bring the views of the Achronim such as Shiltei H'giborim, Radvaz, Mabit, Alshich, Mahrshal, Hachareidim, Maharal, Ramah, Drisha, Maharsha, Shlah, Yaavitz, Gra, Chidah, Haflah, Chayeh Adam, Yismach Moshe, Chasam Sofer, Aruch Lener, Yetev Lev, Netziv, Bais Haleivi, Reb Zadok HaChen, Aruch Hashilchan, Sdei Chemed, Ben Ish Chai, Chafetz Chayim, Ohr Samach, R Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld, Rav Kook, Chazon Ish, Avnei Nezer and others .. with its sources ..

I will bring the views of the contemporary rabbanim and poiskim such as the Satmar Rav, and Reb Moshe Feinstein, Rav Henkin. etc..
and I will also discuss the view of the Minchas Eluzer whose views are even more radical than the views of the Satmar Rebbe.

I will discuss the Shalosh Shevuoit... "The Three Oaths!"
and of course I will discuss how Zionism plays into all of this...

Once it is posted ... I will place it on the side of the blog so that everyone can reference it when needed..
Read below for Part 1

Judge Orders Hillary Clinton to testify about her secret email server

Good luck deposing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She’s as slippery as an eel and twice as devious. She’ll figure out a way to circumvent the truth. It’s her greatest skill set.
Clinton and her lawyers have spent months inventing one excuse after another for why she shouldn’t have to answer questions in a deposition about her unauthorized and unsecured computer system. She used a clandestine server to handle all of her electronic communications as secretary of state, including the transfer and dissemination of thousands of classified and top-secret documents.
There is no doubt that Clinton’s unprotected email apparatus jeopardized America’s national security. The State Department eventually divulged that there had been, at minimum, thirty separate security breaches. Chinese intelligence reportedly gained access to her server housing classified documents. Did the Russians penetrate the same system? You can bet on it.
Thus, Clinton almost certainly committed a myriad of felonies under the Espionage Act and other criminal statutes. Instead of pastel pantsuits, Clinton should be wearing an orange jumpsuit. But the Obama administration protected her, allowing former FBI Director James Comey to clear her by twisting the facts and contorting the law.
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30% of the Votes Counted .... Likud Has Large Lead..... Final Results Tomorrow

The counting of the votes in the 2020 election continues. As of 6:40 a.m. Tuesday morning, approximately 31.2% of the votes were counted.

The Likud party is leading with 29.61% of the votes. Blue and White comes in second with 23.55%, followed by the Joint List with 10.2%.

United Torah Judaism - 9.14%, Shas - 9.05%, Yamina - 6.47%, Labor-Gesher-Meretz - 5.72%, Yisrael Beytenu - 5.38%, and Otzma Yehudit has just 0.53%.

The counting of the votes is being done very slowly after the Central Elections Committee added control measures aimed at ensuring accurate results before they are made public.
As such, the results from the regular polling stations without the so-called “double envelopes” – which contain the votes of diplomats and IDF soldiers – are only expected on Tuesday afternoon or evening.

The full results will be announced at the earliest on Wednesday evening or on Thursday.

Bernie Sanders would be the most ‘godless’ president since Jefferson

Once upon a time, Bernie Sanders would have had another political vulnerability besides his socialism — namely, his atheism.
In 2016, a Democratic National Committee staffer had to apologize after the WikiLeaks hack exposed an email he wrote that suggested using Bernie’s atheism against him in the primary.
This year, Bernie’s religion — or lack of it — has barely made a ripple or even occasioned any comment. It used to be expected that serious presidential candidates would have religious faith and discuss it, in keeping with the religious coloration of the country they sought to govern. Just as the taboo against openly socialist candidates has given way, so has the old norm about religiosity eroded nearly to the vanishing point.
Sanders, a secular Jew, doesn’t call himself an atheist. The way he puts it is that he isn’t “actively ­involved in organized religion,” and that he believes in God, just not in a traditional matter. “To me,” he has said of his religion, “it means that all of us are connected, all of life is connected and that we are all tied together.”
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R' Feldman Retracts His Opposition for WZO Elections ... R' Malkiel Kotler Remains Isolated ...

In a major development Monday morning, VIN news has confirmed that in a conversation with well-known news editor Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger, Rabbi Feldman has retracted his position, and has stated that he is “Mevatel his Da’as to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky on the matter,” effectively declaring that he no longer opposes the position of Rabbi Brudny and Rabbi Kamenetsky.

This stunning development leaves Rabbi Malkiel Kotler the lone voice who still opposes the nearly unanimous view of Gedolei Hador that it is permitted to vote in the WZO elections.
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Monday, March 2, 2020

Netanyahu Wins Big! So far 37% of the Vote...... Right Has 60 for sure

With polls closing across Israel, exit polls published by Channel 12 News show that the Likud party has won 37 Knesset seats while the Blue and White party has won 33 seats.

The Joint Arab List won 14 seats, 
Shas nine seats, 
United Torah Judaism seven seats, 
Yamina seven, 
Labor-Gesher-Meretz seven, and 
Yisrael Beyteinu six seats.
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Too Many Cooks "Do Not" Spoil the Broth ..... No ... Not This Time

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Vatican opens archives on highly controversial Holocaust-era pope

The Vatican unseals the archives of history’s most contentious pope on Monday, potentially shedding light on why Pius XII stayed silent during the extermination of six million Jews during the Holocaust.
Two hundred researchers have already requested access to the mountain of documents, made available after an inventory that took more than 14 years for Holy See archivists to complete.
Award-winning German religious historian Hubert Wolf will be in Rome on Monday, armed with six assistants and two years of funding, to start exploring documents from the “private secretariat” of the late pope.
Wolf, a specialist on the relationship of Pius XII with the Nazis, is anxious to discover the notes of his 70 ambassadors — the pontiff’s eyes and ears during his time as head of the Catholic Church between 1939 and his death in 1958.
There should also be records of urgent appeals for help from Jewish organizations, as well as his communications with the late US President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
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