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Thursday, December 26, 2019

77 Year-Old Richard Rappaport Marries 26 Year-Old Israeli and She Tries Ripping Him Off For $1 Million ....

You think he learned his lesson???

A newly married 26-year-old Florida woman was arrested for allegedly trying to grift her 77-year-old husband out of $1 million.
Lin Helena Halfon attempted to cash the whopper of a cashier’s check at a Tampa bank last month, claiming she was going to use the money to buy a yacht in Miami with her businessman hubby Richard Rappaport, authorities said.
When bank employees refused, she allegedly left, but came back later that day with three checks, each for $333,333. Staffers didn’t cash the checks and called the cops.
Investigators notified Rappaport about what his wife was doing, and he said he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and didn’t want her to be deported to her native Israel, the Tampa Bay Times reported.
Two checks worth about $666,000 were eventually cashed by an Orlando business. Investigators got a warrant to freeze the third check.
Asked later if he felt he was the victim of fraud, Rappaport told investigators, “yes,” according to an arrest warrant affidavit.
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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Fake Jews Upset that Giuliani Said that He is More Jewish than the "Nazi" Soros

 Rudi Giuliani, continued to attack the Jewishness of George Soros Tuesday, despite being rebuked by a prominent anti-Semitism watchdog for an earlier statement questioning the Jewishness of the self-admitted "Nazi"
On Twitter, the former mayor of New York accused Soros of funding efforts to boycott Israel and said those who oppose those campaigns were better Jews and better people than the snake Soros!
“Soros has funded many enemies to the State of Israel, including groups that support BDS, who’s ultimate goal is to destroy the Jewish homeland.,” he wrote.
“Those who oppose these groups are not only better Jews, but better people than him. Most certainly not anti-Semitic,” Giuliani added, presumably referring to himself.

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Self-Hating Liberal Jews Loading the "World Zionist Congress " To Slowly Dismantle the State of Israel

Leading liberal lights like Peter Beinart and Jeremy Ben-Ami, running for first time, hope to use expanded representation in Zionist body to steer funding away from settlements!

Readers living in the US ... this is very dangerous .........

Please become a member ...it's only $7.50 ......
and vote against these traitors!!! 

Voting is done online and costs $7.50; it’s $5 for those 25 and under. Voters must be 18 or over, reside in the United States and be Jewish.

The list includes names like Peter Beinart, the liberal writer; Jeremy Ben-Ami, the president of the liberal Middle East policy group J Street; and Sheila Katz, the CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women.
No, it’s not an ad for a symposium on the Upper East Side, but a slate of first-time candidates seeking seats in the 38th World Zionist Congress, the legislative authority of the 120-year-old World Zionist Organization that helps determine the fate of $1 billion in spending on Jewish causes.
Elections, which are open to Jews 18 and over anywhere in the world, are held every five years. The next ones will be held between January 21 and March 11.
The candidates hope to steer funding away from Jewish settlement expansion in the West Bank and toward causes like expanding rights for women and minorities. The second paragraph of the group’s platform notes its opposition to “the current policy of permanent occupation and annexation,” which it calls “unjust” and a threat to Israeli democracy.
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Yossi Bialo Murdered in his home in Cleveland .... Updated

*** There are rumors and private e-mails sent to us that say that he wasn't murdered
Ve'hameivin Yavin

An Orthodox Jewish man has been found shot dead in the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio.
Yossi Bialo Z”L, 33 years old, suffered a gunshot wound and was pronounced dead at his home on S. Green Road.
Beachwood police officers responded to a residence on Timberlane Drive for a report of a domestic situation, according to a Dec. 24 police report.
The entire home has been cordoned off by Police as they investigate this incident.
Yossi, the victim, had a brother Levi Z”L who was killed in a horrific crash in 2005, when his car collided with a train near Toronto.
The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office has not ruled a cause of death, however it does not appear this incident involved any anti-semitism or criminality.

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Off-The-Derech Youths Causing Damage During Shabbos...... Who did they it Learn it from?

A Bunch of "OTD" kids in Bnei Brak watching from the sidelines how their counterparts, the"frum" yeshivah guys act ...decided to give a little back to the community ........

For years now, they are watching how "Torah Learning Yeshivah Bochrim" with help of Kollel Guys .....
turn over garbage bins, stop traffic, ...cause innocent people on buses and cars to sit in traffic for hours ....and cause untold damage ... in the name of "Daas Torah" .....

And they are thinking to themselves ....
 "Why not us?' "We also need a little attention!"

So they decided to try to do the same things in the communities of Bnei Brak that ignored them while they were growing up ..
except for one difference ....

they did it on shabbos ....

Of course, in Meah Shearim, the residents  have a special heter to throw rocks and over throw garbage bins on Shabbos ....
and in Bet Shemesh Bet, they have a special heter to take out the glass bottles from the re-cycling bins and throw them on the roadways on shabbos..

But in Bnei-Brak????

So now the Bnei-Brak Rabbanim that called for protests to stop the   Chillul Shabbos in Tel Aviv will have to deal with their own "Chillul Shabbos" in their very own backyards from their own children ....

G-D sure has a sense of humor!

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Nefesh B'Nefesh Denies Allegation "Most Immigrants Not Jewish"

'Anyone at all familiar with aliyah knows it is unfathomable that 70% of them not considered Jewish according to halakha.'

The Nefesh B'Nefesh pro-aliyah organization today responded to figures published this morning on the numbers of Jews making Aliyah between 2012-2019, rejecting the allegation that the vast majority of new immigrants were not Jewish.

"What we know about North American Jews who make Aliyah is in complete contradiction with the false data presented by the stated report. Over the past decade alone, more than 36,000 Olim have moved from North America to Israel."

Nefesh B'Nefesh continued: "It is an affront to call to question the 'Jewishness' of these men, women, and children who have made the difficult decision to leave family, friends, jobs, and a certain lifestyle, to build their lives in the Jewish homeland.

"Additionally, our data, which we have verified through our partnership with the Jewish Agency, unequivocally contradicts the figures in the article. Less than 3% of the Olim who have made Aliyah in the last eight years from North America have done so exclusively using section 4A of the Law of Return. 

Anyone who is at all familiar with Aliyah and Olim from North America knows that it is unfathomable that 70% of them are not considered Jewish according to halakha. We therefore look forward to the revised data being published promptly."

Monday, December 23, 2019

Lakewood "Town of Torah" Sells Donuts for $14.00 a Piece

The Donuts Pictured sold last year for $8.00 a piece!
Yes ... in the "holy" city of Lakewood there is a store that will remain nameless, that sells donuts for $14.00 a piece! 

Last year they were sold for much cheaper; they were selling for $8.00 a piece...

This means that the storekeeper knows that he will get customers in the "Ir shel Torah" that will shell out this kind of money ....

I don't have any complaints against the owner, chas ve'shalom, since he is catering to that kind of clientele..... Kol Ha'Kovod!

So who in Lakewood is spending Jewish money on this garbage???

It looks as if that all the so called learning all day and the hundreds of Roshei Yeshivah with their constant "musser shmoozs'" have  zero impact on the "ruchnisdikeh" environment ....

I know I know I know
You will all scream at your tumidikeh screens....
"DIN ... you are no Tzddik!"

True ....... I'm no tzaddik ....(notice I wrote this in the smallest font, because of my humility)

But I find spending $14.00 for a donut when there are Bnei-Torah in Lakewood who cannot afford tuition for their children ...
very disturbing ....
Maybe it's just me .....
Happy Chanukah!

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Blacks Have a Chanukah Message for Jews ........

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Four Killed In Horrific Bus Crash In Israel Near Ben Gurion Airport

Four people were killed and 18 were reported injured in a bus collision on Highway 40 near Bedek Interchange in the area of Ben Gurion Airport. 
Volunteers from United Hatzalah together with ambulance teams from Magen David Adom treated the injured, while volunteers from Zaka responded to provide respect for the dead.
United Hatzalah volunteer EMTs Neriah Hajbi, Lior Tabib and Raphael Elmaliach reported from the scene: 
“Due to the severity of the accident firefighters were working to extricate people from the bus. According to witnesses, the bus crashed into a bus stop and the cement pole next to the bus stop fell on top of the bus crushing part of it. When we arrived, we treated 12 people, some of whom were in serious and critical condition.”
EMT Niv Hershko relayed from the scene that “Unfortunately, one man and three women have been pronounced dead after their bodies were extricated from the bus by firefighters.”
A statement by Magen David Adom originally stated that there were three people in critical condition and another 18 people were injured to varying degrees in the crash. This too was later updated to four people having been killed in the accident.

Le'koved Chanukah, Crazed Meah Shearim Guys Yell "Nazis" to Firefighters that Rescued their Own From an Elevator

Firefighters were called “Nazis” after rescuing Chareidim in Meah Shearim on Motzei Shabbos.
It happened in a building on Chevra Shas Street, when rescue personnel were called to rescue a group that was stuck inside an elevator.
The fire Department was escorted into the area by police, and firefighters rescued the occupants inside the stuck elevator. As the firefighters were leaving the area, they were met with severely derogatory insults – including being called “Nazis” by neighborhood fanatics.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happy Chanukah

8 Days of Chanukah Written by Senator Orin Hatch (kol isha alert)

Watch Seinfeld Describe a Buffet

Most NY yeshivas flunk city’s secular studies review

Most religious Jewish schools investigated by New York City officials since 2017 fail to teach required secular education, according to the city’s Department of Education.

Among the 28 Brooklyn-based yeshivas, or religious schools, reviewed by the department, only 11 are providing the required instruction or are well on their way, according to a department letter released Thursday and reported on by the Forward.

Twelve schools are working on improving their secular education, while five are considered “underdeveloped,” meaning they do not provide sufficient secular subject instruction and have not demonstrated they are planning to improve, according to the letter sent to the state Education Department.

Only two of the yeshivas visited were considered entirely substantially equivalent by the city department, the Forward report said.

Satmar Totally Blindsided by Official Findings That They are Few Chareidim in the IDF!!!

Recently the Israeli press reported that the Army was falsifying numbers of actual Chareidie recruits, and that the number of recruits from Chareidim was significantly lower than reported.

This was a major scandal here in Israel, because Chilonim were very upset that they were lied to by Army officials ... and they cried, rightfully so, that they are the ones carrying the burden while their Chareidie counterparts are hanging around in the hallways in the Yeshivois smoking and waiting for the Shadchanim to call..

What wasn't reported is that the Satmar Rebbe, R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum was totally taken aback by this news since it took his main argument away about the "atrocities" perpetrated by the Zionist government against Chareidim.

Turns out that his barking at the Zionists on his recent visit, that the Zionists  are forcing Yeshivah boys to be conscripted in the army is a bunch of hogwash,, and is just a ploy by the Satmar Rebbe to keep his chassidim in his camp since it's only hate that he can offer them ... to keep them busy ....since everything else is prohibited ...

Chassidim are prohibited from being on the Internet, they are prohibited from engaging in sports, they are prohibited from riding a bicycle, playing board games or even swimming .....
They are going insane from sheer boredom ....

To keep them busy he joined forces with the equally insane Auerbach crazies ... that occupied with organizing protests ... and disrupting the lives of other Chareidim since the protests are in Bnei Brak and the Frum sections of Yerushalayim....

But the press here in Israel is constantly complaining that there are really very few Chareidim in the IDF and that the IDF is covering up the real numbers .....
This news has totally surprised the Satmar Rebbe since this news if it continues will put him out of business........ 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Home of the Ark of the Covenant is 'discovered' in a 3,000-year-old temple in BET SHEMESH

Religious archaeologists in Israel claim they have discovered the stone on which Ark of Covenant once sat.
The biblical claim was made by researchers from Tel Aviv University who found a 3,100-year-old temple near the modern-day town of Beit Shemesh.mal pen.
Religious teachings claim that the Ark contained the Ten Commandments received by Moses on Mount Sinai.  
They also preach that the Ark rested on a square table and this latest find is being hailed as merging biblical teachings with archaeological evidence. 
Archaeologists say it is strikingly similar to the mythical 'large stone' described in the First Book of Samuel.
It was used to hold up the Ark after it arrived at Beth Shemesh when it had returned to Israeli hands from the Philistines.

Jewish Congressmen and Senators are at the very heart of this evil, venal, impeachment of President Trump after all he has done for the Jewish people

A great curse has befallen American Jews, one that will haunt us forever: 

Some of our American Jewish Congressmen and Jewish Senators are at the very heart of this evil, venal, and unconstitutional House impeachment of President Trump.  

While, in the future, I will focus on these miscreants; 
today, I want to thank G-d for the infinite blessings and protections President Trump has endowed the American and Israeli Jewish people. 

Today, I want to thank President Trump for each action which in itself would have been enough.  

In essence, I want to pen the Passover Seder’s “Dayenu,” “It would have been enough for us,” to thank President Trump’s for each of his blessings for the Jewish People.

Wikipedia explains the Passover Seder’s “Dayenu, is “The song is about being grateful to God for all of the gifts he gave the Jewish people, such as taking them out of slavery, giving them the Torah and Shabbat, and had God only given one of the gifts, it would have still been enough. This is to show much greater appreciation for all of them as a whole. The song appears in the haggadah after the telling of the story of the exodus and just before the explanation of Passover, matzah, and the maror.” 

Naama Issachar's appeal rejected by Russian court

A Moscow court rejected the appeal of Naama Issachar on Thursday after deliberating for only 25 minutes, according to a Channel 12 News report.

At the appeal, Issachar - speaking from inside a glass enclosure - said that contrary to the court's ruling, she never confessed to smuggling drugs, saying she was unaware she signed a confession since there was no translator present.

 Naama also told the judges that she didn't purchase the drugs and it must have been planted in her luggage.
"They didn't explain the significance of the incident," she said. "I was never in Russia. I don't speak the language and I don't recognize the laws of the country. In the country, I come from and the countries I've visited, this is not the usual punishment."

"I noted many times that it was not my drugs. They forced me to sign documents in Russian."

"There's proof that I didn't intend to bring drugs into Russia. I didn't go through the passport inspection at all and I had no access to the drugs. I didn't know that was incriminating myself. All the evidence attests to my innocence."

Ponovezh Students To Fast Over Possible ‘Shratzim' They Ate

Students at the Ponovezh Yeshiva took upon themselves to fast Thursday at the behest of their Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Shmuel Markowitz, because they may have inadvertently eaten "sharatzim." 

The students had approached their Rosh Yeshiva after some of them noticed earlier in the week that the food being served in the dining room had insects in it.

The Rosh Yeshiva heard the testimony of his students and after some deliberation decided that they should take upon themselves a fast day, which was announced Wednesday afternoon in the Yeshiva, due to the possibility that they might have eaten a forbidden food.

Israel Tells UN to "Go to Hell" And Advances 22,000 Housing Units In What the Goyim Call the "West Bank"

The U.N. Mideast envoy said Wednesday that Israel advanced or approved plans for over 22,000 housing units in West Bank settlements and east Jerusalem in the three years since the Security Council adopted a resolution condemning settlements in lands the Palestinians want for their future state.

Nickolay Mladenov told the Security Council that in addition, Israel issued tenders for some 8,000 housing units since the December 2016 resolution, which also declared that the settlements have “no legal validity.”
He said the numbers “should be of serious concern to all those who continue to support the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian state alongside Israel.”
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a report to the council circulated Wednesday that the settlements have “no legal effect.” He declared that construction and approvals “must cease immediately and completely.”