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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Rabbi Mansour Chastises "Community Magazine" For Erasing Photo of Rebbeitzen ...

Nice letter from Rabbi Mansour .....  and the magazine capitulated and printed the picture in the Letters to the Editor ........
However the magazine then went ahead and colored in the "neckline" of the Late Rebbitzin because it didn't fit into the new "Tzneeus" chumrois! 
Below is the original photo ...

New Minhag ... Mezhbizur Rebbe Gives "Shrayim" from Spilled Havdala Wine

Woman of the Wall Set Up Chabad-Like Tefillin Booth for Ladies at the Kotel

Satmar Hooligans Disrupt And Shout At The Rebbe of Strykov in London

Back to the good old days when  Satmar savages used violence  to destroy Kloizenburg, Belz, Hershele Spinker  & Chabad....

Now they chose the Strykover Rebbe who visited London ...all because he was a participant in the Agudah Conference a couple of weeks ago in Natanyeh.!

The Strycover Rebbe now joins the respectable list of victims that Satmar destroys ... all because they refuse to abide by the Satmar Quran!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Israel advances controversial cable car to Kotel

Israel’s National Planning Council is formally advancing a controversial plan to build a cable car that will cross over Jerusalem’s historic Hinnom Valley and glide along the Old City walls to an area near the Western Wall.
The council will publish its approval of the plan in newspapers Friday, kicking off a 60-day public comment period before the scheme is brought for final approval.
The cable car is billed as a tourism attraction as well as a solution to serious traffic congestion and pollution around the Old City walls.
Up to 3,000 people will be ferried per hour at peak time in up to 72 10-person cabins between the First Station commercial area and the Old City’s Dung Gate, near the Western Wall.

New York Legalizes The Murder of Babies!

In New York hospitals, you can find premature newborn babies surrounded by dedicated doctors and nurses fighting to save their lives. Next door, you now might find physicians and non-physicians alike giving lethal injections to babies the same age, thanks to the state’s new so-called Reproductive Health Act.
Over a decade ago, New York abolished the death penalty for convicted criminals, but as of last week, babies in the seventh, eighth and ninth month of their mother’s pregnancy — old enough to live outside their mother’s wombs — can now be given lethal injections.
Abortions at that stage are committed by piercing the baby’s brain or heart with a large needle and injecting her with enough digoxin to cause cardiac arrest. Labor is then induced, and the mother delivers her dead child into the hands of an abortionist.

Transgender "Feigele" Found

Rare half-male, half-female cardinal spotted in Pennsylvania

JEFFREY AND SHIRLEY Caldwell have been attracting birds for 25 years with carefully tended backyard feeders. But the lifelong Erie, Pennsylvania, residents have never seen a creature so wondrous as the half-vermillion, half-taupe cardinal—its colors split right down the middle—that first showed up a few weeks ago in the dawn redwood tree 10 yards from their home.
In fact, they weren’t sure they saw it correctly until it came in closer. “Never did we ever think we would see something like this in all the years we've been feeding,” Shirley Caldwell says.
The anomaly is known as a bilateral gynandromorph. In plain language: Half its body is male and the other half is female. “This remarkable bird is a genuine male/female chimera,” says Daniel Hooper, a postdoctoral fellow at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, in an email.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Biased SNL Parodies Ocasio Cortez But Don't Mention Her Name

This character is clearly Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is so comical she had to be parodied, but being so one sided and biased, SNL left her name off the sketch:

Kiruv Movements .. Step aside ... Biggest Kiruv Is From Wave of Anti-Semitism Bringing Secular UK Jews Closer To Judaism

 For most of her adult life, Rachel Riley was only vaguely aware of her Jewish ancestry.
A moderately famous daytime game show television host, Riley, 33, is one of countless unaffiliated Jews in the United Kingdom — a country with 250,000 Jewish citizens and where synagogue attendance is at a historic low.

“When I was a kid my mum would give us pepperoni pizza,” she told The Times of London in an interview published Saturday, pointing out that she didn’t keep kosher.
On Hanukkah, she added, “We’d light the menorah candles but we didn’t go to synagogue and I’ve never done Friday night [Shabbat].”

But after experiencing anti-Semitic abuse online for criticizing Britain’s liberal Labour party — whose far-left leader Jeremy Corbyn has been called anti-Semitic for his rhetoric and anti-Israel views — Riley was compelled to speak out, including in parliament last week, against the proliferation of that hatred and about how it has affected her own family.

Hell has officially frozen over

Hell has quite literally frozen over in Michigan.
A small community in the Midwestern state with the devilish name of Hell felt temperatures drop to 9 below zero on Wednesday with wind chills as low as 40 below.
The town, about 25 miles Northwest of Ann Arbor, is dealing with the brutal blast of cold air pummeling the area.
The polar vortex is the coldest Arctic air to hit the area a generation, according to The Weather Channel.
The deep freeze has caused at least four deaths while forcing schools and government offices to close and leaving thousands without power.

Frum teen found dead in Manchester was not murdered

Police in Manchester, England say the death of an Orthodox Jewish teenager is no longer being investigated as a murder case, after she was found dead in an abandoned building.

Sixteen-year-old Sarah Goldman was reported missing at 9:25 a.m. Monday morning. At a quarter to 10 that same morning, her body was found in abandoned Manchester building. Police say Goldman had been hanged to death.
Goldman, a student at Yavneh Girls in King David High School in Crumpsall, was described as “lovely, bright, intelligent, and well-mannered”.

Local authorities arrested a 41-year-old man they said was suspected in Goldman’s murder.

While police initially investigated Goldman’s death as a murder, on Tuesday Manchester police said there was no signs of foul play, and that the case was no longer treated as a murder investigation.
The 41-year-old man arrested in the case has been freed without charges, police said.

New Satmar Minhag Adopted From Lubavitch Handing out Dollars..... But to Girls Only ... Watch Them Ogling the Girls

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

House Democrats to Strike ‘So Help Me God’ from Oath

A draft of a new committee rules package expected to be approved this week would strike the phrase, “So help me God,” from the oath witnesses take when they testify before the House Committee on Natural Resources.

Fox News says it received an exclusive copy of the committee’s draft that places the phrase in red brackets, a sign the words are slated to be eliminated.
If the phrase is cut, the House Committee on Natural Resources would ask witnesses to state only: “Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?”
The full committee will vote on the elimination of “So help me God” this week, and the rule would take effect immediately, says the report.
Reacting to the news of the removal of the reference to God, House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney of Wyoming said, “It is incredible, but not surprising, that the Democrats would try to remove God from committee proceedings in one of their first acts in the majority.”
“They really have become the party of Karl Marx,” she added.

Jerusalem announces $27k program to feed street cats

The Jerusalem municipality has announced a program to feed the city’s thousands of stray cats, in an initiative slammed by experts who say it will merely exacerbate the problem.
According to a statement issued by the municipality last week, designated feeding stations will be set up around the city in areas where trash cans are now buried underground, and residents are welcome to add food and water in addition to the supplies left by the municipality.
With a budget of NIS 100,000 (approximately $27,000) to be spent over the course of the year, the municipality will supply seven sacks of dry food per day for the city’s felines — an annual total of 2,500 bags of feed.
“When I understood the magnitude of the problem and the great distress caused, I decided to take up the task immediately,” said Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion in the statement.

The Gullible Chassidishe Rebbetzin (Ex-Guy) Makes Kiddush For Linda Soursor the Anti-Semite

Michal Zernowitski, 38,Frum Lady from Bnei Brak Running For Knesset Seat and supports public transportation on Shabbat and Gay Marriage

DIN: I support her...... Absolutely .....
What?????? You crazy????

No I'm not crazy .... you don't understand Israeli politics ....
And Israeli politics is no different than New York politics ....
Do you guys know that my opinion aligns with the Gerrer, Belz and even ... hold on to your hats ..... The Late Rav Shach z"l!!!!!
And it aligns with most of the ............shhhhhhh!!! don't tell anyone ...
Chareidie Tzibber ...

Yes absolutely .... How many times did the previous and now Gerrer and Belzer Rebbes support Leftist Candidates in Israel including Peres ... knowing full well that they are progressives supporting "Chillul Shabbos" and Gay marriage ....??????

Hey ... In New York ...didn't the Chassidim all endorse Mayor DeBlasio for mayor???? A supporter of all perverse and deviant crazies??

Back to Israel.... do you guys know that Rav Shach was politically a leftist who supported giving back big chunks of land to the Arabs?? 
No .... not his house..... No not Ponivitz .... that he wouldn't give back but he supported giving back the house of some poor shzlub who worked day and night to support his family ...and he was a supporter and attempted many times to join in the coalition of leftist parties and so did all Chareidei Rabbis ...

Now .. I'll let you into a secret ..... 
In my town Bet Shemesh .... who won as Mayor????
Why... you would ask ... didn't all Chareidie leaders ask their sheep to vote for the dummy and parrot Abutbul??
Yes ... they did...
but for whom did they vote for?????
They voted for the lady Dr. Aliza Bloch, secretly ...
How do I know? I know for two reasons ....
1... she couldn't win without the Chareidim... and finally the Newspapers reported the votes .. district by district ...

Who won in Haifa???? Who won in Yerusalayim???
In Haifa a leftist chilonie lady, that had the Chareidie votes, overwhelmingly. 
And in Yerushalayim the Chareidim ignored the "Big bearded" Deutch and voted  for a borderline frum guy by the name of Leon ...

The facts don't lie.... the typical Chareidie is no longer following the advise of the "Gedoilim" or the "Rabbanim" led by greedy askanim... and they are voting for the best person for the job ... even if the candidate  ignores  "Chillul Shabbos" etc ...

And as for you Americans ... don't lecture us here in Israel why we vote for candidates whose main concern is for the welfare of all Israelis even if they are "mecahallel Shabbos" ...
because in the past while the "Gedoilim" were screaming "SHABBOS SHABBOS" they were secretly negotiating with the leftist communists to join in their coalitions .......
Now ... listen carefully ... the Gedoilim who are run by their noses by the "Askanim" ... don't care about Shabbos, don't care about gay marriage, and don't even care about the Army ...
all they care is "how much $$$$$$$$ is in it for us?"

We figured it all out finally!!!

Go for it Michal ... Go for it Girl ..... Hope you win!!

She backs public transportation on Shabbat, supports gay marriage and civil unions, rues the gender separation in ultra-Orthodox academic colleges, and is adamant a peace deal with the Palestinians is entirely within reach — if only Israel wills it.
Altogether, hers are not particularly eyebrow-raising positions for a Labor candidate in the opposition party’s upcoming primaries. But when said candidate happens to be an ultra-Orthodox mother of four, some may find their foreheads involuntarily furrowed.
It’s a reaction that Michal Zernowitski, 38, is accustomed to. And one the former computer programmer hopes to change with her campaign, under the banner “Shattering Conventions.”
“I’m in the Labor party and not United Torah Judaism and Shas,” she remarked of her liberal and dovish views in a recent interview with The Times of Israel, and “it’s not only because there is no room there [in those parties] for women.”
At her campaign headquarters in south Tel Aviv, part of a shared working space, a handwritten sign on the door reads, “We’ll do our part, and God will do the rest.”

Men Can No Longer Wear "Tight" Pants ..... Sfardie Rabbis

Watch: Undercover forces arrest firebomb throwers on Pisgat Zev Road

Border Police officers stationed in the Shuafat refugee camp in Jerusalem embarked on an operation to arrest rioters who throw Molotov Cocktails.

The forces acted after the Israel Police recently investigated a surge of cases in which a number of suspects arrived at the outskirts of the refugee camp and hurled Molotov cocktails at vehicles traveling on the Moshe Dayan road towards Pisgat Ze'ev, near the refugee camp.

Three Arabs arrested in connection with synagogue vandalism

Three Arabs have been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the desecration of the synagogue in the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood of Jerusalem, Channel 12 News reported on Tuesday.
According to the report, the police believe that the background to the break-in and the desecration of the Torah scrolls is criminal rather than nationalistic.

The vandals broke into the synagogue overnight, causing heavy damage to the furniture and the Torah scrolls.
In addition to the synagogue’s Torah scrolls, numerous prayer books were damaged or destroyed.
Synagogue officials notified local police, and an investigation into the break-in has been opened.

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion said, "This morning we were notified of a shocking incident of the desecration of a synagogue and the destruction of Torah scrolls in Kiryat Yovel. This is a grave event that is reminiscent of dark periods of the Jewish people. We will not permit such crimes to take place in our times.

Sarah Goldman Murdered and Hung in Manchester

A Frum girl was found dead in an abandoned building in Manchester, England.
The girl, a student at Yavneh Girls at Manchester’s King David High School, told her family that she was going to use her school’s gym early on Monday morning, around 5 a.m., the Manchester Evening News reported.
She was reported missing to police at 9:25 on Monday morning, and her body was found by a family member about 20 minutes later, according to the report. The building in which her body was found is close to the girl’s home.
It is suspected that the girl, identified as Sarah Goldman, was found hanged, according to the newspaper.
A 41-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder, but later released on bail. “We are still keeping an open mind and will be exploring all avenues,” a police spokesman said. “We are trying to piece together this puzzle and help give the girl’s family the answers they deserve.”
The Jewish school said in a statement that students were being offered support in the wake of the death. It said that “Sarah was a lovely, bright, intelligent and well-mannered pupil and she will be hugely missed by everyone at school.”