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Monday, August 6, 2018

Susan Singer 57 Killed by Metro-North train in Westchester

The woman hit and killed by a Metro-North train on the Harlem Line in Westchester on Sunday has been identified.
Susan Singer, 57, of Ossining, was hit around 7 a.m. between the Hawthorne and Valhalla stations, said MTA officials.
Initial delays of between 30-40 minutes were down to 10-15 minutes by 8:30 a.m. Sunday. Service was back to being on or close to schedule later in the morning.
The incident is being investigated as non-criminal nor accidental in nature, MTA officials said.
It was the second time in three days a person was struck by a Metro-North train. A man was struck and killed on the New Haven Line train near the downtown Stamford station early Friday evening

The Satmar hasidim who chose to love the State of Israel

Joel grew up in a large Hassidic family in Brooklyn. He went to a "cheider" whereby children learn Talmud in Yiddish until late afternoon, at which time some secular subjects are taught, such as English and math.

Though Joel's family was not strongly anti-Zionist, the messages he received from his school and his synagogue were.

Therefore, it was rather surprising when Joel became interested in Israel. Even before his bar mitzvah, Joel searched for articles in the Yiddish newspaper about Israel, praying, for example, that the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif would not take effect. 

In the daily prayers, he noticed that there was a longing for the Land of Israel, which Joel himself began to feel.

At the age of 18, Joel came to Israel for the first time, where he discovered Zoreach, a group of hasidim similar to himself who shared a love for Israel.

Another important activity of his is visiting communities in Judea and Samaria. He tells of the reactions of his hosts when they see his hasidic garb for the first time, and the close relationships that ensue.

Tune in (above) to meet a passionate young man who follows his heart, even when his path differs from that of his family.

President Trump Ignores Satmar and Ezra Friedlander Imposes Sanctions on Iran

Guys ... remember when Satmar officially endorsed the Iran Deal?

Remember when they chastised the Agudah because the Agudah was against the deal?

Remember when Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander wrote an article defending fat Nadler because he supported the treacherous Iran Deal?

Remember when Satmar set up that foolish stooge Labin to rally against the Iran deal...

Well it looks like Trump is not consulting with these experts!

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman praised the re-imposition of US sanctions on Iran, which will begin tonight.
The defense minister wrote on his Twitter account: "Tonight, the sanctions imposed by the American administration on Iran will enter into force. In a courageous decision that will be remembered for generations, US President Donald Trump has changed direction with regard to Iran. No more agreements and obsequiousness, but a determined struggle to stop the murderous ayatollahs regime, which spreads terror, violence and hatred throughout the Middle East."

Shaked warns of ‘earthquake’ if Israel’s top court quashes nation-state law

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked on Sunday warned of an “earthquake” if Israel’s High Court 
of Justice struck down the widely-contested Jewish nation-state law.
In an interview with Army Radio Shaked explained that she did not believe the court had the authority to constitutionally quash the legislation given it was passed as a Basic Law.
“High Court justices are very serious and professional people,” she said. “The Knesset is the 
constituent assembly, which defines and determines the basic laws. [The justices] have to 
interpret the laws in accordance with the basic laws, and I don’t believe a majority on the 
Supreme Court would take such a step.”

Sen. Cory Booker Takes Jews For Fools ... Says He Had No Idea Sign He Held Is Linked To Pro-Palestinian Movement

 Sen. Cory Booker, seen as a likely contender for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, appears in a photo  endorsing a slogan of the pro-Palestinian movement.
A Booker spokesman told JTA the senator had no idea the sign had anything to do with Israel.
Booker, a New Jersey Democrat who is known for his "closeness" to the Jewish community, is seen posing while holding a sign reading “From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go” and depicting a crumbling brick wall. The slogan was coined by the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, which posted the photo Friday on Twitter.

Bein Hazmanim Tragedies Resulting from Bitul Torah: HaRav Shlomo Amar:

Being Grabbed by Pretty Girls, another "Bein Hazmanim" activity

Jerusalem Sephardic Chief Rabbi HaRav Shlomo Moshe Amar responded to the growing number of tragedies impacting the chareidi tzibur during this bein hazmanim R”L.
The rav warns that the tragedies are occurring as a result of the bitul Torah that accompanies bein hazmanim.
“As a rule, during these days, ‘bein hazmanim’, unfortunately, there are many tragedies because there is a great deal of bitul Torah. This is not a simple matter. There is so much bitul Torah. This is most serious and as if the bitul Torah was not enough, it leads to many aveiros” Rav Amar stated.
The rav calls on bnei Torah, “So much care should be taken when one heads out, even if the intentions are good – in order for a person to rest and relax, and one must take great care all the time, all the more so during bein hazmanim”.
This morning, the shocking data revealed that five people were killed and 23 injured in a series of disasters, ranging from children to road accidents or the dangers of hiking.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Yeshivah Boys Now Protesting So They Can Have Girls Touch Them

שלשה אוחזים בטלת 
Yeshivah Boys have raging hormones just like the public school kids, so the gemmarah kups ..  found a great way to get their jollies off.... by protesting ....... knowing full well that the pretty police officers will run to grab them.

Anyone have a nice shidduch for this pervert???
This "bein hazmanim" business is a very bad idea ...
I thought that Torah was a full time profession.... I guess not!

Hat tip: Sam Kay

"Feigelach" Harass, Threaten, Rabbi Who Dared Criticize LGBT Parade

Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu

Following the publication of an article by Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu, son of Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu and the chairman of Israel’s Association of Community Rabbis, against the LGBT community, he and his family have been the victims of a daily campaign of harassment and threats.
“Since I published the article on the Internet, my family has been the subject of intense attacks,” Rabbi Eliyahu said.
“It means ordering services to the house, people who call all the time, we have reached the point where my children simply disconnected the phone,” he added.
According to Rabbi Eliyahu, this is part of a retaliatory action by members of the LGBT community, who published his phone number online.
Apart from the phone harassment, Rabbi Eliyahu and his family are also exposed to threats on the Internet, including shocking wishes and slander.
“People write about my children all kinds of very unpleasant things,” he said. “It’s a very difficult feeling that you can’t say what you think without experiencing this kind of intense attack,” he explained.
Rabbi Eliyahu, who chose to speak publicly against the LGBT community’s struggle to extend the coverage of the Surrogacy Law to male homosexual couples, resented the brutal censorship he experienced. “It is inconceivable that in the State of Israel only one type of person is allowed to speak, and they are considered moral, while anyone who wants to protest their position cannot do so.”
Rabbi Eliyahu complained that “there are those who are permitted to trade in people, to trade in children, to trade in women, to create for themselves a child, and anyone who wants to express the Torah’s contrary position cannot.”
“It is reminiscent of the time of the Gaza disengagement, the time of Oslo, when the media align themselves with one position, and anyone who thinks otherwise it becomes a murderer, an inciter, and a danger to the democracy,” he said, adding, “It’s a shame that the media are aligned with this one position, and does not allow a large part of the nation to express their position.”
Rabbi Eliyahu urged “rabbis, intellectuals, people of Torah, to write, to express themselves, to show up.”
The Association of Community Rabbis in Israel has launched a new initiative for Rabbis, educators, and anyone who wishes that his Torah to be submitted properly, pass the screen and reach an audience.
The group issued an invitation to all of the above, saying: “We aspire to deliver Jewish information to human hearts all over the world, and we begin with you, on the 28th of Av (August 9), at a Spirituality and Media conference which will train people of Torah in the arts of writing, speaking and television.”

Does Trump's 'ultimate deal' reject PLO propaganda?

President Trump’s as-yet unannounced “ultimate deal” to resolve the Arab-Jewish conflict has received a setback following Saudi Arabia’s King Salman reassuring Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas that Saudi Arabia would oppose any Trump peace plan that did not accept the PLO stance on East Jerusalem becoming the capital of an independent Palestinian Arab state.

The PLO claim to East Jerusalem is based on its own propaganda and that of the United Nations which claims East Jerusalem to be “occupied territory”.

Collusion:Dianne Feinstein’s Longtime Driver Was a Chinese Spy

An alleged Chinese spy reportedly infiltrated Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) office by posing as her driver for 20 years, according to multiple reports.

Reports from Politico and the San Francisco Chronicle revealed the alleged Chinese government mole posed as a staffer in Feinstein’s San Francisco office— serving as the California Democrat’s driver, Asian-American community liaison, and stand-in for the senator at Chinese consulate events.

Politico reported that the staffer allegedly delivered non-top-secret political intelligence to Chinese consulate officials in San Francisco. Five years ago, the FBI told Feinstein—who served as chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee—that her staffer was a spy.
The California Democrat was reportedly “mortified” by the news and fired the staffer but did not disclose the news to the rest of her staff.
The FBI could not charge the individual with espionage because none of what he leaked was considered to be classified information, making it difficult for the agency to prosecute him.
“Think about Diane Feinstein and what she had access to,” security analyst and former FBI agent Jeff Harp told KPIX. “One, she had access to the Chinese community here in San Francisco; great amount of political influence. Two, correct me if I’m wrong, Dianne Feinstein still has very close ties to the intelligence committees there in Washington, D.C.
Other Feinstein staffers also had links to foreign intelligence. A former Feinstein staffer who worked on the Democratic Senate Intelligence Committee hired former British spyChristopher Steele and Fusion GPS after Donald Trump was elected president to “expose Russian interference.”

Chassidic Monsey Yeshivah Celebrates Student's Aliyah & Israel!

In one of the Hasidic Yiddish Speaking Cheders in Monsey NY a farewell (goodbye) party was held by fellow classmates and the principal for a 10 year old the day before he made Aliyah. 
The event even caught the attention of Ambassador Danny Dayan.
The General Studies Principal Rabbi Moshe Klein said in a statement:
“The idea came from the students themselves who decided to throw a good bye party to their friend.
One child brought a blue & white cake another brought Israeli Hummus and so on.
The school has a unique geography program where every child is an “Ambassador” and represents a country. 
The Israeli representative gave the boy an Israeli flag pin, while the Saudi Ambassador gave that boy a cake where it said in Hebrew “and you should inherit the land” and said a blessing in Arabic saying there should be peace in the region.
It got media attention from senior Israeli Officials:
Ambassador Danny Dayan tweeted: 
In the Yiddish-speaking Hasidic Cheider “Imrei Shefer” the students and the principal – my good friend Moishe Klein – bid farewell to one of the children that made Aliyah to Jerusalem. 

Its "ok" for Satmar to build 2nd Monroe Village antagonizing Goyim But It's not "ok" For Jews to Build Settlements In Their Very Own Land!

Satmar Rebbe, R' Aron Teitelbaum, is ראש וראשון in attacking Jews building in Yehudah and Shomron which is part of Eretz Yisroel proper, claiming that building in the settlements is "antagonizing the goyim" but he has no problem "antagonizing goyim" in chutz le'aaretz, the land of the goyim itself.

The following is via News12:
A bitter turf war between residents in an Orange County town is heating up again, a little more than a year after both sides reached an agreement to end it.
Tensions between Monroe residents and their Hasidic Jewish neighbors in Kiryas Joel had calmed after an agreement to split off the village into its own town, Palm Tree.
But a new petition is requesting more land from Monroe to form a second — and much larger — Hasidic community that would be called the Village of Seven Springs.
The proposed new village would span about 2 miles and more than a thousand acres.
“It’s another attempt to skirt the present zoning laws, and it’s not in the spirit of anything all the people of Monroe have accomplished,” says John Allegro, a member of the community group United Monroe.
In the Palm Tree agreement, leaders in Kiryas Joel had pledged not to request any land annexations for 10 years. Allegro says he doesn’t think they’re behind the push.
He blames developers who want to alter zoning in the area.
An attorney for those developers released a vague statement Friday.
“The people who petitioned to form the Village of Seven Springs did so to control their own destiny and create the type of community they desire,” it read.
Town officials say the plan needs review before they can hold a public hearing or eventual vote.
But even then, parts of the land are already the focus of several lawsuits that would need to be resolved first.
(Source: News12)

Charedi Savages Attack HaRav Shmuel Rabinowitz in Jerusalem on Friday Night

HaRav Shmuel Rabinowitz, the Rabbi of the Kodel and holy sites, was attacked on Friday night by dozens of Chareidi savages on Shmuel Hanavi Street in Jerusalem.
Every Friday night, following davening at the Kosel, Rabbi Rabinowitz makes his way home from the Koselto his house in in the Ezras Torah neighborhood. The Rabbi makes his way with his family and two bodyguards who go with him for fear of his being attacked. This past Friday night, that fear became a reality.
Dozens of uncivilized animals dressed as Meah Shearim humans, emerged from the Meah Shearim neighborhood and lay in wait for Rabbi Rabinowitz on Shmuel Hanavi Street. When they clearly identified Rabbi Rabinowitz, they fell upon him screaming and shouting while his family stood around him and his bodyguards placed themselves in between the wild animals and the Rabbi.
According to a report that appeared on Kikar Shabbos, that background for the attack was the work that is being carried out in Meron near the gravesite of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. The savages screamed at Rabbi Rabinowitz that he is “desecrating Meron.”
The savages continued their shouting and screaming against Rabbi Rabinowitz accompanying him and his family to the Ba Ilan intersection, at which point other residents of the Bar Ilan neighborhood came out of their homes to the defense of the Rabbi. That is when violence broke out between the two groups.

R’ Moshe Spilman Coordinator Of Monsey Hatzolah Dies at 47 Years

R’ Moshe fought an illness the past few years, but unfortunately died on Friday morning.
The Niftar was one of the Monsey (Rockland) Hatzolah Coordinators. He was known in Hatzolah as “Unit 39”. In addition to being an active member and coordinator, he was a longtime dispatcher as well.
A Monsey Hatzolah member tells YWN, that for many years the Niftar oversaw the entire fleet of ambulances and ensured that the equipment was always fully stocked; and that Hatzolah had the most advanced life-saving tools available. He did this for years with great devotion and Mesiras Nefesh.
He leaves behind a grieving wife and children, and an extended family of grieving Hatzolah members.
The Levaya will take place at 1:00PM at Yeshiva Spring Valley (BOYS) 121 College Road, then passing the Hatzolah garage on Grandview and Route 306 at 2:00PM. The Kevura will be in Monsey.

Saturday, August 4, 2018


The New York Times announced Monday it hired left-wing writer Sarah Jeong, who has a long history of racist tweets, to be the lead technology writer for the newspaper’s editorial board.
Yes, Jeong's racism is excused because she hates whites - e.g.: "white people [are] only fit to live underground like groveling goblins”, "cancelwhitepeople" and "Dumbass fuc-ing white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants".
Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.
Substitute any other color and see how that flies.
But this is the one racism that the New York Times will bend over backwards to excuse - and by accusing others of racist abuse:

She is a young Asian woman have made her a subject of frequent online harassment. For a period of time she responded to that harassment by imitating the rhetoric of her harassers... She regrets it, and The Times does not condone it.
Brilliant playing of the victim card.
I can see why the NYT is desperate to hire a technology writer who boasts that "I was equating Trump to Hitler before it was cool". This is someone it can easily slot into the desk next to Trump-deranged Israel bashing Paul Krugman and the self hating Jew Thomas Friedman.
But will the NYT now excuse angry whites who in turn respond to Jeong's racist abuse by "imitating the rhetoric" of their harasser, and being equally and deplorably racist in their abuse of her?

Watch Sarah Sanders Put Fake News Jim Acosta In His Place

Sigheter Goyim Deface Eli Weisel's Childhood Home

The childhood home of late Nobel Prize-winning author and Holocaust survivor Elie Weisel was vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti overnight Friday, police in the Romanian town of Sighet told local media.
A police spokesperson on Saturday said an investigation into the vandalism had been opened immediately, and police were combing security camera footage from a nearby building in an effort to identify the perpetrators.
Some of the graffiti included slurs against Wiesel, calling him a “Jewish Nazi” who was “in hell with Hitler,” and an “anti-Semitic pedophile.” There was also a reference to Germany’s Angela Merkel, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and US President Donald Trump.
Wiesel’s pre-World War II home was converted into a Holocaust education center in 2014 in memory of the 13,000 local Jews who were deported to Auschwitz, where most were killed.
In 2014, when it was inaugurated the “Holocaust Cellar,” Weisel said he was “deeply honored” his home would be a place where the local Romanian population could learn about the Holocaust.
“The opening of the Holocaust Cellar supports my life’s efforts to ensure that humanity never forgets the evil that took place there and throughout Europe,” he wrote.
In a press statement cited by the Romanian news site Realitatea.net, the Israeli embassy expressed its “dismay” over the incident, condemning “this unprecedented anti-Semitic act” and expressing its hope that the perpetrators would quickly be brought o justice.
The news site also said the embassy thanked the police and local authorities for promptly removing the graffiti.
A group of Romanian high school students waiting outside Elie Wiesel’s childhood home to take a tour of the now Holocaust museum, Monday, September 11, 2017. (Yaakov Schwartz/Times of Israel)
In 1944, When Wiesel was 15, he and his family, along with the rest of the Jews in the Sighet area, were rounded up and forced into ghettos. Several months later, 131,639 of them were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and most were exterminated.
In total, between 280,000 and 380,000 Romanian and Ukrainian Jews were murdered or died during the Holocaust in territories under Romanian control during World War II.
Wiesel, who was considered “the world’s leading spokesman on the Holocaust,” is remembered for his life’s work in keeping alive the memory of the genocide that killed six million Jews during World War II.

Your almond milk might be tainted with actual milk

Health nuts, back away from your smoothies.
The Food and Drug Administration recently announced a recall of dairy-free Blue Diamond Almond Breeze almond milk over reports of contamination with . . . actual milk.
The popular dairy-free brand, produced by HP Hood LLC — a New England-based dairy — will pull more than 145,000 half-gallon cartons of their refrigerated vanilla variety from stores and wholesalers in 28 states, including New Jersey, NJ.com reports. The recall applies to Vanilla Almond Breeze with a use-by date of September 2, 2018.
In a press release, a representative from the FDA says, “People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products.”
According to the FDA, there has been one reported instance of an allergic reaction, though medical attention was not necessary.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Yona Weinberg .... Where Are You???????????????

Parshat Ekev ...

by Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler

In analyzing the Book of Devarim, it is the generally accepted
practice to divide the book into three sections, one for each of Moses’ major speeches. In his first speech, which ends at the beginning of Parshat Va’etchanan, Moses recounts the history of the Israelites’ wanderings in the desert.

In the second speech – which is included in this week’s Parasha, Ekev – Moses discusses the commandments, which he continuously exhorts us to uphold.

He does not suffice with a passing mention of the commandments, but instead emphasizes why it is so important for the nation to preserve this system. He talks about how the nation was given manna to eat during the years they spent in the desert, and describes how difficult
it was for the nation, which had no guarantee that food would be provided.