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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Madeleine "Halflbright" Says She’s ‘Ready To Register As Muslim’

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the "alteh katchkeh," said Wednesday she is prepared to “register as Muslim” in solidarity amid reports that President Trump plans to take executive action affecting immigrants to the U.S., THE HILL report.

Madeleine Halfbright is a Jew, whose family escaped the Holocaust!

Albright’s tweets came amid reports this week that Trump was expected to sign executive orders including a temporary ban on most refugees and suspending visas for foreign nationals from seven countries.


ABC aired a promo for a show about a fictional president being shot during their much hyped interview with Donald Trump last night.

The clip is a promo for episode 11 of the ABC show Designated Survivor, in which Kiefer Sutherland plays an obscure cabinet secretary who is “unexpectedly thrust into the presidency after an attack at the capitol during a State of the Union address.”
The scene shows the fictional president attending the swearing in of a Congressman before a gunshot is heard and panic ensues.
“Who took the bullet?” asks the promo before the scene cuts to a hospital as surgeons operate on the victim.
Viewers did not find out in the previous cliffhanger episode if the president in the show was shot or if someone else “took the bullet,” although the implication that the president could have been the victim is clear.
One viewer complained to Infowars that he thought the airing of the ad during the interview with Trump was “distasteful”.
The idea of Trump being assassinated has repeatedly been invoked by commentators, journalists and television networks.
Back in February last year, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat caused outrage after he joked about how an assassination attempt could end Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Douthat tweeted a clip from a movie in which a political figure is gunned down by an assassin.
The day before his inauguration, CNN aired a piece asking what would happen if Trump was killed in an attack, along the same lines as the plot inDesignated Survivor.
A German newspaper publisher and editor Josef Joffe appeared on a panel show during which he “joked” that someone in the White House could “murder” Trump to end his presidency.

Aaron David Miller and David Makovsky, Jews that Worked in State Department stab Israel in the Face!

Jewish Kapos arresting a fellow Jew in the Ghetto
Someday, perhaps, a team of sociologists and psychologists will examine the curious question of why Jewish ex-State Department officials are obsessed with Israel. Until that day comes, though, the rest of us will be stuck having to listen to those officials’ relentless harassment of Israel and promotion of the Palestinian cause.
As the US debates whether to move the American embassy  in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the New York Times trotted out two former State Department officials, both Jewish, to pour cold water on the idea.
The officials, Aaron David Miller and David Makovsky, now enjoy well-heeled positions at the Woodrow Wilson International Center and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, respectively. They are benefiting handsomely from the revolving door that shuttles State Department alumni to nearby think tanks, where they can spend their days explaining how they know what’s best for Israel.
In an endless stream of media interviews, op-eds and insufferable policy papers, Miller, Makovsky and many others never stop reminding us that they know more about Middle East peace than do Israel’s democratically elected leaders and battle-tested generals.
The irony is that pretty much any taxi driver in Tel Aviv understands the Israeli-Palestinian situation far better than the self-crowned experts at Foggy Bottom, present or past. The only thing that the State Department’s Mideast veterans are really experts at is getting things wrong.
Just look at their track record:
They said Yasser Arafat could be trusted the first time around, when the US recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1988. They were wrong.
They said that Arafat could be trusted the second time around, after the 1993 Oslo Accords. They were wrong.
They said that if Israel stopped building settlements, there would be peace. They were wrong.
They said that if Israel froze construction in existing settlements, there would be peace. They were wrong.
They said that if Israel offered the Palestinians a state, there would be peace. Three Israeli prime ministers heeded that advice. Wrong again.
Now the Jewish Arabists come to warn about moving the embassy. The Trump Administration must declare “both privately and publicly, that they’re not moving [the embassy] to presuppose the legal status of the Old City and east Jerusalem,” Makovsky declared.
By “presuppose,” Makovsky means that the US should declare that it is not recognizing “the Old City and east Jerusalem” as belonging to Israel.
Well, why not? Why shouldn’t the US recognize all of Jerusalem as belonging to Israel? Does Makovsky think that “the Old City and east Jerusalem” belong to somebody else?
Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for more than 3,000 years. It has never been anyone else’s capital. Both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible define it as a Jewish city. Judaism’s holiest site is in the Old City of Jerusalem. Islam’s holiest site is in Saudi Arabia. The Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, which establish the basis in international law for the rise of the State of Israel, clearly included Jerusalem — eastern and western, Old City and new city — as being part of the Jewish homeland.
I’m willing to give Makovsky the benefit of the doubt. I’ll assume that his perspective may have been compromised by all the time he has spent doing joint speaking appearances with longtime Palestinian Authority (PA) official Ghaith Al-Omari. Maybe if you spend a lot of time with a PA spokesman, you start believing the PA’s insane claims that Jerusalem has been a “Palestinian” city since the beginning of time, that the Jewish Temples in Jerusalem never existed and that the Western Wall is really a Muslim religious site called the “al-Buraq wall.”
But there’s a simple cure for the PA’s fake history and conspiracy theories. All you need to do is pick up any mainstream history book about the Middle East to learn the basic facts about the history and legal status of Jerusalem.
What a shame that David Makovsky, Aaron Miller, Dennis Ross, Martin Indyk and the rest have traveled so many thousands of miles back and forth between the US and the Middle East, when all they ever needed to do was to pay a visit to their local library.
Stephen M. Flatow, a vice president of the Religious Zionists of America, is an attorney in New Jersey. He is the father of Alisa Flatow, who was murdered in an Iranian-sponsored Palestinian terrorist attack in 1995.

Shaya Lichtenstein secretly recorded some 70,000 conversations, including many with cops. Singing like a Chazzan

A crooked gun broker secretly made thousands of recordings of conversations with corrupt NYPD cops, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.
The revelation likely will send shock waves through the department.
In a letter filed in Manhattan Federal Court, prosecutors said Alex (Shaya) Lichtenstein secretly recorded some 70,000 conversations, including many with cops.
In November, Lichtenstein pleaded guilty to bribing NYPD officers to obtain pistol licenses.
Lichtenstein saved the conversations to an e-mail account, “many of them contemporaneous memorialization of dealings of questionable legality with members of the NYPD,” according to the letter written by Assistant U.S. Attorney Martin Bell.
“During our initial review of those recordings, we learned that some of these calls implicated at least one of the defendants in this case.”
The feds said they also got “material” from the phones of Jeremy Reichberg, a Brooklyn businessman who is accused of doling out gifts to senior cops, including trips to the Super Bowl, Brazil and China, sources said.
That material was not described in any more specifics.
Lichtenstein pleaded guilty on Nov. 10 to offering a cop $6,000 in exchange for an expedited gun permit.
“I had a good and friendly relationship with New York City police officers. During these years, I gave police officers in the Licensing Division things of value, including money, knowing that by giving them those things, the officers would do me favors, including expediting gun license applications,” Lichtenstein, 45, said.
Sgt. David Villanueva is accused of accepting gifts in exchange for helping speed up weapons permits.
Police Officer Richard Ochetal, formerly of the gun licensing unit, pleaded guilty to charges relating to the probe — and is cooperating with cops, the feds said in June.
Deputy Chief Michael Harrington and Deputy Inspector James Grant were also arrested for allegedly acting as "cops on call" for Reichberg and another wealthy de Blasio donor, Jona Rechnitz.

Trump may cut ties with UN over its support for the PA

The Trump administration is preparing executive orders that would clear the way for the United States to reduce ties with organizations that support the Palestinian Authority (PA) or Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), including the United Nations, officials said Wednesday, according to The New York Times.

The first of the two draft orders, titled “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations” and obtained by the newspaper, calls for terminating funding for any United Nations agency or other international body that meets any one of several criteria.

Those criteria include organizations that give full membership to the Palestinian Authority or Palestine Liberation Organization, or support programs that fund abortion or any activity that circumvents sanctions against Iran or North Korea.

The draft order also calls for terminating funding for any organization that “is controlled or substantially influenced by any state that sponsors terrorism” or is blamed for the persecution of marginalized groups or any other systematic violation of human rights, according to The New York Times.

The order calls for then enacting “at least a 40 percent overall decrease” in remaining United States funding toward international organizations.

The order establishes a committee that would recommend where those funding cuts should be made. It asks the committee to look specifically at United States funding for peacekeeping operations; the International Criminal Court; development aid to countries that “oppose important United States policies”; and the United Nations Population Fund, which oversees maternal and reproductive health programs.

If Trump signs the order and its provisions are carried out, the cuts could severely curtail the work of United Nations agencies, which rely on billions of dollars in annual United States contributions for missions that include caring for refugees, noted The New York Times.

The second executive order, “Moratorium on New Multilateral Treaties,” calls for a review of all current and pending treaties with more than one other nation. It asks for recommendations on which negotiations or treaties the United States should leave.

American lawmakers have increasingly criticized the UN over the last month, in the wake of the Security Council passing Resolution 2334, which condemned Israel’s presence in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem.

Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) recently introduced a law that would block taxpayer dollars from going toward the UN. The U.S. provides the UN with 22% of its funding.

A day after the UN resolution passed, Cruz had called on the United States to withhold funding to the global body until it reverses its decision. Similarly, Graham announced his intention to introduce the legislation shortly after the vote.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee suggested that the United States should pull its portion of the UN’s funding and allocate the funds to serve American veterans.

Trump himself criticized the UN following the passing of the anti-Israel resolution, saying the global body is “not living up to its potential” and asserting that the UN causes problems instead of solving them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What drove Aron Austerlits to take his life?

A Rockland father who was found fatally shot in the woods last week died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to News 12 sources.
Ramapo police wouldn’t confirm the victim’s identity, but News 12 sources say the victim was Aron Austerlits. The information given to News 12 by police did match the details provided by News 12 sources. His body was found at Viola Park in Monsey.
Austerlits spent his entire life in the ultra-orthodox village of New Square until 2011 when he was allegedly banished by religious leaders.
See video of protest against Aron years ago ..

Sources say the father of eight was banished alongside New Square firebombing victim Aron Rottenberg.
A friend of Austerlits said he helped a lot of people and gave charity to people privately.

Obama kicks Jews in the heart minutes before Trump's Inauguration

 איש צר ואוייב אובמה הרע הזה

Obama's last look at White House

The Obama administration sent $221 million to the Palestinian Authority on Friday as President Obama prepared to leave the White House for the last time, The Associated Press reports.

The outgoing administration formally notified Congress of the decision just hours before President Trump was inaugurated.

Congress had initially approved the spending. But two House Republicans, Reps. Ed Royce (Calif.), who serves as the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Kay Granger (Texas), who is on the powerful Appropriations Committee, put holds on the aid money because the Palestinian Authority was seeking membership in international organizations.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry notified some lawmakers about the decision to release the money on Thursday, the AP reports.

The $221 million sent to the Palestinian Authority is intended to provide humanitarian aid in ares such as Gaza and the West Bank, as well as to support political reforms there.
The Obama administration also notified lawmakers on Friday that it would release $6 million in foreign spending, with $4 million of it going to programs to fight climate change and $1.25 million to United Nations organizations.
Trump has voiced skepticism about climate change in the past and has criticized the U.N.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Satmar loved Obama ...but Obama bit them in the ass and refused to pardon the Satmar Samet!

For the last eight years, the Satmar Tucheslekkers, were licking the derriere of Hussain Obama, writing letters to Congress, begging then not to attend Natanyahu's address to congress,who was warning legislators of the Iran Nuclear threat against the State of Israel...

They then endorsed Hillary Clinton, putting all the eggs in her losing basket....warning their Chassidim that Trump supported the State of Israel ..... 
So what did they get after putting all their "bitachon" and "amunah" in an anti-Semite?
A big kick in the ass!!!!

Obama refused to pardon Samat, who is rotting in jail, while commuting the sentence of an unrepentant murderer of two Jews!

Advice to Satmar: Put your Bitachon and Amunah in the Ribbono Shel Olam!

Women’s March Organizer Recently Met Ex-Hamas Operative, Has Family Ties To Terror Group

Salah Sarsour (left) with Linda Sarsour (right) at MAS-ICNA convention. Via Facebook
Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.
Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House “Champion of Change,” was speaking at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America.
While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.
Salah Sarsour, who is also a board member of American Muslims for Palestine, served as a bodyguard of sorts at the convention for Sumeyye Erdogan Bayraktar, the daughter of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

While it is unclear if Salah and Linda are related (though they share the same surname, she has suggested in the past on social media that they are not and did not respond to requests for comment), she has other family ties to alleged Hamas operatives. Though she avoids discussing it now, Sarsour has acknowledged in past interviews that she has cousins serving prison time in Israel because of their work for Hamas.
Sarsour has denied having any contact with the terror group. She told The New York Times in 2012 that she would not have been appointed an Obama “Champion of Change” if she had.
The activist has risen to national attention recently. She served as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, and she is one of four lead organizers for the Women’s March.
The event is expected to attract 500,000 people and will feature several high-profile progressive speakers. But it has been heavily criticized for excluding pro-life women’s groups. Meanwhile, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil rights group which opposes abortions past 20 weeks, was asked to take part in the event.
Linda Sarsour has close ties to that organization, which was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) terrorism case.
HLF was found to have funneled money to Hamas, which was designated a terrorist group in the 1990s.
Salah Sarsour met Awadallah in 1995 while serving an eight month prison sentence in Israel for supporting Hamas.
Sarsour has not been charged with any crimes in the U.S. His brother Jamil was arrested and charged in 2003 with money laundering after returning back to the U.S. from Israel. He served a four year jail sentence for his work for Hamas.
Salah Sarsour has ties to that group.
Sarsour was implicated in Hamas activity in the West Bank in the 1990s, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
ADL cited a Nov. 2001 FBI memo detailing information provided by Sarsour’s brother, Jamil, to Israeli investigators in 1998.
“According to statements given to Israeli investigators by his brother Jamil, Sarsour was personally involved in fundraising for Hamas. According to a November 2001 FBI memorandum, Jamil Sarsour was arrested in 1998 for funding Hamas and told Israeli investigators that Salah Sarsour was involved in funding Hamas through his fundraising for the Holy Land Foundation (HLF),” ADL reported.
The FBI memo stated that the Sarsours passed money in $1,000 and $2,000 increments to a Hamas operative named Adel Awadallah through their Milwaukee furniture store.
Awadallah was a commander in the Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ militant wing.

White House Rips Media Lies About Donald Trump

Thursday, January 19, 2017


An act of utter irresponsibility occurred on CNN last night on Wolf Blitzer’s show — an act of total derangement, irresponsibility, and danger. To me, what CNN did last night disqualifies them from discussions of journalism, from giving them serious consideration and credibility. 

CNN slammed for encouraging violence with bizarre report

CNN has been criticized for airing a report which revealed that an Obama appointee would become president if Donald Trump was killed during an attack on the inauguration tomorrow.
Entitled Disaster could put Obama cabinet member in Oval Office, the report admits that there is no specific threat targeting the inauguration, but goes on to speculate about “who would be in charge if an attack hit the incoming president….just as the transfer of power is underway”.
An individual named the “designated presidential successor” will not attend the inauguration as a security precaution, “but it won’t be a Trump cabinet secretary….it will be an Obama appointee,” reports CNN.
The report emphasizes that “a president from the prior administration” will take power if there is an attack due to the fact that none of Trump’s cabinet secretaries have been confirmed yet.
According to CNN, the designated presidential successor is likely to be Tom Shannon, the Under Secretary For Political Affairs, and an Obama appointee.
The report teases the potential for an attack on the inauguration by asserting it would create “chaos” and “high theater,” before airing clips from ABC’s Designated Survivor show in which Kiefer Sutherland plays an obscure cabinet secretary who is “unexpectedly thrust into the presidency after an attack at the capitol during a State of the Union address.”
Given the huge number of death threats leveled at Trump – including one family friend of Hillary Clinton who was arrested after he threatened to assassinate Trump at the inauguration – is CNN irresponsible in drawing attention to this issue?
Respondents to the video on YouTube, which was heavily thumbed down, slammed CNN for almost encouraging a violent attack against Trump.
“Totally not suggesting anything here, huh CNN?” commented one.
“So leftist terrorists know who they need to take out, so that dems can stay in power? This is irresponsible journalism,” added another.
“I flagged this video as dangerous to the president elect, and that it might foment violence,” wrote another.
The charges are not without precedent. After Thomas DiMassimo tried to rush the stage to violently confront Trump during an event in Ohio last year,CNN gave him a platform to denounce Trump as a “bully”.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Shmuly Yanklowitz Fake "Frum" Shmendrik Rabbi rewrites prayer - to avoid blessing Trump

With Hollywood celebs, far-left activists, and even some congressional Democrats still unwilling to accept President-elect Donald Trump’s surprise victory in November's democratic elections, disavowing their new Commander in Chief with slogans like “Not My President” and a movement to boycott the inauguration, one prominent left-wing rabbi has found his own unique way to protest the president.

Shmuly Yanklowitz, a young punk,an Open Orthodox rabbi and dean of the Valley Beit Midrash in Phoenix, Arizona, has responded to the election of the 45th President of the United States by rewriting the traditional Shabbat prayer for the US President - so as to avoid actually blessing him.

Jews made it a custom to pray for the welfare of the nation and ruler in which worshipers reside. Most Orthodox prayer books in the United States contain this prayer:

“He who grants salvation to kings and dominion to rulers, whose kingdom is a kingdom spanning all eternity, who releases David his servant from the evil sword, who places a road in the sea and a path in the mighty waters, may he bless The President, the Vice President, and all the Constituted Officers of Government of this Land. The King who reigns over Kings in his mercy may he protect them from every trouble, woe, and injury, may he rescue them and put into their hearts and into the hearts of all their councilors compassion to do good with us and with all Israel, our brethren. In their days and in ours, may Judah be saved and may Israel dwell securely, and may the Redeemer come to Zion. So may it be his will, and let us say: Amen.”

Yanklowitz, who founded the Uri L’Tzedek Orthodox Social Justice organization, on Monday publicized an alternative prayer, dropping the blessing for the success of America’s president and instead accusing the incoming president of promoting white supremacy.

Yanklowitz, who founded the Uri L’Tzedek Orthodox Social Justice organization, on Monday publicized an alternative prayer, dropping the blessing for the success of America’s president and instead accusing the incoming president of promoting white supremacy.
“Because of my commitment to the integrity of prayer, starting this week, I can no longer recite or say amen to the Shabbat prayer for the success of the U.S. President,” Yanklowitz wrote.

“I felt that it was not enough to simply avoid the U.S. President in the prayer for the government but to remind myself of the billions of vulnerable people who are at risk under his rule, and challenge myself each Shabbat to build up the strength for another week of spiritual resistance.”

The prayer itself reads in part: “Guide the incoming leader of this country away from his basest instincts, thwart his plans to target certain groups and strengthen white supremacy; for You know, God, that all were created in Your image.”

“We pray that the decrees from the Executive office do not harm the innocent. We pray that any policies that are meant to harm the vulnerable in prioritization of the powerful and privileged will be quashed. Should there be plans that will merely benefit the most privileged Americans, but not all of humankind and the planet we call home, may they fail. May our nation not consort or conspire with totalitarian despots but reaffirm our commitment to freedom and democracy. Grant us the strength to demonstrate spiritual resistance, to imbue our sinews with the highest integrity. Give us the wisdom and courage to do what’s right to protect the most powerless and defenseless in society.”

In the past, Yanklowitz has criticized Jewish supporters of Trump, writing that even “engagement” with the then-GOP presumptive nominee was “an embarrassment” to the Jewish people.

“Any engagement w/ Trump is an embarrassment to the holy descendants of Abraham & Sarah, the State of Israel, & to any person of conscience.
Let's wash out our ears for even listening out of curiosity! #DumpTrump

Monday, January 16, 2017

Bloggers could be invited to White House Press Briefings

So DIN is getting ready to work out of Washington DC ...... and will now be able to get briefed by the White House .....we will first consult our Posik .....
Talk radio hosts and bloggers could be invited to official White House press briefings once the Trump administration takes office, under a highly irregular proposal being floated that may also remove briefings from the West Wing.
Trump’s pick for White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, said on Sunday that due to “off the chart” interest in the new administration, the president-elect was considering moving briefings from the James S Brady press briefing room, which has been used by presidents to address the media since 1970, to a venue with a greater capacity.
A report published by Esquire magazine on Saturday indicated the venue could be inside the Old Executive Office Building, just west of the White House.
“I know change is difficult sometimes,” Spicer told Fox News. “But sometimes change can actually be better.”
Spicer argued the proposal would mean “you can involve more people, be more transparent, have more accessibility”. He suggested that this would mean outlets that are not traditionally part of the White House press corps would be able to ask questions during presidential press briefings.
“There’s a lot of talk radio and bloggers and people that can’t fit in right now and maybe don’t have a permanency because they’re not part of the Washington elite media,” Spicer said, “but to allow them an opportunity to ask the press secretary or the president a question is a positive thing. It’s more democratic.”
Around 200 journalists make up the White House press corps. The Brady press briefing room holds 49 seats for major media organisations, which are granted space by the White House Correspondent Association (WHCA). The Guardian is among those outlets allocated a space.
It remains unclear how the proposal would be implemented, but it is likely to be interpreted as a hostile rebuke to conventional media outlets around the country.
Jeff Mason, the WHCA president and Reuters White House correspondent, said he had a “constructive”, nearly two-hour meeting with Spicer on Sunday. Mason “emphasized the importance of the White House press briefing room” and its proximity to West Wing officials.
“I made clear that the WHCA would view it as unacceptable if the incoming administration sought to move White House reporters out of the press work space behind the press briefing room,” Mason said in a statement. “Access in the West Wing to senior administration officials, including the press secretary, is critical to transparency and to journalists’ ability to do their jobs.”
Spicer agreed to discuss any changes to the current system with the WHCA, Mason said.
During a chaotic press conference at Trump Tower on Wednesday, the first the businessman has held since July 2016, hundreds of journalists crammed into a small pen as Trump frequently lambasted certain media organisations and occasionally individual reporters. Trump was incensed by reports on a leaked and unsubstantiated dossier, which alleged frequent contacts between his campaign team and Russian authorities, and suggested the Kremlin held compromising material that could be used to blackmail Trump.
Trump was also asked by a reporter at Breitbart News what his views were on media ethics and “fake news”, to which he replied: “Some of the media outlets that I deal with are fake news more so than anybody. I could name them, but I won’t bother. You have a few sitting right in front of us.
“They’re very, very dishonest people, but I think it’s just something we’re going to have to live with. I guess the advantage I have is that I can speak back.”
According to the Associated Press, Breitbart News, branded by critics as a racist, far-right news site, was the only media organization to have a reserved seat in the front row for the conference. Steve Bannon, Trump’s incoming chief strategist and senior counselor, previously served as the site’s executive chairman.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Jerry Nadler will not attend Trump Inauguration

Fat, Israel back stabber, Jeff Nadler will not attend the inauguration of Donald Trump, because of Trump's feud with the Black John Lewis......

The Black John Lewis said that Trump's election was "illegitimate"....and when Trump hit him back and tweeted that Lewis' district was full of crime and that Lewis was all "talk and no action," democrats started whining that Trump messed with the nation's icon! 

Nadler voted for the Iran Nuclear deal, that gave Iranian murderers, nuclear weapons ..... dissing his Holocaust survivor constituents ....and now dissing his constituents again, who overwhelmingly voted for Trump!