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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Chareidim terrorize IDF Soldier in SHUL!

Image result for chareidie attacks on idf
There is a movement in the frum world to have people "stop talking in shul" ..... 
Every moontig n' dunershig" (monday & thursday) a Rabbi with a big beard talks on a podcast,on the internet, basically saying that all the ills of the world that have befallen the Jewish people is because of people "talking in shul!"
I'm positive that "not talking in shul" is a very good thing and would open all doors to heaven ....no doubt about that ...

But what I cannot comprehend is  a guy sitting in shul, davening and not talking .... and observes an IDF soldier davening in the same shul getting attacked and he keeps his mouth shut! 

Instead of getting up and being moiche that another Jewish child is being attacked, and not just "stam" a Jew, but a Jew who puts his life on the line every single day to help other Jews...he sits there and continues with his "ashrei"..... that "non talking guy in shul" Jew is a Rasha Me'Rusha! 
More wicked than his buddies that attacked the soldier ...

The story below was broadcast all over Israel, and yet, not one Rabbi or Gadol said a word in this special month of Ellul, a month of Teshuvah ....
Yom Kippur will not erase the aveirah of  that "non talking shul" Jew that witnessed an atrocity committed against his brother the soldier ....
I'm not talking about the miserable savages that attacked the innocent soldier that came to daven .... for them there isn't a hell hot enough ...
If I hear another podcast about "not talking in shul" I'm going to scream!
I'm going to leave the "Rabbi Havlin" story for another post another day! 

Anti-Zionist radicals harassed a haredi soldier on Sunday when he came to pray in a Jerusalem synagogue.
The soldier, who showed up at the ‘shteiblach’ [small synagogues with multiple prayer groups around the clock] in the Zichron Moshe neighborhood in the capital, was targeted by a group of locals who shouted at him, calling him a “hardak” – a portmanteau of haredi and haydak (bacteria) – and demanding he leave the area.
After enduring the verbal abuse, the soldier gave up and left the building.
Harassment of haredi draft opponents, which surged following the passage of the controversial Draft Law in 2013, has not been limited to religious soldiers. Even senior haredi officials who have compromised over the issue have found themselves targeted by fringe elements.

After anti-Zionist vandals broke into his home, Kiryat Gat Chief Rabbi Moshe Havlin has become the target of angry protests by draft opponents.
Rabbi Havlin, a member of the Chabad Hassidic movement, was a signatory on an agreement with the IDF which provided that 85% of Chabad yeshiva students will receive a two-year deferral for study, before being inducted, while 15% will be permanently exempted from military service.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Bomber used "Kosher Phones" to trigger the bombs

Ahmad Khan Rahami is taken into custody after a shootout with police Monday, Sept. 19, 2016, in Linden, N.J. Rahami was wanted for questioning in the bombings that rocked the Chelsea neighborhood of New York and the New Jersey shore town of Seaside Park. (Moshe Weiss via AP)
So it wasn't a smartphone ... the Arab savage used a simple "holy" "Kosher Phone" to try to kill as many people as he could .... 

A federal law enforcement official says three bombs found in New York and New Jersey over the weekend had one component in common: a flip-style cellphone.
The official says a pipe bomb that exploded in Seaside Park, New Jersey, was constructed with a threaded pipe and black powder.
The official says two devices found in New York City included pressure cookers, similar to the devices used in the 2013 attack the Boston Marathon that killed three and wounded hundreds of people. The device that exploded contained residue from the commercially available explosive compound Tannerite.
One of those bombs went off, injuring 29 people. The other didn’t explode.
The official was not authorized to publicly discuss the case and spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of the ongoing investigation.
Investigators say they’ve found no evidence so far that the suspect in the attacks was part of a broader terrorist cell.
New York City’s mayor and police commissioner also say no other suspects are being sought at this time.
Ahmad Khan Rahami was shot Monday in an exchange of gunfire with police in Linden, New Jersey.

Shame on the despicable ADL! Time to defund it!

The writer’s website can be viewed at www.wordfromjerusalem.com .

He may be contacted at ileibler@leibler.com
Image result for Jonathan greenblatt
ADL Jonathan Greenblatt, former Obama Employee
Irrespective on one's personal opinion of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks on Palestinian “ethnic cleansing” of Jews from any future Palestinian state, Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt’s scornful public condemnation is simply beyond the pale.

On numerous occasions over the past few months, I have expressed incredulity and subsequently anger at Greenblatt’s statements for determinedly tilting the ADL policy away from its primary mandate of combating antisemitism and steering it toward partisan social action issues.

The latest example of this was his Kumbaya remarks to a J Street audience when he effectively endorsed moral equivalence between Israelis and Palestinians, complained of our failure to recognize the legitimacy of the Palestinian narrative, questioned Israel’s democratic structure, engaged in partisan electoral politics and condemned the Republican platform as “anti-Zionist for omitting a two-state structure, and insisted that boycott, diversion and sanctions (BDS) groups – which he admittedly condemns – are “animated by a desire for justice.”

Greenblatt also continues to align the ADL with the Black Lives Matter organization, which he criticizes for accusing Israel of “ethnic cleansing,” “genocide” and for calling on black institutions to support BDS. Yet he refused to disassociate from them and continues to promote Black Lives Matter in ADL’s educational and family discussion guides in schools and elsewhere. He considers that this organization, despite its antisemitism, is promoting “critical civil rights issues that merit attention” and only “a small minority of the leaders” are responsible for the antisemitic campaigns.

Now Greenblatt, formerly employed by the Obama administration, does not seem to appreciate that his current organization – which has a charity budget in excess of $50 million – has a primary role to resist the growing tide of anti-Israelism and antisemitism that is sweeping the United States, especially on campuses. Instead, in what is utterly unprecedented from a purportedly mainstream American Jewish organization, he has publicly excoriated the position adopted by the democratically elected head of the Israeli government.

Netanyahu’s video was, as expected, criticized within Israel by the traditional left wing, but endorsed by the vast majority of Israelis. Netanyahu simply stated facts. The Palestinians have made it eminently clear again and again that a Palestinian state would be Judenrein. One only has to review the ethnic cleansing policy adopted by the Jordanians in 1948 when Jews were expelled from east Jerusalem and the Etzion Bloc.

Despite slick PR Palestinian spokesmen denying this is not the case to naïve Western audiences, there is no question in the mind of anyone who understands the situation that Jews would not be tolerated in any Palestinian hegemony – and Mahmoud Abbas has publicly said it repeatedly.

The Palestinian Authority officially supports this approach and I can only express regret that, presumably out of sensitivities to liberal Americans who refuse to confront this reality, it took so long for Netanyahu to shine the spotlight on this despicable abomination. After all, this highlights the outrageous fact that the Palestinians seek to delegitimize Jews from all our biblical homeland. Other than Muslim countries, there is no place in the world today where Jews are prohibited from living.

Netanyahu is paving the way for Israel’s response to a predictable United Nations assault on its policies later in the year. The reference to Israel’s Arab citizens makes the valid point that, despite the inevitable upheavals during the 1948 war when the nascent Jewish state was invaded by combined Arab armies, at no stage has Israel engaged in systematic ethnic cleansing of its Arab inhabitants.

Not surprisingly, the US State Department responded that “using this type of terminology is inappropriate and unhelpful” and reiterated that settlement construction is an obstacle to peace. In so doing, they failed to address the legitimate question raised by Netanyahu as to whether they accept that a Palestinian state should be Judenrein.

American Jews can agree or disagree with Netanyahu. But for the head of the ADL, a major mainstream Jewish organization, to condemn Netanyahu in the journal Foreign Affairs, and accuse him of choosing “to raise an inappropriate straw man regarding Palestinian policy toward Israeli settlements” was unprecedented and totally unacceptable. He stated further that “like the term ‘genocide,’ the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ should be restricted to actually describing the atrocity it suggests – rather than distorted to suit political ends.” Despite all the evidence to the contrary, he emphatically repudiated Netanyahu’s charge that the Palestinians seek ethnic cleansing.

Under such circumstances one would have expected that every mainstream Jewish organization would dissociate itself from Greenblatt’s statement, noting that it is not the role of an organization whose primary objective is combating antisemitism to engage in public condemnations of views expressed by the democratically elected leader of Israel. But aside from the Zionist Organization of America, a curtain of silence has again enveloped the major Jewish organizations.

It would seem that in the post-Abe Foxman era, the ADL board has knowingly empowered an individual whose outlook is not only liberal but effectively represents an echo chamber of left-wing Democratic politics. In fact, despite Greenblatt’s protestations of love for Israel and reiteration that the US Israel nexus is strong, especially after finalization of the defense agreement, the ADL’s approach to Israel is similar to that of J Street, having no hesitation in telling Israelis that it knows better than they do what is good for them.

Ossie’s Ready-To-Eat Salads Recalled For Possible Listeria Risk

Image result for ossies
SM Fish Corporation of New York is voluntarily recalling OSSIE’S brand ready to eat salads because they may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with the consumption of these products, but listeriosis, the illness caused by this bacteria, can take up to 70 days to appear.
The recalled products were sold at the firm’s seven retail outlets located in New York and New Jersey between Aug. 1, 2016, and Sept. 9, 2016.

The recalled products were packed in plastic deli containers with a UPC Code and “Best By” date codes of 8/21/16 through 10/18/16 (located on the bottom of the tub).
The recalled products are:













OSSIE’S PICKLED LOX, NET WT. 8 OZ., UPC 739885104137

OSSIE’S EGG SALAD, NET WT. 7OZ., UPC 73988570552



OSSIE’S LITE TUNA, NET WT. 7OZ., UPC 73988570551

If you purchased any of the recalled products, do not eat them. Throw them away in a sealed or double bagged container so other people and animals can’t get at them, or take them back to the place of purchase for a refund. Wash your hands well after handling these products.
Then clean out your refrigerator or wherever you stored the products with a mild bleach solution of 1 tablespoon liquid chlorine bleach to 1 gallon of warm water to kill any remaining bacteria. Listeria bacteria can grow at refrigerator temperatures.
The company announced a recall of its OSSIE’S brand ready-to-eat herring salads last month, also for potential Listeria contamination.
FDA will vacate the Suspension of Food Facility Registration Order and reinstate SM Fish’s food facility registration only when the agency determines that food from its facility no longer has a reasonable probability of causing serious adverse health consequences or death to humans.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

CNN’s Jake Tapper Edits out Hillary Clinton’s ‘Bombings’ Remark


CNN’s Jake Tapper asked New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on State of the Union on Sunday morning about the supposed contrast between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in their responses to the explosions Saturday in New York, editing out Clinton’s reference to “bombings” to create a false distinction.

Tapper cited Trump referring to a “bomb” in New York, then played a clip of Clinton criticizing him for saying that — leaving out Clinton’s reference, seconds before, to what she called “bombings.”
Here is the Tapper’s question for Christie, with the edited Clinton clip:
Tapper: There is a contrast, I would say, between how you’re speaking about it and how Mr. Trump spoke about it yesterday. He’s being criticized for talking about the New York bomb before local officials or local law enforcement had a chance to do so. He told the Colorado Springs crowd that “a bomb went off in New York, and nobody knows exactly what’s going on” — that’s really just a few minutes after the incident. And his opponent tried to draw a contrast. She waited hours later, until local officials spoke, and then she said this:
Clinton (clip): I think it’s important to know the facts about any incident like this. I think it’s always wiser to wait until you have information before making conclusions.
Tapper: As a general note, do you think politicians should wait until more information comes in, and should they defer to local official and investigators? Isn’t that what you do as the governor of New Jersey?
Tapper made no mention of Clinton’s similar remark.
Here is the full, relevant exchange between Clinton and reporters on Saturday night, viaLiz Kreutz of ABC News and other sources:
Clinton: I’ve been briefed about the bombings in New York and New Jersey, and the attack in Minnesota. Obviously, we need to do everything we can to support our first responders, also to pray for the victims. We have to let this investigation unfold. We’ve been in touch with various officials, including the mayor’s office in New York, to learn what they are discovering as they conduct this investigation. And I’ll have more to say about it when we actually know the facts?
Reporter: Secretary Clinton, Do you have any reaction to the fact that Donald Trump, immediately upon taking the stage tonight, called the explosion in New York a “bomb” … ?
Clinton: Well, I think it’s important to know the facts about any incident like this. That’s why it’s critical to support the first responders, the investigators who are looking into it, trying to determine what did happen. I think it’s always wiser to wait until you have information before making conclusions because we are just in the beginning stages of trying to determine what happened.
Ironically, later in the program, while introducing Clinton’s running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), Tapper played the full clip, including Clinton’s use of the word “bombings.” Tapper did not ask Kaine about whether Clinton’s remark was appropriate.
For the record, Christie’s response to Tapper’s question defended Trump without referring to Clinton’s statement.
Christie: Well, listen, I don’t think you have to defer when saying there was an explosion and a bomb in New York. I mean, everybody knew that. It was being reported in television, Jake, so there’s a difference. Now, you shouldn’t attribute it to any particular organization or group if you don’t have the facts or information to do that. But I think that what Donald did was perfectly appropriate to tell that group in Colorado Springs a bomb exploded. This is typical of Mrs. Clinton. She has absolutely no basis to be critical of what he did yesterday …

Tapper was not all smiles for Kaine: he questioned the Democratic vice presidential nominee aggressively about Hillary Clinton’s close confident Sidney Blumenthal’s alleged role in pushing the Birther conspiracy theory in 2008.

Will Hillary stand up for America?


Minnesota mall attacker referenced Allah before stabbing rampage,but Media Looking for a Motive!!!

Sept. 17, 2016: People stand near the entrance on the north side of Crossroads Center mall between Macy's and Target as officials investigate a reported multiple stabbing incident  in St. Cloud, Minn.

ISIS claimed responsibility after a knife-wielding man injured eight people at a mall in central Minnesota Saturday evening, a bloody rampage during which he reportedly asked at least one victim whether they were Muslim and referenced Allah.
St. Cloud Police Chief William Blair Anderson said the suspect, whom he did not identify, was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer from another jurisdiction. All but one of the eight victims had been treated and released from a local hospital and all were expected to survive their injuries. 
ISIS on Sunday morning claimed responsibility for the attack, issuing a statement via a source to its Amaq news service.
"The executor of the stabbing attacks in Minnesota yesterday was a soldier of the Islamic State and carried out the operation in response to calls to target the citizens of countries belonging to the crusader coalition," the statement said.
Police responded to reports of several stabbings at the Crossroads Mall at around 8:30 p.m. local time. Witnesses also reported hearing gunshots at the scene. 
Local police had three previous encounters with the suspect, most for minor traffic violations, Anderson said, adding that the FBI had offered to help with the investigation.
"The FBI is actively engaged at the scene with the St. Cloud Police Department," the bureau said in a statement Sunday. "Law enforcement is in the process of ascertaining the facts as to what occurred last night.At this time we are still looking for a motive"
Authorities "have no reason to believe" anyone else was involved in the attacks, Anderson said. He said the stabbings occurred in several places within the mall, including corridors, businesses and common areas.
"The entire mall is an active crime scene," Anderson said, adding that the facility would be closed on Sunday.
The mall remained on lockdown following the incident, but authorities expected those remaining inside to be released early Sunday. Photos and video of the mall taken hours after the incident showed groups of shoppers waiting to be released, including some huddled together near a food court entrance.
“I went closer to the mall entrance by J.C. Penney’s and I was looking at some jeans and all the sudden people were just running in chaos,” worker Ashley Bayne told WCCO. “They were screaming, ‘Someone’s stabbing people in the mall,’ and people were just really frantic and were running.”
Harley and Tama Exsted of Isle, Minn., who were in St. Cloud to watch their son play in a college golf tournament, were in the mall.
"All of a sudden I heard pop pop pop," Harley Exsted told the St. Cloud Times. "I thought someone tipped over a shelf. All of a sudden these people started running. I just saw everybody running our way."
The two were unharmed and said they helped another woman who was running from the scene to her car.
Adonis Samuels, 42, of St. Cloud, was outside the mall where his wife Roxanne is employed as a manager at Clinique at Macy's.
"She called me on the phone and told me she was hiding under the counter with a customer," Samuels said. She later called and said she was safe in a secured area.
Samuels remained outside, watching for her. He said he'd seen her through the glass doors at one point so he knew she was safe.