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Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Mayor Of Beit Shemesh Caves into Extremists and allows them to Terrorize Beit Shemesh


The Clueless Dunce Greenberg

If you remember, Beit Shesmesh had an election last year for mayor, Shmuel Greenberg "the dunce" against the incumbent, the Mayor Dr Aliza Bloch! 

Dr. Aliza Bloch was a Mayor for all of the Beit Shemesh residents; the population of Beit Shemesh incorporates all different types, Chilonim, Dati Leumi, Sfardim, Litvaks, Chassidim, Chareidim and of course a minority of extremists! She managed to placate all of them! 

But the Chareidim, even though they hate each other guts managed somehow to unite and put up a clueless puppet Shmuel Greenberg as their candidate! They reasoned that Greenberg could be manipulated and if he would win they would pack the entire City Hall with Chareidim to cater exclusively to Chareidim! Greenberg was the candidate running under the Degel flag, and they made a deal that in the next mayoral election Shas or Aguda's candidate would be the anointed one! 

To get him elected they dragged Rav Dov Landau from Bnei-Brak who could barely walk to a Campaign Rally on a Motzei Shabbos that took place in Beit Shemesh in a Sports Center where until now the Local Chareidie Rabbis, (that will remain nameless for this post ,) prohibited יהרג ועל יעבור  to enter!
But what would we not do for כבוד התורה?

I had the honor and זכות to come to the event!
It didn't take long until someone shoved a piece of paper under Rav Landau's nose, a note for him to read to the 3,000 who attended! 

I could not believe what I heard him say!
He said that it was of utmost importance to vote for Degel in this election and that this election was a מלחמת מצוה!
I want to repeat what I just wrote!
 Rav Landau told 3,000 people that voting for the "dunce" Greenberg was a מלחמת מצוה!

The dais was packed with the local Beit Shemesh Chareidie "gedoilim' nodding along as if this was תורת אמת לאמיתו של תורה!

I must put this in the context of what was happening at that very time in Israel! 
It was 5 months after the massacre of October 7, and Jewish blood was gushing in the streets of Gaza and in the North! Millions of Israelis were running during this very Motzei Shabbos event, to shelters! Millions of Israelis were evacuated from their homes! Husbands left their wives and families to serve selflessly in the reserves. Sons said goodbye to their parents, some unfortunately for the last time, and here were 3,000 participants totally disconnected to what was happening to their very own brothers and sisters just a couple of miles away, to listen to dribble and nonsense! 

And who was this מלחמת מצוה against! 
Dr Aliza Bloch who is a שומרת תורה ומצות and whose children and grandchildren are all in Yeshivois! 

To get Greenberg elected, all Yeshivois that had students who were of voting age closed for the day and those students who lived in Beit Shemesh but learned in Yeshivois outside of BS were bused in from Bnei-Brak, Ashdod, Yerushalayim etc! After all, Rav Landau paskened that this was a מלחמת מצוה! And by a מלחמת מצוה all those learning must slam their gemmarras shut and go out and "fight" in this case 'vote'! 

It is interesting to note that when Dati Leumi Rabbis said that this war was a מלחמת מצוה, and that even a Kallah under the Chupah goes to war,  they mocked them quoting the Rambam on what the criteria of a מלחמת מצוה should be! I looked up the Rambam and couldn't find anywhere that a מלחמת מצוה is closing down yeshivos to vote for a bono-fide clown! 

I was sitting there stunned, looking around if I was the only one who saw the irony of all this! Am I the only crazy one here? I was thinking, I grew up in a frum family, learned in Chareidie Yeshivois, married Chareidie and lead a Charediie life, all my friends are Chareidie and I couldn't believe what I was listening to? 
I wondered if there was even one other solitary person in the entire audience of 3,000 that was thinking like me?

This very same Rav Landau paskened that it was יהרג ועל יעבור not to fight for the survival of their own Jewish brothers and sisters but that this Mayoral Election was a מלחמת מצוה and  Yeshiovois had to close down and be מבטל תורה  to give the students an opportunity to vote for a complete imbecile, who ran against a fellow Frum Jew! 

It didn't take long, and Greenberg was elected by a landslide! 
Now, I know Shmuel Greenberg personally, and I think that he is the nicest guy, but a Mayor?

Anyway he appointed Shimon Goldberg as one of his Assistant Mayors who is really the Mayor! 
Shimon Goldberg immediately closed down Dati Leumi Ganim that were bordering Chareide Neighborhoods like in Sheinfeld and stuffed them with Chareide Children exclusively leaving parents of Dati Leumi children without schools! 
I could go on and on!
But as expected, you cannot keep feeding a hungry lion thinking that he will be satisfied! The Extremists living in Beit Shemesh Bet saw an opportunity and began rioting, burning Trash bins, and stopping traffic for reasons only G-d knows, all while Jewish children in uniform were dying and getting injured! When I write "injured" I mean permanent "injuries" some losing limbs, some paralyzed etc etc! 

There is now a new neighborhood in Beit Shemesh, called Beit Shemesh Dalet! Extremists from Beit Shmesh Bet come every night in buses to disrupt life and make residents miserable. Greenberg won't do anything because he is afraid of them and he packed his entire cabinet with Charedie crazies who have zero experience running a government! 
Purim came early for Beit Shemesh! 

Disappointment: Beit Shemesh Police Again Surrender to Extremists ▪︎ Watch the Arrest That Stirs Up the City* 📢
 Last night, after many months, the police finally decided to intervene in the 'Bnei Aliya Community' situation and make an arrest.

However, instead of arresting the extremists who are terrorizing the residents, the police chose to arrest the rabbi of the American synagogue, who has been suffering for many months from repeated harassment by the extremists.

*A little background to the affair that is currently stirring up the Rama D neighborhood in Beit Shemesh:*

Chernobyl Hasidim erected an illegal concrete monster in the Rama D neighborhood. 
After an investigation by 'City News' -Police in a nighttime operation completely demolished the structure!

Since the demolition, the Hasidim, together with extremists from the city's fanatical circles, have been trying to take over the synagogue building of the neighboring American 'Bnei Aliya Community.

Every Shabbat extremists arrive there en masse and hold prayers in the American synagogue, with some not even hiding their intentions: to slowly take over the building *and scare away  the American worshippers, 

Disappointingly, despite repeated complaints to the police, the Beit Shemesh police have so far chosen to ignore and not take any action that would prevent the extremists from taking over.

Recently, the American community was shocked to learn that the Chernobyl Hasidim have another place where they hold Shabbat prayers and meals, right on the street next to their destroyed building. 

Last night, Yoni - the gabbai of the American synagogue - arrived to visit there and see for himself whether the rumor is true and why, if so, they are harassing them.

However, unlike the police's behavior so far in the face of the threats and bullying that Americans are enduring - the police arrived within minutes at the scene and took Yoni into custody, humiliating him in front of dozens of Hasidim.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that the police have been subjected to pressure from extremist activists in Beit Shemesh. However, it now turns out that the new station commander *Assef Doak* is no different from his predecessor in the position.

* 📢

** אמש, לאחר חודשים רבים, מחליטה סוף סוף המשטרה להתערב בפרשיית 'קהילת בני עליה' ולבצע מעצר.

אלא שבמקום לעצור את הקיצונים שמהלכים אימים על התושבים, במשטרה בחרו לעצור את גבאי בית הכנסת האמריקאי שסובל כבר חודשים ארוכות מהצקות חוזרות ונשנות, מצד הקיצונים.

*מעט רקע לפרשיה שמסעירה כעת את שכונת רמה ד' בבית שמש:* 

חסידי טשערנוביל הקימו מפלצת בטון לא חוקית, בשכונת רמה ד'. לאחר תחקיר 'חדשות העיר' - במבצע לילי שנערך בחודשים האחרונים ובהשתתפות עשרות שוטרים, המבנה נהרס כליל. 

מאז ההריסה, מנסים החסידים יחד עם קיצונים מחוגי הקנאים בעיר, להשתלט על מבנה בית הכנסת של קהילת 'בני עליה' האמריקאית.

מידי שבת הם מגיעים לשם בהמוניהם ומקיימים את התפילות בבית הכנסת האמריקאי, כשחלקם אף לא מסתירים את כוונותיהם: להשתלט אט אט על המבנה *ולהרחיק מהשכונה את המתפללים האמריקאים שנחשבים לליברלים יותר.*

למרבה האכזבה, חרף התלונות החוזרות ונשנות למשטרה, עד כה בחרה משטרת בית שמש להתעלם ולא לבצע שום פעולה שתמנע את השתלטות הקיצונים. 

בתקופה האחרונה, נדהמו בקהילה האמריקאית לשמוע, שלחסידי טשערנוביל ישנו מקום נוסף בו הם עורכים תפילות וסעודות שבת, ממש ברחוב הסמוך למבנה שנהרס להם. אמש, הגיע יוני - גבאי בית הכנסת האמריקאי, לבקר שם ולראות במו עיניו האם השמועה נכונה ומדוע אם כך הם מתנכלים אליהם.

אלא שבשונה מהתנהלות המשטרה עד כה מול האיומים והבריונות שסופגים האמריקאים - תוך דקות בודדות הגיעו למקום שוטרים ולקחו את יוני למעצר, תוך השפלתו לעיני עשרות החסידים. 

נציין כי זו אינה הפעם הראשונה בה המשטרה נתונה ללחץ עסקני הקיצונים בבית שמש. אלא שכעת מתברר שגם מפקד התחנה החדש *אסף דואק לא שונה מקודמו בתפקיד.*

A Stone from the Kotel Shipped to 2025 World Expo in Osaka to Be Touched by 28 Million Visitors

Question: Since Satmar Chassidim are prohibited from visiting the Kotel after Rav Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of Satmar Chassidus issued his Fatwa in 1967, will they be allowed to visit the Kotel in Japan? 
Is the "issur" "chall" on the Kotel only or is the "issur" "chall" on the stones?
 If in fact the "issur" is on the Kotel only, the place where according to the gemmarrah, the "shechina never left" then they would be able to visit the stone in Japan, but if the "issur" is "chall" on the stones, then they won't be able to visit the stone even in Japan! Final Psak!!
The Israeli Foreign Ministry is planning a special operation to transport a stone from the Western Wall to Japan for display at the Osaka Expo. This major international fair, expected to draw approximately 28 million visitors over six months, will feature the stone taken from the southern section of the Western Wall with the assistance of the Israel Antiquities Authority. The cost of transporting the stone is estimated at $32,525 for the round trip.

The Expo is scheduled to open on April 13 in Osaka. A preliminary delegation from the Foreign Ministry has already visited the site to prepare for the establishment of the Israeli pavilion. In collaboration with the Israeli Embassy in Tokyo, the ministry is investing significant resources into the pavilion, which will highlight Jewish tradition and culture alongside Israeli innovation and entrepreneurship.

Initially, Israel had not intended to participate in the Expo, citing constraints following the October 7 attack which made it difficult to construct a pavilion comparable in size to previous years, such as the 1,200-square-meter pavilion at the last fair. However, after persistent efforts by the Foreign Ministry and the Israeli Embassy in Japan, the decision was made to proceed with participation due to the event’s political significance. The Israeli government has allocated NIS 10 million ($2.73 million) for the pavilion’s construction.

Over the course of the six-month event, the Israeli delegation will organize a variety of activities, including seminars on technology, innovation, education, and elderly healthcare. Additional events will be hosted by the Ministries of Tourism and Economy. Cultural programs, such as dance, jazz, and visual arts performances, are also planned for the pavilion.

More than 3,000 Murderers to Be Released in Hostage Deal

Qadura Fares

 Qadura Fares, chairman of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Affairs Committee, disclosed in a Sunday interview with the Maan news agency that as part of the ongoing negotiations between Israel and Hamas, the number of prisoners to be released is expected to exceed 3,000.

He explained that the first phase of the agreement would involve the release of 25 Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip in exchange for the release of 48 terrorists previously freed in the Shalit deal and later re-imprisoned. This phase will also include the release of approximately 1,000 additional terrorists, including all women and children held in Israeli prisons, as well as 200 individuals sentenced to life imprisonment.

In the meantime, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed Israel’s senior negotiating team to join the professional echelon in Doha, signaling an intensified push to secure a deal for the release of hostages from their harsh captivity in the Gaza Strip.

The senior team includes the head of the Mossad, the head of the Shin Bet, Maj. Gen. (res.) Nitzan Alon, and political advisor Ofir Falk. The deployment of the expanded team suggests potential progress in the negotiations. This move comes amid conflicting reports about the factors delaying the deal. While there are indications from Israel and the U.S. of Hamas’s opposition, some have pointed to Netanyahu as a potential cause of the delays.

The decision to send Maj. Gen. (res.) Nitzan Alon, despite the strained relationship between him and the prime minister, is seen as an effort to preempt future accusations that Israel is not approaching the negotiations with the necessary seriousness.

According to sources familiar with the details, the current negotiations are focused on a broader deal than previous ones, involving the release of a greater number of hostages and a longer ceasefire. However, it remains uncertain whether the agreements being discussed with Hamas representatives abroad will be acceptable to the group’s leaders in the Gaza Strip.

Qadura Fares also mentioned that most of the terrorists would return to their homes in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and Gaza. However, those sentenced to life imprisonment are expected to be deported to countries like Qatar, Egypt, or Turkey. “This exile is a necessary step to prevent any threats to the lives of the Palestinians being released,” Fares told Ma’an.

In the interview, Fares disclosed that Israel had requested that nine more hostages, including wounded soldiers, be added to the list for the first phase of the deal. In exchange, Israel is expected to release an additional number of terrorists sentenced to life imprisonment. Fares emphasized that these conditions are currently central to the ongoing negotiations between the parties.

Smotrich Collects PA’s Entire Billion-Dollar Debt

 Israel’s Finance Ministry is deducting billions of shekels from the Palestinian Authority’s debts while also depleting the Norwegian fund where “Gaza money” has been stored since the war began. This marks a significant development, as the PA’s debt to the Israel Electric Company has led to substantial loans at high interest rates, damaging the company’s credit. Ultimately, this financial strain was passed on to Israeli consumers, Israel Hayom reported on Sunday.

The initiative, spearheaded by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich over the past year, culminated on Sunday when he informed the political and security cabinet of its completion. The process successfully recovered the full debt of 1.9 billion shekels ($520 million), which had remained outstanding for over a decade.

Additionally, and equally significant, the Finance Ministry issued an executive order on Sunday regarding the Norwegian fund, which had received millions offset from the Palestinian Authority’s funds by the State of Israel. These funds, earmarked for Gaza (275 million shekels per month – $75 million), amounted last May to a total of 1.4 billion shekels ($380 million). The order directs that the funds be used to settle the PA’s debts to Israeli companies: half will be allocated to the companies that supplied fuel to the PA, while the other half will go to the Israel Electric Company.

It helped that over the past two years or so, the Biden administration boycotted Minister Smotrich and as a result was unable to negotiate with him. As a result, American demands for interest rate reductions were met with a firm rejection from the Finance Ministry, which refused to compromise on even a single shekel. The ministry stressed that such “discounts” create negative incentives and pointed out that no Israeli consumer would receive similar concessions.

Since last May, when Norway unilaterally recognized a Palestinian state, Minister Smotrich halted the transfer of offset funds to the Norwegian fund and began accumulating the amounts separately within Israel. Now, the funds, which were originally intended to be returned to the Palestinian Authority after the war, are being redirected to cover debts owed to the IEC, in coordination with the United States.

Behind the scenes, Finance Ministry Deputy Director General Yoray Matzlawi led the negotiations with the PA and various American officials. Matzlawi achieved what his predecessors could not: ensuring the full transfer of funds to the Electric Company from the PA’s accounts, including the accrued interest on arrears, without any reductions.

The Palestinian Authority’s debt to the IEC has been an ongoing issue for the State of Israel for 15 years. In 2016 and 2020, former Finance Ministry Director General Shai Babad (currently the CEO & President at Strauss Group) reached two agreements with the PA to settle the accumulating debt. However, the PA repeatedly violated these agreements, preventing a resolution to the longstanding financial dispute.

On Sunday, 1.1 billion shekels are being fully cleared and transferred to the Israel Electric Corporation, sourced partly from the Norwegian fund and partly from the funds accumulated in Israel. After reaching agreements with the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, the use of the Norwegian fund for PA purposes was prevented. Norway will now receive a formal letter from the Finance Ministry requesting the funds for the payment of various debts.

by David Israel JP 

Biden ‘recklessly’ sanctioned American Jews in campaign against Israelis


The Biden administration sanctioned two Israeli-Americans as part of a regime targeting settlers in Judea and Samaria, a federal lawsuit filed on Thursday revealed.

The Americans, who are also Israeli citizens, sued the Biden administration in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, claiming the sanctions violated their constitutional rights to due process and equal protection.

According to attorneys for the plaintiffs, the administration appears not to have known it was sanctioning Americans.

“The Biden administration has carried out this sanctions program with scant regard for the underlying facts and scant independent investigation, relying instead on the say-so of virulently anti-Israel groups in order to impose life-changing penalties on people,” Eugene Kontorovich, a legal consultant on the lawsuit and a professor at George Mason University Law School, told the Washington Free Beacon.

But the lawsuit is about more than sanctions relief for the plaintiffs. It also takes aim at the notion, pushed by a global network of anti-Israel organizations, that the settlements are a root cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“These groups have basically co-opted the State Department to help them make Judea and Samaria ‘judenrein,’” Kontorovich said, using the biblical name for the West Bank. “That’s what they’re trying to achieve.”

Orit Strock: 'Hostage deal rewards terror and is a victory for Hamas'

 Minister of Settlement Affairs, Orit Strock, expressed her opposition on Radio Kol Barama to the proposed hostage release deal.

"Releasing hundreds of murderous terrorists, with blood on their hands? This is a deal that rewards terrorism and is a victory for Hamas," said Strock about the deal on the table.

Strock added, "We are fighting the war in Gaza with tied hands, with many restrictions imposed on us. We are waiting for the moment we can change our approach in the war in Gaza, and that will happen in a week and a day."

Regarding Trump's involvement in the deal, she stated, "I'm sure that President Trump certainly does not want such a terrible deal as the one on the table to be recorded with his name. I am sure he does not want it noted that Gaza returns to being a threat to Israel, that the effort to clean the Strip is going down the drain, and that many Israeli soldiers will pay with their lives for withdrawing from Gaza, and that hundreds of murderous terrorists will be like gas on a fire and ignite terrorism in Judea and Samaria and worldwide."

"I am sure that if President Trump thinks deeply, he would not want a victory of the axis of evil over the free world in his name and will not support a deal that rewards murderous terrorism."

Asked about withdrawing from the government, Strock replied, "The Prime Minister knows well our red lines, and I hope he will not challenge them."

Regarding Levin and Sa'ar's bill proposal, the minister said, "I partnered in the move. A bill requiring agreement is the right thing for a diverse society. We need to take off the table the possibility that judges can thwart appointments in a forceful way."

Strock revealed, "As of today, a proposal for consensual appointments in Jerusalem's courts is on the table, and Judge Amit delays it and chokes the judicial system which he is responsible for, only because he decided to deviate from the path of agreement."

Israel recklessly agrees to leave Philadelphi corridor in final phase of hostage deal –


By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

The Qatari-owned news outlet al-Araby al-Jadeed reports that a framework for a hostage release deal has been completed, and Israel has agreed to withdraw from the Philadelphi corridor in the final phase.

The mediators are awaiting approval from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The hostage release deal will include three phases, and Israel will gradually withdraw troops from Gaza beginning in the first phase until it leaves the Philadelphi corridor on the last day of the agreement.

Al Araby notes a “clear shift” in Netanyahu’s position regarding “the process of completing the war after the first stage [of a ceasefire deal].”

Arab media reports that Hamas will soon provide a list of living hostages that it is prepared to release.

Foreign sources note that Israel has made significant concessions, including withdrawing a number of troops in the initial “humanitarian” phase of the deal.

al-Araby al-Jadeed reports that this is the “closest” the two sides have gotten to a hostage release agreement

The news outlet also reports that Egypt showed “flexibility” in postponing discussions about Israel’s presence in the Philadelphi corridor until later phases of the agreement.

Cairo’s position is that Israel’s presence in the Philadelphi Corridor is a violation of the 1978 peace agreement between the two countries. Still, it is willing to resolve this issue after the first phases of the agreement.

Al Araby posits that one of the reasons for Netanyahu’s shift in policy is US President-elect Donald Trump’s warning that there would be “hell to pay” if the hostages aren’t released by his inauguration on January 20th.

Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy Steve Witkoff arrived in Israel on Saturday after attending hostage deal negotiations in Qatar.

An Israeli official told Reuters that Witkoff was meeting with Netanyahu on Saturday.

Kamala Tweets Photo of Carter Funeral and Crops Out the Most Important Living Person in the Entire Room!


Kamala tweeted this photo of Jimmy Carter's funeral, and guess who she cropped out?

It's obvious that President-elect Trump and First Lady Melania were placed at the end of the row in advance to be able to crop them out.

Delusianal Biden : “I would’ve beaten Trump, could’ve beaten Trump, & I think that Kamala could’ve beaten Trump, would’ve beaten Trump.”


 “I would’ve beaten Trump, could’ve beaten Trump, & I think that Kamala could’ve beaten Trump, would’ve beaten Trump.”

Sheer Insanity: While LA is Burning to the Gound ..California holds a special legislative session to “prepare for Donald Trump.” They even allocate $25M to sue Trump in his upcoming term.

 California holds a special legislative session to “prepare for Donald Trump.”

They even allocate $25M to sue Trump in his upcoming term.

As for the wildfire?

iPhone users stunned by 3 little-known tricks to double battery life

He’s providing iPhone battery advice — free of charge.

A tech expert shared some easy ways to keep your smartphone battery in excellent shape and potentially double its life, wowing frustrated Apple users.

“The biggest villain for iPhones is their battery,” tech aficionado Thiago Derminio began in a viral Instagram video.

“Everyone complains that it runs out too quickly, and this gets even worse over the years.”

First, Dermino said to poke around the settings page and use the dropdown search bar for the “Siri and search” page. Once there, uncheck the background battery tasks underneath “suggestions from Apple.”

Then, head to “accessibility” in settings and toggle on “reduce motion.” Next, go under “general” and turn off “background app refresh.”

Dermino explained that these are common settings that “consume your battery in the background, and you don’t need them to be activated.”

Users were grateful for the little-known tricks, with one exclaiming: “Need to do this!”

Herby Jasmin, founder of the website Gotechtor, recently shared another obscure way to preserve battery life as well.

If you are willing to have a dimmer display, change your settings to “reduce white point,” he explained.

This is done by going into the “accessibility” tab of settings and then into “display and text size.”

Once there, you can toggle the white point reduction on and off.

PC Mag additionally recommends turning off location services and being selective about which apps send you push notifications. The outlet also suggests shutting off Siri’s “active listening” feature as well.

Apple additionally suggests using auto-brightness, low power mode, and WiFi to preserve battery life.

In the “battery” section of settings, users can also see the percentage of efficiency their battery is performing at, and which of their apps is using the most power.


Russiagate docs manufactured by Hillary Clinton show the feds are STILL lying about Trump and their putsch attempt


The feds are still lying and obfuscating about the Russiagate conspiracy against Donald Trump: Witness the recent release, years late and heavily redacted, of a document about the origin of the FBI probe. 

This comes to light thanks only to the dogged efforts of the folks at RealClearInvestigations.

The biggest thing the Bureau is still hiding: The “articulable factual basis” on which its 2017 probe of Trump’s alleged role as a Russian intelligence asset was legitimated. 

Yes, it’s been obvious for years that there was no factual basis for the probe. 

But to see why that’s precisely the issue, and why the Bureau needs to fully come clean, take a look at the whole sordid history . . . .

In 2016, the Hillary Clinton campaign (then desperate to distract from her illegal use of a private email server to illegally share classified documents) pays ex-spy Christopher Steele to gin up false allegations that her rival for the presidency, Donald Trump, was working with Russia.  

He in turn pays an “assistant” to imagine some dirt; those lies — collated into the now infamous Steele Dossier — are used to justify a probe into Trump’s campaign. 

Clinton escapes any legal pain for her email violations after FBI Director James Comey recommends against prosecution; Trump wins the 2016 race under a cloud of baseless suspicion, which a left-leaning media establishment adds to and amplifies. 

In November 2016, the FBI gives Steele the boot as a source; in January 2017, Steele’s lead fabricator Igor Danchenko tells the FBI that there was “zero” corroboration for the dossier’s claims and that the Russia-Trump rumors he’d passed along to Steele came from “word of mouth and hearsay.” 

In May 2017, Trump fires Comey; mere days later, the FBI reopens contact with Steele — whom it now knows to be 100% discredited — and launches a new probe, the one the RCI team targeted with its FOIA demand. 

That probe was launched by then-Acting Director Andrew McCabe and signed off on by FBI General Counsel Jim Baker and McCabe’s No. 2, Bill Priestap. 

Enter special counsel Robert Mueller — and cue two years of endless sound and fury from national Democrats and their lapdogs in the media, wall-to-wall TV coverage and frothy-lipped insanity from Resistance schizoids across the country. 

Mueller, of course, would go on to turn up . . . absolutely no evidence of any kind Trump was a Russian asset, ever, in any way. 


So you don’t have to be Picasso (or Vassily Kandinsky) to connect the dots about what the FBI is still hiding and why. 

No one can know for sure until the Bureau tells the truth, but it’s beyond likely that the redacted “articulable factual basis” of the 2017 probe is both non-factual and non-actionable. 

I.e., nothing more than a toxic combo of Steele Dossier hogwash and an FBI vendetta over Comey. 

Recall that probe initiator McCabe hinted publicly that the latter was the case in a 2019 interview with CBS news.

And that probe co-signer Baker played a major role in laundering the Dossier’s claims (he was also serving as deputy GC at Twitter when the app killed our 100% accurate Hunter Biden reporting in a blatant case of election interference). 

The FBI’s failed coup — let’s call it what it was — against a sitting American president remains one of the most shameful chapters in the Bureau’s already-shameful history. 

It owes the American people a full accounting. 

That its leadership still, even now, feels it has the right to lie and conceal and delay and deny proves beyond any doubt that President-elect Donald Trump is more than justified in his plan to shake the Bureau to its foundations. 

Michael Goodwin: The world has now seen the ‘Trump Effect’ on full display


A glance across America and Europe leads to an unmistakable conclusion: Revolution is in the air. 

The failures of democracies are sparking internal upheavals.

Thankfully, spasms of violence and bloodshed are few, but a toxic brew of overbearing governments, shrinking freedoms and undeniable decline is producing demands for big changes. 

A common thread from California to Great Britain, France and Germany is that liberal underpinnings have morphed into sloppy socialism, unchecked immigration, cultural clashes and restraints on critical speech. 

Collectively, the conservative blowback reveals that the time allotted for an indulgent detour has expired and a new consensus is taking shape, whether entrenched leftists like it or not. 

You can thank Donald Trump and the 77 million Americans who elected him for this development. 

Or blame them if you are on the losing side of this remarkable

Either way, Trump is, with apologies to Reggie Jackson, the straw that stirs the drink. 

Internal Docs Show 2 of LA Fire Dept's Top 3 Goals Were DEI, While Disaster Recovery Ranked Dead Last


As California firefighters struggle to control multiple wildfires destroying thousands of homes and forcing more than 100,000 to flee, more information is coming to light about the priorities of Los Angeles Fire Department.

In particular, the city's department seems to have emphasized the skin color and sexual preferences of firefighters rather than whether those firefighters were skilled at, you know, putting out fires.

Manhattan Institute senior fellow Christopher Rufo revealed on Thursday that the LAFD authorities, in the department's "Strategic Plan 2023-2026," have seven stated goals for the organization.

The first is delivering “exceptional public safety and emergency services.” The second and third are promoting a “progressive work environment” and committing to "an organizational culture that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

But the first most certainly took a back seat to the second and third, as Los Angeles is now learning the hard way.

By the way, "disaster recovery" ranked dead last among those seven goals.

To achieve those goals, the described strategies and tactics, which are perhaps even more revealing.

Those tactics, just to name a few, include offering “DEI education to all members on a recurring basis,” launching a “Work Environment Committee with diverse stakeholder voices,” training “all supervisors to be change agents who model inclusive behavior,” and examining “whether alternative schedule options would accommodate a broader pool of employees.”

Perhaps the LAFD has not yet realized that making staff members sit through constant racial struggle sessions does not improve its members' ability to fight fires.

If anything, doubling down on wokeness at every turn reduces team cohesion while distracting from the mission at hand.

The actual priorities of the LAFD are evident at the highest levels of the department.

LAFD Chief Kristin Crowley is prominently described on the agency website as the “first female and LGBTQ Fire Chief in the LAFD,” as revealed by Libs of TikTok on Wednesday.

Crowley’s biography on the site said that her “priorities” include “creating, supporting, and promoting a culture that values diversity, inclusion, and equity while striving to meet and exceed the expectations of the communities.”

Once more, clearly one has superseded the other.

Ask any of those “communities” watching in horror as their homes burn to a crisp whether their expectations have been met, let alone exceeded.

Over the past decade, and especially over the past four or five years, the diversity, equity, and inclusion movement was forced into seemingly every institution in our nation.

But without fail, those priorities take a front seat in the institutions they conquer, while merit, excellence, innovation, and competence take a back seat.

The Los Angeles Fire Department is merely the latest and most tragic example.

Obama and Trump Shmoooze in Shul