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Sunday, July 14, 2024

DemonRats Tried To Strip Trump’s Secret Service Protections Just Months Before


Secret Service agents shielded Donald Trump with their own bodies after a shooter opened fire on the former president during a Pennsylvania campaign rally Saturday. But if a group of powerful Democrats had their way, those Secret Service agents wouldn’t have been there on Saturday.

House Committee on Homeland Security ranking member Bennie Thompson (D., Miss.) moved in April to terminate Trump’s Secret Service protection in anticipation of his conviction in his Manhattan hush money case. Thompson and a group of seven other Democrats introduced the DISGRACED Former Protectees Act in April, a law that would terminate Secret Service protection for former presidents convicted and sentenced for a felony.

Trump was originally scheduled to be sentenced in the case on July 11—two days before the Secret Service sprung to action as bullets came inches away from ending the former president’s life at Saturday’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Thompson moved to strip Trump of his Secret Service protection as President Joe Biden has led Democrats in deploying increasingly apocalyptic rhetoric on the campaign trail casting Trump as an existential threat to America who must be stopped.

Biden left little room for the imagination during a June 28 campaign rally. “Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation,” he said. “He is a threat to our freedom. He is a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat for everything America stands for.”

Biden ratcheted up the heat further during a July 8 call with Democratic donors, saying, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” And his campaign has flooded the airwaves with television ads saying doom will befall America if Trump is reelected.

“America itself is at stake,” Biden said in a July 5 campaign ad.

The Biden campaign told reporters shortly after the assassination attempt it was working to pull all its television ads from the airwaves “as quickly as possible.”

Thompson stood by his efforts to strip Trump of his Secret Service detail after Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves (R.) issued a now-prophetic June 2 post on X questioning if the Democrat wanted to make an assassination attempt against the former president’s life more likely.

“Tate Reeves says I owe Mississippians an apology for H.R. 8081, to terminate United States Secret Service protection for felons,” Thompson responded on June 5. “In reality, you owe all 200,000+ Mississippians an apology for not expanding Medicaid. Your actions are selfish!”

Thompson sang a different tune after the attempt against Trump’s life on Saturday.

“I am grateful for law enforcement’s fast response to this incident,” Thompson said. “I am glad the former President is safe, and my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved.”

The shooter has not been identified as of publication of this article. The Secret Service said in a statement the suspect fired multiple shots at Trump from an elevated position outside the rally venue.

“US Secret Service personnel neutralized the shooter, who is now deceased,” the service said, adding that one spectator was killed and two others were critically injured.

The Secret Service’s response to Saturday’s shooting has also come under scrutiny. Rep. Ritchie Torres (D., N.Y.), who in May said Trump’s first term “was not only dangerous but also deadly” for his constituents, demanded an investigation into the Secret Service’s response to Saturday’s shooting.

“The federal government must constantly learn from security failures in order to avoid repeating them—especially when those failures have implications for the Nation,” Torres said.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Chukas


Sababa Fest Where Thousands of Former Chassidim Gathered to Have a Great Time



Time for New Thinking in the Charedi World

by Yehuda Leonard Oppenheimer

In an essay published a few months ago, I described the growing tension between the hareidi and non-haredi (secular and national religious) public. I contended that the hareidi community must acknowledge that the events of October 7 have dramatically transformed Israeli society and significantly affected the interactions between the haredim and other societal groups, as the status quo will no longer stand.

If you have been following the news, you know that all my predictions have come true. The Supreme Court has ordered the government to cut funding to all yeshivos and kollels whose students do not serve in the army. The battle lines have been sharply drawn: the overwhelming majority of the Israeli public is no longer willing to put up with the mass exemption of all haredi young men from the army. With mounting casualties and endless amounts of reserve duty that miluimnikim are forced to serve, the army faces a large shortage of manpower, severely impacting businesses and families. They also see the massive growth of the now more than a million haredim. They are worried about future demographics in which a huge percentage of the population refuses to shoulder their national responsibilities.

Sadly, the haredi rabbinic leadership sees it as a religious imperative of the highest order to resist any change regarding national service, even for those (estimated at 35%) who are not in yeshiva and not learning. Efforts to create collaborative systems with the army in which haredi standards of tznius, limud haTorah, tefillah, Mehadrin food, and other needs are rejected out of hand (although there are a few small successful programs, notably Yeshiva Derech Etz Chaim, the first hareidi Hesder Yeshiva).


Watch: Biden refers to VP Harris as 'Vice President Trump' and to Zelenski as "Putin"


Crazed Joe Biden made his second gaffe of the day on Thursday evening, referring to Vice President Kamala Harris as "Vice President Trump" during a press conference in Washington.

Biden was asked whether the Vice President could beat Trump in a general election.

"Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I thought she was not qualified to be president, so let's start there," Biden replied.

The President did not correct himself like he did earlier in the day when he mistakenly called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy "President Putin."

Asked about Harris and whether she's qualified to take over as President, Biden described her as a "first-rate person."

"First of all, the way she’s handled the issue of freedom of women’s bodies, to have control over their bodies. Secondly, her ability to handle almost any issue on the board, this was a hell of a prosecutor, a first-rate person, and in the Senate, she was really good," he said.

"I wouldn’t have picked her unless I thought she was qualified to be president. From the very beginning, I made no bones about that. She is qualified to be president. That’s why I picked her," he added.

Nevertheless, Biden stressed that he plans to remain in the race despite calls on him to withdraw following his poor showing at the debate against Trump. He said that he is in to complete the job he started.

Biden denied reports that he goes to bed early and limits his schedule. Last week, sources told NBC News that Biden suggested to Democratic governors that he may limit evening events after 8:00 p.m. so he can get more sleep.

"That’s not true," Biden said on Thursday, adding, "Look, what I said was, instead of my every day starting at 7 and going to bed at midnight, it’d be smarter for me to pace myself a little more."

Biden also called the debate "a mistake" and said his schedule has been "full-bore" since the debate.

Asked about whether his travel next week will impact his decision to stay in the race, Biden stressed, "I’m determined on running."

"I’m going out in the areas where you think we can win, where we can persuade people to move our way," Biden added.

Asked about whether he should take another neurological exam, Biden replied, "I’ve taken three significant and intense neurological exams ... as recently as February, and they say I’m in good shape."

He defended his neurological health, saying the decisions he makes every day are evidence that he's healthy. "I’m tested every single day on my neurological capacity. Decisions I make every day."

Biden has faced calls to withdraw from the race since his poor showing at the debate against Trump. On Thursday, Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL) became the 11th House Democrat to publicly call on US President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race, saying in a statement that it is “time to pass the torch”.

Sen. Peter Welch (VT) is the only Democratic senator to make the same call, having done so on Wednesday.

Also on Wednesday, Axios reported that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is privately signaling to donors that he's open to a Democratic presidential ticket that isn't led by Biden.

Schumer later issued a statement in which he said, "As I have made clear repeatedly, publicly and privately, I support President Biden and remain committed to ensuring Donald Trump is defeated in November."

Three-Quarters of Jews in Europe Hide Their Identity

According to a troubling new survey, three-quarters of Europe’s Jewish community hide their identities out of fear. The survey, conducted by an EU rights agency, shows that Jews on the continent are in the midst of a “rising tide of anti-Semitism”.

They are concealing their Jewish identity out of fear of being harassed or attacked by anti-Semites, mostly due to increased tensions over the war in Gaza.

Across Europe, 76% said they hid their Jewish identity “at least occasionally” while 34% said they took care to avoid Jewish events or places as they did not feel “safe” there.

In France, 74 per cent said they felt the ongoing Gaza war affected their sense of security.

Overall, 80% said they felt anti-Semitism had worsened in recent years and that negative stereotypes or conspiracy theories about Jews were a growing concern, such as claims they were “holding power and control over finance, media, politics or [the] economy”.

Sirpa Rautio, director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), warned that the “spillover effect of the conflict in the Middle East is eroding hard-fought-for progress”.

She added that “Jews are more frightened than ever before” and that growing anti-Semitism was also at risk of disrupting the EU’s first-ever strategy for addressing the issue.

FRA’s consultation with national and European Jewish umbrella organizations in early 2024 shows a dramatic surge [in anti-Semitic attacks],” Ms Rautio said.

The agency’s study, which compiled data from 12 Jewish organizations, found that 96 per cent of European Jews had encountered anti-Semitism in 2023.

Pro-Hamas Goy Anti-Israel Dresses as Chareidie Eats McDonalds Hamburger

 A pro-Hamas protester dressed as an Orthodox Jew was spotted near Washington DC  eating at a McDonald’s restaurant. Making the scene more disturbing and bizarre, the man was wearing full “ultra-orthodox” garb, including a large velvet kippah and some sort of tallis (shawl) over his shirt. He appeared to have a Palestinian flag as well.

According to the Twitter account that published the photos, the man was taking a break from a nearby anti-Israel protest on Wednesday.

Although the man was a non-Jew, this is an extremely significant story, as it underscores the fact that non-Jews and irreligious Jews are posing as ‘Charedi’ anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters, attempting to shed negative light on Orthodox Jews.

It is possible that these actors are being paid to dress up like Jews, or perhaps they are simply trying to stir up trouble. Either way, they are creating a threat to both religious and non-religious Jews, making it appear that religious Jews oppose the existence of Israel.

The reality is, that religious Jews across the spectrum are united in their support of Israel and condemnation of terror. Anyone who claims to be “religious”, yet protests in favor of Hamas and against the Israeli government, is actually a self-hating Jew.

In November, antisemite Candace Owens invoked a group of supposedly ultra-orthodox Jews to bolster her argument that being anti-Israel does not necessarily mean someone is an antisemite.

Heartwarming ❤️ 29 Israeli Children Kidnapped By Hamas On October 7th Were Able To Visit Disney World After They Were Released.


29 Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th were recently able to visit Disney World following their release. The children, who had endured a harrowing experience, were treated to the magical world of Disney as a part of their recovery process.

On October 7th, in a sudden and devastating attack, Hamas militants kidnapped several children from their homes in Israel. The traumatic incident left the nation in shock, with families and communities anxiously awaiting any news about their loved ones. International efforts and negotiations eventually led to the safe release of these children, bringing immense relief to their families and the global community.

Video Player

Upon their release, efforts were made to provide the children with experiences that would help them heal and regain a sense of normalcy. A trip to Disney World was arranged, offering them a chance to escape from the memories of their ordeal and immerse themselves in a world of wonder and joy. The visit to the iconic theme park was filled with moments of laughter and excitement, as the children met their favorite characters, enjoyed the rides, and experienced the enchanting atmosphere of Disney World.

The trip was made possible through the collaboration of various organizations and individuals dedicated to supporting the children and their families. Mental health professionals accompanied the group to ensure that the children received the care and support they needed during the trip.

The children’s visit to Disney World serves as a reminder of the resilience and strength of the human spirit. Despite the trauma they experienced, the joy and wonder in their eyes as they explored the park highlighted the power of hope and the importance of providing opportunities for healing and recovery.

As the children and their families continue to rebuild their lives, the international community remains committed to supporting them in their journey towards healing. The story of their visit to Disney World is not just one of relief but also a testament to the enduring power of hope, resilience, and the collective efforts of those dedicated to bringing joy to those who have suffered.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Beit Shemesh Getting Double-Decker Buses


'Vile' Candace Owens Slammed as 'Unintelligent' and 'Hateful' After She Suggests Nazi Twin Experiments Were 'Bizarre Propaganda

 Candace Owens faced backlash after theorizing that some of the horrific experiments conducted on Jewish children during the Holocaust may be nothing more than propaganda.

"Some of the stories, by the way, sound completely absurd," she said in a clip shared to social media. "The idea they just cut a human up and sewed them back together. Why would you do that?"

"Literally, even if you're the most evil person in the world, that's a tremendous waste of time and supplies," she continued. "That just sounds like bizarre propaganda."

She appeared to be referring to the many tortures committed by Josef Mengele, who had a twisted fascination with twins. He was known for experimenting on them through unsafe blood transfusions, infecting them with diseases and even amputating completely healthy limbs.

Critics flooded X, formerly known as Twitter, to express their horror at Owens' nonchalance while discussing the topic.

"Antisemite Candace Owens insists that the Holocaust and Mengele’s self-documented twin experiments are propaganda," one user wrote, and another penned, "Not only is she hateful but also extremely unintelligent."

A third person penned, "This is appallingly [sic] and apparently she has not any experience with those who suffered during the Holocaust!!" while a fourth added, "She is a very vile person." "I would have never of guessed she had the ability to sink this low," another X user said. "The fact she thinks it's 'absurd' that the Nazis carried out experiments on people just highlights her deranged ignorance and denial."

This is not the first time the conservative commentator has been accused of spreading false information — particularly in regards to Israel and the Jewish community. In November 2023, Owens was called out for claiming that Muslims who resided in Jerusalem were only allowed to live in a specific part of the city during a sit-down with Jewish comic Ami Kozak.

"When people call it [Israel] this bastion of freedom, or it’s just like America, that’s not the sense that I had when I was there," she said. "I grew up in my grandparents’ house, my grandfather grew up in a segregated South, and so when I’m walking through Jerusalem, and you see, and they say ‘these are the Muslim quarters, this is where the Muslims are allowed to live,’ that doesn’t feel like a bastion of freedom to me."

Kozak appeared confused by her comment and quickly corrected her.

"I think it’s that there’s an Armenian Quarter, it’s not saying the Armenians can only live here," he explained. "It’s that there are communities just like there’s a Jewish community in Jersey here and there’s a Muslim community in here. I don’t think — to my understanding, it’s not restrictions within Israel proper."

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Moetzis Gedoilei Issue a Bizaare "Kol Korah" Showing its Total Disconnection to Reality


Chazal (סוטה דף מט) predicted this lunacy 2,000 years ago "פני הדור כפני הכלב " that in times of Moshiach the leaders of Klall Yisrael will be like dogs! 
Notice an unchained dog run in front of its master but when it reaches a corner, it will look back to see if its master  will turn the corner or continue going forward, when it notices the master turn the corner, it will then run in front again, so too the leaders instead of leading look back to see what the crowds want and will then lead according to the polls. Since nowadays Chareidim would prefer that Daati Leumi and Chilonim give their lives protecting OUR country while they sit back and watch, the leaders follow by their example.

Now only is this Kol Korah misleading it is an outrageous lie! 

They write: 

"Now, we come to matters pertaining to our present time, as in this generation numerous troubles and severe decrees have arisen against the Am Hashem in general and specifically targeting the Torah and its scholars, and the young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. Policy-makers, with malicious intent, aim to disrupt the sanctity of Torah scholars, requiring the students of our holy yeshivos to abandon their study benches in the beis medrash and enlist in the military. They scheme with various tricks, and their hand is still outstretched, poised to persist. Moreover, decrees are being issued against young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. All of this is reminiscent of the decree of burning the Torah."

Excuse me!!!! The "Policy Makers" have "malicious intent," and aim to disrupt the sanctity of Torah Scholars?"
So in other words, only daati Leumi bochrim and  chiilonim should give their lives for OUR country? How sick and perverted is this? 
For Heaven's Sake, we are at war!! 
What "malicious intent?" Asking all to contribute to the war effort is "malicious?"
"Disrupt the sanctity of Torah Scholars?' Liars!!!

I'm old enough to remember that just a few months ago there were elections for Mayor in Beit Shemesh and the Gedoilei Hador paskened that Yeshivas should disrupt their Torah learning and come out to vote, they closed entire Yeshivois in Bnei Brak to transport those living in Beit Shemesh in Buses to Beit Shemesh to vote, this took an entire day! 
Soldiers are dying and I haven't seen one Kol Korah calling for any fasts to daven on behalf of our heroes fighting in Gaza and up North!

Another question:
There are tens of thousands of Shoimre Torah Umitzvois in Daati Leumi Moisdois who learn and serve! They also have Gedoilim! Why aren't they saying that the Government has malicious intent? What makes a Litvak Gadol a bigger Gadol than a Daatie Leumi Gadol??
The Moetzes totally ignore them. Rabbi Brudney in an article in Mishpacha Magazine last week, made a statement about the 1.2 million Chareidim totally ignoring the over a million Shoimrei Torah Umitzvois Daati Leumi community as if they don't exist. And there is good reason why he ignores them because the ideology of Daati Community with their Gedoilim is a direct threat to those who call themselves Chareidim! 
The Daati Community has sacrificed the best in this war in Gaza! Many have been killed. 
The Moetzes is totally disconnected from its own followers! 

'Black kippah doesn’t exempt one from IDF service': says senior Shas haredi Mk Challenging His Own Torah Leaders

 Interior Minister Moshe Arbel of the Shas party emphasized the importance of equal conscription into the IDF, declaring that wearing a black kippah does not exempt one from military service

Speaking at the Aaron Institute for Economic Policy annual conference at Reichman University on Wednesday, Arbel underscored the need for every eligible individual to be drafted, highlighting the necessity of upholding state laws.

This stance is particularly notable given the traditional position of the Shas Party, which has historically opposed mandatory IDF service for haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Torah students.

 Arbel’s remarks, which courageously challenge the views of Shas chairman Arye Deri, who has firmly stated that “no one will be drafted into the army, not even one Torah student,” and that the party will fight against such measures with all its strength, are a source of inspiration.

Arbel addressed the broader societal context, stating, “The citizens of Israel are not merely tools for creating GDP (gross domestic product) and GNP (gross national product) – beyond economic importance, Israeli society also holds significant spiritual value, and we must not ignore this aspect when discussing Torah scholars.”

DESPITE THE IDF’s calculation that it needs 7,000 new troops, Monday’s vote to revive an older haredi draft bill was approved by the majority of the Knesset members. (credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

He emphasized the utmost importance of understanding and respecting the haredi community’s perspective, especially regarding segregated academic studies, and the necessity of allowing haredim to pursue bachelor’s degrees in segregated environments to prevent their disconnection from Israeli society.

This statement marks a significant departure from Shas’s established stance, reflecting internal tensions within the party and the broader haredi community. Shas has long fought against changes to conscription laws that would mandate IDF service for haredi yeshiva students, viewing such measures as an attack on their religious lifestyle and values. The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled existing exemptions unconstitutional, leading to ongoing legal and political battles.

Moshe Arbel, a member of the Knesset for the Shas Party, has had a notable political career. Born in 1983, Arbel is a lawyer and has served as the legal adviser for the Shas Party and the Interior Ministry.

He entered the Knesset in 2019 and has been involved in various legislative activities, mainly focusing on issues affecting the haredi community. Arbel’s recent remarks highlight his willingness to address the contentious problems head-on, even if it means challenging the traditional positions of his party.

Britain’s Newly Elected Prime Minister and His Jewish Wife Abandon Support for Israel

The British have returned to their ancestral roots of deep seated Jew Hating. 

From its persecution of Jews in the Middle Ages and onward to the cursed British Mandate, Britain has performed crimes of Genocide against the Jewish people. 

Britain’s new Prime Minister Keir Starmer plans to drop the challenge to the ICC's jurisdiction over Israeli PM Netanyahu, supports Palestinian statehood, calls for a Gaza ceasefire, and reinstates funding to UNRWA, signaling a shift in UK foreign policy towards Isra

Britain’s newly elected Prime Minister Keir Starmer appears to be faltering in his commitment to stand with the Jewish state.

According to the Guardian, Starmer’s Labour government is expected to abandon its bid to delay the International Criminal Court (ICC) from issuing an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over alleged war crimes in Gaza.

The previous British government under Rishi Sunak filed a challenge on June 10, questioning the ICC’s jurisdiction over Israeli nationals. Following Sunak’s petition, the ICC’s pre-trial chamber had given the UK until July 12 to submit its full claim, but now under Starmer that challenge is being tossed away along with any hope he would side with the Middle East’s lone democracy.

In a conversation with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday, the British leader expressed his belief that the Arabs have an “undeniable right” to an independent state. During the call, Starmer also addressed the “ongoing suffering and devastating loss of life” in Gaza, seemingly placing the blame squarely on Israel’s shoulders while ignoring Hamas’ guilt in starting the war following its October 7 massacre.

In a separate call with Netanyahu, Starmer emphasized the “clear and urgent” need for an immediate ceasefire and his desire to see a two-state solution that ensures the PA has the financial means to operate effectively.

Moreover, the appointment of David Lammy as foreign secretary raises further concerns regarding the UK’s foreign policy under Starmer’s leadership. On Monday,  Lammy announced his intention to reinstate funding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), an organization that has been repeatedly found collaborating with Hamas


IDF Drafting the Lying Charedim Who Work and Receive Salaries Despite Declaring ‘Torasam Umanusam’


In a dramatic change in strategy, the IDF is preparing to send draft notices to 3000 young charedim who are working and receiving salaries despite lying and  declaring that Toratam Umanutam (i.e. they are solely involved in Torah study).

This is the first time that the IDF is attempting to conscript charedim, since most of the previous soldiers who enlisted from charedi backgrounds were at-risk youth or those who had ceased to maintain religious practices. The current target group are those who are working in tandem with their yeshiva studies or instead of studying in yeshiva, and who are receiving official salaries according to the National Insurance Institute.

The charedi parties are maintaining silence at present, since they have not yet received instructions from the gedolim on how to react if thousands of draft notices are submitted to charedim.

Some members of Agudas Yisrael believe that if draft notices are sent, the charedi parties should create a coalition crisis and even topple the government.

“The IDF had never demanded the conscription of thousands of charedim in a few months, next year they want 5000 more, how can we accept this?” one Aguda MK questioned.

“We already know that in the current coalition we won’t be able to pass an acceptable law to regulate the status of Torah learners, so what are we waiting for? We need to get answers from the gedolim.”

Shas MKs also didn’t respond, preferring to wait for the gedolim to decide. One of them said that “We heard a clear ruling from the head of the Sephardi council of Torah sages Rabbi Moshe Maya, who said that it is forbidden to conscript even those charedim who aren’t learning and they shouldn’t show up at the base. The rabbi stressed this in the past, we are now waiting for his decision on the matter.”

In a recorded discussion of the matter, Rabbi Maya stressed that even those not studying should not enlist: “Even if you have no framework [don’t go], you will become secular there, it is a shmad- a coercion to leave religion. One who causes to sin is greater than one who kills others, this is clear.”.

Rabbi Shlomo Machfoud, another member of the council said that “We must fight this with all our power, as it will lead to a spiritual holocaust like they did to us when we immigrated to this country. They used to tempt us in different ways and now they come with this- another way to cause sweet bachurim to abandon their faith.”

Rabbi Machfoud warned all charedim who had studied in yeshiva- even those who have left – not to agree to be drafted to the IDF.