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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Iran hiring European mafias to murder Jews, attack Israeli embassies


Iran has enlisted the aid of Europe-based criminal syndicates to carry out terrorist attacks targeting Israeli diplomatic facilities, Jewish civilians, and even the upcoming summer Olympics, the Mossad said Thursday.

Israel’s intelligence agency revealed that Iran had orchestrated a trio of attacks on Israeli embassies in Europe this year, as part of a terror campaign employing local mafias.

The three attacks took place in January 31st, May 17th, and on May 24th respectively, targeting the Israeli embassies in Sweden and Belgium.

In the first attack, a grenade was placed outside the Israeli embassy in Stockholm. The weapon was quickly neutralized and no damage or injuries caused.

On May 17th, a teenager opened fire outside of the Israeli embassy in Stockholm.

A week later, two grenades were thrown at the Israeli embassy in Brussels. No damage or injuries were reported.

The investigations into the attacks led to evidence pointing to the involvement of the Foxtrot crime syndicate, led by Kurdish-Swedish kingpin Rawa Majid, known as the “Kurdish Fox.”

Majid has evaded arrest for years, and continues to remain at large.

The Mossad said Thursday that Iran recruited Majid after he fled to Turkey last September.

Other Europe-based mafia groups are also suspected of working with Iran, including the Rumba group, under the leadership of the Kurdish-Swede Ismail Abdo.

“Iran operates many criminal organizations in Sweden and Europe in general, while taking advantage of the relative advantage of each and sometimes the rivalry between them,” a Mossad official told The Times of Israel.

Iran is reportedly targeting not only Israeli diplomatic facilities in Europe using its connections to local crime syndicates, but also Jewish civilians.

Tehran is also suspected of plotting attacks targeting the upcoming Paris Olympics.

The 2024 Summer Olympics are slated to begin in Paris on July 26th, continuing through August 11th.

Crazed Joe's deal gives Hamas everything it wanted


On Oct 7, Hamas had a Plan A and a Plan B.
Plan A was to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. Plan B was to pull back, stage ambushes and cry genocide while making up fake casualties and staging atrocities until its Islamist and leftist allies managed to save it while using hostages and their bodies as negotiating leverage.
Biden, who had announced back in December that he had bailed out on supporting Israel, now announced his proposed deal that consists of 3 (actually 4) phases.
Let me break down it down.
Phase 1. Hamas frees some surviving female hostages and returns the bodies of the others in return for Israel releasing hundreds of terrorists. Then Hamas retakes control over populated areas in Gaza.
Phase 2. Endless negotiations for the possible return of the rest of the hostages as Hamas secures its grip on Gaza once again.
Phase 3: US sends billions to Hamas to “rebuild” Gaza in exchange for some bodies of hostages.
Phase 4: Hamas plots its next attack.

Boston Mayor Blocks ‘Libs of Tiktok’ After Woke Pro-Crime Agenda is Exposed


 The woke mayor of Boston has blocked Libs of Tiktok on Twitter, after the Libs account criticized her radical agenda – which surfaced this past week – to stop prosecuting many criminals.

That same day the account was blocked by the Mayor, prompting one Twitter user to question whether it is legal for the mayor to block another user.

Wu, who once notoriously held a party exclusively for non-whites, has long advocated a soft-on-crime agenda, pushing to abolish the gang registry, and declaring that criminal activity theft – should not be prosecuted.

This week it was revealed on Fox News Digital that in a “2021 Boston Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire” from the nonprofit Progressive Massachusetts, Wu advocated an extremely radical pro-criminal agenda.

The survey asked Wu whether she would “support shuttering the Boston Police gang database,” to which Wu responded, “Yes.” She also stated that she backed noncitizens voting in local elections.

Former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins enacted a do-not-prosecute list, which included a list of charges she declined to prosecute, including trespassing, shoplifting, larceny, disorderly conduct, driving with a suspended license, breaking and entering, wanton or malicious destruction of property, threats, drug possession, drug possession with intent to distribute, and resisting arrest.

Wu was asked by the nonprofit, “Do you support the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office’s do-not-prosecute list and expanded approach to dealing with such low-level offenses? YES/ NO?”

The mayor again responded, “Yes.”

Fox News Digital reported that Wu also declared that the police should be “demilitariz[ed]” and prohibited from using tear gas, rubber bullets, and attack dogs.

When she was first elected, Wu opened offices focused on “Food Justice, Black Male Advancement, LGBTQ+ Advancement, and Worker Empowerment” to create a more “equitable city for generations to come.”

Critics have accused Wu of not being as inclusive of White peoplel. In December, the Democratic mayor came under fire for sending out invitations for a holiday party intended only for non-White city council members.

“Honorable members: On behalf of Mayor Michelle Wu, I cordially invite you and a guest to the Electeds of Color Holiday Party,” the email, which was mistakenly sent to everyone, said.

Fifteen minutes after it was sent out, Wu’s aide, Denise DosSantos, “clarified” that the invitation was only meant for minority city councilors. However, while she apologized that the email was mistakenly sent to Whites, she did not apologize for planning a party that excluded White city leaders.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hamas Savages Welcome Crazy Joe's Ceasefire Deal for Gaza


Hamas has welcomed Crazy Joe Biden's newly announced proposal for a ceasefire in Israel's ongoing war with the Palestinian movement in the Gaza Strip.

The proposal, unveiled by Crzy Joe in remarks delivered Friday at the White House, was composed of three phases. The first phase would entail a six-week ceasefire, along with an Israeli withdrawal from populated areas of Gaza, the exchange of surviving Hamas-held hostage for hundreds of Palestinians held prisoner, the return of Palestinian civilians to the war-torn territory and the entrance of up to 600 aid trucks.

If realized, the cessation of hostilities would continue through second phase, during which Israel and Hamas would negotiate a permanent ceasefire. Finally, a plan for Gaza's reconstruction would be established and the bodies of the dead returned.

"It's time for this war to end and for the day after begin," Crazy Joe said.

DA Alvin Bragg committed ‘political malpractice’ by taking NY Trump case, Mitt Romney says


Sen. Mitt Romney on Saturday accused Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg of committing “political malpractice” by pursuing criminal charges against ex-President Donald Trump .

“Bragg should have settled the case against Trump, as would have been the normal procedure. But he made a political decision,” the Utah Republican and staunch Trump critic told his biographer, Atlantic writer McKay Coppins.

“Bragg may have won the battle, for now, but he may have lost the political war,” he added. “Democrats think they can put out the Trump fire with oxygen. It’s political malpractice.”

Last month, Romney voiced bewilderment at why President Biden didn’t pardon his predecessor as soon as the federal indictments came down, saying “he should have fought like crazy” to keep them from moving forward.

“Had I been President Biden, when the Justice Department brought on indictments, I would have immediately pardoned him,” Romney told MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle.”

“Because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person [who] pardoned a little guy.”

Romney, 77, who is set to retire at the end of his term next January, backed both impeachments against Trump in 2020 and 2021, respectively.

Bragg’s office did not immediately return messages.

Harold Tischler in a huge Pickle for offering to buy FDNY inspector ‘best pastrami sandwich’

Hershey Goldberger and Abe and Rivka Friedman (far left to right) watch Harold “Heshy” Tischler yell at a New York Post reporter

A notorious political firebrand running for City Council in Brooklyn is being probed by the city after being caught on video offering to treat an FDNY inspector to “the best-corned beef and pastrami sandwiches on the planet.”

Harold “Heshy” Tischler tendered the tasty proposal on April 17 after the FDNY inspector arrived at 960 East Third Street in Midwood to investigate complaints of alleged misuse of a propane tank.

The exchange was caught in a nearly three-minute video filmed by Hershey Goldberger, whose family owns the home and is currently embroiled in a bitter, property-line dispute with their next-door neighbors, the Onefater family, over alleged illegal construction.

Tischler — who runs a nearby Foster Avenue business specializing in helping construction contractors score city permits and beat fines — is helping the Onefaters in their property fight.

Goldberger turned the video over to the city Department of Investigation and asked it to determine whether Tischler’s nosh proffer to Fire Safety Inspector Mateo Galloza constituted a bribe.

The DOI requested additional information from Goldberger, according to an email chain examined by The Post.

Tischler, a self-described “expediter” for Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish community, said he is helping the Onefaters for free.

Remains of Jewish-American soldier missing for 70 years recovered from mass grave where he was buried with Nazis

A Jewish-American World War II hero who stormed Utah beach on D-Day and went missing after being ambushed in the Battle of Cherbourg has finally been found — in a German mass grave where he was buried with Nazis.

Now, eight decades after his death on June 23, 1944, Lt. Nathan Baskind will finally receive a proper burial.

Baskind, the son of Lithuanian and Russian immigrants who settled in Pittsburgh and owned a wallpaper business, was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1942 at the age of 26, according to Raugh Jewish Archives.

“He came from a successful family, he could have gotten out of [the war] if he wanted to,” said Shalom Lamm, co-founder of Operation Benjamin, a non-profit that identifies Jewish U.S. war veterans buried under mistaken religious designations at American military cemeteries.

Baskind commanded four M-10 tank destroyers — modified Sherman tanks— in the US Army’s 899th Tank Destroyer battalion during the bloody D-Day invasion.

After taking the beachhead, Allied forces set their sights on the port city of Cherbourg, France.

As US troops engaged in fierce battles with Nazi soldiers, who were ordered by Adolf Hitler to hold the city at all costs, Baskind went behind enemy lines accompanied only by his driver on a reconnaissance mission.

They were ambushed.

The Pollacks who cried poverty refused to pay mortgage for years shell out $700K for Florida house:


A pair of allegedly racist squatters who went years without paying their mortgage — then cried poverty and refused to leave their Long Island home when it was auctioned off — paid $700,000 cash for a new Florida abode, records reveal.

Barry and Barbara Pollack, both 72, plunked down the cash for a two-bedroom, two-bath spread in an over-55 community in Boynton Beach in January, property records show.

The 1,782-square-foot home includes a two-car garage, walk-in closets, new porcelain tile floors and a new washer dryer, according to the listing on Zillow.

The purchase was revealed in a new lawsuit filed against the couple by the family who battled for nearly two years to get them out of a Nassau County split-level.

The Chawlas say they spent more than $200,000 on the mortgage, taxes, insurance and legal fees as they waited for the Pollacks to exit the 1,536-square-foot house Jericho, which was finally vacated in January, leaving behind a smelly mess.

They also shelled out for movers, repairs and garbage removal costs, they contend in the Nassau Supreme Court lawsuit.

“We feel he should be held accountable for his actions. He should not be able to go on without any repercussions,” said Bobby Chawla.

“It cost us a lot of money that we did not prepare for or anticipate to spend. Then to find out he bought a house cash, this was the ultimate scam. He stole from us. We hope to see justice for ourselves as well as a change to the justice system to help landlords who are trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.” 

“They were unable to get into the property all these years, and now they’re trying to seek compensation on what they lost trying to get these people out,” said Heath Berger, an attorney for the Chawlas.

Barry Pollack was once caught on video telling Bobby Chawla, whose parents are from India, to “go back to Pakistan.”

The Pollacks bought their New York house in September 1990 for $255,000, but 16 years later fell into financial trouble, and wound up fighting in three different courts for 17 years to stay.

The home ended up in a bank auction after the couple was sued for foreclosure in 2008 and dragged the case out for 11 years, records show, with one lawyer describing them as “shrewd and devious” litigants.

They then allegedly filed “skeleton” and “frivolous” bankruptcies, which automatically pause any eviction proceeding, records showed, and were barred from filing any further in bankruptcy court.

Barry Pollack declined to comment on the new lawsuit.

Dem wants Gov. Hochul to pardon Trump ‘for the good of the country’

 A Democratic congressman has publicly called on Gov. Hochul to pardon former President Donald Trump after he was found guilty this week of falsifying business records — for the sake of the nation.

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) said a Trump conviction only helps his campaign.

“Donald Trump is a serial liar, cheater, and philanderer, a six-time declarer of corporate bankruptcy, an instigator of insurrection, and a convicted felon who thrives on portraying himself as a victim. @GovKathyHochul should pardon him for the good of the country,” Phillips declared in a X post Friday.

“You think pardoning is stupid? Making him a martyr over a payment to a porn star is stupid. (Election charges are entirely different.) It’s energizing his base, generating record sums of campaign cash, and will likely result in an electoral boost,” Phillips warned.

Phillips, a three term gadfly, earned national attention this year after launching a primary challenge against President Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.

A businessman before entering government, Phillips dropped at least $5 million of his own cash on the long-shot effort, which he abandoned in March.

He endorsed Biden after garnering no meaningful support in the primaries.

A person close to Hochul said a pardon was “unlikely.” 

“I cannot image a world where she would consider doing this, this makes no sense,” said the insider.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Bechukoisai

B&B Biden-Blinken Deranged Policies On the Way to Destroy The World in a World War


Australia rejects Recognizing Palestine in 80-5 Landslide


International Criminal Court runs wild, threatening Israel and anyone who criticizes the Court


by Douglas Murray

Back in April, I revealed here that the so-called International Criminal Court was aiming to prosecute an American ally. 

Sure enough, last month the absurd international body announced that it was prosecuting Benjamin Netanyahu, the democratically elected prime minister of Israel.

It was an obscene overreach by the court.  

The court has carried out no investigation and gathered no evidence. 

It has announced that it is seeking the arrest of Netanyahu because of things it thinks he might have done.

Back then, I said the “court” would come to regret it.  

America is not a signatory to the body. Thank goodness. 

And neither is Israel. 

Some more foolish allies — particularly in Europe — are. Some Democrats would love for America to join the court.  

But as the court´s opponents have always warned, the court is a corrupt and sectarian political organization that will in time come for Americans. 

Anyone who wants a Belgian or Congolese judge standing as judge and jury over American soldiers and politicians should love the institution.

Fortunately, the ICC´s recent overreach got a stern response from 12 US senators. 

They said they saw the warrant for the arrest of the Israeli leadership as “not only a threat to Israel´s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States.” 

The senators’ letter went on, “The United States will not tolerate politicized attacks by the ICC on our allies. Target Israel and we will target you.”  

The letter spelled out that “targeting” would include ending all American support for the ICC plus the sanctioning and barring of ICC officials, employees, associates and their families from the United States.

Seems fair enough. 

And to anyone who doubts that the ICC is politicized, you might note that just last week, the court´s former chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, praised the ICC warrants against Israel. 

He also described the leadership of Hamas — including those who organized the October 7 massacres — as “victims.” Charming.

This week, the court answered the US senators and the response is breathtaking.  

The prosecutor´s office replied to the senators in part,

“When individuals threaten to retaliate against the Court or Court personnel … such threats, even when not acted upon, may also constitute an offense against the administration of justice under Art. 70 of the Rome Statute.”

That’s what they call some cojones. 

The ICC is not just threatening US senators. It is saying they are already criminals in the eyes of the ICC prosecutor. Making the ICC effectively impossible to criticize. 

An almost divine institution. 

Criticize the ICC and you become a war criminal-in-waiting too, apparently.

Well, the puffed-up prosecutor might note several things. 

Not least that the USA is not a signatory to the Rome Statute. 

Here’s what happens after Trump’s guilty verdict in ‘hush money’ trial


Donald Trump was found guilty in the Manhattan hush money case for covering up a scheme to corrupt the 2016 election — here’s what to expect next for the former president.

jury found that Trump, 77, doctored business records to hide that he had porn star Stormy Daniels paid $130,000 in the lead up to the 2016 election to keep her quiet about her allegations that she slept with him one time in 2006.

He was convicted of falsifying business records to carry out another crime and faces a minimum of probation and a maximum of four years imprisonment.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee will remain free until his sentencing date on July 11, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan said after the verdict was read out Thursday afternoon.

Trump also won’t face any travel restrictions until his sentencing, according to Michael Bachner, a former prosecutor and longtime defense attorney.

The 45th president most likely will receive a no-jail sentence and therefore prosecutors wouldn’t seek to jail him ahead of his sentence and a judge wouldn’t likely grant such a request anyway, Bachner explained.

“He will not be remanded,” Bachner told The Post. “There is no requirement that the judge remand him and I would be shocked if the judge were to remand him even if [prosecutors] asked for it.”

Bachner explained that since “there is a very decent chance he’s looking at a probationary sentence. It would be unnecessary punishment to incarcerate somebody who very likely isn’t getting a jail sentence.”

Defense attorney Jeffrey Lichtman — who repped drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, among other notable clients — agreed “I do not expect he’d receive any jail time.”

And there isn’t much of a chance that Trump will go on the lam, Bachner said.

“He’s neither dangerous nor a flight risk. He’s one of the most well known faces in the United States. Where is he going to run?” the lawyer said.

Trump will be sentenced on July 11.

First, he’ll have to meet with the probation department to go over his history and then both prosecutors and Trump’s lawyers will file their sentencing recommendations to the judge.

Prosecutors haven’t said what penalty they will be seeking but it’s possible they won’t ask for jail time since Trump was convicted of a non-violent crime and since he has no prior convictions.

Either way, the real estate tycoon’s lawyers most certainly will ask for a probationary sentence, Bachner said.

Despite being a convicted felon, Trump can still continue his presidential run.

And experts told CBS News that Trump – whose primary residence is in Florida – will likely still be able to vote come November since he’s unlikely to be sentenced to prison.

Florida “defers to other state laws when it comes to disenfranchising voters who are tried and convicted elsewhere,” Blair Bowie, a lawyer at the Campaign Legal Center, told the outlet.

Under New York law, a felon is only prevented from voting while incarcerated.

The former president could also lose his right to own a gun, according to the federal Gun Control Act.

But whether Trump even owns a gun is not clear.

Trump’s attorneys said they plan to appeal the verdict “as soon as we can.”

First, Trump’s team will most likely seek to have Judge Juan Merchan set aside the verdict and if that’s rejected this will set off at least a year’s worth of appeals by Trump’s side, experts say.

Any appeal “won’t be [decided] before the election,” Bachner said.

And if Trump loses an appeal with the mid-level appeals court, he’ll likely seek to have the state’s highest court hear his case, which could take another additional year.

“An appeal could easily take a year or longer after the sentencing,” Lichtman said.

Bachner noted that if Trump were sentenced to jail time he would probably remain out free pending the appeal.

“To the extent there is a reversal on the appeal by the time Trump’s appeal is decided he would have already done his jail time so it would just be unfair to incarcerate him,” he explained.

Chareidie Explaining to Palestinian Children in Brooklyn that "Palestinians Love Jews" only "Zionists Hate Jews"

 The radical Satmar faction called "neturei karta" have stepped up their game and are now going to Arab Brooklyn Neighborhoods to explain to the Arabs that Zionists hate Jews too! 

Tuna Beigel Sticks Up for Supporters of Murderers of Jews


This stupid little twerp doesn't understand why Frum Jews wouldn't judge chilonim but judge the Neturei Karta! 

Growing up in the Satmar sewers he cannot understand why vilifying Neture Karta, a group that supports Iran, a country that vowed to destroy the only Jewish State in the world, is the right thing to do! 

Growing up surrounded by the hateful SHIT"ah of Satmar he cannot distinguish between a Jew that has yet to embrace and observe mitzvois, and Jews that fly to Teheran to attend a funeral of a murderer of his own people and who was a threat to all of civilized mankind. There was a good reason that Iranians themselves called Raisi "The Butcher of Iran"