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Monday, May 20, 2024

Shani Louk's Body Was Intact Even after 230 Days

 Nissim Louk, the father of Shani Louk HyD, whose body was recovered last week from Gaza after seven months in captivity and after it was grotesquely paraded through the streets of Gaza on Oct. 7th by the terrorists who murdered her, said that he had seen pictures of her body and it was whole just as in her lifetime- with even the tattoos remaining on her hands.

Louk said that this made him happy, because “She was there for 230 days and I was surprised that it was whole. It is said that the bodies of holy people are preserved for a long time, and Shani must have been such a pure person if her body stayed whole for so long.”

Louk also referred to the current demonstrations against the government, demanding a prisoner exchange with Hamas. “I beg you, this is not the time for demonstrations. Our children are fighting in Gaza! When the war is over and we will win you can go out and demonstrate but now is not the time for this and it gives fuel to our enemies.”

Sunday, May 19, 2024

"Cleared for Publication" The 4 Senior Iranian Officials on Missing Helicopter


*The four senior Iranian officials on the helicopter:*

- Ibrahim Raisi - President of Iran
- Hossein Amir Abdollahian - Foreign Minister (bottom left)
- Malek Rahmati - Governor of East Azerbaijan Province (bottom right)
- Mohammad Ali Al-yup left)
Additionally, there was, of course, the flight crew.

Iranians Already Celebrating Possible Death of Their President!

Iranian Citizens are  launching Fireworks to Celebrate the Helicopter Crash and possible Death of President Ebrahim Raisi.

Yated sends its Staff to Search for Iranian President


Where is the Yated When We need them... Is the Iranian President Dead? or Alive?


Suddenly when it comes to a goy, a rasha, the Yated is silent!

 Are they waiting till the family is notified? 

Helllllllllow! Yated...... Anyone home?

Is the bastard dead? or alive? 

The entire world media is looking and waiting for answers from the Yated, and crickets... nothing... nada! 

We hear that Zaka is already on the way!!! 


Yated now says that the IDF warned them not to say anything until the families are notified! 

U.S. floating dock in Gaza Has a Nice Welcome as Palestinians seize the humanitarian aid ..


Iranian President's helicopter involved in "accident" Foreign Minister Was Also on Board!

 A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was involved in an accident on Sunday.

Iranian State broadcaster Tasnim reported that the president was on board the helicopter when it was involved in an accident in eastern Azerbaijan.

According to Tasnim, Red Crescent rescue forces and military and police auxiliary forces had begun a massive operation to find the helicopter.

According to the report, the convoy consisted of three helicopters, with the helicopter also carrying Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

According to the state broadcaster, individuals who were on the aircraft made contact after the incident, noting that the hope that the incident ended without loss of life has increased.

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps affiliated Fars news agency as well as several other sources reported that communications with the pilots were lost.

Iranian Minister of Interior Ahmad Vahidi confirmed: "Today, we had the opening of the Qiz Qalasi Dam in the presence of the President of Azerbaijan, and after that, the President and his entourage were on the way back with several helicopters, one of which crashed due to bad weather."

He added: "Rescue teams were sent to the area, but due to the foggy and inhospitable nature of the area, it may take time to reach the helicopter."

According to the Minister: "We have communicated with the president's companions, but because the area is complicated, some communication is difficult and we are waiting for the rescue teams to reach the area of ​​the accident and helicopter landing and give us information."

A view of one of the tunnels connecting Rafah to Egypt... Big enough for cars! There are over 50 of them!

 One of the tunnels captured in Rafah crossing into Egyptian territory; note its size, which can also allow vehicle movement. 

This is why Egypt in the last couple of weeks was pressuring Biden to pressure Israel NOT TO GO INTO RAFAH! 

Biden knew about these tunnels and refused to give this info to Israelis! 

Chareidim Join Pro-Hamas Violent Protest on Shabbos in Brooklyn with their Little Children!

 Watch the first few seconds! Watch as they walk by with their little children witnessing their comrades fighting violently with cops! The trauma that these bastards are subjecting their children is outright abuse. Notice that even the goyim didn't bring their children! 

Hasbara One At a Time!


Rep. Elise Stefanik to address Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem, slam Biden

New York Rep. Elise Stefanik will address members of Israel’s Knesset in Jerusalem Hall Sunday, slamming President Biden for his “dithering” on American military aid, The Post has learned.

The speech was part of a trip to visit sites where Hamas terrorists slaughtered Israeli civilians on October 7.

In remarks released to The Post, Stefanik, who chairs the House Republican Conference, described herself as “a lifelong admirer, supporter, and friend of Israel and the Jewish people” and denounced the Biden administration for withholding military aid that Congress has authorized.

“There is no excuse for an American president to block aid to Israel — aid that was duly passed by the Congress … or to dither and hide while our friends fight for their lives,” her speech reads.

The five-term Republican, who led the GOP’s assault on lefty university presidents and their refusal to tamp down campus antisemitism in a fiery House hearing last year, also plans a swipe at American academia.

“We must not let the extremism in ‘elite’ corners conceal the deep, abiding love for Israel among the American people,” she will say.

“The majority of Americans support you and we always will…They have opened their hearts to you in this dark hour.”

Stefanik’s trip makes her the highest-ranking member of the House to visit Israel since the cowardly attack by Hamas, her office said.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will keep busing migrants to NYC

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed Saturday to continue bussing migrants to New York City — and took a shot at Mayor Eric Adams during a speech to the NRA.

“Unless and until Joe Biden does finally begin to enforce immigration laws I will continue to bus those migrants to sanctuary cities across the United States of America,” Abbott said to loud cheers while delivering remarks at the 2024 National Rifle Association convention in Dallas.

“Buncha hypocrites,” he added.

A woman in the crowd yelled at him to send the migrants to New York, to which he responded, “oh, they’re going to New York — trust me.”

The Republican governor then took a jab at hizzoner.

“Mayor Adams needs something to do,” Abbot said.

A spokesperson for Mayor Adams fired back, calling Abbott “a coward” for his bussing program.

“Governor Abbott is a coward who uses human beings as political pawns, and has done nothing while murder rates in Texas have skyrocketed under his lack of leadership,” the spokesperson told The Post in a statement.

“If anyone ‘needs something to do,’ it’s him,” they added.


Biden Sinking Very Fast


‘APRIL is the cruelest month,” poet T. S. Eliot famously declared.

Joe Biden might beg to differ.

June is shaping up as a potential nightmare for the 81-year-old president. 

His re-election, his legacy and son Hunter Biden’s freedom are all on the line over the course of a month-long gantlet. 

And he has only himself to blame. 

Biden’s surprising demand last week that Donald Trump debate him twice, with the first face-off in June, underscores his desperation to get his campaign back on track.

His insistence on a televised showdown in a month already crammed with high-stakes events reveals that Biden knows his bid for a second term is in deep trouble. 

Trailing in most if not all of the swing states and getting disastrous ratings from voters, he’s ready to put his chips on the table five months before the election.

Trump agreed to both debates, with the first scheduled for June 27 and the second for Sept. 10. 

It’s rare that a president’s schedule drives headlines, but there is nothing ordinary about Biden’s lineup for June.

It looks like a formula for disaster. 

Consider that Hunter Biden is scheduled to face felony gun and tax charges in two separate trials next month. 

The chance that his son could end up in prison, aides say, is never far from the president’s mind.

“Psychological torment” is how a Politico report described what Biden is experiencing. 

It quoted aides as saying that although the president speaks to Hunter daily, the White House staff tip-toes around the topic out of “fear of an angry rebuke or an icy stare.” 

'What's intifada?' 'It's this amazing salad'


'Let my people stay' - in the Diaspora?

by Tzvi Fishman

This Shabbat, the 10th of Iyar, marked the birthdate of Theodor (Binyamin Ze’ev) Herzl whose vision and historic efforts on behalf of the Jewish People led to the foundation of Medinat Yisrael. Looking down at the magnificent city of Jerusalem from his resting place on Mount Herzl, he certainly can be proud of the child he helped give birth to - the modern State of Israel which has become a diamond of achievement and light in an ever-darkening world. On the other hand, looking down from heaven at the Diasporas of the West, Theodor Herzl may be turning over in his grave.

When Hashem first appeared to Moshe at the burning bush, he ordered Moshe to set out on the mission to bring the enslaved Jews out of Egypt and lead them to the Promised Land. Faithfully, Moshe confronted Pharaoh and conveyed Hashem’s command to “Let My People go!” This cry of freedom became the cry of Theodor Herzl and decades later the cry during the struggle for Soviet Jewry – “Let My People go!”

Gantz Caves into Left Pressure and Threatens To Resign From Government If No Post-War Plans; Netanyahu Fires Back


Benny Gantz, a member of Israel’s three-member War Cabinet, threatened on Motzei Shabbos to resign from the government if it doesn’t adopt a new plan in three weeks’ time for the war in Gaza.

His announcement escalates a divide within Israel’s leadership more than seven months into a war in which it has yet to accomplish its goals of dismantling Hamas and returning hostages abducted in the Oct. 7 attack.

Gantz spelled out a six-point plan that includes the return of scores of hostages, ending Hamas’ rule, demilitarizing the Gaza strip and establishing an international administration of civilian affairs. It also supports efforts to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia.

He says if it is not adopted by June 8 he will quit the government.

1) “Bring the hostages home.”

2)“Topple Hamas rule, demilitarize the Gaza Strip and gain Israeli security control [over Gaza].”

3) Alongside that Israeli security control, “create an international civilian governance mechanism for Gaza, including American, European, Arab and Palestinian elements — which will also serve as a basis for a future alternative that is not Hamas and is not [Palestinian Authority President] Abbas.”

4) “Return residents of the north to their homes by September 1, and rehabilitate the western Negev (adjacent to Gaza, targeted by Hamas on October 7).”

5) “Advance normalization with Saudi Arabia as part of a comprehensive process to create an alliance with the free world and the West against Iran and its allies.”

6) “Adopt a framework for [military/national] service under which all Israelis will serve the state and contribute to the national effort.”

In a sharp statement released through his office, Netanyahu accused his coalition partner of “issuing an ultimatum to the prime minister instead of to Hamas.”

Gantz’s demands, the statement claimed, would lead to “an end to the war and defeat for Israel, abandoning the majority of the hostages, leaving Hamas in power, and creating a Palestinian state.”

The Prime Minister’s Office argued that if Gantz truly prioritizes national interests over toppling the government, he must answer three questions:

1. Does Gantz want to see the Rafah operation through to its end, and if so, why is he threatening to topple the unity government during the IDF operation?
2. Does he oppose Palestinian Authority rule in Gaza, even if Mahmoud Abbas is not involved?
3. Would he support a Palestinian state as part of a normalization process with Saudi Arabia?

“Prime Minister Netanyahu is determined to eliminate the Hamas battalions,” the statement continued. “He opposes bringing the Palestinian Authority into Gaza and establishing a Palestinian state that would inevitably become a terror state.”

Netanyahu, the statement added, believes the unity government is crucial to achieving war aims and “expects Gantz to clarify his positions on these issues to the public.”

Gantz quickly responded to Netanyahu, addressing the prime minister’s questions in a statement from his office.

“If the prime minister had listened to Gantz,” said the office of the former defense minister and chief of staff, “we would have entered Rafah months ago and completed the mission. We must finish it and create the necessary conditions for that.”

Arvin Netanel’s Execution In Iran Delayed Until Monday, Mother Begs For Tefillos


The Jewish-Iranian man who was slated to be executed by the Islamic Republic on Shabbos was identified as Arvin Netanel Ghahremani, 20.

For unknown reasons, his execution was postponed until Monday.

Two years ago, when Arvin was 18, he lent money to an Iranian man. When he asked for the money back, the man attacked him with a knife. Arvin fought back in self-defense in an altercation that ended with the man’s death.

According to Sharia law, the fact that Arvin is Jewish allows the Iranian man’s family to demand the death penalty without evidence or a trial. The law allows the death sentence to be commuted to reparations only with the consent of the victim’s family. Arvin’s family has begged the Iranian man’s family to reverse their decision and offered them generous reparations but the family has refused and insists that Arvin be put to death.

Arvin’s mother is begging for Jews to daven for her son,

 Arvin Netanel ben Sonia Tziyona, to be spared:

Saturday, May 18, 2024

War Shmor ..Israel’s Economy Rebounds in First Quarter


Israel’s economy sharply rebounded in the first quarter of 2024 after taking a hit late last year from the war that Hamas started on Oct. 7.

According to preliminary estimates from the Central Bureau of Statistics published on Thursday, gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an annualized rate of 14.1% in the first three months of the year, after having contracted at an annualized 21.7% in the previous quarter (revised from a previous estimate of 21%).

The rebound was led by a large increase in private spending and investment, especially in the residential sector.

“The relatively sharp increase in the gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2024 reflects a significant increase in private consumption data and investment in fixed assets after large decreases in the fourth quarter of 2023, but still the private consumption data and investment in fixed assets are affected by the security situation and have not returned to the level before the outbreak of the war,” the CBS statement said.

The 14.1% growth rate was close to the Reuters consensus projection of 15.3%.

Israel’s annual inflation rate rose to 2.8% in April compared to 2.7% in March, data published on Wednesday showed, above expectations of 2.5% although within the government’s annual target of 1-3%.

According to Reuters, the economic rebound plus the slightly higher inflation rate for April could push back Bank of Israel rate cuts, with the next interest rate decision due on May 27.

The central bank forecasts economic growth of around 2% in 2024 if the war is contained and winds down this year without spreading to other fronts.

Israel push into Rafah recovers another slain hostage


In what Israeli media said was the result of intelligence gleaned during the latest incursions, the military announced the recovery of the body of a man who was among more than 250 hostages seized by Hamas in a cross-border rampage on Oct. 7 that triggered the war.

Ron Binyamin's remains were located along with those of three other slain hostages whose repatriation was announced on Friday, the military said without providing further details.

There was no immediate comment from Hamas.

Israel has conducted renewed military sweeps this month of parts of northern Gaza where it had declared the end of major operations in January. At the time, it also predicted its forces would return to prevent a regrouping by the Palestinian Islamist group that rules Gaza.

IDF recovers bodies of hostages Itzhak Gelerenter, Amit Buskila and Shani Louk in Gaza

The military announced Friday that soldiers recovered the bodies of three hostages from the Gaza Strip, as intensive fighting raged there between Israeli forces and Hamas.

The three were named as Itzhak GelerenterAmit Buskila, and Shani Louk.

In a press statement, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said the bodies were recovered in an overnight operation carried out by the military and Shin Bet.

 The three were at the Supernova music festival near Re’im on the morning of the Hamas-led October 7 onslaught, where they then fled to the Mefalsim area.

Hagari said they were killed there by Hamas terrorists, and their bodies were then kidnapped to Gaza.

Until recently, both Gelerenter and Buskila were presumed to be alive, while Louk was confirmed dead in late October after a piece of her skull was identified following widely shared footage of terrorists kidnapping her.

The military had initially not planned to make the announcement of the recovery of the bodies on Friday, but rather wait until the operation had concluded. However, due to rumors spreading on social media about the operation, it was decided to release some information, including the names of the three hostages.

“I call on the public — please refrain from spreading rumors and maintain the security of our forces. Keep our forces safe. Listen to the messages of the IDF spokesperson and the official bodies only,” Hagari said. “We will update with any information that is available, transparently, first of all the families and then the public through the media.”

According to Hagari, the recovery efforts have “been going on for a long time already.” He also said some of the intelligence for the operation came from Palestinian terror suspects captured by the IDF and interrogated by the Shin Bet.

“The intense fighting in all parts of the Strip continues, and the task of utmost importance of returning the hostages is [on the mind] of every commander and fighter in the field,” he added.

Shani Louk’s father Nissim later told Channel 12 news while the announcement that the IDF recovered her body was difficult to receive, it was also news that he had been waiting for, since he had been officially informed more than six months ago that Shani was dead.

Nissim said military representatives showed him a picture of Shani’s body when they informed him that her remains were recovered from Gaza, while praising the “brave soldiers” who did so.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Harav Gottlieb Confirms What DIN Has Been Saying All Along "The Chareidie Derech is not Sustainable"


11 Facts About the Crusades and the Jews

1. The Crusades Were “Holy” Wars

The Crusades were a series of “holy” wars carried out by European Christians primarily in the 11th-13th centuries. Their stated goal was to free Jerusalem from the Muslims, whom they viewed as infidels, and establish a Christian kingdom there. On their way to the Holy Land, the zealous mobs pounced on the opportunity to rid themselves of the “infidels” in their midst—the Jews, viciously decimating many Jewish communities.

2. They Were Initiated by Popes

Far from being a grassroots movement, the Crusades were called for and directed by the Popes themselves. Although they did not openly advocate for the murder of Jews, many church leaders were quick to turn a blind eye when these atrocities did occur.

3. The Crusaders’ Motives Were Far From Sacred

Politics played a large role in the papal decision to launch a crusade. For centuries, the Church had been at odds with the monarchs of Western Europe, each side jockeying for power. What greater strategy to undermine royal authority than to call for a religious war, uniting the masses under the Pope’s banner? As for the soldiers, they joined the Crusades as an easy way to get rich off plunder—and to obtain the Church’s promise of eternal salvation and automatic forgiveness for all their sins.

4. Soldiers Were Joined by Mobs of Peasants

Initially, the plan was for the Crusades to consist of armies of professional soldiers on an organized expedition to the Holy Land. But as religious hysteria spread throughout Europe, more and more peasants and commonfolk joined the Crusaders’ ranks. With tens of thousands of people joining the cause, any sense of order and discipline had now disappeared, and the masses, spurred by religious zeal and natural greed, felt free to act as they wished. In many cases, these mobs overwhelmed the forces of local rulers who attempted to protect their Jewish subjects.

Beit Shemesh "Bet" Chareidim Continue to Terrorize Beit Shemesh "Dalet" and Hire a Al Jazeera Photographer

 "Hamas'nik get out of here" 

 Residents detained an Arab reporter who refused to identify himself after they suspected him of being an Al Jazeera journalist

This was filmed at the start of Yom Hatzmaot. 
A resident of "Dalet", businessman Baruch Ashkenazi is seen preventing a foreign Arab photographer from documenting the Palestinian flag parade of the Chareidim of "Bet"  

The photographer, who refused to identify himself or deny that he works for *Al Jazeera,* was invited to the parade by the "Bet'nickes" , following the custom of far-left organizations that post provocations against IDF soldiers in Israel.

Ashkenazi managed to prevent the photographer from documenting the Palestinian flag parade, and for many minutes he confronted the photographer, when, surprisingly, the one who tried to help the foreign photographer was *the ultra-Orthodox photographer, Yaakov Lederman*, who also during the year pastes the Pashkevils and the 'Kol Kora' letters of the fanatics, and is in close cooperation with them.

After a few minutes, dozens of other residents joined Ashkenazi and began to expel the Arab photographer. 
The person who rescued the Al-Jazeera Photographer as mentioned, is Laderman, who was also invited by the extremists to document the parade.

The Lady "Mohel" Elise Stefanik Accidently Cuts Rep Dan Goldman's Testicles in Congress


The Secret is out why Egypt Didn't Want Israel in Rafah!! 50 Tunnels Have Been Found from Rafah to Egypt .. Egyptian Military Were Helping Hamas!


Zera Shimshon Parshas Emor


Tel Aviv University Embraces the VaYoel Moshe and Won't Allow Israel Flags ..It's Official!


Chassidim that Left their Communities Singing "Hartzige Niggunim"


In Williamsburg Children are taught to hate as they burn an Israeli Flag in a Ceremony for the Entire School