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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Shas the "Tzaddikim" Support Arab Parties over the Parties of the Right!

 DIN: I do not vote for any Chareidie Parties. If Hamas would give them $$$$$ they would side with them.
In Beit Shemesh, the Chareidim are trying to oust Dr Aliza Bloch as mayor!
Shas and Aguda want the failed previous mayor, Moshe Abutbul who is now an MK in the Knesset. He was defeated in the previous elections by Dr Aliza Bloch. 
Belz supports some "yukel" Shmuel Greenberg and Viznitz in a slap to Belz instructed their naive sheep to vote for Moshe Abutbul, though they previously agreed to support Shmuel Greenberg! 
It's all about the Benjamins! 

Pathetic Failed PM Ehud Barak is actively harming the war effort

JNS) During the Second World War, there was a well-known idiom “Loose lips sink ships,” which meant that everyone should be extremely careful about what they said and whether it could help or hinder the American war effort.

I am reminded of this saying every time former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak appears on international media.

An example of this is when in November, being interviewed on CNN by Christiane Amanpour, Barak stated that Israel built the underground bunkers underneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza used by Hamas until recently as a military command post. Even Amanpour was startled by this comment and asked him to repeat it.

Not only was this comment unforgivable in the context of Israel and the Israel Defense Forces trying to explain why it needed to conquer the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, but it also placed the legitimacy of the whole war in jeopardy.

UNRWA ‘Humanitarian Programs’


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

UNRWA=Hamas Must BE Shut Down ASAP



Mothers of IDF Soldiers Again Blocking "Humanitarian Shipments" in Gaza



Douglas Murray Interviews Benjamin Netanyahu


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sits down for an exclusive one-on-one interview with Douglas Murray on TalkTV to reveal that Israel will go it alone, if needs be, in order to secure its future.

Speaking to TalkTV for an exclusive half-hour interview, the Israeli Prime Minister says: “Look, you know this statement, ‘A man’s got to do, what a man’s gotta do?’ Remember the days when you can actually say that? Well, today you say ‘A person has to do, what a person has to do, okay’. Well, let me extend that, ‘A nation has to do what it has to do to survive’.

“And if we have to take action both in the South and in the North, that is understood by many to be a just action… but [if] they cannot stand the heat of public opinion, then we’ll just have to do it alone. We will do what we need to do.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu told Douglas Murray that the October 7th attack on Israel, was “the worst savagery perpetrated against Jewish people since the Holocaust”, and that he thought there was little difference between what Hamas ‘savages’ did compared to Hitler’ Nazis.

The Prime Minister also gave his view of what would happen in Gaza once Hamas were defeated, saying demilitarisation in the area could only be handled by Israeli forces. And he opened up about the possibility of fighting in the north and the south, talking about the threat of Hezbollah and Iran.

He went on to say that beating Hamas would “take some time” but that the conflict was wider than just Israel, warning the West: “If Barbarism wins here, Europe will be next, America will be next.”

Netanyahu also branded freeing half of the Israeli hostages as a “major achievement” – despite criticism from some quarters – and explained he didn’t care what his legacy was as long as Israel prospered.

IDF Reveals Sinwar’s Strategy Paper: Use the Hostage Families to Pressure Netanyahu, Gallant


by David Israel JP 

IDF fighters located a document detailing what appears to be Hamas’s instructions for psychological warfare against the Israeli public, according to News12 political reporter Amit Segal. The document was discovered in an important strategic location in the Gaza Strip, in an area visited by Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, and it appears to have been written by a senior Hamas official.

The strategic guidelines document orders the continued distribution of photos and videos of Israeli hostages, because they create psychological pressure on the Netanyahu government. The senior Hamas official also stressed that everything must be done to increase the psychological pressure on Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, whom Hamas considers the most vulnerable among Netanyahu’s ministers.

Two other Hamas strategic points: encourage the argument of the Israeli left that Netanyahu was responsible for the October 7, 2023 failures; and refute the right-wing narrative that only increased ground attacks will eventually bring back the hostages.

Jewish Republicans and Independent Voters are Asked to Register as Democrats to knock Out ‘Squad’ member "Fire Alarm Puller" Bowman


A new group is pushing independent voters and Jewish Republicans to switch registration to the Democratic Party in an effort to tip the scales in a hotly contested party primary in one New York congressional district.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a member of the liberal House “Squad” that also includes Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has been under fire for being critical of Israel while his opponent George Latimer has campaigned as a staunch supporter of the Jewish state.

Westchester Unites has sent text messages targeting Jewish voters in the Westchester County portion of the district — which stretches into the Bronx.

“Anti-semitism is on the ballot and we need a member of Congress who will stand up for our Jewish community,” the group says in a mailer.

“Send a message that our community stands together.”

IDF Enter Jenin Hospital dressed as women, medical staff, in operation which led to the deaths of three terrorists.


 The Israeli forces which eliminated three Hamas terrorists in Jenin's Ibn Sina hospital completed their task within about ten minutes.

The three terrorists were eliminated by undercover officers from Israel's National Counterterrorism Unit, some of whom were dressed as doctors and nurses. The forces raided the hospital, in a smooth operation which lasted only a few minutes, eliminating the terrorists who were in a hidden room on one of the levels.

A senior source said, "There are no cities of refuge in Judea and Samaria, and there will not be any - let every terrorist know this. The arms of the IDF and security forces will reach them all."

The forces entered the hospital at around 5:30 a.m., and within minutes, the terrorists had already been eliminated. The most senior of the three terrorists, Mohammed Jalamneh, was armed with a pistol, which was seized by security forces. The terrorists did not manage to respond to the forces, and by 5:40 a.m. the forces began to make their exit.

The operation was made possible by precise intelligence received prior to the operation, which was unprecedented in Israel.

Israeli security forces are aware that many terrorists hide in hospitals throughout Judea and Samaria and use the hospitals to manage their terror infrastructure, since they believe that Israeli forces will not enter such a place.

Many terrorists use the Ibn Sina hospital as a refuge, and in many operations the IDF has conducted, terrorists fired at the forces from hospital grounds, and hurled explosives, rocks, and firebombs at them.

Sources from within the hospital said, "Around ten people who were members of a special force were wearing civilian clothes and doctors' and nurses' uniforms. They infiltrated the hospital and went to the third floor and eliminated the three young men using silencer guns."

IDF Sends A “Happy Birthday” Message To Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh


Aren’t they sweet? Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is celebrating his 62nd birthday today, and the IDF didn’t forget about it. In fact, they even published a personalized birthday card just for the special birthday boy.

The IDF’s Arabic spokesman, Avichay Adraee, published a message in honor of Haniyeh’s birthday that reads: “On this day, a terrorist who hides behind civilians and shouts slogans that incite murder and encourage bloodshed came into this world. His job was to steal from the poor and needy while he lives in a hotel, builds luxurious houses, and enjoys success and happiness at the expense of the Gazan people.”

Attached to the message is a “birthday card” showing Haniyeh with a birthday cake inside a luxury hotel, smiling in front of television feed showing a freezing, starving Gazan family.

10 year- old Mordche Pinchas Spitzer Struck And Killed By Bus In New Square


Mourning gripped the New Square community on Monday as word spread of the tragic petirah of 10-year-old Mordechai Pinchos Spitzer z”l, after he was struck by a bus outside his school.

Monsey Scoop reported Monday afternoon that the child was struck by the school bus on Clinton Lane in New Square. Hatzolah paramedics rushed to his aid, but were sadly unable to resuscitate the critically injured young victim.

Mordechai Pinchas Z”L is the son of Rabbi and Mrs. Yakov Yosef Spitzer. His father yb”l, is the principal of the Skver girls school.

The Levaya will take place at 10 pm  Monday night at the Skvere Bais Hachaim.

Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes.

More Than 1,300 "Free Fressers" Attend a Shabbat Dinner at Ayat, a Palestinian Restaurant in Brooklyn


DIN: One of the "free fressers" was Michael Winograd who was overheard saying, “This is a major Jewish event!”

Another "free fresser" by the name of Lander said :“This is about a Palestinian making a generous Shabbat dinner without regard for their politics,”  “Nobody is being asked at the door what their position on the conflict is. Everyone is welcome.”

Interesting! Very interesting indeed! "All are welcome?" "Nobody is asked what their position on the conflict is?" 

Of course not, not one of the guests were pro-Israel! All the "free fressers" were extreme leftists, and anti-Zionists, Satmar and their affiliated Neturei Karta would have been very comfortable at this meal.

Lisa Maya Knauer, a 67-year old "machsheifa" who describes herself as “an anti-Zionist Jew,” said "as an anti-occupation, and against the war, I wanted to support a restaurant that is owned by a Palestinian person who is very committed to creating goodwill and to creating relationships with neighbors,” 

More than 1,300 people made their way to Ditmas Park, Brooklyn, last Friday night to take part in a free Shabbat dinner at Ayat, a local Palestinian restaurant owned by restaurateur Abdul Elenani and his wife, Ayat Masoud, for whom the restaurant is named.

Owner Abdul Elenani had the idea to host the Shabbat dinner at the Ditmas Park, Brooklyn restaurant, which is named for his wife, Ayat Masoud, right.

The dinner was called for 9 p.m., but guests began gathering a couple of hours earlier, milling about outside the restaurant, chatting and waiting to be let inside. Meanwhile, more than 150 people of all ages — several wearing kippot, others with keffiyehs wrapped around their necks like scarves — participated in a Shabbat service that preceded the meal.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Only in Crazy USA .. Taylor Swift Could Impact Outcome of 2024 Presidential Election


A new poll shows that Taylor Swift could impact the outcome of this year’s presidential election, with 18 percent of voters saying they’re “more likely” or “significantly more likely” to vote for a candidate endorsed by Swift.

The alarming results come from polling conducted for Newsweek by Redfield & Wilton Strategies. The survey, which had a sample size of 1,500 eligible voters, was conducted on January 18 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.53 percent.

“She’s influenced popular culture, sports, the economics of entire regions of the U.S.,” communications consultant James Haggerty told Newsweek. “So why not politics and elections?”

The poll found 17 percent of respondents said they would be less likely to vote for a Swift-backed candidate, while 55 percent would be neither more nor less likely to do so.

Forty-five percent said they were fans of the singer, and 54 percent said they were not. Only 6 percent said they were not familiar with Swift.

In 2020, Taylor Swift threw her support behind Joe Biden, while repeatedly bashing then-President Donald Trump on social media.

But since the election, Swift has barely spoke of Biden as his unpopularity on both sides of the aisle continues to soar to historic levels amid  skyrocketing consumer prices, unprecedented levels of illegal immigration, and war breaking out around the world.

So far, Swift hasn’t indicated whom she will endorse, but her past statements leave next to no doubt that she won’t be backing Trump, who is the likely GOP nominee.

In recent weeks, Taylor Swift has spent her Sundays at Kansas City Chiefs games, cheering on her boyfriend Travis Kelce. With the Chiefs now heading for the Super Bowl, the omnipresent singer is widely expected to make an appearance on the most-watched TV broadcast of the year

Yemenite Jewish butcher donated Thousands of Ancient Manuscript Fragments to the National Library of Israel


(JTA) — The National Library of Israel has announced the acquisition of 60,000 Yemenite Jewish manuscripts and text fragments which made up one of the most significant private collections of Judaica in the world.  

The massive collection was donated by the descendants of Yehuda Levi Nahum, a butcher who died in 1998 after spending more than 50 years meticulously acquiring and studying the material. It includes Judeo-Yemenite translations of works by the medieval intellectual giant Maimonides, and writings by Yihya Saleh, a leading 18th-century rabbinic law scholar from Yemen, as well as ancient Jewish marriage contracts. 

“This important collection is a transformative addition to the library’s documentation of Yemenite-Jewish heritage that will enrich scholarship in this field for years to come,” Chaim Neria, the curator of the Judaica collection at the National Library, said in a statement. 

NYT: New International Deal Conditioned on Israel Committing Suicide


Brett McGurk, the top White House official on the Middle East, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken are among many US officials who are trying to stitch together a peace deal that would offer the Arabs a Palestinian State that will include Gaza, and give Israel open diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia.

There are only two problems with this plan, according to a NY Times report on Saturday: “Israel’s government says it will not allow full Palestinian sovereignty, raising doubts about whether progress can be made on the major fronts; And the Israeli military campaign has not destroyed Hamas, so it is unclear how Hamas would be persuaded to step aside while it still controls part of Gaza.”

American ideas for what Israel should do next fall short of actually offering it a chair and a reliable rope with which to hang itself, but they get close.

According to the Times, the White House is considering numerous proposals, many of which are tentative, face significant challenges, or encounter strong opposition from certain factions. Some of the controversial ideas include:

Cats Teach Us what "genocide" really is


Chareidim Protest in Yerushalayim Against the Arrest of the Savages that burned down a Beit Shemesh Cellphone Store


We Are Not Alright!


Daniel Brown waves flag unafraid in front of Hundreds of Hamas Supporters in NY


Israeli Mothers of IDF Soldiers Still Blocking "Humanitarian Shipments" to Murderers


Sick DemonRats Wear Black Because Utah legislature passed a bill to ban boys from a girl’s bathroom


Common People Are Far More dangerous Than Monsters


Biden has American blood on his hands appeasing Iran for years


President Biden has for three years obsessively pursued a dangerous and naive strategy toward Iran: Appeasement at any cost.

Three American service members paid that cost in blood this weekend — their murders subsidized by the billions in sanctions relief Biden has provided Tehran and all but guaranteed by the president’s refusal to hold Iran accountable for nonstop attacks on US forces.

The deadly assault on a US base near the Jordanian-Syrian border was the 159th Iran-directed attack on American forces in the Middle East since Oct. 17.

Three US Troops Murdered 34 injured in Jordan ..Biden Says he " will respond" So Why Isn't Israel allowed "to respond" When Jewish Troops are murdered?


Those damn Biden'rats! It's ok for the USA to respond to the murder of their troops in Jordan, 6,000 miles away from the USA, yet Israel "should not respond" when their troops are murdered one mile away from Israel's border! 


President Joe Biden said Sunday that the U.S. “shall respond” after three American troops were killed and dozens more were injured in an overnight drone strike in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border. Biden blamed Iran-backed militias for the first U.S. fatalities after months of strikes by such groups against American forces across the Middle East since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

Twelve Yr Old Interviewer Humiliates Anti-Zionist "Yenta" by Citing BASIC FACTS


Sunday, January 28, 2024

Beit Shemesh "Cellphone Store" Arsonists Arrested! They were from Yerushalayim


The suspects arrived in a taxi to Beit Shemesh carrying gasoline bottles, set fire to the cellphone store and fled back to Jerusalem | In a swift interrogation operation by the Jerusalem District police, the suspects were arrested at their apartment, where detectives also located a number of Molotov cocktails and grenades | After their interrogation is completed, an indictment is expected today

Over the past few weeks, an investigation has been conducted at the Beit Shemesh station in the Jerusalem District following the arson attack on a cellphone store in Beit Shemesh. 

According to the suspicion, the background in the act is the issue of the "kosherness" of the devices and the opposition of extremist elements to their sale. As part of the investigation, Beit Shemesh Station detectives arrested two suspects involved in the act, and their investigation was completed in recent days. They are expected to be indicted on Sunday.

On Sunday three weeks ago, at around 3:15 A.M., the police received a report of a fire at a cellphone business in the city of Beit Shemesh. As a result, the business and its contents were severely damaged. Police officers from the Beit Shemesh station in the Jerusalem district and fire brigade forces were called to the scene.

Israelis Plan to Resettle Gaza; Convention Set for Sunday in Jerusalem


Israelis who have been planning since October 7, 2023 for the eventual resettlement of Gush Katif, or at least parts of Gaza that were formerly home to thousands of Israelis, are set to meet at 7 pm on Sunday at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem.

The event was organized by Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan and the chairperson of the Nachala movement, Daniella Weiss.

“We need to take this area back and establish a settlement in Gaza,” Dagan said in a statement. “We need to start in the north of the Gaza Strip. The area where Elei Sinai, Nitzanit, and Dugit used to be located … It’s close to Sderot, and that’s where the first settlements will be built.”

Nevertheless, Dagan acknowledged, “Without the government, it won’t work. We’re not challenging Netanyahu, although our position is unequivocal.”

Sderot is located less than a mile from Israel’s border with Gaza, and was among the 22 Jewish communities attacked by Hamas-led terrorists on October 7.

Biden Permits Pro-Hamas Protests but Demands Israel Stop Hostage Families From Blocking Hamas Aid


Some desperate families of Israeli hostages held by Hamas have begun blocking the aid trucks delivering supplies to Hamas.

Despite promises by the Biden administration that the aid would not go to Hamas, videos show Hamas making off with the materials.

While Hamas supporters in America are blocking ambulances and school buses to demand that Israel stop attacking the terrorist group (a demand that they falsely claim is a ‘ceasefire’), families held hostage by Hamas are blocking supplies to Hamas.

Hundreds of protesters were set on Friday to descend on the Kerem Shalom border crossing to block humanitarian aid from entering the Gaza Strip for the third day in a row.

The protesters, including some families of hostages still being held by Hamas in Gaza, are demanding that all aid be cut off until some 136 remaining captives are freed.

On Wednesday, the protesters from the “Order 9” movement demanded that “no aid goes through until the last of the abductees returns, no equipment be transferred to the enemy.”

Traffic officials said that dozens of trucks turned around and drove away from Kerem Shalom due to Wednesday’s protest.

The protesters have plenty of support inside Israel.

The Mothers of Combat Soldiers foundation announced that hundreds attempted to block convoys of aid entering the Gaza Strip, saying that they are doing so to “help our fighting sons come out victorious in Gaza.

“Any aid to Hamas must be conditioned with disarming its forces and returning all hostages,” member of the organization Hana Giat, whose husband and two sons are fighting in Gaza, said. “We are here to block Hamas’s logistical re-supply points.”

Protesters were seen carrying signs reading, “humanitarian aid is killing IDF soldiers.” This comes after IDF soldiers were pictured alongside graffiti on a Gaza wall, reading: “Humanitarian aid = coffins,” last week. The IDF said the incident was being probed 

Protesters set up tents near the border, sending a message that they are prepared for a long stay and that “no aid goes through until the final hostage returns.”

And the Biden administration is not happy.

According to Kann reporter Amichai Stein, in response to the hostage families blocking the entry of the trucks, the Biden administration informed Israel that the Kerem Shalom crossing must remain open [for humanitarian aid] and operate as usual.

The Biden administration won’t stop pro-Hamas protests shutting down airports and roads, but demands that Israel shut down anti-Hamas protests.

The New York Times headlined its coverage as “Widening Mideast Crisis: Families of Israeli Hostages Protest at Border Crossing to Block Aid to Gaza.”

Yes, it’s the protesting families of hostages that are really widening this crisis.

Photos from the crossing on Thursday showed a small group of demonstrators holding signs with the faces of hostages on them. The Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum, the group representing the relatives of Israeli hostages abducted to Gaza in the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attacks, said that the aim of Thursday’s protest was “stopping aid to Hamas until all hostages return.”

“Our soldiers are fighting in Gaza and we are giving supplies to Hamas,” Danny Elgarat, whose 69-year-old brother, Itzik, was kidnapped from his home in Kibbutz Nir Oz, said in an interview on Israeli television.

“It’s just not acceptable that soldiers are putting themselves at risk fighting in Gaza, and the terrorists they’re fighting are getting fuel and food from us,” said Mr. Elgarat, who said he participated in a protest at the border on Wednesday.

Kerem Shalom is one of two border crossings through which aid enters Gaza; most of it transits through the Rafah crossing with Egypt. Relatives of hostages believe that stopping aid from reaching Gaza will raise pressure on Hamas to release the hostages.

Mr. Elgarat said in the interview that Hamas militants steal humanitarian supplies that get into Gaza and that civilians get only “the leftovers,” a common view in Israel. Hamas officials have denied diverting humanitarian aid.

There are actually plenty of videos and testimonies from people in Gaza showing that Hamas is making off with the aid.

Aid to Gaza is aid to Hamas. Period.

{Reposted from FrontPAgeMag}

Despite Egyption Objections Israel Will re-Occupy the "Philadelphi Corridor" and the Rafah Crossing

Sky News Arabia has obtained new details about the Philadelphi Corridor crisis, which sparked tensions in the relations between Israel and Egypt recently, against the backdrop of the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip.

The Philadelphi Corridor is the Israeli code name for a narrow strip of land, 8.699 miles long, located along the entire border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

Israeli public opposes a deal for the hostages that will enable Hamas to survive the war. Its leaders should listen.


Shortly after Hamas’s Oct. 7 invasion of Israel, its sadistic massacre of 1,200 Israelis and kidnap of 246 men, women and children from southern Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government declared war on Iran’s Palestinian Arab proxy.

The government set four war goals: the military eradication of Hamas; the eradication of Hamas’s civilian regime in the Gaza Strip; the return of all the hostages; and the permanent pacification of Gaza to ensure that it will never pose a threat to Israel again.

Almost immediately thereafter, anonymous “senior IDF sources” began grousing to the media about the government’s war goals. “Sources in the General Staff” have been regularly cited advocating for replacing the goals of the war with others that rule out Hamas’s eradication and the permanent pacification of Gaza.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Direct Polls Shows Right Recuperating with 57 Mandates, Netanyahu Best Fit for PM

 For the first time since the outbreak of the war, a Thursday News 14 and Direct Polls survey shows that were the elections held this week, Likud would be the largest party in Israel with 27 mandates, compared with only 26 for Benny Gantz’s National Union party, which is down by three mandates since DP’s previous survey.

The mandates are distributed as follows:

John Fetterman waves Israeli flag from his roof at pro-Hamas protesters gathered outside his home

Anti-Israel demonstrators gathered outside the Braddock, Pa. home of Sen. John Fetterman — who responded to the din by going on his roof and waving an Israeli flag at them.

The progressive-hating Democrat, silently waved the blue and white flag Friday night as protesters waved Palestinian flags and screeched “Fetterman, Fetterman, you can’t hide. You’re supporting genocide.”

The first-term senator, once a darling of progressives, has incurred wrath from the left over his staunch support of Israel to defend itself from Hamas terrorists in the aftermath of Oct. 7. He’s responded by publicly trolling them.

At a November rally for Israel in Washington D.C. he arrived draped in an Israeli flag.

His office is covered with posters of missing and returned Israeli hostages.

Though he once described himself as a progressive, he says the movement has abandoned its principles.

“Increasingly, [progressives] moved and migrated into some positions that I don’t agree with and I really just feel much more comfortable just being a Democrat,” the controversial Pennsylvania lawmaker told The Post last week during an exclusive sitdown in his D.C. office.

Fetterman has also taken to calling the migrant flood at the U.S. border a crisis — something most others in his party have been loathe to do.

The newly centrist senator has picked up many new admirers among conservatives.

“I can’t believe it, but I’m starting to really like & respect Fetterman. 2024 is wild, y’all,” conservative radio host Clay Travis wrote on X after Fetterman’s flag-waving.


Sky News's Antisemitic Bitch compared MK Danon's suggestion of voluntary migration of Gazans to the treatment of Jews in the Holocaust.


Sky News issued an apology on Friday after one of its hosts compared the idea of voluntary migration by Gazans to the treatment of Jewish people during the Holocaust.

The outrageous comparison came as Sky News anchor Belle Donati interviewed MK Danny Danon (Likud) following the International Court of Justice (ICJ) verdict in South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.

In the interview, Donati brought up an article which Danon published in the Wall Street Journal in November, in which he brought up the idea that countries around the world would accept limited numbers of Gazan families who have expressed a desire to relocate.

“You’ve called for a voluntary migration of Palestinians from Gaza. In November you co-authored a piece in the Wall Street Journal. You suggested the ethnic cleansing of some of Gaza’s population to Western countries that would accept the refugees,” Donati claimed.

“The exact quote from that article: ‘One idea is for countries around the world to accept limited numbers of Gazan families who have expressed a desire to relocate.’ Do you stand by those comments?”

Danon blasted Donati’s assertion that he was suggesting the ethnic cleansing of Gaza and said, “I will not allow it. Ethnic cleansing, that’s a word you used. If you read my article, I spoke about voluntary immigration.”

“Let me remind you. You spoke about ethnic cleansing, I spoke about voluntary immigration. I think anyone in the world who voluntarily wants to move to another country should be eligible to do that,” he added.

Donati then said, “The sort of voluntary relocation of many Jewish people during the Holocaust, I imagine, is not voluntary relocation.”

Danon replied, “Shame on you for that comparison. That is a shameful antisemitic equation. I will not allow you to speak about the Holocaust and compare [it] to what’s happening today. This is pure antisemitism what you just said, comparing the Holocaust to what’s happening today in Gaza.”

Later in the day, Sky News issued an apology over Donati’s comments.

“In an interview earlier today with Israeli politician Danny Danon a Sky News presenter made a comparison between Mr. Danon’s comments on Israel’s war with Hamas and the treatment of Jewish people in the Holocaust. Sky News recognizes the complete inappropriateness of this comparison and the offensive nature of those comments,” the broadcaster said.

Sky News would like to apologize unreservedly for the comparison and to Mr. Danon personally for making the comparison,” it added.

In November, Israeli government spokesman Eylon Levy was asked by Sky News presenter Kay Burley whether Israel agreeing to free 150 security prisoners in exchange for 50 hostages held by Hamas showed that Israel sees Hamas lives as worth less than Israeli lives.

Levy’s reaction, in which he was seen raising his eyebrows in astonishment over the question, went viral.

Burley later provided the following explanation for the ridiculous question in a post on X: "We often put one side of an argument to a guest so they can offer a counterclaim. Yesterday, I raised a controversial view from an earlier guest to allow another to respond. Each morning we’re dedicated to presenting fairly the news of this war."