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Monday, January 22, 2024

Palestinian restaurant Ayat Offering free Shabbas Seuda after backlash over ‘river to the sea’ menu listing

Ayat is named after Elenani’s wife, a 34-year-old lawyer and the daughter of Palestinian immigrants.

A Palestinian restaurant chain owner who took flak for his inflammatory “river to the sea” menu header is hosting a free sabbath dinner on Friday in part to thank his Jewish customers for their support and to foster community.

Restaurateur Abdul Elenani, 31, owns Ayat, a chain of popular Palestinian eateries named after his wife, a 34-year-old lawyer, and the daughter of Palestinian immigrants. 

The restaurant caused a stir in the wake of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel with its “from the river to the sea” fish options on the menu.

The Anti-Defamation League calls the phrase antisemitic because it implicitly calls for the destruction of the state of Israel and the annihilation of Jews. 

“This mantra stands for Palestinians to have equal rights and freedoms in their own country. In no way does this advocate any kind of violence. It signifies peace, and freedom,” he told Side Dish.

The explanation has been added to the new menus at his latest location in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn, which will host the free dinner. It will soon appear on menus at other Ayat outposts.  

Elenani’s controversial messaging led to him being targeted with death threats and, almost as bad, the popular chain was hit with bad reviews. But he has remained firm in trying to control the narrative.

“You can’t come to me and translate my verse,” he said. “You should ask me and I will give you my translation. I’m not going to change it because you want to change the meaning to feed your story.”

Perhaps surprisingly, he has received strong support from his Jewish customers, he said. 

The sabbath dinner is a way for him to show thanks, though he is still working out details like hiring a kosher caterer.

Iranian Soldier opens fire on fellow soldiers, killing 5


An Iranian soldier opened fire on fellow soldiers on Sunday, killing five of them in the southeastern city of Kerman, The Associated Press reported, citing Iranian state TV.

State TV said the shooting happened when the soldier arrived at a barracks dormitory and opened fire on the resting soldiers. It said the motive was not immediately clear and the suspect, who wasn’t identified, was at large. No other details were released.

The attack took place in Kerman, some 830 kilometers southeast of the capital Tehran, which was the scene of two deadly explosions earlier this month that killed 94 people and wounded hundreds more.

The explosions took place during an anniversary ceremony for the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, who was eliminated in a US drone strike in Iraq in January of 2020.

The Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the deadly twin blasts. US intelligence later confirmed that ISIS’ Afghanistan-based branch was behind the attack.

AP noted that similar shootings at military bases have been occasionally reported in Iran. In 2022, a soldier killed another soldier and three policemen at a roadside police station in the country’s south.

Father Whose is Business is to Murder Jewish Children Puts Dora Sheets On his little Girl’s Bed


Kipa reporter Amiel Yarchi, who is currently serving as a reserve soldier in the Gaza Strip, shared what he saw in middle-class Gazan homes he and his fellow soldiers entered while carrying out operations.

“We wake up early in the morning, hastily drink coffee, and head out for an attack. The tank platoon fires a shell or two, we lead the assault, clearing explosives around the house with a bulldozer and breaking down walls for the infantry to clear the house.”

“We enter a middle-class home — a nice living room, an ugly kitchen, a master bedroom, and three children’s rooms. The bathroom is clean, and the children’s rooms are full of dolls, toy guns, and a child’s Hamas hat. Upstairs, we find Nukhba uniforms, vests, and a grenade. There are Dora sheets on the girl’s bed – her father works in murdering Jewish children.”

“There’s a Hamas tunnel in the backyard of the adjacent house and in the bedroom, there’s a permit to work in Israel. Such is life in a neighborhood like this.”

“IDF soldiers on the outskirts of Khan Yunis must look east before every attack – to see the houses of Kibbutz Nir Oz in which the family’s father entered to kidnap and murder.”

“The soldiers exit the house, and we begin to demolish it with the bulldozer. Revenge is not a dirty word.”

In Stinging Rebuke, Netanyahu Contradicts Biden’s Claims About Phone Call


 This weekend, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reaffirmed his firm opposition to Palestinian statehood, after President Joe Biden suggested that Bibi was actually open to the idea.

CNN reported that Netanyahu told Biden on Friday that he isn’t ruling out the establishment of a Palestinian state.

However Netanyahu’s spokesman claimed that in that same phone call with Biden, the Israeli leader told the president that his country’s security needs left no space for a sovereign Palestinian state.

“In his conversation with President Biden, prime minister Netanyahu reiterated his policy that, after Hamas is destroyed, Israel must retain security control over Gaza to ensure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel, a requirement that contradicts the demand for Palestinian sovereignty,” a statement said.

On Motzei Shabbos, Netanyahu issued a statement in Hebrew, saying: “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over all the territory west of Jordan – and this is contrary to a Palestinian state.”

Here is the full statement by PM Netanyahu:

“Let it be clear: I reject outright the terms of surrender of the monsters of Hamas.

In exchange for the release of our hostages, Hamas demands the end of the war, the withdrawal of our forces from Gaza, the release of all the murderers and rapists of the Nuh’ba and leaving Hamas intact.

If we agree to this – our warriors fell in vain. If we agree to this – we will not be able to guarantee the security of our citizens. We will not be able to return the evacuees safely to their homes, and next October 7th will only be a matter of time. I am not ready to put up with such a fatal injury to Israel’s security, so we will not agree to it.

The conditions set by Hamas sharpen a simple truth – there is no substitute for victory. Only a complete victory will ensure the elimination of Hamas and the return of all our abductees.

That’s why I insist that after we achieve complete victory, after we eliminate Hamas – there will be no entity in Gaza that finances terrorism, educates terrorism or sends terrorism.

Gaza must be demilitarized, under full security control of the State of Israel. I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over all the territory west of Jordan.

As long as I am prime minister, I will continue to firmly stand by it. If someone has a different position, let them show leadership and state their position honestly to the citizens of Israel.”

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Italian Police Don't Take "Crap" from Anti-Israel Protestors


History of Palestinian Duplicity & Treachery Towards ...... Arabs & Muslims Who Supported them !


Qatar hired ex-CIA agent to discredit Sen. Ted Cruz, other lawmakers opposed to Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood ...New York Times Building Owned by Qatar


The oil-rich Gulf state of Qatar hired a former CIA agent’s company to discredit Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., and other lawmakers who oppose Hamas and its parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, according to documents obtained by Fox News Digital.

The documents reveal that the alleged Qatar state-funded espionage campaign targeted Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, because he had sought to have the Muslim Brotherhood designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

The clandestine document, titled “Project ENDGAME” and drafted by U.S. company Global Risk Advisors (GRA), which was founded by the ex-CIA employee Kevin Chalker, reads, “High Alert: An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar.”

The March 2017 Qatari-funded plan of action to torpedo anti-Hamas and anti-Muslim Brotherhood legislation and policies noted that “Sen. Ted Cruz has reintroduced his bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group. Unless you act soon, your enemies will inject Qatar into this fight.”

In the month before Qatar reportedly started its attacks on adversaries of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, Fox News Digital reported on Cruz’s legislation to outlaw the Muslim Brotherhood.

Fat Nadler with other Jew DemonRats condemn Netanyahu for rejecting two-state solution


Jewish Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives hit back on Friday over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments that seemed to rule out the creation of a future Palestinian state.

“We strongly disagree with the prime minister,” 15 members of Congress said in a brief statement. “A two-state solution is the path forward.”

Signatories included Reps. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), Jake Auchincloss (D-Mass.), Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)

Netanyahu has faced criticism in Congress and from the Biden administration after he said in a televised address on Thursday that “Israel must have security control over all the territory west of the Jordan,” as the New York Times translated it.

Some media outlets and activist groups also promoted an incorrect live translation of the same statement made by an Israeli news channel that Netanyahu had said Israel had to control all territory “from the river to the sea.”

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), one of the signatories of Friday’s statement who is widely regarded as one of the most vocally pro-Israel Democrats in Congress, was even more forcefully critical of Netanyahu in his comments.

Non-Jewish supporters of Israel on Capitol Hill have also voiced support for a two-state solution in the wake of Netanyahu’s comments.

“I am under no illusion that a two-state solution will happen in the immediate future but to assert that it should never happen—that either Jews or Palestinians should never have self-determination—is morally wrong,” wrote Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.)

The Biden administration also reiterated its disagreement on Thursday with Netanyahu over a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Biden’s two-state ‘solution’ disaster for Israel .....


Say this for the Biden administration: It never runs out of bad ideas or the energy to pursue them. 

Take its tone-deaf badgering of Israel to accept the creation of a Palestinian state.

Coming after the savage Hamas terror attack on Oct. 7, the taking of hostages and the continuing war in Gaza, the idea understandably has near zero support in the Jewish state. 

In addition to rewarding terrorism, a self-governing Palestinian nation, even with international help, would likely throw Egypt, Jordan and the entire region into turmoil and be a nightmare for Israeli security. 

Yet the idea lives on as a “Kumbaya” solution because nothing else has worked.

But there’s a reason why peace is elusive: Palestinian rejectionism of Israel. 

Starting with the United Nations partition plan in 1948 and including several Israeli governments, there were repeated offers of a separate Arab state, and all were rejected by Palestinians. 

That hasn’t changed, with Hamas saying again last week it doesn’t want a two-state solution.

Its leaders demand a one-state solution, with Israel eliminated. 

But undeterred by facts, Secretary of State Tony Blinken took the administration’s loopy fixation to Davos, where he declared that Israel can never achieve “genuine security” without a pathway to a Palestinian state.

He would have been closer to the truth if he had also admitted Israel wouldn’t have “genuine security” with a Palestinian state. 

Trying to strengthen his weak argument, Blinken added the silly claim that the move could isolate Iran. 

He doesn’t say how a Palestinian state would isolate Iran for the simple reason that it wouldn’t. In addition to Hamas, Iran uses its other proxies, especially Hezbollah and the Houthis, to carry out its fiendish aim of destroying Israel. 

Nonetheless, President Biden, whose record of being wrong on the global stage for five decades remains unblemished, keeps pushing a two-state plan with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Their Friday talk was the first in nearly a month, with the last call coming to a sudden, tense end when Netanyahu rejected Biden’s demand for a Palestinian state. 

The Biden call last week came after Netanyahu said Thursday that Israel must maintain security control “over all the territory west of the Jordan,” referring to Gaza and the West Bank. 

Asked about American pressure, Netanyahu told reporters: “The prime minister needs to be able to say no, even to our best friends.” 

Jacob and Rachel Sperber Murdered by their "Disturbed" Son in Boro-Park

A “disturbed” man, whom community members described as a “weirdo,” stabbed his elderly parents to death in Brooklyn on Saturday night, police and sources said.

Police responded to a 911 call at 1158 45th St. in Borough Park around 5:20 p.m. and found a man and woman, both 75, with multiple stab wounds throughout their bodies, police said.

The husband and wife, identified as Jacob and Rachel Sperber, were taken to Maimonides Hospital where they were pronounced dead, according to the NYPD.

The victims’ son reportedly barricaded himself in the apartment after the slaughter.

The alleged stabber, a bald man with glasses and a beard, was strapped into a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance as a crowd watched.

Police confirmed a 46-year-old man was taken into custody as a person of interest about an hour after the initial call. 

NYPD officials did not immediately name the man or state his relationship to the victims, but law enforcement sources and neighbors told The Post that the man taken away was the couple’s adult son who’s dealt with “issues in his life.” 

A neighbor said a building resident had called Hatzolah, the Jewish volunteer emergency service, after hearing noises coming from the apartment above them.

“He’s a disturbed guy. He’s awkward. He’s also very quiet and to himself. He’s had issues in his life,” a different neighbor said of the son.

He lived with his parents, who neighbors described fondly.

“His parents are very nice people. Quiet people, to themselves,” he said.

“He’s such a nice man, the father. Such a quiet man.”

The second neighbor said he had just prayed with Jacob Sperber earlier on Saturday.

Borough Park resident Shlomo Antin described the couple’s son as a “weirdo” but said his father was a beloved part of the community.

“We all knew the son is weird,” Antin told reporters near the scene.

“He was sometimes depressed, sometimes high … he was kind of [a] weirdo,” he continued, adding that he wished the son could have been sent to “some kind of facility” for mental health treatment.

But Antin described Jacob Sperber as “a special person” who would feed hungry people in the neighborhood, and invite them over to his house for food, he said.

“He was from a different generation,” he added.

“There were so many people who knew him.”

No arrests or charges had been filed as of midnight.


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Incredible tale of hero mother-of-four who captured FIVE Hamas terrorists and saved more than 120 lives after gunmen stormed her farming community on October 7

Nasreen Yussef seen with the four Hamas terrorists she captured that were held in the backyard of her home at Moshav Y'ated. In the photo she and her husband are giving the terrorists water and behind them - the white greenhouses- is where the other terrorists hid 

Nasreen Yussef, 46 with her husband Eyad, and her four children ranging in age from 14, 12, 10 and two-and-half years old

Through Yussef efforts she was able to provide the IDF with critical information that revealed the location of where some of the Hamas terrorists were hiding. The picture shows the terrorists captured due to Yussef's early interrogation

When the sound of rockets and gunshots shattered the early morning silence on October 7, Nasreen Yussef looked out her window to a menacing sight.

A lone gunman was running straight towards her home in an agricultural moshav in Y'ated - little over two miles from the Gaza border. 

The community was one of the first areas infiltrated by Hamas terrorists during the barbaric attack on Israel that left over 1,200 people dead. 

But thanks to this heroic mom-of-four, more than 120 of her neighbors' lives were saved that day. 

Upon seeing the attacker, Yussef sprang into action and ran outside where she grabbed him by his shirt and demanded in Arabic to know what he was doing there.

Miraculously, perhaps because he appeared to be on drugs and was shocked to hear her speak Arabic, the terrorist didn't shoot her - and with the help of an armed neighbor she was able to tie him up in her backyard. 

Hojjatollah Omidvar, a senior Iranian Intelligence Commander, with 4 of his assistants was eliminated earlier today in Damascus Syria

On Shabbos, while you were enjoying your chicken soup, our boys in uniform eliminated Hojjatollah Omidvar and 4 of his gaboim. 

 According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, ten members of Iranian-backed militias were killed in the Israeli airstrikes on a building in Damascus. The fatalities were five Iranians, including three commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, three Syrians working for Iranian-backed militias, one Iraqi and one Lebanese.

There are confirmed reports about missing individuals, including Syrians and Iranians.

Guy Finds Ingenious Way to get around paying for his wedding! Rabbanim Trying to keep Costs Down Should Look into this!


Disturbing newly revealed footage shows the moment a Florida man calmly confessed to bludgeoning his fiancée to death with a Walmart baseball bat — because he couldn’t afford to pay for their wedding.

Jerry Odum was filmed sitting in an interrogation room giving a 40-minute confessional about how he murdered massage parlor owner Vickie Edge, 59, two months shy of their planned nuptials.

“I didn’t have the money to pay for [the wedding],” said Odum in the footage first obtained by Law & Crime.

“I guess I didn’t know how to get out of it, and that’s what precipitated what happened yesterday,” he added.

“She was getting ready to leave, and I told her I had another surprise for her… I had a baseball bat and I hit her with it,” Odum explained matter-of-factly of the bat he bought from Walmart with murder in mind.

While under attack, Edge begged, “Why are you doing this?”

As his fiancée started to scream, Odum put “a chokehold on her until she went to the ground and I choked her after that,” he told cops.

Odum was arrested a day after Edge’s body was found in August 2020 on the living floor of their home in Milton, Florida, Odum.

Footage of the interrogation only recently emerged.

Odum is currently serving life after pleading guilty to first-degree premeditated murder, WEAR said.

During his interrogation, Odum’s demeanor bordered on catatonic. He told his interviewing detective that he was “basically going broke” when he met Edge on a dating app three months earlier.

“She started talking about getting married, and one thing led to another, and she was talking about wanting to get a house, and I was just agreeing to it, even though I didn’t have the money to do it, realistically,” Odum says.

He even wrote Edge a check for $15,000 to pay for their wedding, set for October 2020, even though he didn’t have enough money in the bank.

“I knew, basically, I couldn’t afford it,” he said.

“I was just kind of going along with a ride I thought maybe it would end beforehand, but I just kept getting deeper and deeper into the relationship and I didn’t know how to get out of it.”

When asked if he had thought about killing Edge in the past, Odum replied: “I thought maybe this might be an end result,” he said.

“I mean, I went down and bought the baseball bat from Walmart,” he said of the murder weapon.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Shabbat Shalom from the Only Jewish Country in the Entire World


Zera Shimshon Parshas Bo


A name and gemstone for every victim of 10/7: memorialised on a Torah scroll cover.


This is who those savages murdered!


Biden and the Israel Left Join On a Major Campaign to Topple Netanyahu

 Is Israel on the cusp of political upheaval? 

In recent days, evidence has grown that two key actors—the Biden administration and Israel’s security establishment—are both pushing the country in that direction to advance their longstanding common goal of ousting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the religious-right bloc from power.

The Biden administration showed its hand on Tuesday when U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken gave Israel an ultimatum to support Palestinian statehood or risk demonization by the administration.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Blinken restated the administration’s demand that Netanyahu present a plan for the day after the war against Hamas in Gaza and the administration’s goal of using the war to establish a Palestinian state. Blinken insisted that the only side that refuses to accept the administration’s goal is the Israeli public—and its leader, Netanyahu.

Insisting that “Arab leaders, Palestinian leaders” have prepared their people for Palestinian Arab statehood, Blinken said: “I think the challenge now, the question now, is is Israeli society prepared to engage on these questions? Is it prepared to have that mindset?”

Israelis, of course, have engaged in the question of Palestinian Arab statehood. After the atrocities that the Palestinian Arabs carried out against their people and state on Oct. 7—and as the full mobilization of Palestinian Arab society in Gaza and Judea and Samaria on behalf of Hamas’s war of genocide against Israel has been revealed—Israeli support for Palestinian Arab statehood dried up. As Direct Polls revealed last month, 81% of Israelis, including Arab Israelis, say there is no prospect for peace with the Palestinian Arabs, including 70% of left-wing voters. Some 88% of Israelis do not trust the Palestinian Arab leadership.

Blinken, however, doesn’t seem to care what Israelis think. He wants them to obey, and he views Netanyahu as the obstacle to Israeli obeisance to the administration’s program. As a result, he wants the prime minister ousted from power, as NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell reported on Wednesday.

She wrote that during his visit to Israel last week, Blinken offered Netanyahu a deal. In exchange for Israeli support for Palestinian Arab statehood, Saudi Arabia would normalize its ties with Israel.

Netanyahu said no.

Netanyahu’s position, the administration believes, means he has to go.

Eylon Levy Shreds Another Vicious News Anchor – ‘We didn’t want this war!’



No! No! No! No! Bibi tells US "No to a Palestinian State Bordering Israel in Any Form!"

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday rejected U.S. calls to scale back Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip or take steps toward the establishment of a Palestinian state after the war, drawing an immediate scolding from the White House.

The tense back and forth reflected what has become a wide rift between the two allies over the scope of Israel’s war and its plans for the future of the beleaguered territory.

“We obviously see it differently,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said.

Netanyahu spoke just a day after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Israel would never have “genuine security” without a pathway toward Palestinian independence. Earlier this week, the White House also announced that it was the “right time” for Israel to lower the intensity of its devastating military offensive in Gaza.

In a nationally televised news conference, Netanyahu struck a defiant tone, repeatedly saying that Israel would not halt its offensive until it realizes its goals of destroying Gaza’s Hamas militant group and bringing home all remaining hostages held by Hamas.(backslash)

He rejected claims by a growing chorus of Israeli critics that those goals are not achievable, vowing to press ahead for many months. “We will not settle for anything short of an absolute victory,” Netanyahu said.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Then they came for William Penn…


The National Park Service recently announced a plan to rehab the dilapidated Welcome Park in Philadelphia, which marks the spot of William Penn’s home. The proposed project would have included the removal of the park’s central statue of Penn. Despite his status as the state’s founder, he was set to disappear – ironically enough, in the name of inclusivity, the latest historical figure to be tarred as an oppressor.

However, it seems the forces of cultural progressivism had finally gone too far. Swift, bipartisan outrage greeted the new plan. Four days later, the NPS reversed it, saying it was released prematurely. Pennsylvania’s Democrat Gov. Josh Shapiro went further, stating definitively that Welcome Park would remain the statue’s home.

It’s a welcome retreat. What the NPS proposed is not an improvement. It would have been a modern act of vandalism that aimed to rewrite the very history this monument commemorates.

Can Chabad Dig out of the Tunnels? Zev Brenner Tries to find out!

 DIN: What I found fascinating is, that right at the beginning of this interview "The Meshichist" Eitan Kalmowitz , makes a profound statement, that "every single Chabad guy believes that the Rebbe is the "mashiach" and that there are no disagreements amongst the parties about that," and he went unchallenged on that remark! This statement is absolutely false!

PS I would like to add something very important: Most Chassidim and Litvishe believe their rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva is G-D, Chabad only thinks he is Moshiach.

Herzog: ‘No Israelis in their right mind’ are thinking about peace process right now


Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, next to a photo of one-year-old Israeli hostage Kfir Bibas, President Isaac Herzog said on Thursday that Israelis are not able to think about a peace process with the Palestinians right now.

“If you ask an average Israeli now about his or her mental state, nobody in his right mind is willing now to think about what will be the solution of the peace agreements,” he said in an interview on the WEF main stage, “because everybody wants to know: Can we be promised real safety in the future?”

After the unprecedented slaughter in southern Israel by Hamas terrorists on October 7, “every Israeli wants to know that he will not be attacked in the same way from north or south or east,” Herzog said.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, next to a photo of one-year-old Israeli hostage Kfir Bibas, President Isaac Herzog said on Thursday that Israelis are not able to think about a peace process with the Palestinians right now.

‘Surge in Illegal Arab Building Along Green Line a Security Threat’

  An alarming increase in illegal Arab construction along the Judea and Samaria security barrier has come to light thanks to research by Israeli NGO Regavim. 

 Analyzing photography obtained through aerial reconnaissance, Regavim discovered tens of thousands of illegal structures built along the barrier, which runs roughly along the Green Line, the 1949 armistice line that followed Israel’s War of Independence. 

 Much of the Arab construction is new, created within the last 10 months, reports the think tank, which focuses on land and sovereignty issues.