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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Video shows dramatic rescue of wounded soldiers by police during initial fighting


Police on Tuesday published footage showing Border Police officers battling against Hamas terrorists to save a group of wounded IDF soldiers near the Gaza border on Saturday, just hours after the start of the mass Hamas invasion.

The incident occurred near Kibbutz Nir Am, one of the few communities where Hamas terrorists attempted to enter on Saturday but were repelled, which lies less than 500 meters from the border with Gaza.

The officers had received a report of wounded soldiers who were trapped amid heavy gunfire by terrorists near the kibbutz during the initial onslaught.

The lightly edited video shows, from the perspective of a helmet-mounted camera, the police officers exiting their vehicle while taking heavy fire. All the faces are blurred and the identities of those involved were not released.

They are able to move close to what appears to be a disabled tank, where the wounded soldiers had taken refuge. Gingerly approaching the armored door, they yell loudly, “Police, police!” before opening the tank and leading out those wounded inside.

With the wounded soldiers limping and leaning heavily on the police officers, the rescuers are able to call for an armored vehicle to come to their location to aid in their extraction, all the while exchanging heavy fire.

In a statement, the police said that the officers “encountered heavy firefights with armed terrorists, while they were conducting searches in order to locate the wounded soldiers. Amid the fighting, the officers found a group of wounded soldiers hiding inside a tank. Under heavy fire and while eliminating many terrorists in the area, the fighters… rescued the wounded soldiers and took them to receive medical treatment.”

On Tuesday, the IDF said it had finally regained control over the Gaza Strip border, some 72 hours after Hamas blew through sections of the barrier and launched an invasion that saw more than 1,000 Israelis slaughtered or kidnapped.

As Israel continued to grapple with the emerging enormity of Saturday’s massacres and the military was formally notifying hostages’ families that their loved ones were being held in Gaza, Air Force planes bombarded wide swaths of the Strip.

Meanwhile, some 300,000 reservists girded for a possible ground invasion, sweeps to locate terrorists feared still hiding inside Israel continued and tensions on the northern border threatened to snowball into a second front.

The death toll in Israel from the surprise attack and subsequent battles rose above 900, according to reports. More than 500 people remained hospitalized, many with life-threatening injuries; over 2,800 have been injured since Saturday.

Bnei Brak Under Missile Attack Twice in two days


Interesting very interesting. I don't wish missiles on anyone, but the Litvishe tzaddikim keep saying that the Chazon Ish promised that missiles would never be launched against Bnei-Brak. 

Now, personally, I don't believe he ever said it, but since up until now there weren't any missiles launched on Bnei Brak, this dangerous lie kept going around and around, and the bochrim who will never put on a uniform kept repeating something that they felt with 100% amunah that it was true. I say dangerous because instead of relying on the Ribono Shel Oilim, they relied on a "basar vedom" and went around with their business with no care in the world.

Well the Ribono Shel Oilim had different plans and lumped Bnei Brak with Tel Aviv, Ashdod, and Rishon Letzion all together in one fell swoop. 

Thank G-d no one hurt! 

Miraculous Rescues From The Hamas Inferno


Battalion commander Ben-Yehuda fought the terorrists in Yated until they surrended to her force

There are so many horrendous, heartrending stories to tell – of entire families slaughtered in cold blood, of old and young carted off to the hell holes of Gaza, of young lives shattered as they danced for peace, of heroic soldiers who were injured in previous battles but came back to fight and die on the Gaza border, of the woman twice widowed to IDF husbands who died in battle. These stories must be told, it is imperative not to forget the individuals even during a cataclysm of such colossal proportions.

Yet now is the time to inspire, to try and console, to strengthen broken hearts and to find the light in such palpable darkness. Despite the impression of wholesale tragedies, there were also many miraculous events during the barbarous Hamas assault.

Here are some of the rays of light in the last few days:

  • Three of those people captured in Gaza succeeded in escaping back to Israel. The three are Avital, a 38-year-old woman from Hulit, who was apparently captured and taken at night to the border. Slipping away from the group of captives, Avital spied two small children, Negev (4) and Eshel (6 months old) who had been left there after somehow being separated from their mother, Adi Vital-Kaploun. Avital picked them up and ran back across the border, meeting up later with IDF forces who accompanied her to safety.

The children’s father was at a party near Nirim and managed to escape.

  • A 25-year-old woman, Inbal Liberman, succeeded with unusual resourcefulness in saving the kibbutz of Nir-Am from the fate of other nearby communities. Realizing quickly that the kibbutz was coming under a terrorist attack, Liberman organized the local platoon, ran from house to house organizing the defenders and placed various people in ambushes on the fence of the kibbutz. Her foresight led to all of the 25 terrorists who attacked the kibbutz being eliminated on its perimeters. None of them succeeded in infiltrating the kibbutz.
  • Shlomo Boimster, a pensioner in his 70’s, serves as a Home Command officer on reserve duty during emergencies. On his way to his base, Shlomo was confronted by terrorists and with his own personal weapon succeeded in eliminating them. Wounded by fragments, he continued to serve at his base.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Ohr Ben-Yehuda led her unit to defend the village of Yated in the southwestern Negev. After a protracted battle with the terrorists, 15 of them surrendered to her unit and were taken into custody. Ben-Yehuda, the first female company commander in the IDF, was decorated in the Protective Edge campaign in 2014.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Yarden, commander of the Shachar unit, succeeded with her subordinates in eliminating four terrorists at the Urim base.
  • Second Lieutenant E, an intelligence officer with no combat training succeeded in fending off terrorists at the Reim base near the kibbutz. E eliminated some of them and fended off attacks by others.

The State of Israel Will Prevail ... Am Yisrael Chai


Listen to the soldier below... talks like the biggest rebbe ... probably with more  bitachon. I say this because he is on the front.