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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

In Germany you can kill 3,518 Jews and get only 5 years in prison


Nazi concentration camp guard Josef Schuetz, face hidden, led into court, Oct 7, 2021.

A German court on Tuesday will rule whether 101-year-old Nazi concentration camp guard Josef Schuetz should go to jail for five years for his complicity in the murders of 3,518 prisoners at the Sachsenhausen camp in Oranienburg, north of Berlin, between 1942 and 1945. Schuetz holds the dubious record of the oldest Nazi on trial for murdering thousands of innocent human beings. At the close of his trial on Monday, he told the court: “I don’t know why I am here.”

He might as well have added, “I don’t know where I am.” During the trial, he made several inconsistent statements about his record during the war years, and complained that his head was “mixed up.”

Standup comic Paton Oswalt has a routine about birthdays that ends with the suggestion that after a certain age you can get away with shoplifting, and when you reach your 100th birthday, you should be allowed to kill people. Life imitates art, or in this case, life is a standup routine. The prosecution is asking for a five-year sentence, but German media reports suggest Schuetz will probably spend the remainder of his life confined to his home – which he was going to do anyway.

More than 200,000 Jews, Roma, anti-Nazi Germans, and homosexuals were detained in Sachsenhausen between 1936 and 1945. Tens of thousands of them died from forced labor, murder, medical experiments, hunger, and disease. Schuetz, who was 21 when he began his service at the camp, was charged with aiding and abetting the “execution by firing squad of Soviet prisoners of war in 1942,” and murdering prisoners “using the poisonous gas Zyklon B.”

Just for the heck of it, I did the math––so you won’t have to. It turns out that if he gets five years and lives long enough to serve his sentence, Schuetz will spend exactly half a day behind bars for each victim. As the old bard put it so eloquently (Macbeth Act 5, scene 5):

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

And I say, just give the old bastard a huge slap in the face that’ll knock all his teeth out and call it a day.

How Chareidim take out the garbage



Watch American Chareidie Chassidim Celebrate Lag Be'Omer by Burning Jewish Flag

If a goy would do that, we would scream "antisemitism" but since they wear "LANGEH REKLECH" then we tolerate this! 

They heard this hate against the country that is presently hosting over 6 million Jews from their parents. 
But don't you worry they will soon be picking up their "lange reklech" running to the Zionist state when Atifa comes rounding them up!

Vote Lee Zeldin for governor


Tuesday is the last day for New Yorkers to cast their vote in the primary election for governor — and the last chance for Republicans to choose someone who’ll finally put a stop to the state’s dizzying decline.

We believe that person is Rep. Lee Zeldin, and we urge Republicans who haven’t yet voted to get to the polls and back him.

Let’s face it: For the past few years, New Yorkers have been making a beeline for the exits, fed up with surging crime, lousy schools, high costs, arbitrary mandates, runaway taxes, dangerous climate policies and on and on. They’re appalled by the nutty progressive views that keep winning the day over those held by everyday, common-sense residents.

And their deep dissatisfaction makes it possible, for the first time in quite a while, for a Republican to win in November, ending one-party rule that has led the state steeply downhill. 

Among an encouraging crop of Republicans, we see Zeldin as the best choice to go the distance, end the nonsense and reverse the decline. An Army Reserve lieutenant colonel who served in Iraq, Zeldin already proved he can beat Democrats when he won a state Senate seat in 2010 and a House seat in 2014. He’d stem crime by fixing New York’s disastrous criminal-justice reforms, like cashless bail, and giving judges discretion to hold dangerous suspects. He’d also fire district attorneys, like Alvin Bragg, if they refuse to enforce the law.

Zeldin would rein in spending, slash taxes, ease business regulations and fix the state’s ludicrous climate policy. He’d give kids access to a better education by lifting the teachers-union imposed cap on charter schools.

We don’t agree with him on everything, but his proven experience and fierce commitment to saving the state from misguided woke radicals make him the clear choice.

The polls are open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Republicans who love the state should make sure to cast their vote for Lee Zeldin.

Israel TV Expose Sexual Abuse And Cover-Up In Religious Zionist Girls School


 In a painfully candid interview aired on Israel’s Kan 11 state television channel, a young woman (whose voice was dubbed and face blurred) described the severe abuse she suffered at the hands of the rabbi of her school and subsequently the harassment she endured at her Ulpana, or girls high school.

The young woman, a member of a prominent religious Zionist family, said that she had been sent to an “extremely religious school” where modesty was at a premium and no allowance was made for exposure to technology.

Monday, June 27, 2022

This Video is for the "Moshe Boylans" who are against a "Yom Hashoah" Day

On May 23, I called out Moshe Boylan who wrote a letter to the editor to the FJJ (Flatbush Jewish Journal)  explaining why the FJJ wouldn't mention "Yom Hashoah" in the FJJ  a weekly newspaper that caters to the Chareidie community of Flatbush. 

Moshe Boylan, who I'm told is a Yankee, whose father and grandfathers lived comfortably in the USA while their brothers and sisters were being tortured to death, explained, that the "Olam HaTorah and Yahadus HaChareidis " a term that he totally made up, were dead set against it! 

He babbled that the rebbis of the editor of the FJJ were consulted and they issued a fatwa that Yom Ha'Shoa, Yom Ha'zikoren and Yom Hatzmoet,  three events celebrated by millions of Jews does not even deserve an honorable mention. I will mention honorably that all these rabbis of the editor who issued this ruling, were all born in the USA except one who arrived with his entire family in 1938. 

I am not going to go into that now, as I wrote about this at length 3 weeks ago, I invite Moshe Boylan and his "Olam HaTorah and Yahadus HaChareidis " and the rest of his naive and ignorant followers to view the documentary below. 

I lit the oven, put the body in, and that was that. All I did was turn Eichmann into ashes'

Tuly Ziv and his son, Noam

 Some 60 years ago, on the night between May 31 and June 1, Pinchas Zacklikovsky returned to his home in Bnei Brak, entered his 10-year-old son Tuly's room, and told him quietly and calmly: "Tonight I cremated Eichmann."

Zacklikovsky, a professional oven-builder, who spent the war years in the Lodz Ghetto and Buchenwald Concentration Camp, didn't depart from his routine. "The next day dad went to work like nothing had happened," Tuly says. "They asked him 'how was it?' and he answered 'I turned on the oven, put the body in, and that was that. All I did was turn Eichmann into ashes.'"

In 1940, Nazi arch criminal Adolf Eichmann visited the Lodz Ghetto in order to monitor up close the operation to expel the Jews, as the preliminary step towards the implementation of the Final Solution. Someone who saw the senior Nazi officer from a distance was Pinchas Zacklikovsky, then a young man of 20.

Pinchas Zacklilkovsky was born in 1920 in Poland to a wealthy family of Gur Hasidim. He was raised alongside four brothers and sisters, and like every Jew in Europe was greatly shaken by the outbreak of World War II. At the beginning he escaped on his own, wandered throughout Poland in areas that were then controlled by the Soviet Union, in an attempt to escape from the clutches of the Nazis, but in the end, he decided to return to his family and be with them during those dreadful times.

From the Lodz Ghetto he was transferred to the Czestochowa Ghetto and in 1944 he was sent to Buchenwald Concentration Camp. "They beat his father to death right before his eyes," Tuly says. In an interview with the newspaper Yom HaShishi in 1990, Zacklilkowsky said that, after the American army liberated the Concentration Camp from the Nazis, he angrily set upon a German officer who had tortured him, and ripped out both of his eyes.

He made aliyah in 1946 on the Enzo Sereni ship, but was then expelled with the other "illegal" immigrants to Cyprus and was afterwards imprisoned in the Atlit Detention Camp. Afterwards he was recruited into the Etzel, and during the War of Independence he served in the Givati Brigade. He met Sara Levitt Neuman, who was born in 1926 and survived Auschwitz, via mutual acquaintances. They married and made their home in Bnei Brak.

Ukrainian Ambassador Threatens To Limit Entry Of Israelis To Uman


Ukrainian ambassador to Israel Yevgen Korniychuk said on Motzei Shabbos that Ukraine is considering revoking Israelis’ exemptions from visas, including the thousands that travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, in retaliation for the limits Israel is placing on Ukrainian refugees.

In an interview with Yediot Achronot, Korniychuk complained that Israel is “unfairly” imposing restrictions on Ukraianins entering Israel and that the “Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and the President’s Office told me that this is unacceptable.”

“And now we’re considering whether to suspend visa waivers for Israelis in response,” Korniychuk threatened. “It may not be felt now but before Rosh Hashanah, the Israeli government will feel it.”

Iranian On Seized Plane In Argentina Had Photos Of “Aircraft Aimed At Israel”


Police officers stand in the Plaza Central Hotel during a judicial raid where the crew of a Venezuelan-owned Boeing 747 cargo plane are staying, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, June 14, 2022.(AP Photo/Gustavo Garello); The pilot of the plane has been identified as General Gholamreza Qasemi, formerly the head of the Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Aerospace Force and a key figure in shipping arms to Iranian proxies in Syria.

Gerardo Milman, a member of the Argentine National Congress,  told Iran International last week that the Iranians aboard the Venezuelan plane seized in Buenos Aires two weeks ago planned “attacks on human targets” and that photos of “aircraft aimed at Israel’ was found on the pilot’s phone.

Milman confirmed that the pilot was “a senior Quds official, a member of the Ministry of Intelligence,” adding that the co-pilot on the plane was “even more problematic.”

Milman slammed Argentina’s President Alberto Fernandez, security ministry and intelligence chief for attempting to whitewash “the Venezuelan-Iranian intelligence operation …[as] an air training operation” and ignoring the material found on the pilot’s phone: “photos of missiles, aircrafts aimed at Israel, photos of war material aimed at confronting Israel in order to commit terrorist acts in the state of Israel.”

Milman said that the Argentinian government is aligning itself with the “the Caracas-Tehran-Moscow regime,” saying that there is a “Venezuelan-Iranian intelligence operation that includes several elements in the region.”

He added that Venezuela and Tehran cooperate on manufacturing armed drones and noted that the governor of a state in Venezuela where drones were made is now the ambassador to Argentina.

“The truth is that everything has a very accurate correlation,” he said. “My idea is that Iran seeks to consolidate with the Argentine government this trilogy with the regime of Caracas and with the regime of Teheran.” Milman believes that the plan provides “absolute proof that financing cells operate with respect to the Hezbollah situation.”

Crazy US Intell Report Says that the Abraham Accords is not good for Peace

A Palestinians walks next to graffiti showing former US president Donald Trump with a footprint on his face in Gaza City

This cockamamie report is failed  the Obama mentality, that there cannot be piece if the Palestinian issue is not addressed. But what this report doesn't realize is that the Saudis and Bahrain, Egypt don't care about the Palestinians. 

The United States’ Department for Homeland Security (DHS) warned that the Abraham Accords could fuel further conflict in the Middle East, shortly after the landmark deal was signed in 2020.

In a Wednesday report, The Intercept cited an official document titled “Terrorists’ Longstanding Grievances Very Likely Exacerbated by Israel’s Normalization of Relations with Two Gulf States.”

The US-brokered Abraham Accords – spearheaded by former US president Donald Trump – were an August 2020 joint agreement between Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to normalize relations, with Sudan and Morocco later included.

FTO (Foreign Terror Organizations) supporters’ pre-existing grievances about US foreign policy regarding the Middle East, such as viewing the United States as responsible for Israeli actions, will be exacerbated by Israel’s normalization of relations with Bahrain and the UAE,” the intel report read.

According to DHS officials, newly-formed ties with prior foes were not the primary risk of the accords, but instead the establishment of ties without addressing the Palestinian issue. 

“FTOs could leverage… anti-US grievances to fit their longstanding messaging themes, portraying the United States as a principal antagonist in the Middle East,” the report continued.

It noted that “retaliatory violence” towards the US could be triggered, citing how Iran has compared racial tensions inside the US as evidence that it supports Israel in the Palestinian conflict.

Nearly two years after the implementation of the Abraham Accords, tensions between Israel and Palestinians did rise, with the 11-day war between Gaza’s Hamas and Israel last year, an increase of terrorist attacks, and clashes at Jerusalem’s holy basin.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Gerer Rebbe appoints a "Questionable Shady Character" to represent them in Knesset


 Ger will have a new representative in the coming Knesset. The Gerer Rebbe has chosen Yitzchak Goldknopf to represent the largest chasidic sect in Israel in the Knesset 

 Goldknopf is  known and even notorious in the chareidi public for his leadership of the kindergarten and daycare chain in Jerusalem that he inherited from his father, turning it into a prosperous nationwide chain of hundreds of early educational centers, as well as medical clinics and schools for special needs children.

Goldknopf’s draconian management style, includes alleged violations of the rights of thousands of chareidi women employed as kindergarten teachers and aides. These teachers were forced to sign agreements waiving their rights to seniority and basic employment rights, leaving them with salaries of 50% of their counterparts in other educational systems. Goldknopf systematically exploited the need of chareidi women for employment to deny them tenure and other employment benefits.

In recent years, these teachers have taken their protest to the Knesset, with little success. Even efforts to unionize under the Histadrut labor federation were unsuccessful. When some of the teachers appealed to Goldknopf himself, he refused to entertain their demands, asking one of the them, “What, you want your pay to be higher than that of the director general?”

It is thus unfortunate that the Gerer Rebbe sees Goldknopf as a worthy representative for the next Knesset. Many chareidim have responded on social media,stating that they would rather vote Likud if Goldknopf is placed on the electoral slate. Others say that he should be indicted for his exploitation of teaching staff. With the current split in Gur it is also highly unlikely that the breakaway faction will vote for Goldknopf, an appointment of the Rebbe.

Thus it is safe to assume that both Shas and Agudah will not gain electorally in a new election but how much they will lose depends both on the popularity of Ben-Gvir and the lack of popularity of Agudah’s representatives in a chareidi public increasingly unconvinced with its political leaders integrity.

‘These Disputes Can Literally Lead to Murder’ Visnitzer Rebbe Addressing the Gerer Civil War


At his Motzei Shabbos tisch, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe spoke harshly against the Gerrer Chassidim who have been attacking the followers of Rav Shaul Alter.

The Rebbe said that this sort of disgracing of Talmidei Chachamim led to the destruction of Yerushalayim, and he said that “the disputes that are taking place can mamash lead to murder.”

As reported on the Charedi news website Kikar Shabbos, the Rebbe said, “I want to focus on a topic that has been hurting me a lot for a long time. Unfortunately, there are disputes among many different members of Klal Yisrael, which can sometimes lead to real bloodshed.”

He continued,” I said this to my Chassidm several weeks ago, and now I want to address all of Klal Yisrael. As an example, I will use Reuvain and Shimon. Reuvain belongs to one Chassidus and Shimon belongs to another. Reuvain sends out all sorts of letters and materials, denigrating the Chassidus of Shimon, to build himself and build up his own greatness. Regarding this, the Gemara says in the name of Rav Yehuda, ‘Yerushalayim was only destroyed because of the disgracing of Talmidei Chachamim.’ Also ‘Anyone who disgraces a Talmid Chacham there is no medicine for his wounds.’”

“The fact that you follow a certain sect of Chassidus and you hold of your own Rebbe, does not give you permission to speak against a different Rebbe.”

The Rebbe said many more strong and even harsh words, describing the current situation.

At the end of his speech, the Rebbe emphasized that he is speaking to both Chassidm and Litvaks, and he urged his followers to spread this message. In addition, he requested that it be published in the Israeli Hamodia in the coming days.

Biden Admin Officially Welcomes Iranian Terrorists into the USA


Iranians who served as members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) will now be permitted to enter the United States, a notice published by the US Secretary of Homeland Security and Secretary of State on Thursday said.

The notice said that following consultations between Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and Attorney General Merrick Garland, a decision was made that certain conditions of the Immigration and Nationality Act will no longer be applied to people who have “provided insignificant material support or limited materiel support…to a designated terrorist organization.”

Such individuals will be permitted entry to the US “provided they satisfy relevant agency authority that the individual…poses no danger to the safety and security of the United States.”

Two days after the notice was published, the European Union and Iran announced that they have agreed to resume talks on a nuclear deal within days.

What's Up with Yossi Ungar the Learning Rebbe at Camp Kaylie ? ...UPDATED!!!


Hunter Biden Met With Russian Oligarch Now Wanted For Murder


When his father was the second most powerful man in the world, Hunter Biden met in Russia with at least four oligarchs closely aligned with Vladimir Putin — including one who is now wanted for murder in the country, the NY Post reports.

The meeting with Telman Ismailov took place on Feb. 17, 2012 at the Moscow headquarters of AST Group, his vast holding company which once owned a publishing house, a tour company, and had a telecom division, according to the Moscow Times.

Ismailov was accused in 2017 by Russian authorities of paying $2 million for the murder of two entrepreneurs a year earlier, Agence France-Presse reported. Vladimir Savkin, a shopping mall magnate and Yury Brilev, founder of Lyublino Motors, were both bumped off on the Novorizhskoye highway in Moscow, allegedly over a business dispute with Ismailov, according to the Investigative Committee of Russia, the country’s primary federal investigations agency.

It’s unclear what Hunter Biden wanted with Ismailov, but the trip was part of a two-day meet and greet between Hunter and wealthy oligarchs in the country — which at least in part focused on seeking foreign cash for Rosemont Realty, an offshoot of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners. The investment company was co-founded by Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and Chris Heinz. The flurry of meetings raise questions about what matters were discussed and whether the oligarchs sought any untoward access to Hunter Biden’s father.

Ironically, it was Joe Biden who lambasted President Trump over his ties to Russia. “Donald Trump’s entire presidency has been a gift to Putin,” then-candidate Biden said in a June 2020 tweet. “Unlike Trump, I’ll defend our democratic values and stand up to autocrats like Putin,” he added in August.

Vatican Releases Archives of Thousands of Jewish Pleas for Help in WW2


Thousands of records detailing requests to the Vatican made by Jews who were being persecuted by the Nazis were made available online to the public, the Vatican announced last Thursday. 

Allowing access to the documentation titled “Ebrei” (“Jews”), which has been available to researchers since March 2020, was made “at the request of the Holy Father,” who ordered universal access aimed “to preserve the petitions for help from Jewish people all over Europe, received by (Pope Pius XII) during the Nazi-Fascist persecutions.”

The letters, written by Jewish people across Europe begging Pope Pius XII and other Roman Catholic officials for help, total 170 volumes, equivalent to nearly 40,000 digital files, containing some 2,700 individual appeals, the Vatican said.

While the Vatican made no such direct link publicly, the decision to make the documents available online closely follows the controversy over a new book by historian David I. Kertzer, titled, “The Pope at War,” in which Kertzer suggested that Pope Pius remained silent out of fear of the Nazis and that the Vatican prioritized saving Jewish converts to Catholicism from persecution.

Remembering the King of Chazzanim Yossele Rosenblatt's 89th Yarhzeit


Zelensky the Liar says that Jews and Ukrainians have a common Bond


VP Kamala Harris is now Blond


Russia now threatens POLAND



Tensions between Russia and NATO member Poland have been cranking up to boiling point in recent days amid Russian claims that it has killed 'up to 80 Polish mercenaries' in missile strikes.

The reported losses come on the same day that Russia confirmed it has removed a Polish flag from a memorial commemorating the murder of thousands of Poles by the Soviet Union in 1940.

To the north, Moscow has been furious over Lithuania's blocking of EU-sanctioned goods from reaching the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, sandwiched between the Baltic state and Poland.

This has prompted Poland to call on NATO to further bolster its security presence in the Suwalki Gap, the narrow corridor of territory that connects the three Baltic states to the rest of their NATO allies and separates Kaliningrad from Russian ally Belarus.

'We are going to seek the reinforcement of this corridor... in our talks with our partners from NATO,' Mateusz Morawiecki told a news conference in Brussels after a European Union summit. 

Kaliningrad and the Suwalki Gap, on Polish territory, would be ground zero for any military conflict between NATO and Russia, as Vladimir Putin would immediately move to cut the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia off from the rest of NATO and shore up the isolated exclave from inevitable NATO strikes.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

DemonRats Freaking Out over SCOTUS Decision to Protect Unborn Children


Friday, June 24, 2022

Zera Shimshom Parshas Korach


Korach , Meraglim & The Anti-Zionist Tzaddikim


It is important to understand  that Korach was no common rabble-rouser, and his supporters were no common street-urchins. The two hundred and fifty people who rallied to Korach’s call were “princes of the congregation, those called to the meetings, men of renown” (16:2).

That is to say, “they were the most distinguished of the community; ‘those called to the meetings’ – they were skilled in determining leap years and months; ‘men of renown’ – famous throughout the world” (Sanhedrin 110a).

Rashi (commentary to Sanhedrin 52b, s.v. למה תלמיד) states unequivocally that these 250 men were תַּלְמִידֵי חֲכָמִים, talmidei chachamim; and the Metzudat Zion (commentary to Ezekiel 23:23) calls them “gedolim” – Torah-leaders of the generation.

But maybe this should not be all that surprising: after all, Korach and his gang were continuing in the footsteps of the meraglim, who were also among the greatest Torah-leaders of the generation, and who so recently had led the nation into disaster by rejecting the Land of Israel.

Rabbi Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal Hy”d (1885-1945), in his seminal work “Em ha-Banim Semeichah”, has fascinating insights into the spies’ character and the implications for today.

Rabbi Teichtal, who was initially fervently anti-Zionist, changed his views entirely during the Holocaust; he wrote “Em ha-Banim Semeichah” while on the run from the Nazis in 1943, and was murdered on a train transporting prisoners from Auschwitz to Mauthausen on 10th Sh’vat 5705 (24th January 1945).

He wrote:

“The holy Zohar and the Shelah explain that selfish motives caused the spies to commit [their sin]. They feared that they were fit to be princes [only] in the desert, but once they enter the Land of Israel new princes would be appointed. Let this be an instructive lesson.

"Even the greatest gadol in Torah and righteousness should not trust himself when he opposes the movement to build the Land. He should not think that his intentions are fully for the sake of Heaven, for he is certainly no greater in Torah and righteousness than the princes whom Moshe sent. Consider and study this well and you will see that it is the truth” (Chapter 3).

Watch Turkish & Israeli Agents nab Iranian cell planning attacks on Israelis


Turkey has detained several people allegedly working for an Iranian intelligence cell that planned to assassinate or snatch Israeli tourists in Istanbul, local media reported Thursday.

The news of the bust came weeks after Israel ordered its citizens in Istanbul to leave immediately, warning of an imminent Iranian attack plot targeting Israelis in Turkey.

Among those who were being targeted for kidnapping were a former Israeli diplomat and his wife, Hebrew media reported, citing Turkish outlets. The diplomat’s name was not published.

Israel’s Mossad spy agency chartered a private plane to immediately bring the pair and others back to the country, reports said.

The suspects, who were not all Iranian nationals, were detained in a raid last week in three houses in Istanbul’s popular Beyoglu district, the IHA news agency reported. The outlet said eight people had been arrested.

Turkey’s Hurriyet newspaper reported on Thursday that Turkish authorities detained five Iranian nationals on Wednesday suspected of involvement in the alleged plot to assassinate Israeli citizens in Istanbul.

Reports of the detentions came as Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid arrived in Turkey Thursday for high-level talks, amid a recent rapprochement between the countries after years of frayed ties.

The terror warnings had both strained ties as Ankara chafed at being portrayed as an unsafe tourism destination in international media reports, but also allowed the two countries to showcase newly revived ties by cooperating on intelligence and security.

According to Channel 13 news, Israel was considering somewhat walking back its warning following Lapid’s visit, with the travel advisory revised to state that only non-essential travel should be canceled rather than all visits.

The warning, however, remained in force as of Thursday evening.

“We will complete the work [of thwarting attacks] and we won’t hesitate to lower the travel warning, maybe in a few days,” a security source was quoted as saying by Channel 12 news.

“We’re at the beginning of the end [of the crisis],” the source added.

The network, without citing a source, also reported that there were believed to be three more Iranian cells in Istanbul.

Iran and Israel have been engaged in a years-long shadow war but tensions have ratcheted up following a string of high-profile incidents Tehran has blamed on Israel.

The Islamic Republic claimed Israel was responsible for the killing of Revolutionary Guards Colonel Hassan Sayyad Khodaei in his Tehran home on May 22.

Khodaei’s assassination was the most high-profile killing inside Iran since the November 2020 killing of top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

IHA said Iran sent agents disguised as businessmen, tourists and students to Istanbul to assassinate Israelis in retaliation for Khodaei’s murder and other attacks.

It said the Iranians had split into four groups of two assassins who could better track their Israeli targets.

The suspects rented apartments and hotel rooms in the area, and had $30,000 to set up a network of agents.

Police seized two pistols and two silencers in searches conducted in houses and hotels where the suspects were staying, according to the Hurriyet report.

“The hitmen in the assassination team, who settled in two separate rooms on the second and fourth floors of a hotel in Beyoglu, were [detained] with a large number of weapons and ammunition,” IHA said.

Channel 12 reported that the Mossad and Turkish security forces were working in full cooperation, and that some of the people arrested in the operations were Iranians and others were locals.

Israeli security forces will continue operating in Turkey for at least a few more days, the network said.

Later Thursday, Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which also handles operations outside of the country, announced that it was replacing the head of its intelligence unit Hossein Taeb, who had held the position for over a decade.

Taeb has been repeatedly named in Hebrew media reports as the man behind the planned attacks on Israelis in Turkey.

Guards commander Major General Hossein Salami appointed General Mohammad Kazemi to head the intelligence organization instead, Iran’s Tasnim news agency reported.

The reported arrests were the first time that Turkish media have reported on the subject of Iranian attacks that have been making headlines in Israel for over two weeks amid warnings from officials of Iranian cells on the loose in Turkey.

A report last week claimed that several Israelis visiting Istanbul were whisked out of Turkey the week before by Israeli security officials, who were acting on intelligence showing that the visitors were at immediate risk from Iranian assassins.

Media reports that Israeli and Turkish intelligence were cooperating in rounding up a network of Iranian operatives and that several attacks were foiled, were confirmed Monday by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.