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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Beit Shemesh hopes to quadruple population with new housing, commercial plans


Beit Shemesh could soon transform into a city of 500,000 residents, according to official building plans shared in local Hebrew-language media. If the blueprint is followed through, Beit Shemesh –which today does not even make the list of the top ten largest cities in Israel — would become one of the country’s largest urban areas.

Currently, somewhere between 124,000 and 140,000 people call Beit Shemesh home. It is one of the few places that Jerusalemites move out to when they leave the capital. The city is also a good base for employment either in Jerusalem or across the center of the country, although a key element of the proposed plan is to develop employment opportunities within Beit Shemesh.

The Jerusalem District Planning and Building Commission is pushing forward with plans to establish a large commercial and residential area in the north of the city, covering 2,276 dunams (562 acres). It will be comprised of 4,700 housing units, including 960 small apartments, 600 hotel rooms, office space, and access points to an integrated transport network which will be delivered by relocating the existing public transport hub.

This is in addition to another proposed residential neighborhood to the south of Ramat Beit Shemesh with another 4,600 apartments, including 940 small apartments and 300 apartments for special housing, as well as commercial space and public buildings in an area covering around 1,350 dunams (333 acres). It is promised that 221 dunams (55 acres) will be reserved for open areas, with 95 dunams (23 acres) of that total designated as a national park.

This project pushes further than Beit Shemesh’s original master plan, which set a target of 360,000 residents for the city in the coming years. The master plan focused more on urban renewal programs across Beit Shemesh’s older neighborhoods, using the national rebuild program Pinui v’Binui, and the framework to add additional stories to existing buildings (Tama 38) to increase the quality and density of the city center, as well as improving public spaces.

Plans are predicated on transport improvements along the road network to meet the travel needs of a significantly larger population. Minimum widths have been set for streets and development has been zoned in order to preserve views across the city, creating a denser living environment in the ridge area with more limited development in the valleys.

Earlier this year, the government committed to supporting the renewal and expansion of Beit Shemesh’s infrastructure, pledging over NIS 500 million ($160 million) for transport improvements, public buildings, and services to residents

For some time, Beit Shemesh has been among the fastest-growing population centers in the country. In less than 20 years, the number of inhabitants has nearly doubled. Almost half the city, 46%, is made up of children under the age of 14.

Aliza Bloch, who has been mayor of Beit Shemesh since 2018, has repeatedly declared that her focus will be on building up the city’s infrastructure and the quality of life that it can offer to its residents, both ultra-Orthodox and secular.

Last year, Beit Shemesh saw some of the highest house price increases in the country, after Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

Who Died In the Satmar Monsey Mikva?


Nadler may lose his seat to "one tough yente" Carolyn Maloney


Two of New York’s longest-serving members of Congress have turned from allies to rivals after a court redrew the state’s congressional maps, scrambling the favorable landscape Democrats hoped to set for themselves this election year.

U.S. Rep. Jerry Nadler, a major figure in former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment, and Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a champion of 9/11 rescue and recovery workers, are now running against each other in a Democratic primary to represent a reconfigured district in Manhattan.

The intra-party battle is not the result Democrats envisioned for the once-a-decade redistricting in a state where they control the governor’s mansion and the Legislature.

Nadler, 74, and Maloney, 76, each were first elected to Congress 30 years ago and have risen to chair the powerful House Judiciary and Oversight committees, respectively.

R' Shmuel Katzenelbogen 30 Killed by car while on a scooter

 The frum community in Petach Tikvah was plunged into mourning on Monday evening upon hearing the news of the petirah of Reb Shmuel Katzenelbogen, z’l, at the age of 30.

The niftar was seriously injured last Tuesday while riding an electric scooter after being hit by a car. The accident reportedly occurred when a dog began chasing him and he tried to escape but ended up in the car’s path instead.

He suffered a severe head injury in the accident and has been sedated and ventilated since then. On Monday, his condition deteriorated and he was niftar, leaving behind a wife and three small children, his parents, and siblings.

Sadly, another fatality involving an electric scooter occurred in Petach Tikvah on Monday evening, when a 13-year-old boy riding an electric scooter was killed after he was hit by a car.

The police are carrying out an investigation of the circumstances of the accident. Initial reports indicate that the boy was hit by a car after he crossed a street at a red light.

Shortly before the accident, a man was injured by a car while riding an electric scooter in Be’er Sheva.

A tzedaka fund has been launched for anyone interested in assisting the niftar’s family.

THREE DOZEN Lakewood-Area Jews Win Their Primaries in Massive Win for Frum Community


Justin Flancbaum

Nearly three dozen frum Jews emerged victorious Tuesday night, following campaigns for various races in Lakewood, Jackson, and Toms River for a broad array of positions.

Most notably, hundreds of frum Jackson residents turned out to support their selected candidates for positions on the Ocean County Republican Committee – an extremely powerful local group in the county – and in the process ousting numerous incumbents, some of whom were accused of actively engaging in attempts to stifle Jewish growth in Ocean County.

The frum candidates – some of them incumbents – who won their primaries on Tuesday night include:

  • Aryeh Skorski
  • Uriel Davoudi
  • Michael Stern
  • Eliyohu Klein
  • Aryeh Greenspan
  • Shaindel Friedman
  • Boruch Berger
  • Shmuel Kaluszyner
  • Shmuel Ellenbogen
  • Baruch Kaluszyner
  • Baruch Birnbaum
  • Avraham Flohr
  • Miriam Gross
  • Yitzchok Weiss
  • David Wolin
  • Ilya Sokolin
  • Avraham Dov Auerbach
  • Michael Goode
  • Meir Tesser
  • Tzvi Bruckenstein
  • Albert Akerman
  • Mordechai Gross
  • Justin Flancbaum
  • Kerianne Flancbaum
  • Mordechai Burnstein
  • Hadassah Burnstein
  • Tzvi Herman
  • Moshe Suissa
  • Yedidyah Danziger
  • Yakov Saposh
  • Shimson Heller
  • Rafael Englard

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The "Lamad Zayin " Tzaddik in Handcuffs charged with raping followers, claiming it would cleanse their sins

 We wrote about this dangerous monster two weeks ago, well they gave him some time to finish his cheese cake. 

An indictment was filed Monday against a Jerusalem rabbi for rape, sodomy and indecent assault by fraud of seven women whose consent for the acts he obtained by allegedly assuring them he was cleansing them of past sins.

Rabbi Moshe Yazdi, 59, has been under arrest since April 27. He is also accused of defrauding the victims of hundreds of thousands of shekels.

Watch This Female Israeli Police Officer Become A Giyores

This marvelous young lady, Yevgeniya Batael Loroviya, was born in Uzbekistan to a Jewish father.

Three years ago at the age of 19, she decided to move to Israel and start studying Yiddishkeit. She learned about her roots and her background, and little by little she progressed. Shortly after she arrived in Israel, she joined the Israel Police.

This video was taken Monday  in a Beis Din, an emotional moment, as Yevgeniya was מקבלת עול מלכות שמים.
Video was taken by נתיב- an organization that helps people be מגייר.

Now if only most yidden appreciated Yiddishkeit as much as this new one does.....

Israeli Passport will soon be the most valuable in the Arab World. But Rep Tlaib is Fighting this


Listen to this Israeli Hero Guarding the Highway to Yerushalyim


Biden admin hires role-playing fetishist for nuclear waste post


 President Joe Biden has appointed Sam Brinton, an outspoken drag queen and “queer activist”, to oversee spent fuel and waste in the nuclear energy office of the Department of Energy.

Brinton, a graduate of MIT with dual master’s degrees in nuclear engineering and technology, has also been an activist for Global Zero and the gay and transgender suicide prevention organization, The Trevor Project, and has advocated against gay conversion therapy.

“I have accepted the offer to serve as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy,” Brinton wrote on LinkedIn. “In this role I’ll be doing what I always dreamed of doing, leading the effort to solve the nation’s nuclear waste challenges.”

Brinton has raised eyebrows on social media for his open advocacy of sexual fetishism and expressed enthusiasm for “puppy play,” a sexual “kink” involving role-playing as animals, in a post in the student newspaper at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2017.

Read more at My Stateline

Trans Cyclists (men) Finish 1st and 2nd in Women’s Race, Kiss on Podium Next to 3rd Place Mom Holding Her Baby

 On Thursday, at London’s ThundCrit cycling event, two biological males identifying as women took first and second place and then celebrated their “achievement” by kissing on the podium as the third-place winner, an actual female, held her baby.

Emily Bridges and Lilly Chant, the two men who placed first and second, competed in ThunderCrit’s “Lightning” category. According to the website, this category is reserved for “cis-women, non-binary people,” as well as “trans men and women whose physical performance aligns most closely with cis-women.”

Bridges, 21, has tried and failed to work his way into women’s cycling competitions across the UK in recent months. As Breitbart’s Hannah Bleau reported in March, Bridges was denied access to the National Omnium Championships.

Bridges has undergone hormone therapy. However, as demonstrated by the dominance of UPenn transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, hormone therapy is completely inadequate in erasing the natural physical advantages men have over women.

Bridges has also been winning races against other men while on hormone therapy. As of March, British Cycling still listed Bridges as a male, most likely because he is.

IBM, Which Helped Exterminate Jews in the Third Reich, Celebrates LGBT Genital Mutilation of Children


Just like pretty much every other Western multinational corporation in existence, IBM is celebrating Pride and everything it represents, including the transgender mutilation and pharmaceutical drugging of children.

In a June 1 tweet, IBM announced that “We have #Pride in what defines us.” The technology corporation added that it “stands by those living boldly in the LGBTQ+ community.”

“Join us during Pride Month as we highlight the LGBTQ+ perspectives that define IBM,” the company added proudly.

These “perspectives” of course include putting pre-pubescent children on hormone-blockers while surgically altering, removing and/or replacing their natural genitalia for “gender affirming” purposes.

It's Been 54 Years Since a Palestinian Arab Killed RFK


Mitt Romney Reveals his true colors as he raises the stakes against Israel vis-à-vis the killing of the Al Jazzera Reporter


"a goy bleibt a goy!

Sen. Jon Ossoff, a Jewish Democrat from Georgia, joined with Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah in calling on the Biden administration to “ensure a full and transparent investigation is completed and that justice is served” in the killing last month of Shireen Abu Akleh.

The letter sent Monday to Secretary of State Antony Blinken raises the stakes for Israel as it seeks to tamp down anger at the killing of the venerated American Palestinian journalist, which occurred during an Israeli army raid into the West Bank town of Jenin.

The letter demands answers within 30 days, guaranteeing that the killing will remain in the public eye even as President Joe Biden is planning a visit to Israel in the coming month.

Romney’s involvement underscores that the pressure coming from U.S. lawmakers on the issue is not only connected to progressive Democrats, who have grown increasingly critical of Israel in recent years. Romney, the Republican presidential candidate in 2012, is known for his closeness to Israeli leaders and the pro-Israel community. Ossoff is a cautious centrist who played up his Jewish community involvement when he ran for Senate last year.

Israel has said it has narrowed down the source of the shooting to two: A group of Israeli soldiers and a group of Palestinian militants. Israel wants the Palestinian Authority to hand over the bullet that killed Abu Akleh so it can test it against the Israeli soldiers’ rifles and conduct a joint Israel-P.A. investigation, with the United States as an observer.

The Palestinian Authority, which has filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court over the killing, says Israel is unequivocally to blame and does not trust Israeli authorities to conduct an impartial investigation.

The letter from Ossoff and Romney does not weigh in on the controversy over the bullet but is unequivocal in seeking transparency. “The killing of a U.S. citizen and of a journalist engaged in the work of reporting in a conflict zone is unacceptable,” it said.

A recent letter from 57 Democrats in Congress calls for an FBI investigation and suggests that Israel is the likely responsible party. Another bipartisan letter from 25 Congress members also demands an investigation but blames the Palestinian Authority for hindering one with its refusal to hand the bullet to Israel.

Chukie Schumer the "cryi'n liar" demanded that Trump lower gas prices when the price was $3.89


Shmuley Boteach Invites the Vicious Anti-semite Al Sharpton to his Lecture


The Truth Laid bare.....The surprising true origin of Paddington Bear


This weekend, two British institutions — Queen Elizabeth and Paddington Bear — charmed the world in a surprise skit that kicked off the Platinum Party at the Palace tribute concert outside Buckingham Palace.

But many viewers might not have known the real origins of the ursine celebrity who hails from “darkest Peru” — yet was actually inspired by Jewish refugee children.

Author Michael Bond, who passed away in 2017 at the age of 91, decided to write a book about an orphaned cub sent to England after spotting a toy bear alone on a shelf at Selfridge’s department store on Christmas Eve in 1956.

“It looked rather forlorn,” he told The Sunday Telegraph, so he purchased the bear as a stocking stuffer for his wife and began to write a story about it. Less than two weeks later, he had a completed novel which was sold for 75 pounds.

Bond revealed that while writing the first book, “A Bear Called Paddington,” he was partly inspired by vivid memories he had of seeing Jewish refugee children pass through the train station in his hometown of London, on their way to London from Nazi-dominated Europe ahead of World War II.

Author Michael Bond created Paddington after spotting a toy bear alone on a shelf at Selfridge's department store on Christmas Eve 1956.
Author Michael Bond created Paddington after spotting a toy bear alone on a shelf at Selfridge’s department store on Christmas Eve 1956.
Getty Images

Every Single cancer patient enters remission after drug trial


A recent drug trial administered to a handful of cancer patients had the surprising result of wiping out the disease in every participant.

The study was conducted on 18 rectal cancer patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan and had a 100 percent success rate, according to a paper published Sunday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

“I believe this is the first time this has happened in the history of cancer,” Dr. Luis A. Diaz Jr, the author of the paper, told the New York Times.

The drug, dostarlimab, was administered to each patient every 3 weeks for 6 months.

The drug trial was expected to be followed by chemotherapy and surgery, as is standard, for every participant.

Some patients may have even required surgery leading to bowel and urinary dysfunction — or be forced to use a colostomy bag due to treatment, the Times said.

However, since all patients had no evidence of a tumor after taking an MRI, rectal examination or a biopsy — they were spared the agony of potentially damaging treatment.

“There were a lot of happy tears,” Dr. Andrea Cercek, an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center told the Times.

In addition to not needing further treatment, there were no instances of a recurrence of cancer in the patients during follow-up appointments from 6 to 25 months after the trial ended.

One participant, Sascha Roth, told the Times that she planned to move to Manhattan for chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

Then doctors gave her the good news — the trial worked and she was cancer-free.

“I told my family,” Roth said. “They didn’t believe me.”

Bennett's Coalition in Trouble Again


Israel’s government on Monday failed to pass a bill extending legal protections for settlers in the West Bank, marking a major setback for the fragile coalition that could hasten its demise and send the country to new elections.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s coalition remains in power. But Monday’s vote underscored the weaknesses and divisions in the fragile alliance and raised questions about how long it can survive.

The bill would give Israel legal jurisdiction over Israelis living in the West Bank. The bill has been approved every five years since 1967.

These regulations expire at the end of the month and if they are not renewed, that legal system, which Israel has cultivated for Israelis living in Yehuda and Shomrim since 1967, will be thrown into question. It could also change the legal status of the 500,000 settlers living there.

Proponents of extending the law say they are merely seeking to maintain a status quo and preserve the government’s shelf life. Opponents say extending the regulations would deepen an unfair system.

However, Monday’s vote — defeated by a 58-52 margin — went far beyond the contours of the legal debate. Instead, it served as a key test of the government’s prospects for survival, creating a paradoxical situation where some of the settlements’ biggest opponents in the government voted for the bill, while hard-line parties that support the settlements voted against it in order to weaken the government.

The coalition, made up of eight ideologically distinct parties that include both supporters and opponents of the settlements, came together last year and pledged to sidestep divisive issues that could threaten its survival. Monday’s vote showed just how difficult that mission has been.

The vote did not immediately topple the government, and it is still possible for the coalition to present a modified version of the legislation.

“As always after we lose, we will return stronger and win in the next round,” said Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, the chief architect of the governing alliance, in a statement on Twitter.

But the setback indicated the government’s days could be numbered. One of the coalition’s members, the nationalist New Hope, has already threatened to bolt if the coalition cannot pass the measure. If New Hope leaves, it could give the opposition the votes it needs to trigger new elections or form a new government.

“Any coalition member who doesn’t vote for this law that is so central is an active participant in its demise,” Justice Minister Gideon Saar, leader of New Hope, said before the vote.

Religious Zionist Party MK Bezalel Smotrich said he was not concerned about harming his constituents in Yehuda and Shomron by halting the bill. It is better to bring down the government, form a right-wing coalition and then pass it, he said.

Monday, June 6, 2022

How the Israeli Yated Distorted the Legacy of Harav Simcha Kook who passed away Two weeks ago


The Frum community, be they Chassidish, Yeshivish or Dati Leumi, collectively mourned the loss of Harav Simcha Ha'kohein Kook z"l who served the city of Rechovot for the last 50 years, and who also served as a member in the Rabbanut for 25 years; he passed away two weeks ago.

Harav Simcha Kook z"l was the son of Harav Raphael Kook z"l who served as rav in Teveria. Harav Raphael was the nephew of Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l. 

There is absolutely no question or doubt, that Harav Simcha, was influenced by his father and great uncle Harav AY Kook z"l. 

Reading the Israeli Yated's obituary on this great Tzaddik and Talmud Chacham, you wouldn't even know that R' Simcha Kook z"l was in any way related to his great uncle. Everything of Rav Simcha's past was maliciously removed and totally distorted. The name of this Litvishe Newspaper is Yated Neeman, which basically means that what they write or report is 100% נאמן but unfortunately this obituary of this historical figure is a complete farce and total fabrication. Not so much what they wrote but what they purposely left out.

They left out that he was a great nephew of Harav AY Kook z"l and was influenced by his writings. They left out the fact that in his youth R' Simcha studied in Bnei Akiva Schools and as a teenager learned at the Kfar Haroeh Bnei Akiva. They left out the fact that he was mentored by Harav Naria who was the founder of  the "Kipa Serugot" generation. 

But then they make up a story:

"בהגיעו למצוות גלה לישבת כנסת ישראל חברון"

" When he reached Bar-Mitzva age, he was exiled to Chevron to Yeshivas Knesses Yisrael"

"Exiled?" What exile?

Sunday, June 5, 2022

A Friday Night Shabbos Meal With These Tuna Tacos

 Kol Isha alert!

The Crimes of Eliezer Berland.. Eye Witnesses discuss his Adultery and thievery While New Documentary Whitewashes his image

New Documentary on the Sex Pervert Berland white-washes his  crimes !

Here watch eyewitnesses discuss his crimes!


Mordechay Malka and Matityau Malka Convicted of Scheme to Kidnap 14-Year-Old Girl and 12-Year-Old Boy From Their Mother


Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Michael J. Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced that MORDECHAY MALKA and MATITYAU MALKA were convicted in White Plains federal court of kidnapping following a three-week jury trial.  

The defendants, members of an extremist Jewish sect called Lev Tahor, participated in a scheme to kidnap a 14-year-old girl (“Minor-1”) and a 12-year-old boy (“Minor-2”) from their mother in Woodridge, New York in December 2018.  The kidnappers then smuggled the children across the U.S. border to Mexico, where they reunited Minor-1 with her adult “husband,” who she had religiously “married” when she was 13 years old.  After the children were recovered and returned to their mother, the defendants and their co-conspirators tried to kidnap the children a second time in March 2019.  Two co-conspirators, Nachman Helbrans and Mayer Rosner, were previously convicted of kidnapping and sexual exploitation charges in connection with this case after an October 2021 trial and have each been sentenced to 12 years in prison. 

According to the allegations contained in the Superseding Indictment, other court filings, and the evidence presented at trial:

MORDECHAY MALKA and MATITYAU MALKA are U.S. citizens and members of Lev Tahor, an extremist Jewish sect that has been located in several different jurisdictions, including New York, Israel, Canada, Mexico, and Guatemala.  In or about October 2018, the mother of Minor-1 and Minor-2 escaped from Lev Tahor’s compound in Guatemala and arrived in the United States in early November 2018.  Also in November 2018, a Brooklyn family court granted her sole custody of the children and prohibited the children’s father, a leader within Lev Tahor, from communicating with the children.

Iranian missile scientist found dead ..Poisoned

 An Iranian missile engineer has been found dead, according to news reports Friday from Iran.

The scientist has been identified as Ayoob Entezari, an aerospace engineer linked to drone and missile development at a research center in the Iranian city of Yazd.

Initial reports claimed Enterzari died last Tuesday as a result of poisoning, though local authorities have denied poisoning was the cause of death.

Iran International reported that Enterzari died after attending a dinner party, adding that the host of the dinner later fled the country.

The reports of Enterzari's death came on the heels of reports that an officer from the Revolutionary Guards Corps' Quds Force was found dead at his home in Karaj.

The officer, identified as Colonel Ali Esmailzadeh died during an "incident" at his home, Iran's IRNA outlet said Friday.

Esmailzadeh is the second Quds Force officer to be found dead in the past month.

In May, Col. Hassan Sayyad Khodaei was found dead in his car in front of his Tehran home, after being shot five times by two motorcyclists.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Naso


Iranian Colonels' Now Falling Off the Roofs


Col. Ali Esmailzadeh, one of the commanders of the 840th Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards and a close associate of Colonel Hassan Sayad Khodaei, died on Monday after falling from the roof of his house in the Karaj World View area, Iran International, a Saudi-sponsored Persian language television station headquartered in London and targeting Iranian viewers, reported on Thursday.

The Holocaust Photo that Offended Facebook

 Julius Ciss is the executive director of Jews for Judaism, Canada. When he posted the this picture of his daughter outside Auschwitz holding the Israeli flag in 2015, he was shocked to discover that Facebook considered it to be ‘insensitive’. What could be insensitive about such a picture?

Ciss has given us permission to repost what he wrote on Facebook, presenting Facebook’s response to the picture:

Last week I posted the following regarding how Facebook had tagged the attached photo as “insensitive”:

“It seems that someone complained to Facebook about this previously posted photo of my daughter at Auschwitz Concentration Camp. When I posted it, I stated:

“My daughter, Miriam Ciss, was in Auschwitz Concentration Camp today. My mother Helena and Aunt Dolly survived Auschwitz Birkenau. This is just one of the amazing photos she took. Shabbat Shalom and Happy Passover.

“What I didn’t say was that aside from my parents and aunt, the Nazis murdered both my father’s and mother’s entire families.

“Well, today I received the following notice from Facebook: ‘Your photo wasn’t removed because it doesn’t violate our community standards, but it has been marked as insensitive because it could offend or upset people.’

“What do you think?”

This above posting went viral and in seven days, from April 9 – 15, 2015:
Reached 1,886,456 people,
Was Liked by 69,751 individuals,
Commented on 26,211 times,
Shared by 19,816 persons.

I guess enough friends complained because Facebook has now issued the following apology, just in time for Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Rememberance Day):

“It has come to our attention that a piece of your content was mistakenly flagged by one of our reps. This was a mistake and we’ve reversed the action taken. We apologize for our error.” – Eleanor, Community Operations, Facebook

I thank Facebook for acknowledging this mistake.

As I searched for an applicable quote to close off this posting in honour of Yom HaShoah, I realized that a very appropriate quote would be the following excerpt from my daughter Miriam’s diary of her recent trip to the death camps of Poland:

“Today was kind of a gap day… The fill in day… And yet, it was one of the saddest days of my trip to Poland…

“Today, we visited a mass grave. Yes, on this program, we’ve been to many and I never cried at any of them. Not as much as I cried here. You see, this mass grave is different… This mass grave holds 700 children. Yes, you heard me… Children.

“Alone, frightened and clinging to whatever family they had with them, if they even had any left to cling to… Nazis shot them… The children… And for what? Because they couldn’t produce… They were useless to the Reich and so, they were shot… Murdered…

Obama’s ‘Personal’ Vendetta and Hate Against the Jew Netanyahu Drove Anti-Israel UN Campaign

 During their terms in office, it was no secret that there was friction between former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and ex-U.S. President Barack Obama. While the U.S. remained Israel’s top ally during this period, concessions were requested from the Jewish state vis-a-vis Iran and the Palestinians that many Israelis deemed an existential threat.

A new book by former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon sheds light on his tenure at the United Nations, where he served as Permanent Representative until 2020.

In The Lion’s Den: Israel And The World also delves into the Netanyahu-Obama dynamic, examining the source of alleged animosity on the part of the American president toward his Israeli counterpart.

Obama’s hostility reached a crescendo immediately before the end of his term with the passage of UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which demanded that Israel stop building Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria and portions of its capital, Jerusalem. The resolution passed based on the U.S.’ abstention from voting, an unprecedented step that represented a diplomatic betrayal of the Jewish state of the highest order.