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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Gerrer Chassidim Beat the Hell out R' Shaul's Followers in a "pogrom" Friday Night in Yerushalayim, Bet Shemesh, Ashdod



This is Torah?
These are the heilige people who are too busy learning Torah to fight in the Israeli army to protect Jews, but who have plenty of time to viciously attack other Jews ?
These are people who fight Jews during sefirah which is a time of mourning due to hatred between Torah scholars? Oy to such a Torah and to such Torah scholars!!!!!

In one of the worst demonstrations of the tensions and split within the Gur chasidic sect, violent clashes occurred on Friday night between the two rival factions, forcing police to intervene to maintain public order. The clashes broke out after a loudspeaker was used to criticize the Gerer Rebbe when he visited a cemetery in Tel Aviv Friday. The loudspeaker incident incensed his chasidim, who had also received a pamphlet in recent days criticizing the Rebbe’s behavior towards Rav Shaul’s faction.

At the height of the tensions, armed police were brought into the shul of Rabbi Shaul Alter to accompany him to his home due to the threats against him. Police used mounted police and water cannon to try and restore public order after chasidim damaged cars, threw objects and attacked one another. Eyewitnesses said that the riots were “the worst Jerusalem has seen in years.” Two policemen were injured and taken to hospital for treatment.

Members of  Rav Shaul’s community said that hundreds of members of the mainstream Gur chasidim attacked them on Friday night, causing significant damage to the Beis Midrash and even forcing Rav Shaul Alter to remain barricaded in the building until police came to escort him home.

The violence and clashes continued after Shabbos and spread to other Gur venues. In Ashdod cars were damaged, tires slashed and a Gur shul affiliated with Rav Shaul also suffered damage. A Mezuza was even removed from one of the yeshivas of Rav Shaul’s chasidim.

Police worked to restore order on Bar Ilan and Yirmiyahu streets where members of both factions continued to clash Saturday night. Armed guards continued to be present outside the home of Rabbi Shaul on Elkana street.

Hundreds of chareidim who are not affiliated with Gur protested the desecration of Shabbos and the attacks on Rav Shaul’s chasidim. The demonstrators blocked buses and prevented mainstream chasidim from returning home.


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Bribery charge against Netanyahu Falling Apart


“It’s incredible,” Benjamin Netanyahu said upon exiting Jerusalem’s district court earlier this week, with a grin plastered across his face. Soon after, he confidently declared in a Facebook post that “Case 4000 is dead.”

Analysts agree that the shaky testimony of a key witness may have punched a serious hole in the prosecution’s case in the corruption trial against the former prime minister, but cautioned that it may not be as significant as Netanyahu proclaimed.

“I wouldn’t say it’s falling apart, but the prosecution definitely lost points,” said Walla news legal reporter Yael Freidson, who has been covering the trial. “There was a big hole punched in ‘What did Bibi do?,’ she said, using Netanyahu’s nickname. “It doesn’t look good” for the prosecution.

Cops hunt for NYC synagogue firebug


A woman ignited a book and piece of cloth and hurled it through the gate of a Gramercy Park synagogue, according to police, who released video footage of the alleged firebug.

The disturbing incident — which is being investigated as a hate crime — happened at 1:30 a.m. Thursday at the Brotherhood Synagogue on Gramercy Park South, near 3rd Avenue, cops said.

There was no serious damage to the building, police said.

The NYPD late Friday night released a 16-second video clip seeking the public’s help in identifying the suspect, who ran off.

The clip shows the woman — wearing glasses, dressed in black, carrying a green shopping bag and sporting a white baseball cap — walking.

Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s confidential Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the CrimeStoppers website at https://crimestoppers.nypdonline.org/ or on Twitter @NYPDTips.

Jewish woman charged with painting swastikas on Boro-Park bus stop


A Jewish woman was charged with spray painting two swastikas on a bus stop in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, NY after she boasted in a Facebook post that “maybe the antisemites have a point.”

Farnoush Hakakian, 45, was arrested on Wednesday. She was charged with criminal mischief as a hate crime in connection with an incident on May 5 in which she allegedly spray painted a white swastika over an ad by a Jewish advocacy group calling for an end to antisemitism and also drew a swastika inside the bus stop, the New York Daily News reported.

A video allegedly showed the suspect during daylight hours spray painting swastikas on the sign at a Brooklyn bus stop, drawing one swastika over the sign with white spray paint and another above it. She then sat down at the bus stop to wait for a bus.

The act was committed in front of multiple witnesses.

The sign by the JewBelong organization was part of a recent antisemitism awareness campaign. It said: “We’re just 75 years since the gas chambers... So no, a billboard calling out Jew hate isn’t an overreaction. #EndJewHate.”

“This type of hate followed by the deafening silence from supposedly good people should be abhorrent to anyone who stands for justice. You don’t have to be a historian to know that to be quiet about hate doesn’t stop the haters,” JewBelong co-founder Stacy Stewart told the Daily News at the time of the incident.

When she was apprehended, Hakakian told police: “I am Jewish. This is my art, this is how I express myself. I don’t agree with Judaism and how the Jewish people are.”

A law enforcement source told the news outlet that she told police she had drawn the swastikas.

The day after she allegedly committed the vandalism, Hakakian wrote on Facebook: “Instead of condemning the antisemites, did it ever occur to you maybe we are doing many wrong things and we need to change????? Did it ever occur to you maybe the antisemites have a point? A good one?”

On Thursday, Hakakian posted on Facebook that she was converting to Buddhism.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Bechukoisah


Close to 30,000 Jews Have Gone to the Har Habyit to Daven ...Kol Ha'Kovod


Hamas Now Wants Bnei-Brak and Meah Shearim Too


Watch How Syrians Take Care of their "Terrorists"


Audit Finds Half of President Biden’s Twitter Followers are Fake Bots


President Joe Biden has an impressive 22.2 million followers on Twitter; but apparently half of them are bots. According to an audit tool from software company SparkToro, “49.3 percent of account’s following the official @POTUS Twitter account are ‘fake followers” reports Newsweek.

SparkToro defines “fake” as “accounts that are unreachable and will not see the account’s tweets (either because they’re spam, bots, propaganda, etc. or because they’re no longer active on Twitter.”

Analysis was conducted based on factors such as location issues, default profile images and new users. The information is of particular importance as Elon Musk has expressed his concern at the overwhelming number of fake accounts on the giant platform. Specifically, he claimed 20 percent of Twitter accounts were “fake/spam accounts” and that the figure is “4 times what Twitter claims” or even higher.

“Musk said early on Tuesday that his $44-billion deal to purchase the social media company could not go ahead until issues with fake accounts were resolved and appeared to criticize Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal” adds Newsweek.

The accusation put the acquisition in jeopardy, with the two men exchanging a series of tweets about the fake accounts issue on Monday.

The back-and-forth comes after Musk tweeted Friday that the deal to buy Twitter was placed on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts represent less than 5% of users.

“My offer was based on Twitter’s SEC filings being accurate,” Musk wrote. “Yesterday, Twitter’s CEO publicly refused to show proof of <5%. This deal cannot move forward until he does.”

“We suspend over half a million spam accounts every day, usually before any of you even see them on Twitter. We also lock millions of accounts each week that we suspect may be spam, if they can’t pass human verification challenges (captchas, phone verification, etc),” Agrawal wrote.

Men Can Get Pregnant and have Abortions


FBI Dirty Tricks Exposed in Clinton Lawyer Trial


Who needs to spend millions on television commercials or Facebook ads if you’ve got friends in the FBI who can pull off a political dirty trick for you?

Just look how cozy Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann and FBI general counsel James A. Baker are in text messages revealed in Thursday’s testimony at Sussmann’s trial.

Can you meet tomorrow, Sussmann asks the high-ranking government official. “OK, I will find a time,” Baker answers. Does he need help getting into the building? No, Sussmann answers, I have a badge to get into the Federal Bureau of Investigation. How convenient.

It was during this meeting that Sussmann peddled the false story that Donald Trump was secretly communicating with a Russian bank.

Sussmann obviously is guilty of the crime of which special counsel John Durham accuses him, lying to the FBI, despite his claims otherwise. He specifically says to Baker that he’s not coming in “on behalf of any client or company” when he was working for ­Clinton.

But are we really to believe Baker didn’t know that Sussmann — a well-known Democratic lawyer who can drop by the FBI at the drop of a hat — was a ­biased tipster? Worse, when Baker passes Sussmann’s story to FBI agents, he doesn’t tell them where it’s coming from, allowing the lawyer anonymity even as an investigation finds his tale is garbage.

Durham is pursuing a narrow indictment, but what he’s exposing is far larger. An unethical Clinton campaign, a biased government bureaucracy, and an insouciant class of Beltway insiders who figured they could get away with anything.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Balagan at Meron as Hundreds of Chareidim destroy safety infrastructure at Meron... They Learned Nothing! Time to Close it Down on Lag Be'Omer


Irresponsible selfish behavior. Anybody who hides behind the curtain of being religious and saying they’re doing this for the good of Judaism and for Gd ..
is a complete fraud. It’s a miracle that another tragedy didn’t happen. 
Close it down for Lag Be'omer now! 
R' Shimon Ben Yochai doesn't want another Jew to die because of a celebration honoring him!
They are already blaming the police! What Chutzpah!
Watch the video, this is NOT people trying to get OUT, these are people pushing their way IN, pushing and shoving each other. 
45 Jewish souls dead murdered by other Jews, and no one cares! 

Hundreds of haredi extremists broke into the Tomb of the Talmudic sage Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai on Mount Meron, breaking down the partitions between the men's and women's sections, threw fences to the ground, and endangered the lives of the people inside the compound.

Police rescued the women and children from the tomb and are working to bring the riot under control.

In light of the violent riot, it has been decided to halt the bussing of people to the site to mark the Lag B'Omer holiday. The celebrations have been halted following the deliberate destruction of safety infrastructure at the site, rendering it impossible to fulfill the safety guidelines required to hold the evens.

A memorial event for the 45 people who perished in the disaster on Mount Meron last year was scheduled for tonight. The organizers of the Meron celebrations will examine whether the memorial can still be held after consulting with professionals and officials on the issue.

The incident is especially unfortunate as Lag B’Omer almost passed without any ugly incidents despite the long waiting periods, lines, and the intense heat.

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Opposition is now the majority in the knesset ...Leftist Arab Topples Government


A left-wing lawmaker announced Thursday that she will resign from the coalition - the latest blow to the Bennett government.

MK Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi (Meretz) penned a letter to Foreign Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) Thursday afternoon, informing him that she plans on leaving the coalition, and will not be serving as consul-general to Shanghai.

With Zoabi's departure from the coalition, the Bennett government will have only 59 seats in the Knesset, giving the Opposition an absolute majority.

The Opposition is slated to bring a bill dissolving the Knesset to a vote next Wednesday.

MK Zoabi did not update either Prime Minister Naftali Bennett or Foreign Minister Yair Lapid of her plans prior to penning her letter Thursday. Nor did Zoabi notify her own Meretz party, which learned of her decision from media reports. Zoabi is expected to be given a place on the Joint Arab List's Knesset slate for the next election.

A Heartbreaking Look At The 45 Meron Kedoshim As We Mark The First Yartzheit


A heartbreaking look back at the 45 victims of last years horrific tragedy at Meron on Lag Baomer.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Israel Mask Mandate On Flights To End May 23


For the past 26 months, air passengers to and from Israel have been required to wear masks.

Today, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz announced the demise of this policy. Beginning at midnight on May 23 (the night between Sunday and Monday), masks will no longer be required on flights to or from Israel.

Chaim V’Chessed notes that the announcement comes on the heels of the cancellation of Covid testing for air passengers. Hence, the only Covid related travel rule will be the requirement to fill out the online Health Declaration.

'You are as much to blame as the terrorists.' Family of fallen Border Police officer Noam Raz excoriate Prime Minister during his visit.


Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett faced heavy criticism during a condolence call to the family of a fallen Border Police officer Wednesday.

Bennett visited the outpost community of Kida near Shilo in Samaria Wednesday morning, to offer his condolences to the family of Noam Raz, the 47-year-old Border Police officer from the elite Yamam counterterror unit who was killed during an operation in the Jenin area last week.

During the visit, Raz’s eldest son excoriated the prime minister, saying he holds him personally responsible for his father’s death.

“I don’t know how you can look at yourself in the mirror. I blame you, just as I blame the terrorist.”

“You blew your chance. We want to see someone whom we believe in. You don’t deserve to be in the house my father lived in. I hope that you are actually listening and not just nodding.”

“Don’t make us all kinds of promises. From experience we know that nothing will be kept. Stop abandoning our soldiers and police officers. You’ve emasculated them. Officers are being stoned and can’t shoot.”

Raz’s widow, Efrat Raz, demanded to know what steps Bennett has taken to stop the ongoing terror wave.

“Be committed to the truth, look at yourself honestly. Your intentions are good, but your actions are not. You still have time to change, so long as you are in this position. But when you are not loyal to the cause that you were elected to serve, you won’t stay [in power]. We’ve had it with being humiliated, give your people power.”

Noam’s sister told Bennett that she had hoped he would not visit.

“Every day we lack Jewish pride. I can’t travel and wave the Israeli flag. I’m afraid to travel and to come back home, but I do it. There’s no Jewish pride here, but there used to be a prime minister with pride.”

Raz, a paramedic and sniper, was shot and seriously wounded during a firefight with terrorists Friday, and succumbed to his wounds after being airlifted to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa.

His is survived by his wife and six children.

During his visit, protesters gathered in Kida to denounce Bennett and his handling of the ongoing terror wave.

Dovid Yair Harash 55 Arrested for raping 8 year old girl and leaving her alone in Soccer Park in Yerushalyim

 זהותו של חשוד בעבירות מין חמורות פורסמה: תושב הצפון נעצר בחשד שאנס ילדה בת 8 בגן סאקר בירושלים. אמש (שלישי) הותר לפרסום כי מדובר בתושב טבריה בן 55 בשם דוד יאיר הראש.

הוא נעצר ביממה האחרונה על ידי שוטרי תחנת לב הבירה של מחוז ירושלים, בחשד שביצע עבירות מין בקטינה. מעצרו הוארך היום לבקשת המשטרה בבית המשפט בשבעה ימים.

לאחר הארכת המעצר, המשטרה פרסמה את שמו ותמונתו: "אנו פונים ומפרסמים בצעד חריג את תמונתו ופרטיו של החשוד בניסיון לאתר קורבנות נוספים למעשים מעין אלו, אם ישנם". עוד נכתב: "בכל חשד לפגיעה מינית על ידי החשוד הנ"ל, ניתן לפנות ולדווח בכל תחנת משטרה ברחבי הארץ או לתחנת לב הבירה בטלפון 02-5391550".

The identity of the one suspected of sexual misconduct has been revealed.

A resident of the north was arrested on suspicion that he raped an 8-year-old in the Soccer Park in Jerusalem. It was just yesterday that authorities allowed the report to go public; we are talking about a resident of Teveria and who is 55 years old whose name is David Yair Harash.

It was after his arrest that police revealed his name and his photo.

"We are turning to the public and publicising the information because of the unusual circumstances; we are suspecting that this was not his only victim."

If anyone knows more information about this incident or any other incident involving this suspect, please be in touch with the police 02-5391550 

Moti Bauer Does the "Keil Maleh" in the Sfardishe Shul in Boro Park


Ariel Kaplan 32 Found Murdered After Missing for 9 Months


A Toronto Jewish man has been confirmed dead after he went missing 9 months ago.

32-year-old Ariel Kaplan went missing in August of 2021, three months after he was charged with his alleged involvement in the theft of a tractor-trailer that was carrying nearly $250,000 worth of merchandise, including thousands of bottles of juice and more than 100 washing machines.

On May 10, 2022, police were called after human remains were found in Uxbridge, a township in Ontario, Canada.

On Tuesday, Ontario Forensic Pathology Services confirmed the remains belonged to Kaplan.

“An extensive ground and water search was conducted by members of our Public Safety Unit as well as the York Regional Police dive team. The investigation is ongoing.” the agency said in a news release.

According to Det. Sgt. Doris Carriere, police believe Kaplan was murdered and his body disposed of in the fall of 2021. Witnesses in the area reported seeing the bag as far back as November 2021, Carriere said.

Kaplan had lived in an apartment in Richmond Hill, according to police.

Disaster Waiting to Happen as Safety Advisor For Meron Resigns: “The Infrastructure Is Unsound”


Kfir Malka, who served as the safety advisor for the Meron project headed by project manager Tzviki Tessler, announced his resignation three weeks ago.

According to a Haaretz report on Tuesday morning, Malka resigned after his warnings that the infrastructure on Har Meron and at the tzion itself is unsound and is not safe for the number of people expected on Lag B’Omer.

According to sources in the police and government ministries, Malka also warned that the “decision-making regarding the site on Lag B’Omer is tainted by personal interests and political considerations.”

In response to the report, Avi Blumenthal, the director of the Rashbi celebration information headquarters, said: “Malka is a personal consultant to the project manager and is employed as needed on an hourly basis. He expressed dissatisfaction with the state of the infrastructure on the mountain as it was about two months ago, but since then significant infrastructure work has been carried out. He did not make any statements to the project manager regarding the number of participants, and in any case, all his comments and recommendations were implemented at the site.”

According to the Haaretz report, senior police officials warned that despite the limitation on the number of participants, tens and even hundreds of thousands of people could reach Har Meron by entering from side entrances or presenting forged tickets. In addition, there is no guarantee that participants will comply with the regulations to stay at the site for only four hours.

UTJ MK Meir Porush is also dissatisfied with the state of affairs at Meron and sent a letter of complaint to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday night.

“Those in charge of Meron on Lag B’Omer ignored the public’s requests and needs as well as the interim conclusions of the commission of inquiry set up for that purpose,” Porush wrote. “There’s a feeling that there’s no one who’s willing to take responsibility for the event.”

“During the ten months that the public expected that the infrastructure would be improved, nothing was done. Work only began in the last three months, during which dozens of buildings were demolished, access roads were blocked, and stairs and passage openings were fenced off. They didn’t provide any real solution or expansion of the area or build new access roads. They didn’t even expand one passageway.”

“Throughout the year we hoped that following such a terrible disaster, preparations would take place all year in preparing the area for the safety of the public. Unfortunately, as every year, nothing was done until the last minute.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Chareidim Arrested on way to Meron Carrying Dozens of Knives Tools and Paint bombs Intending to Sabotage Electric and Communications of IDF & Police


שוטרי היחידה המרכזית של מחוז צפון עצרו הערב (שלישי) באזור קדרים מיניבוס עם נשים וגברים, אשר חלקם משתייכים לפלג קיצוני במגזר החרדי.

במשטרה ציינו כי בחיפוש במיניבוס נתפסו ארבעה שקים מלאים בקטרים, סכינים יפנים, פטישים, ביצי צבע, וכפפות שנועדו על פי החשד לשמש לחבלה בתשתיות החשמל, התקשורת, הכריזה, ובמסכים שהוקמו לשימוש בהילולה במירון בעלות של מיליוני שקלים.

שישה מנוסעי המיניבוס נעצרו והועברו לחקירה בתחנת המשטרה.

"משטרת ישראל רואה בחומרה רבה את התנהגותם של קיצונים פורעי החוק, שמנסים בכל דרך אפשרית לחבל בהילולה", נמסר מהמשטרה. "פגיעה בתשתיות, מעבר לפגיעה בקיום האירוע וגרימת עוגמת נפש לחוגגים עלולה לגרום לסכנה ממשית לשוהים באתר במקרה שיפגעו תשתיות הפיקוד והשליטה באירוע"

עוד נמסר כי "המשטרה תפעל בנחישות במטרה לאפשר את שגרת התפילות וההכנות במקום ותנקוט ביד קשה נגד אותם פורעי החוק".

Police officers from the Northern District Central Unit stopped a minibus with women and men in the Kadarim area this evening (Tuesday), some of whom belong to an extremist faction in the ultra-Orthodox sector.

Police said that during a search of the minibus, four bags full of  Japanese knives, hammers, paint eggs, and gloves were found, which were allegedly intended to be used to sabotage the electricity, communications, publicity, and screens set up 

Six of the minibus passengers were arrested and taken for questioning at the police station.

"The Israel Police takes the behavior of law-breaking extremists very seriously, who are trying in every possible way to sabotage the event" the police said. "Damage to the infrastructure, in addition to damaging the event and causing mental anguish to the partygoers, could cause a real danger to those staying at the site in the event that the infrastructure of command and control of the event were damaged

Fake Tickets Industry Could Cause Next Mt. Meron Disaster


It’s one day before the great Lag B’Omer celebration on Mt. Meron, and preparations are in full swing for the event, which will be held for the first time under strict restrictions. Thousands of police officers will be on hand to ensure that only ticket holders are allowed to reach the holy compound, under a system that will replace those ticket holders every few hours. The authorities are fiercely determined to avoid last year’s catastrophe that took the lives of 45 celebrants (44 Dead, 150 Injured in Mt. Meron Catastrophe).

Except that Kan 11 News revealed Monday night a scam that will jeopardize the lives of many once again: criminal elements have been forging tickets for the celebration, pocketing thousands of shekels while creating unexpected pressure on each shift of celebrants the police will allow in.

Here are the steps that were taken by the government to secure the Meron celebration:

  • Entry only for holders of pre-purchased tickets
  • No more than 4 hours’ stay for each ticket holder
  • A maximum of 16,000 people in the compound at any given moment
  • Only a single bonfire––instead of 20––to be carried out by the Boyanner Rebbe
  • No sale or distribution of food inside the compound

Those are extremely sensible steps, each preventing overcrowding that would have the potential for a repeat of last year’s lethal stampede.

But not if each shift that’s being monitored by the police includes many more than 16,000 visitors, as many present fake tickets, walk inside with impunity and increase the risk for everyone.

Along with the preparations of the police and rescue services for the celebration in Meron, the IDF is also preparing for the arrival of thousands of people on Mt. Meron, as part of lessons learned from last year’s disaster. Hundreds of Home Front Command soldiers will be stationed in Meron year to be on hand immediately in the event of a major incident.

Dozens of soldiers will man stretchers in the event of a multi-casualty incident, subordinate to the Northern District Police. Dozens of additional soldiers from the Rescue Brigade will be on standby in case of collapsed structures or a mass casualty incident. Helicopter landing squads have already prepared landing sites in Meron. Three Air Force helicopters will be on standby at all times during the celebration in case of evacuation of casualties to the hospitals, especially to Ziv Hospital in Tsfat.

Mom Reads Her Child's Explicit Sexual Assignment in a School Hearing, But they cut off her Mike because "She is reading Pornography"


Senior Twitter Engineer Tells Undercover Journalist What we all Knew "Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech"


Palestinians no longer say that they want to murder Zionists ..Now it's Just "Jews"

 Message to the Satmar Funded Neturei Karta: Watch out they want your blood now too! 

The New Rabbinical Students


NYJA Holds a "Panel Discussion" on Regulations Proposed Against Yeshivas but forget to invite someone with the Chareidie Perspective ..


This is like Representatives Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and AOC having a "Panel Discussion" on anti-semitism without inviting a Jew!

Rabbi Lau Implores Meron Goers to listen to Government Safety Rules and Not to Eida Hachreidis That are Vowing To Defy Safety Regulations on Lag Be'Omer


Eida Hachreidis Rally ordering their followers to defy Government Regulations 

Here see Eida Hachreidis "Fatwa" not to follow Government advice to take Public Transportation but to take private buses 

I pray that that there shouldn't be any tragedies.

Chabad Getting a Taste of their Own Medicine As Ger Steals a Chabad Shul in Haifa


Usually the Chabad clans wait until a shul is established and when they see that the membership declines, they pounce on the shul and grab it. But when it happens to them that are not too happy! 

Kanievski Feud Heating Up As brothers Claim that R' Chaim was "out of it" for the past 9 years


מלחמה קשה פרצה בין האחים קנייבסקי על הירושה שניים מן האחים תובעים את השלישי לדין תורה טוענים כמו בסאטמאר כי האבא כבר תשע שנים לא ידע מבחייכון וביומייכון

War broke out between the Kanievsky brothers on the inheritance. Two of the brothers (the plaintiffs) summoned the third brother to Din Torah. Like Satmar the two are claiming that the father was out of it for the past 9 years.

בני ברק סוערת
בני הגר"ח קנייבסקי - שלמה ואברהם ישעיהו - הגישו תביעה בבית הדין בבני ברק, כנגד האח השלישי - שוקי [יצחק שאול] אביו של יענקוש

לאחר פטירת הגר"ח הוציא שוקי צוואה עליה חתום הגר"ח ובה נכתב כי הוא מוריש את כל אשר לו לשוקי.
תאריך הצוואה הוא בשנת תשע"ג - תקופה קצרה לאחר ששוקי עבר לגור בבית אביו.
מכוחה של צוואה זו שוקי לרשת את כל נכסי אביו.
האחים של שוקי כמובן אינם טומנים ידיהם בצלחת, ובימים האחרונים הוגשה תביעה מטעמם לבית הדין. 
בתביעה שהגישו האחים נכתב כי בשנת תשע"ג אביהם הגר"ח כבר לא היה במיטבו, החתימה הוצאה ממנו על ידי שוקי במרמה, על כן בקשתם מבית הדין לבטל את תוקפה של הצוואה, ולחלק את הירושה באופן שווה בין כל היורשים.
ומה מגיבים הנתבעים?
בסביבת שוקי קנייבסקי דוחים בתוקף את טענותיהם של האחים.
"כיצד ניתן לומר שאבא זצ"ל לא היה בדעתו? הוא הרי נשא את כל הדור על כתיפיו"
"לאן נעלמה האמונת חכמים שלהם? האם בשביל בצע כסף מותר לבזות את אבא בצורה פומבית שכזו?" 
הם מוסיפים לומר: "הם רוצים להרוס את כל חינוך ילדינו, הרי בטענה זו יש ערעור על כל מה שהנחלנו לילדינו בשנים האחרונות כי מה שיוצא מאבא הוא קודש קדשים, לא משנה בכלל מה הוא ידע ומה הוא לא ידע"
הדיון נקבע לימים הקרובים.

Turbulence in Bnei-Brak
The children of R' Chaim Kanievsky , R' Shlomo & Avraham Yeshayahu, are summoning the third brother Shuki (Yitzchok Shaul) the father of Yanki, to Bais Din

After the death of R' Chaim, Shuki pulled out a will signed by his father, and in it, it states that the entire inheritance goes to him. The date of the will ...2013, this was shortly after Shuki moved to live with his father in his dira.

The brothers of Shuki weren't sitting idly by and just days ago they filed a claim against Shuki, claiming that in 2013 their father was no longer in control of his faculties, and R' Chaim signed it being deceived. They are therefore asking the court to nullify the will and distribute the inheritance to all the brothers equally.

To that claim the Shukies answer "how could it be be that R' Chaim wasn't "all there" he was carrying our generation on his shoulders?" "where is the confidence in our Chachamim? Because of some money it is now permitted to defame and embarrass father in this public fashion?"

They further add: 
The claimants want to destroy the chinuch of our children, because with this claim (that father wasn't in his right frame of mind) they put in doubt all that we taught our children that father was the Holy of Holies and it make no difference to what he knew and what he didn't know"

There will a hearing very soon!

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